diff --git a/dispatch_system/constants.json b/dispatch_system/constants.json
index 6d4a1ca65236ff86b03c5936ba22d48d03625825..d52072c6b7ba7a4145a37164e7e67d158d7bbd92 100644
--- a/dispatch_system/constants.json
+++ b/dispatch_system/constants.json
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
     "master_address": "localhost",
     "grunt_host": "https://www.namandixit.net/lovecraftian_nightmares/grunt",
     "couchdb_host": "localhost:5984",
-    "function_db_name": "serverless",
-    "metrics_db_name": "metrics",
-    "implicit_chain_db_name": "implicit_chain",
+    "db": {
+        "function_meta": "serverless",
+        "metrics": "metrics",
+        "implicit_chain_meta": "implicit_chain"
+    },
     "network": {
         "network_bridge": "hybrid_kafka-serverless",
         "internal": {
diff --git a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/explicit_chain_handler.js b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/explicit_chain_handler.js
index 7f07948a724d40f07d8b29a1a5e8487684b0a34d..e23351b93671478a4a3af7799c8b5c2da983eac7 100644
--- a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/explicit_chain_handler.js
+++ b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/explicit_chain_handler.js
@@ -6,22 +6,18 @@ const fs = require('fs')
 const { spawn } = require('child_process')
 const fetch = require('node-fetch')
 const constants = require('../constants.json')
-const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
 const operator = require('./operator')
-const sharedStructures = require('./shared_structures')
-let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
-metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.function_db_name + "/"
-let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
-metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.metrics_db_name + "/"
+const sharedMeta = require('./shared_meta')
 const logger = libSupport.logger
 const registry_url = constants.registry_url
-let functionToResource = sharedStructures.functionToResource,
-    db = sharedStructures.db,
-    conditionProbabilityExpilict = sharedStructures.conditionProbabilityExpilict
+let functionToResource = sharedMeta.functionToResource,
+    db = sharedMeta.db,
+    conditionProbabilityExpilict = sharedMeta.conditionProbabilityExpilict,
+    metricsDB = sharedMeta.metricsDB,
+    metadataDB = sharedMeta.metadataDB
 router.post('/deploy', (req, res) => {
@@ -478,10 +474,7 @@ function createDirectory(path) {
-function initialise(functionToResource) {
-    this.functionToResource = functionToResource
 module.exports = {
-    router, initialise
+    router
diff --git a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/index.js b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/index.js
index 1187da41ff8817bc5ccd03279c3a69569c30f624..39f51be9f5592a068c07fed59f4ef9cf2d9665ad 100644
--- a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/index.js
+++ b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/index.js
@@ -10,19 +10,11 @@ const { spawn } = require('child_process');
 const morgan = require('morgan');
 const heap = require('heap');
 const fetch = require('node-fetch');
-const swStats = require('swagger-stats');
-const apiSpec = require('./swagger.json');
+// const swStats = require('swagger-stats');
+// const apiSpec = require('./swagger.json');
 const util = require('util')
-const sharedStructures = require('./shared_structures')
+const sharedMeta = require('./shared_meta')
- * URL to the couchdb database server used to store function metadata
- */
-let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
-metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.function_db_name + "/"
-let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
-metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.metrics_db_name + "/"
 const app = express()
 const libSupport = require('./lib')
@@ -31,14 +23,16 @@ let date = new Date();
 let log_channel = constants.topics.log_channel
 let usedPort = new Map(), // TODO: remove after integration with RM
-    db = sharedStructures.db, // queue holding request to be dispatched
-    resourceMap = sharedStructures.resourceMap, // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
-    functionToResource = sharedStructures.functionToResource, // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
+    db = sharedMeta.db, // queue holding request to be dispatched
+    resourceMap = sharedMeta.resourceMap, // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
+    functionToResource = sharedMeta.functionToResource, // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
                                    // resources associated with the function
-    workerNodes = sharedStructures.workerNodes, // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
-    functionBranchTree = sharedStructures.functionBranchTree // a tree to store function branch predictions
+    workerNodes = sharedMeta.workerNodes, // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
