Commit 09ab8169 authored by Murukesh Mohanan's avatar Murukesh Mohanan

sorted plugin list; cleaned up other thinsg

parent 8983e27e
......@@ -8,27 +8,28 @@ permalink: /resources/
Currently contains a nifty `vimrc`, and some plugins:
- [Pathogen](
- [supertab](
- [syntastic](
- [YouCompleteMe](
- [vim-airline](
- [ctrlp.vim](
- [diffchar.vim](
- [molokai](
- [nerdtree](
- [supertab](
- [syntastic](
- [tabular](
- [tagbar](
- [vim2hs](
- [vim-airline](
- [vim-fugitive](
- [vim-go](
- [vim-markdown](
- [vim-surround](
- [vimtex](
- [vim2hs](
- [YouCompleteMe](
{: #plugins-list}
Old plugins:
- [vim-colorschemes]( - replaced with just the `molokai` scheme
- [vim-colorschemes]( —
replaced with just the `molokai` scheme
- [eregex.vim]( - didn't use it enough
- [ctrlp.vim]( - superseded by `ctrlp/ctrlp.vim`
- [LaTeX-Box]( - superseded by `vimtex`
......@@ -54,8 +55,9 @@ These and more can be found on my scripts repo. [![github]](
<!-- section -->
# CV {#cv}
A CV template in LaTeX (modified from one obtained online, original included): [![gitlab]]({:.git}
# CV
A CV template in LaTeX (modified from one obtained online, original included):
- (outdated) tarball: [CV-LaTeX.tar.gz]({{ site.base-url }}/files/CV-LaTeX.tar.gz)
Markdown is supported
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