Commit 358653d5 authored by Matthew Hausknecht's avatar Matthew Hausknecht

Updated sample player to fix recording.

parent 7cd8aea9
......@@ -225,34 +225,6 @@ SamplePlayer::initImpl( CmdLineParser & cmd_parser )
return true;
/*! Listen from a message from the trainer that reveals the
configuration of the HFO domain. Use this to populate our HFO_Config
bool SamplePlayer::getHFOConfig() {
const AudioSensor& audio_sensor = audioSensor();
if (audio_sensor.trainerMessageTime().cycle() > lastTrainerMessageTime) {
const std::string& message = audio_sensor.trainerMessage();
if (hfo::ParseConfig(message, hfo_config)) {
lastTrainerMessageTime = audio_sensor.trainerMessageTime().cycle();
if (config().teamName().compare(hfo_config.offense_team_name) == 0) {
playing_offense = true;
} else if (config().teamName().compare(hfo_config.defense_team_name) == 0) {
playing_offense = false;
if (playing_offense) {
num_teammates = std::max(0, hfo_config.num_offense - 1);
num_opponents = hfo_config.num_defense;
} else {
num_teammates = std::max(0, hfo_config.num_defense - 1);
num_opponents = hfo_config.num_offense;
return true;
return false;
main decision
......@@ -263,14 +235,20 @@ SamplePlayer::actionImpl()
#ifdef ELOG
if (config().record()) {
if (feature_extractor == NULL) {
if (getHFOConfig()) {
feature_extractor = Agent::getFeatureExtractor(
hfo::LOW_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, num_teammates, num_opponents, playing_offense);
} else {
if (audioSensor().trainerMessageTime().cycle() > lastTrainerMessageTime) {
const std::string& message = audioSensor().trainerMessage();
if (feature_extractor == NULL) {
hfo::Config hfo_config;
if (hfo::ParseConfig(message, hfo_config)) {
bool playing_offense = world().ourSide() == rcsc::LEFT;
int num_teammates = playing_offense ?
hfo_config.num_offense - 1 : hfo_config.num_defense - 1;
int num_opponents = playing_offense ?
hfo_config.num_defense : hfo_config.num_offense;
feature_extractor = new LowLevelFeatureExtractor(
num_teammates, num_opponents, playing_offense);
hfo::status_t game_status;
if (hfo::ParseGameStatus(message, game_status)) {
elog.addText(Logger::WORLD, "GameStatus %d", game_status);
......@@ -278,6 +256,7 @@ SamplePlayer::actionImpl()
lastTrainerMessageTime = audioSensor().trainerMessageTime().cycle();
if (feature_extractor != NULL) {
......@@ -99,10 +99,6 @@ public:
FieldEvaluator::ConstPtr getFieldEvaluator() const;
// Listens for a HFO Config message
bool getHFOConfig();
hfo::Config hfo_config;
FeatureExtractor* feature_extractor;
long lastTrainerMessageTime;
int num_teammates, num_opponents;
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