Commit fb08a92b authored by NAVNEET's avatar NAVNEET


import re
import os
import json
import urllib
import urllib3
import requests
import logging
from http.cookiejar import MozillaCookieJar
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from getpass import getpass
moodle_domain = ""
moodle_path = "/"
class RequestHelper:
Encapsulates the recurring logic for sending out requests to the
stdHeader = {
'User-Agent': (
'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; Moto G Play Build/NPIS26.48-43-2; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36'
+ ' (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/71.0.3578.99 Mobile Safari/537.36 MoodleMobile'
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
def __init__(
moodle_domain: str,
moodle_path: str = '/',
token: str = '',
skip_cert_verify: bool = False,
log_responses_to: str = None,
self.token = token
self.moodle_domain = moodle_domain
self.moodle_path = moodle_path
self.verify = not skip_cert_verify
self.url_base = 'https://' + moodle_domain + moodle_path
self.log_responses_to = log_responses_to
self.log_responses = False
if log_responses_to is not None:
self.log_responses = True
with open(self.log_responses_to, 'w') as response_log_file:
response_log_file.write('JSON Log:\n\n')
# logging.captureWarnings(True)
def post_URL(self, url: str, data: {str: str} = None, cookie_jar_path: str = None):
Sends a POST request to a specific URL, including saving of cookies in cookie jar.
@param url: The url to which the request is sent. (the moodle base url is not added to the given URL)
@param data: The optional data is added to the POST body.
@param cookie_jar_path: Path to the cookies file.
@return: The resulting response object and the session object.
data_urlencoded = ""
if data is not None:
data_urlencoded = RequestHelper.recursive_urlencode(data)
session = requests.Session()
if cookie_jar_path is not None:
session.cookies = MozillaCookieJar(cookie_jar_path)
if os.path.exists(cookie_jar_path):
session.cookies.load(ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)
response =, data=data_urlencoded, headers=self.stdHeader, verify=self.verify)
if cookie_jar_path is not None:
for cookie in session.cookies:
cookie.expires = 2147483647, ignore_expires=True)
return response, session
def get_URL(self, url: str, cookie_jar_path: str = None):
Sends a GET request to a specific URL of the Moodle system, including additional cookies
(cookies are updated after the request)
@param url: The url to which the request is sent. (the moodle base url is not added to the given URL)
@param cookie_jar_path: The optional cookies to add to the request
@return: The resulting Response object.
session = requests.Session()
if cookie_jar_path is not None:
session.cookies = MozillaCookieJar(cookie_jar_path)
if os.path.exists(cookie_jar_path):
session.cookies.load(ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)
response = session.get(url, headers=self.stdHeader, verify=self.verify)
if cookie_jar_path is not None:, ignore_expires=True)
return response, session
def post_REST(self, function: str, data: {str: str} = None) -> object:
Sends a POST request to the REST endpoint of the Moodle system
@param function: The Web service function to be called.
@param data: The optional data is added to the POST body.
@return: The JSON response returned by the Moodle system, already
checked for errors.
if self.token is None:
raise ValueError('The required Token is not set!')
data_urlencoded = self._get_POST_DATA(function, self.token, data)
url = self._get_REST_POST_URL(self.url_base, function)
response =, data=data_urlencoded, headers=self.stdHeader, verify=self.verify)
json_result = self._initial_parse(response)
if self.log_responses and function not in ['tool_mobile_get_autologin_key']:
with open(self.log_responses_to, 'a') as response_log_file:
response_log_file.write('URL: {}\n'.format(response.url))
response_log_file.write('Function: {}\n\n'.format(function))
response_log_file.write('Data: {}\n\n'.format(data))
response_log_file.write(json.dumps(json_result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
return json_result
def _get_REST_POST_URL(url_base: str, function: str) -> str:
Generates an URL for a REST-POST request
@params: The necessary parameters for a REST URL
@return: A formatted URL
url = '%swebservice/rest/server.php?moodlewsrestformat=json&wsfunction=%s' % (url_base, function)
return url
def _get_POST_DATA(function: str, token: str, data_obj: str) -> str:
Generates the data for a REST-POST request
@params: The necessary parameters for a REST URL
@return: A URL-encoded data string
data = {'moodlewssettingfilter': 'true', 'moodlewssettingfileurl': 'true'}
if data_obj is not None:
data.update({'wsfunction': function, 'wstoken': token})
return RequestHelper.recursive_urlencode(data)
def get_login(self, data: {str: str}) -> object:
Sends a POST request to the login endpoint of the Moodle system to
obtain a token in JSON format.
@param data: The data is inserted into the Post-Body as arguments. This
should contain the login data.
@return: The JSON response returned by the Moodle System, already
checked for errors.
response =
'%slogin/token.php' % (self.url_base),
return self._initial_parse(response)
def _check_response_code(response):
# Normally Moodle answer with response 200
if response.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError(
'An Unexpected Error happened on side of the Moodle System!'
+ (' Status-Code: %s' % str(response.status_code))
+ ('\nHeader: %s' % response.headers)
+ ('\nResponse: %s' % response.text)
def get_simple_moodle_version(self) -> float:
Query the version by looking up the change-log (/lib/upgrade.txt)
of the Moodle
@return: a float number representing the newest version
parsed from the change-log
url = '%slib/upgrade.txt' % (self.url_base)
response = requests.get(url, headers=self.stdHeader, verify=self.verify)
changelog = str(response.text).split('\n')
version_string = '1'
for line in changelog:
match = re.match(r'^===\s*([\d\.]+)\s*===$', line)
if match:
version_string =
majorVersion = version_string.split('.')[0]
minorVersion = version_string[len(majorVersion) :].replace('.', '')
version = float(majorVersion + '.' + minorVersion)
return version
def _initial_parse(self, response) -> object:
The first time parsing the result of a REST request.
