Commit c50fd3e4 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Cleaning up the trainer

parent a98beae9
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class Trainer(object):
# numDefense is excluding the goalie
def __init__(self,seed=None, options=Values()):
self._options = options
self._numOffense = self._options.numOffense + 1
self._numDefense = self._options.numDefense + 1
self._numOffense = self._options.numOffense
self._numDefense = self._options.numDefense
self._teams = []
self._lastTrialStart = -1
self._numFrames = 0
......@@ -81,12 +81,15 @@ class Trainer(object):
self._adhocTeam = self._offenseTeam if self._options.adhocOffense else self._defenseTeam
if self._options.adhocOffense:
self._adhocNumInt = self._rng.randint(1,self._numOffense)
assert self._numOffense > 0
self._adhocNumInt = 1 if self._numOffense == 1 \
else self._rng.randint(1, self._numOffense)
self._adhocNumInt = self._rng.randint(1,self._numDefense)
assert self._numDefense > 0
self._adhocNumInt = 1 if self._numDefense == 1 \
else self._rng.randint(1, self._numDefense)
self._adhocNumExt = self.convertToExtPlayer(self._adhocTeam,self._adhocNumInt)
#adhocCmd = ADHOC_CMD % (teamName,playerNum,' '.join(map(str,self._offenseOrder[:self._numOffense])),' '.join(map(str,self._defenseOrder[:self._numDefense])))
adhocCmd = ADHOC_CMD % (self._adhocTeam,self._adhocNumExt)
adhocCmd = ADHOC_CMD % (self._adhocTeam, self._adhocNumExt)
adhocCmd = adhocCmd.split(' ')
if self._options.learnActions:
adhocCmd += ['--learn-actions',str(self._options.numLearnActions)]
......@@ -418,11 +421,11 @@ class Trainer(object):
self._lastTrialStart = self._frame
def resetPositionsActionLearning(self,adhocAgentHasBall):
for i in range(1,self._numDefense):
for i in range(1, self._numDefense):
if adhocAgentHasBall and (not self._options.adhocOffense) and (i == self._adhocNumInt): continue
pos = self.boundPoint(self.randomPosInBounds(self._allowedBallX,self._allowedBallY))
for i in range(1,self._numOffense):
for i in range(1, self._numOffense):
if adhocAgentHasBall and self._options.adhocOffense and (i == self._adhocNumInt): continue
pos = self.boundPoint(self.randomPosInBounds(self._allowedBallX,self._allowedBallY))
......@@ -436,6 +439,7 @@ class Trainer(object):
self.movePlayer(self._adhocTeam,self._adhocNumExt,self._ballPosition + offset,convertToExt=False)
def resetPositions(self):
print 'in reset position'
self._ballPosition = self.boundPoint(self.randomPosInBounds(0.20 * self._allowedBallX + 0.05 * self.PITCH_LENGTH,0.8 * self._allowedBallY))
# set up offense
......@@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ class Trainer(object):
def run(self,necProcesses):
if self._options.useAdhoc:
self._adhocPopen = self.launchAdhoc() # will take care of starting game once adhoc is ready
self._adhocPopen = self.launchAdhoc()
print 'starting game'
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