Commit 65fea7fa authored by Meet Narendra's avatar Meet Narendra 💬

Jai maharashtra

parent 8779fa58
Pipeline #1728 canceled with stages
# CS699-Project # CS699-Project
Superuser: meet ###Authors:
password: 000786 Meet Doshi 22m0742
Abuhujair Khan 22m0752
####File Structure and Explanation
- Frontend backend Combined:
├── dummy_data/ ~ Contains 4 csv files which should be loaded into the database.
├── frontend/
│ ├── sitcomm/
│ ├── node_modules/ ~ Libraries installed by npm used by angular
│ ├── src/
│ ├── apps/
│ ├── confluence/ ~ Confluence component
│ ├── github/ ~ Github component for files
│ ├── home/ ~ Home page for user which shows all projects
│ ├── jira/ ~ Jira component
│ ├── login/ ~ Login component which also has register page.
│ ├── profile/ ~ Profile edit component.
│ ├── project/ ~ Individual component for each project.
│ └── other files which are moderately important
├── sitcomm/
│ ├── api/ ~ Child app which handles all APIs
│ ├── home/ ~ Home app which houses the models.
│ ├── onestop/ ~ Root app for django
│ └── ~ Run python3 runserver to start backend.
├── apis.txt ~ Contains info about all the APIs provided by Django and their functionality. For more info you can start the server and go to localhost:8000/api/xxx where it will give you ui based access to the api.
├── logfile ~ Ignore this, logfile used by postgres
├── requirements.txt ~ Use pip install -r requirements.txt
├── ~ Sample bash script to start postgres assuming its installed. Please modify file paths in the script.
└── readme.txt
####Commands to run
0. `Install postgres, angular, material ui, node, npm, etc if not already there.`
1. cd frontend/sitcomm/
2. npm install
3. cd ../../
4. pip install -r requirements.txt
5. sudo bash
6. cd sitcomm/
7. python3 makemigrations
8. python3 migrate
9. python3 runserver `Starts localhost backend server on`
10. cd ../frontend/sitcomm/
11. npm serve --open `Starts localhost frontend server on`
python runserver
References: References: ``
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
github: 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
GET List of Repos:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 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" \
GET A Repo:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 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" \
GET Repo Contents:
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 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" \
GET A File from a repository
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 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" \
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