from ctypes import * import numpy as np from numpy.ctypeslib import as_ctypes import os hfo_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) ''' Possible feature sets ''' NUM_FEATURE_SETS = 2 LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET = list(range(NUM_FEATURE_SETS)) ''' An enum of the possible HFO actions [Low-Level] Dash(power, relative_direction) [Low-Level] Turn(direction) [Low-Level] Tackle(direction) [Low-Level] Kick(power, direction) [Mid-Level] Kick_To(target_x, target_y, speed) [Mid-Level] Move(target_x, target_y) [Mid-Level] Dribble(target_x, target_y) [Mid-Level] Intercept(): Intercept the ball [High-Level] Move(): Reposition player according to strategy [High-Level] Shoot(): Shoot the ball [High-Level] Pass(teammate_unum): Pass to teammate [High-Level] Dribble(): Offensive dribble [High-Level] Catch(): Catch the ball (Goalie Only) NOOP(): Do Nothing QUIT(): Quit the game ''' NUM_HFO_ACTIONS = 19 DASH, TURN, TACKLE, KICK, KICK_TO, MOVE_TO, DRIBBLE_TO, INTERCEPT, \ MOVE, SHOOT, PASS, DRIBBLE, CATCH, NOOP, QUIT, REDUCE_ANGLE_TO_GOAL,MARK_PLAYER,DEFEND_GOAL,GO_TO_BALL = list(range(NUM_HFO_ACTIONS)) ACTION_STRINGS = ["Dash", "Turn", "Tackle", "Kick", "KickTo", "MoveTo", "DribbleTo", "Intercept", "Move", "Shoot", "Pass", "Dribble", "Catch", "No-op", "Quit", "Reduce_Angle_To_Goal", "Mark_Player", "Defend_Goal", "Go_To_Ball"] ''' Possible game status [IN_GAME] Game is currently active [GOAL] A goal has been scored by the offense [CAPTURED_BY_DEFENSE] The defense has captured the ball [OUT_OF_BOUNDS] Ball has gone out of bounds [OUT_OF_TIME] Trial has ended due to time limit [SERVER_DOWN] Server is not alive ''' NUM_GAME_STATUS_STATES = 6 IN_GAME, GOAL, CAPTURED_BY_DEFENSE, OUT_OF_BOUNDS, OUT_OF_TIME, SERVER_DOWN = list(range(NUM_GAME_STATUS_STATES)) STATUS_STRINGS = ["InGame", "Goal", "CapturedByDefense", "OutOfBounds", "OutOfTime", "ServerDown"] ''' Possible sides ''' RIGHT, NEUTRAL, LEFT = list(range(-1,2)) class Player(Structure): pass Player._fields_ = [ ('side', c_int), ('unum', c_int), ] hfo_lib.HFO_new.argtypes = None hfo_lib.HFO_new.restype = c_void_p hfo_lib.HFO_del.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.HFO_del.restype = None hfo_lib.connectToServer.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_bool, c_char_p] hfo_lib.connectToServer.restype = None hfo_lib.getStateSize.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.getStateSize.restype = c_int hfo_lib.getState.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p] hfo_lib.getState.restype = None hfo_lib.act.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_void_p] hfo_lib.act.restype = None hfo_lib.say.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p] hfo_lib.say.restype = None hfo_lib.hear.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.hear.restype = c_char_p hfo_lib.playerOnBall.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.playerOnBall.restype = Player hfo_lib.step.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.step.restype = c_int hfo_lib.numParams.argtypes = [c_int] hfo_lib.numParams.restype = c_int hfo_lib.getUnum.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.getUnum.restype = c_int hfo_lib.getNumTeammates.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.getNumTeammates.restype = c_int hfo_lib.getNumOpponents.argtypes = [c_void_p] hfo_lib.getNumOpponents.restype = c_int class HFOEnvironment(object): def __init__(self): self.obj = hfo_lib.HFO_new() def __del__(self): hfo_lib.HFO_del(self.obj) def connectToServer(self, feature_set=LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, config_dir='bin/teams/base/config/formations-dt', server_port=6000, server_addr='localhost', team_name='base_left', play_goalie=False, record_dir=''): """ Connect to the server on the specified port. The following information is provided by the ./bin/HFO feature_set: High or low level state features config_dir: Config directory. Typically HFO/bin/teams/base/config/ server_port: port to connect to server on server_addr: address of server team_name: Name of team to join. play_goalie: is this player the goalie record_dir: record agent's states/actions/rewards to this directory """ hfo_lib.connectToServer(self.obj, feature_set, config_dir.encode('utf-8'), server_port,server_addr.encode('utf-8'), team_name.encode('utf-8'), play_goalie, record_dir.encode('utf-8')) def getStateSize(self): """ Returns the number of state features """ return hfo_lib.getStateSize(self.obj) def getState(self, state_data=None): """ Returns the current state features """ if state_data is None: state_data = np.zeros(self.getStateSize(), dtype=np.float32) hfo_lib.getState(self.obj, as_ctypes(state_data)) return state_data def act(self, action_type, *args): """ Performs an action in the environment """ n_params = hfo_lib.numParams(action_type) assert n_params == len(args), 'Incorrect number of params to act: '\ 'Required %d, provided %d'%(n_params, len(args)) params = np.asarray(args, dtype=np.float32) hfo_lib.act(self.obj, action_type, params.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_float))) def say(self, message): """ Transmit a message """ hfo_lib.say(self.obj, message.encode('utf-8')) def hear(self): """ Returns the message heard from another player """ return hfo_lib.hear(self.obj).decode('utf-8') def playerOnBall(self): """ Returns a player object who last touched the ball """ return hfo_lib.playerOnBall(self.obj) def step(self): """ Advances the state of the environment """ return hfo_lib.step(self.obj) def actionToString(self, action): """ Returns a string representation of an action """ return ACTION_STRINGS[action] def statusToString(self, status): """ Returns a string representation of a game status """ return STATUS_STRINGS[status] def getUnum(self): """ Return the uniform number of the agent """ return hfo_lib.getUnum(self.obj) def getNumTeammates(self): """ Returns the number of teammates of the agent """ return hfo_lib.getNumTeammates(self.obj) def getNumOpponents(self): """ Returns the number of opponents of the agent """ return hfo_lib.getNumOpponents(self.obj)