+    functionBranchTree = sharedMeta.functionBranchTree, // a tree to store function branch predictions
+    metricsDB = sharedMeta.metricsDB,
+    metadataDB = sharedMeta.metadataDB
 let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
     Producer = kafka.Producer,
     client = new kafka.KafkaClient({ 
@@ -67,7 +61,7 @@ app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
 const file_path = __dirname + "/repository/"
 app.use('/repository', express.static(file_path)); // file server hosting deployed functions
-app.use(swStats.getMiddleware({ swaggerSpec: apiSpec })); // statistics middleware
+// app.use(swStats.getMiddleware({ swaggerSpec: apiSpec })); // statistics middleware
 app.use('/serverless/chain', chainHandler.router); // chain router (explicit_chain_handler.js) for handling explicit chains
 let requestQueue = []
diff --git a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/lib.js b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/lib.js
index edcba6b4903bc4ddf9b9e31509fa2ddee32c864c..4b5a16995df30bb4b08cf82729761ea2e22f2fc1 100644
--- a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/lib.js
+++ b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/lib.js
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ const winston = require('winston')
 const constants = require('.././constants.json')
 const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
 const metrics = require('./metrics')
+const sharedMeta = require('./shared_meta')
 const { createLogger, format, transports } = winston;
 const heap = require('heap')
+let implicitChainDB = sharedMeta.implicitChainDB
 let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    Producer = kafka.Producer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient({
@@ -18,8 +19,7 @@ let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    producer = new Producer(client)
-let implicitChainDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
-implicitChainDB = implicitChainDB + "/" + constants.implicit_chain_db_names + "/"
  * Generates unique IDs of arbitrary length
diff --git a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_meta.js b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_meta.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45866938bbb53c5f6c45895db8b245b1de823230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_meta.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+const secrets = require('./secrets.json')
+const constants = require('.././constants.json')
+let db = new Map(), // queue holding request to be dispatched
+    resourceMap = new Map(), // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
+    functionToResource = new Map(), // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
+                                    // resources associated with the function
+    workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
+    functionBranchTree = new Map(), // a tree to store function branch predictions
+    conditionProbabilityExpilict = new Map() // tree holding conditional probabilities for explicit chains
+ * URL to the couchdb database server used to store data
+ */
+let metadataDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
+metadataDB = metadataDB + "/" + constants.db.function_meta + "/"
+let metricsDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
+metricsDB = metricsDB + "/" + constants.db.metrics + "/"
+let implicitChainDB = `http://${secrets.couchdb_username}:${secrets.couchdb_password}@${constants.couchdb_host}`
+implicitChainDB = implicitChainDB + "/" + constants.db.implicit_chain_meta + "/"
+module.exports = {
+    db, functionBranchTree, functionToResource, workerNodes, resourceMap,
+    conditionProbabilityExpilict,
+    metadataDB, metricsDB, implicitChainDB
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_structures.js b/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_structures.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a4022eb08c45f05ecc3faeb914c4a82257d04b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dispatch_system/dispatch_manager/shared_structures.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-let db = new Map(), // queue holding request to be dispatched
-    resourceMap = new Map(), // map between resource_id and resource details like node_id, port, associated function etc
-    functionToResource = new Map(), // a function to resource map. Each map contains a minheap of
-                                    // resources associated with the function
-    workerNodes = new Map(), // list of worker nodes currently known to the DM
-    functionBranchTree = new Map(), // a tree to store function branch predictions
-    conditionProbabilityExpilict = new Map() // tree holding conditional probabilities for explicit chains
-module.exports = {
-    db, functionBranchTree, functionToResource, workerNodes, resourceMap,
-    conditionProbabilityExpilict
\ No newline at end of file