import socket, struct, thread, time class HFO_Features: ''' An enum of the possible HFO feature sets. For descriptions see ''' LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET = range(2) class HFO_Actions: ''' An enum of the possible HFO actions [Low-Level] Dash(power, relative_direction) [Low-Level] Turn(direction) [Low-Level] Tackle(direction) [Low-Level] Kick(power, direction) [Mid-Level] Kick_To(target_x, target_y, speed) [Mid-Level] Move(target_x, target_y) [Mid-Level] Dribble(target_x, target_y) [Mid-Level] Intercept(): Intercept the ball [High-Level] Move(): Reposition player according to strategy [High-Level] Shoot(): Shoot the ball [High-Level] Pass(teammate_unum): Pass to teammate [High-Level] Dribble(): Offensive dribble [High-Level] Catch(): Catch the ball (Goalie Only) NOOP(): Do Nothing QUIT(): Quit the game ''' DASH, TURN, TACKLE, KICK, KICK_TO, MOVE_TO, DRIBBLE_TO, INTERCEPT, \ MOVE, SHOOT, PASS, DRIBBLE, CATCH, NOOP, QUIT = range(15) class HFO_Status: ''' Current status of the HFO game. ''' IN_GAME, GOAL, CAPTURED_BY_DEFENSE, OUT_OF_BOUNDS, OUT_OF_TIME = range(5) class HFOEnvironment(object): ''' The HFOEnvironment is designed to be the main point of contact between a learning agent and the Half-Field-Offense domain. ''' def __init__(self): self.socket = None # Socket connection to server self.numFeatures = None # Given by the server in handshake self.features = None # The state features self.requested_action = None # Action to execute and parameters self.say_msg = None # Outgoing message to say self.hear_msg = None # Incoming heard message def NumParams(self, action_type): ''' Returns the number of required parameters for each action type. ''' return { HFO_Actions.DASH : 2, HFO_Actions.TURN : 1, HFO_Actions.TACKLE : 1, HFO_Actions.KICK : 2, HFO_Actions.KICK_TO : 3, HFO_Actions.MOVE_TO : 2, HFO_Actions.DRIBBLE_TO : 2, HFO_Actions.INTERCEPT : 0, HFO_Actions.MOVE : 0, HFO_Actions.SHOOT : 0, HFO_Actions.PASS : 1, HFO_Actions.DRIBBLE : 0, HFO_Actions.CATCH : 0, HFO_Actions.NOOP : 0, HFO_Actions.QUIT : 0}.get(action_type, -1); def connectToAgentServer(self, server_port=6000, feature_set=HFO_Features.HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET): '''Connect to the server that controls the agent on the specified port. ''' self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print '[Agent Client] Connecting to Agent Server on port', server_port retry = 10 while retry > 0: try: self.socket.connect(('localhost', server_port)) except: time.sleep(1) retry -= 1 continue else: break if retry <= 0: print '[Agent Client] ERROR Unable to communicate with server' exit(1) print '[Agent Client] Connected' self.handshakeAgentServer(feature_set) # Get the initial state state_data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize('f')*self.numFeatures) if not state_data: print '[Agent Client] ERROR Recieved bad data from Server. Perhaps server closed?' self.cleanup() exit(1) self.features = struct.unpack('f'*self.numFeatures, state_data) def handshakeAgentServer(self, feature_set): '''Handshake with the agent's server. ''' # Recieve float 123.2345 data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize("f")) f = struct.unpack("f", data)[0] assert abs(f - 123.2345) < 1e-4, "Float handshake failed" # Send float 5432.321 self.socket.send(struct.pack("f", 5432.321)) # Send the feature set request self.socket.send(struct.pack("i", feature_set)) # Recieve the number of features data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize("i")) self.numFeatures = struct.unpack("i", data)[0] # Send what we recieved self.socket.send(struct.pack("i", self.numFeatures)) # Get the current game status data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize("i")) status = struct.unpack("i", data)[0] assert status == HFO_Status.IN_GAME, "Status check failed" print '[Agent Client] Handshake complete' def getState(self): '''Get the current state of the world. Returns a list of floats with size numFeatures. ''' return self.features def act(self, *args): ''' Send an action and recieve the game status.''' assert len(args) > 0, 'Not enough arguments provided to act' action_type = args[0] n_params = self.NumParams(action_type) assert n_params == len(args) - 1, 'Incorrect number of params to act: '\ 'Required %d provided %d'%(n_params, len(args)-1) self.requested_action = args def say(self, message): ''' Send a communication message to other agents. ''' self.say_msg = message def hear(self): ''' Receive incoming communications from other players. ''' return self.hear_msg def step(self): ''' Indicates the agent is done and the environment should progress. Returns the game status after the step''' # Send action and parameters self.socket.send(struct.pack('i'+'f'*(len(self.requested_action)-1), *self.requested_action)) # TODO: [Sanmit] Send self.say_msg self.say_msg = '' # Get the current game status data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize("i")) status = struct.unpack("i", data)[0] # Get the next state features state_data = self.socket.recv(struct.calcsize('f')*self.numFeatures) if not state_data: print '[Agent Client] ERROR Recieved bad data from Server. Perhaps server closed?' self.cleanup() exit(1) self.features = struct.unpack('f'*self.numFeatures, state_data) self.hear_msg = '' # TODO: [Sanmit] Receive self.hear_msg return status def cleanup(self): ''' Send a quit and close the connection to the agent's server. ''' self.socket.send(struct.pack("i", HFO_Actions.QUIT)) self.socket.close()