In the ~/.bashrc file, there is a `shopt` option that the script uses for custom optional behavior. `shopt` is for using default autocompletion. It uses the file -
to show suggestions for autocomplete.
The part in else contained other file that contains the path to autocomplete file. This is used for custom autocompletion.
We already had an idea about this. We read this through the links posted on Piazza.
4. To get Process ID of this running script -
`ps aux | grep infiniteLoop`
To kill the process -
`kill <Process ID>` (Process ID of the running script)
Through Sir's demonstrations in class, we came to know about the use of `ps`. Using the `man` command we found out the usage for `kill` command, which is very straight-forward.
5. was trapping all signals which prevented us from exiting it using any normal key presses of the keyboard. Searching on the internet, we found that SIGKILL cannot be trapped and the process exits anyways. `kill` sends in SIGINT but `kill -9` sends SIGKILL signal.
`kill -9 <Process ID>` (Process ID of running script)