Brought up majorly in the serene city of Navi Mumbai, I completed my tenth grade in Apeejay School, Kharghar. Did my +2 at Pace Junior Science College, Nerul.
<buttontype="button"class="btn btn-info"data-toggle="collapse"data-target="#col">Courses undertaken this semester at IITB</button>
Data Structures and Algorithms<br>
System Softwares Lab<br>
Discrete Mathematics<br>
Introduction to Electrical Engineering<br>
Data Interpretation and analysis<br>
Data Structures And Algorithms lab
<pclass = iframe>
This is a song to refresh your soul. Watch it if you feel low. If not, watch it all the same.
<h2class = iframe>
<iframeheight = 500width = 900src=""alt = "Not able to connect"></iframe>
<pclass="equations"><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-info"data-toggle="collapse"data-target="#colll"style="color: black; background-color: white; text-align: center">A few beautiful formulae
<pclass = equations>If a,b and c are sides of a triangle, then <mathxmlns=""><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>></mo><mi>c</mi></math>
<br> AM GM Inequality : <mathxmlns=""><mo>(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>+ </mo><mi>b</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>/</mo></mo><mn>2</mn><mo>>=</mo><msqrt><mi>a</mi><mo>*</mo><mi>b</mi></msqrt></math>
<!--<p class = equations>Some simple yet profound formulae<br>a,b and c are sides of a triangle, then <math xmlns=""><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>></mo><mi>c</mi></math>