Commit 70a2b0ed authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Refactored high level features.

parent c45a0d4a
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ bool Agent::initImpl(CmdLineParser & cmd_parser) {
void Agent::startServer(int server_port) {
std::cout << "Starting Server on Port " << server_port << std::endl;
std::cout << "[Agent Server] Starting Server on Port " << server_port << std::endl;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0) {
......@@ -41,9 +41,15 @@ const std::vector<float>& HighLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// Allow the agent to go 10% over the playfield in any direction
float tolerance_x = .1 * SP.pitchHalfLength();
float tolerance_y = .1 * SP.pitchHalfWidth();
if (playingOffense) { // Feature[0]: Xpostion
addNormFeature(self_pos.x, -tolerance_x, SP.pitchHalfLength() + tolerance_x);
} else {
addNormFeature(self_pos.x, -SP.pitchHalfLength()-tolerance_x, tolerance_x);
// Feature[1]: YPosition
addNormFeature(self_pos.y, -SP.pitchHalfWidth() - tolerance_y,
SP.pitchHalfWidth() + tolerance_y);
// Feature[2]: Self Angle
addNormFeature(self_ang, -2*M_PI, 2*M_PI);
float r;
......@@ -51,20 +57,27 @@ const std::vector<float>& HighLevelFeatureExtractor::ExtractFeatures(
// features about the ball
Vector2D ball_pos = wm.ball().pos();
angleDistToPoint(self_pos, ball_pos, th, r);
// Feature[3]: Dist to ball
addNormFeature(r, 0, maxR);
// Feature[4]: Ang to ball
addNormFeature(th, -2*M_PI, 2*M_PI);
// Feature[5]: Able to kick
addNormFeature(self.isKickable(), false, true);
// features about distance to goal center
Vector2D goalCenter(SP.pitchHalfLength(), 0);
if (!playingOffense) {
goalCenter.assign(-SP.pitchHalfLength(), 0);
angleDistToPoint(self_pos, goalCenter, th, r);
// Feature[6]: Goal Center Distance
addNormFeature(r, 0, maxR); // Distance to goal center
// Feature[7]: Angle to goal center
addNormFeature(th, -2*M_PI, 2*M_PI); // Ang to goal center
// features about our open angle to goal
// Feature[8]: largest open goal angle
addNormFeature(calcLargestGoalAngle(wm, self_pos), 0, M_PI);
//std::cout << "goal angle: " << RAD_T_DEG * features[ind-1] << std::endl;
// teammate's open angle to goal
// Feature [9+T]: teammate's open angle to goal
int detected_teammates = 0;
for (PlayerCont::const_iterator it=teammates.begin(); it != teammates.end(); ++it) {
const PlayerObject& teammate = *it;
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