Commit c124afb4 authored by Jaiminkumar Nareshbhai's avatar Jaiminkumar Nareshbhai

Merge branch 'member1_Jaimin' of...

Merge branch 'member1_Jaimin' of into member1_Jaimin
parents a73a3cc5 aad41d0e
# Key-Val Store
Implementation of the key-value store using gRPC in C++.
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## Introduction
We created key value store using gRPC in C++. In that Clinet can PUT, GET, DEL operation. On server side we applied cache and threadpool. You can change the configuration of that.
## How to Compile project
1. Change the path in CMakeLists.txt. In that change line 8 as "include(/Path/To/Grpc_Folder/examples/cpp/cmake/common.cmake)"
2. mkdir cmake/build
4. make
## How to run server
1. open terminal
2. cd cmake/build
3. ./server
## How to run client
1. open terminal
2. cd cmake/build
3. ./client
## How to log
copy and run the below line before execution of the server<br>
export GRPC_TRACE=all
## Functions
1. PUT := it takes key and value from client and store it on the server.
2. GET := it takes key from client and return the associated value.
3. DEL := it takes key from client and remove that key value pair from server
## Contributor
1. Jaimin Chauhan (213059005)
2. Rupasai Rangaraju (213059006)
3. Vatsal Dani (213050005)
## Reference
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