Commit 4b702be9 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Constexpr updates for c++11.

parent 603077ea
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ const int ANGLE_DIVS = 40;
struct DeflectingEvaluator {
static const double not_shoot_ball_eval = 10000;
constexpr static const double not_shoot_ball_eval = 10000;
double operator()( const WorldModel & wm,
TackleGenerator::TackleResult & result ) const
......@@ -110,21 +110,21 @@ protected:
void checkFeatures();
const static float RAD_T_DEG = 180.0 / M_PI;
const static float ALLOWED_PITCH_FRAC = 0.33;
constexpr static float RAD_T_DEG = 180.0 / M_PI;
constexpr static float ALLOWED_PITCH_FRAC = 0.33;
int featIndx;
std::vector<float> feature_vec; // Contains the current features
const static float FEAT_MIN = -1;
const static float FEAT_MAX = 1;
const static float FEAT_INVALID = -2;
constexpr static float FEAT_MIN = -1;
constexpr static float FEAT_MAX = 1;
constexpr static float FEAT_INVALID = -2;
int numFeatures; // Total number of features
// Observed values of some parameters.
const static float observedSelfSpeedMax = 0.46;
const static float observedPlayerSpeedMax = 0.75;
const static float observedStaminaMax = 8000.;
const static float observedBallSpeedMax = 5.0;
constexpr static float observedSelfSpeedMax = 0.46;
constexpr static float observedPlayerSpeedMax = 0.75;
constexpr static float observedStaminaMax = 8000.;
constexpr static float observedBallSpeedMax = 5.0;
float maxHFORadius; // Maximum possible distance in HFO playable region
// Useful measures defined by the Server Parameters
float pitchLength, pitchWidth, pitchHalfLength, pitchHalfWidth,
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