It is checked for known errors.
@param response: The JSON response of the Moodle system
@return: The parsed JSON object
# Try to parse the JSON
response_extracted = response.json()
except Exception as error:
raise RuntimeError(
'An Unexpected Error occurred while trying'
+ ' to parse the json response! Moodle'
+ ' response: %s.\nError: %s' % (, error)
# Check for known errors
if 'error' in response_extracted:
error = response_extracted.get('error', '')
errorcode = response_extracted.get('errorcode', '')
stacktrace = response_extracted.get('stacktrace', '')
debuginfo = response_extracted.get('debuginfo', '')
reproductionlink = response_extracted.get('reproductionlink', '')
raise RequestRejectedError(
'The Moodle System rejected the Request.'
+ (' Details: %s (Errorcode: %s, ' % (error, errorcode))
+ ('Stacktrace: %s, Debuginfo: %s, Reproductionlink: %s)' % (stacktrace, debuginfo, reproductionlink))
if 'exception' in response_extracted:
exception = response_extracted.get('exception', '')
errorcode = response_extracted.get('errorcode', '')
message = response_extracted.get('message', '')
raise RequestRejectedError(
'The Moodle System rejected the Request.'
+ ' Details: %s (Errorcode: %s, Message: %s)' % (exception, errorcode, message)
return response_extracted
def recursive_urlencode(data):
"""URL-encode a multidimensional dictionary.
@param data: the data to be encoded
@returns: the url encoded data
def recursion(data, base=[]):
pairs = []
for key, value in data.items():
new_base = base + [key]
if hasattr(value, 'values'):
pairs += recursion(value, new_base)
new_pair = None
if len(new_base) > 1:
first = urllib.parse.quote(new_base.pop(0))
rest = map(lambda x: urllib.parse.quote(x), new_base)
new_pair = '%s[%s]=%s' % (first, ']['.join(rest), urllib.parse.quote(str(value)))
new_pair = '%s=%s' % (urllib.parse.quote(str(key)), urllib.parse.quote(str(value)))
return pairs
return '&'.join(recursion(data))
def obtain_login_token(
username: str, password: str, moodle_domain: str, moodle_path: str = '/', skip_cert_verify: bool = False
) -> str:
Send the login credentials to the Moodle-System and extracts the resulting Login-Token.
@params: The necessary parameters to create a Token.
@return: The received token.
login_data = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'service': 'moodle_mobile_app'}
obj = RequestHelper(moodle_domain, moodle_path, skip_cert_verify=skip_cert_verify)
response = obj.get_login(login_data)
if 'token' not in response:
# = we didn't get an error page (checked by the RequestHelper) but
# somehow we don't have the needed token
raise RuntimeError('Invalid response received from the Moodle System! No token was received.')
if 'privatetoken' not in response:
return response.get('token', ''), None
return response.get('token', ''), response.get('privatetoken', ''), obj
def _split_moodle_uri(moodle_uri: str):
moodle_domain = moodle_uri.netloc
moodle_path = moodle_uri.path
if not moodle_path.endswith('/'):
moodle_path = moodle_path + '/'
if moodle_path == '':
moodle_path = '/'
return moodle_domain, moodle_path
def interactively_acquire_token(
username: str = None, password: str = None
) -> str:
Walks the user through executing a login into the Moodle-System to get
the Token and saves it.
@return: The Token for Moodle.
moodle_token = None
moodle_username = input("Enter Moodle Username : ")
moodle_password = getpass()
moodle_token, moodle_privatetoken, obj = obtain_login_token(
moodle_username, moodle_password, moodle_domain, moodle_path, False
moodleNotifier @ b3e98e2c
Subproject commit b3e98e2c2d46f7ef4549fb0746c0a92a340793d8
Git Link:
Navneet Ranjan <203050106> Dialogflow intent creation and working with twilio part.
Bandana Ravi Teja <203050084> Writing Database code for accesssing stored subject information and automation code for sending updates to students daily.s
Abhishek Chugh <203050046> Getting data from moodle Api and writing integration functions along with updations.
Vara Prasad Kolli <203050114> Writing the website Registration page in Django and the storage of students in the database.
How to use:
For using moodleNotifier,
You need to have Moodle Token, for generating Moodle token you can use file to generate the moodle token.
Command : python3
You have to input your username and password in the terminal and then it will print your moodle token in the terminal itself. Just copy and use while registering on website.
Write the moodle username and password in the and the code will generate moodle token.
Open the Web Browser and go to and register for the moodleNotifier.
To Run on the Local Machines with Source Code:
Using moodleNotifier is very simple. You need to have installed the dependencies for running the server locally in your machine.
To install python3 on ubuntu, run the following command in your terminal.
sudo apt-get install python3
To install Django on ubuntu, run the following command in your terminal.
pip3 install django
And install the requirements as mentioned in requirements.txt
One needs to git clone the project. After that open terminal in moodlenotifier of the project directory and run following commands.
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
To access the application open the web browser and go to "localhost:8000"
To Run from the herokuapp Server:
The moodleNotifier app is hosted on the heroku Server.
To run it. Open web browser and goto
And then register yourself by clicking on register button and adding the details as required.
To chat with the bot :
Register with us at the website.
Add +1 (415) 523-8886 to your contacts.
Send first message : join enemy-pig
Just send Hi to the bot and it will send you information on what kind of questions to ask the bot.
References :
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