Commit 33211314 authored by Varshith Sreeramdass's avatar Varshith Sreeramdass

Lab 3 file

parent e305e27d
39 | Mavericks
(Anmol Mishra, 150010041) (Rishabh Garg, 150050012) (Varshith Sreeramdass, 150050084)
Anmol: 100% Rishabh: 100% Varshtih: 100%
Task D:
Using cURL, we remote logined to via the form on the URL provided .cURL transfers data from the server and supports the HTTP POST requests we sent via the Terminal, to the form "verify.php" since that was the php file which verified the cURL login.
The restriction on login only through cURL could be done via regulating the source of POST requests.
*****MAN pages of all commands*****
file -
curl -
sed -
mv -
Reflection Essay:
Bash is a powerful command processor, which allows the user nearly unmatched power through functions in linux.The real power of linux was unveild, from it being just another operating system , the terminal , which is central to linux , provides complete and total control and customizability of the user over linux. It proves the age old adage true , everythng is not which it seems , as although having extremely concise comands, they're that much more powerful. Bash allwos us to do almost anyting whicih our imagination allows us to do: we can string together commands to make a single powerful command; we can pass output of a single command to another command ; we can remotely access other people on the same network ( given their permission !) and send data across the network to your choice of reciever..
Bash , being 26 years old from it's conception(evolution from Bourne Shell), has a weird and complicated syntax , which is a hindrance , but we adpated (had to !).
In spite of having used Linux for a while, we felt the absence of that spark to completely switch over. So trapped we were in the GUI world, never felt at home with Ubuntu. Learning Bash proved to be that enlightening moment, when we could harness the actual power that lied beneath its hood.
1. The file system was a surprising change, revealing many lower level intricacies which are overlooked in Windows.
2. Contrary to popular belief, we felt that the command line interface proved to be much faster than GUI.
3. File handling is much better suited for command line, daunting tasks such as renaming or replacing text for multiple files, could be done in a jiffy.
4. The feature which stood out for us, was regular expressions. Universal applicability, unbelievably short expressions, with regex by our side, we felt we could do it all.
5. We discovered some fun stuff too, cat command helped with the assignment, as well as creating new mixes(literally concatenate two music files)!
6. Bash does for Linux what a Mouse does for GUI. Without BASH, we would have to hassle abound with Assembly Language!
I pledge on my honour that I have not received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
I pledge on my honour that I have not received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
I pledge on my honour that I have not received any unauthorised assistance on this assignment or any previous task.
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