Commit fe11e61d authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Update to the manual.

parent f58fd4b7
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......@@ -229,6 +229,12 @@ maximum allowed message size is controlled by HFO's
\verb|examples/communication_agent.cpp| and
\verb|examples/| for examples.
By default, perceptions and actions in HFO are noisy. The
\verb+ --fullstate+ flag in HFO removes noise from the agent's
perception of the world. Many tasks become significantly easier as a
result. Noise in actions remains. This flag is disabled by default.
\section{Controlling Trials}
HFO trials typically end with a goal, the defense capturing the ball,
the ball going out of bounds, or running out of time. The trials flag
......@@ -547,6 +553,8 @@ faithfully report which action spaces were used.
\item{\textbf{Dribble}(): Advances the ball towards the goal using a
combination of short kicks and moves.}
\item{\textbf{Catch}(): This goalie-specific action may be used to
catch the ball.}
\subsection{Special Actions}
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