Commit 62e39c85 authored by drallensmith's avatar drallensmith

Merge branch 'master' into cmake_work - avoid rebase

parents ada1d48e 851d2059
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ for (int episode=0; episode<5; episode++) {
hfo = hfo.HFOEnvironment()
for episode in xrange(5): # replace with range(5) for Python 3.X
for episode in range(5): # replace with xrange(5) for Python 2.X
status = IN_GAME
while status == IN_GAME:
features = hfo.getState()
......@@ -52,11 +52,14 @@ def get_action(state,hfo_env,num_teammates):
curr_goal_angle = goal_op_angle):
hfo_env.act(PASS, teammate_uniform_number)
# not sure if below check is needed - doDribble in agent.cpp includes
# (via doPreprocess) doForceKick, which may cover this situation depending
# on what existKickableOpponent returns.
if can_dribble(dist_to_op = state[9]):
# If nothing can be done pass
hfo_env.act(PASS) # doesn't this require a target teammate?
# If nothing can be done, do not do anything
def main():
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