Write a bash script to take a number N as an argument. Your script ‘script1.sh’ should be able to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to N and display the output. Your script output should only be the “sum of numbers from 1 to N” and nothing else.
>>./script1.sh 10
Problem 2:
Write a bash script to take a path as an argument. The script ‘script2.sh’ should count the number of folders inside the path and display the output(‘the count’). Your script output should only be the “count of number of folders inside the path” and nothing else.
Hint: the command “grep” can help you find directories.
If we have a folder “avengers” containing the first five founding members name folders (sample folder provided).
>>./script2.sh avengers/
Problem 3:
Write a bash script to take a filename as an argument. The file contains a list of names (one per line, sample provided in folder structure). You have to create a bash script ‘script3.sh’ to create a list of directories with the names given in the file and output the message “created <name>” after it has successfully created each folder.
E.g.: file ‘input’ contains 3 lines:
>>./script3.sh input (script execution sample)
Your script be able to create folders named:
And output should be:
>>created satman
>>created buperman
>>created bccomics
Problem 4:
While solving a serial killer murder mystery, Detective Maigret finds a pattern of numbers at every crime scene. He believes that taking the sum and product of the two greatest numbers found amongst the pattern is a key to finding the criminal.
You are his subordinate and he wants you to write a shell script ‘script4.sh’ which takes a file as input and finds the largest and second largest numbers 'a' and 'b' in the file. You should print their sum in the first line and product in the next line (and nothing “else”). Help him solve the crime with the hope that you will be promoted!
Input : a file "murderMystery" which contains space separated integers
Output :
Problem 5:
Thor has decided to write a biography. While writing, he has used ‘Thor is mighty’ in multiple places. Hulk reads the text and wants to do some mischief. He decides to substitute the word ‘mighty’ with ‘dumb’ so that the phrase reads ‘Thor is dumb’.
Unfortunately, Hulk has no idea how this can be done using bash script, since he is new to programming and scripting. As a result, he needs help and you happen to be a passer by.
“Hulk threatens to SMASH you if you don’t help him.”
Help Hulk (rather save yourself) and replace the word ‘mighty’ with ‘dumb’ in the text present in the input file. The output should contain the same text with ‘mighty’ replaced by ‘dumb’.
(basically just replace the word “mighty” with the word “dumb”, and make sure all the occurrences of “mighty”; irrespective of the case; e.g. “Mighty”, “mIghty”, … are substituted by “dumb”).
Write your script in ‘script5.sh’. This file ‘thorBiography’ is present in the directory. You have to edit that file itself.
(Hint: You can use a command called ‘sed’. For more details, use ‘man’ or search online)
You are required to modify your ‘.bashrc’ file (which is a hidden file in your home folder) and create an alias inside it. The alias should be able to get the space usage of all the files and folders and display it on your screen.
The output of your script should display a list of files and folders in the current directory on the terminal (to be ‘precise’).
You should take a screenshot of the output, when your script is executed in the “home” folder and paste the ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ in the folder ‘script1’. You are also required to paste the ‘.bashrc’ file in the folder script1/.
>>script1/ls -lh
We will check this manually and grade accordingly.
Problem 2:
You are ‘yet-again’ required to change your ‘.bashrc’ file to display a welcome message every time you log on to your linux (e.g. ubuntu) terminal. The welcome message must be an ASCII art which can be created using the web-service:
The link above allows you to type any text and create ASCII art of the text using special characters on your keyboard. You can add such text to your ‘.bashrc’ file and try logging in again to the terminal. When your welcome message is displayed, please take a screenshot similar to the last statement and paste in the folder script2/. You must also paste your modified ‘.bashrc’ file in the folder script2/.
>>script1/ls -lh
Problem 3:
Write a bash script to take a path as an input argument. Your bash script should be able to count the no. of lines in all the files present in the path (“directory”) provided. The output of your script should only be the count of the number of lines present (you should not count blank lines in the above files).
From here onwards your assignments shall be graded automatically using scripts, so please ensure the output is simply a number and nothing else (please ensure you do not count blank lines).
Path is test/
>>./script3.sh test/
Problem 4:
A class of students were given a form to fill regarding team/group formation for evaluating their grades. The TAs of the class did not take into account that they will have to write a bash script to group the teams and a simple Google form / excel input doesn’t really cut it for them. The TAs are now in a soup and need your help desperately. Write a bash script to take as input the ‘csv (comma-separated value) file’ provided to you in the folder structure. The script should be able to group the students as shown below:
(Output must also be sorted on the column number 1 (team_name)
>>./script4.sh <inputfilename>
The output of your script must be stored in the file named ‘output’ inside your folder script4/
This problem statement shall be graded automatically using scripts, so please ensure your output is contained in the file name ‘output’ and it is sorted based on team names (column 1).
HINT: you should be able to use the commands sort/cut for doing this assignment problem.
This is a work of fiction. TAs, Students, faculty, class, lab and any other incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons in the input data, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Problem 5:
You are a nerd-to-the-core and want to know the current weather by typing a command from your terminal. You trust “Accuweather” service to provide you with details but the catch is that it is a web/mobile device based service. You very well know that using the command ‘wget’ and adding a few flags/options will get you the html data of the webpage on terminal.
The challenge here is to modify your “.bashrc” file and create an alias which would enable you to simply fire a command on your terminal to show you the details of the current location (which in your case is Mumbai) weather as shown by the Accuweather service on the webpage.
As an output to this program we would like to see a screenshot similar to the problems 1 and 2 above placed in your folder named script5/ along with the .bashrc file.
Hint: The URL of the accuweather page where it shows the weather details is something you should be looking at and a few simple ‘grep’ commands should be able to get you something like this:
Which is an acceptable solution to us. If you can/want to modify/improve/filter further, you are welcome to do so. There would be no extra credit for further filtration. The above line if displayed on your screenshot should be enough, but the use of ‘.bashrc’ to create an alias is necessary.
Problem 6:
You aim to be a famous English rapper in life and as over-ambitious as it may seem, you have volunteered to rap “The Real Slim Shady” by ‘Eminem’ on stage during “Surbahaar”. You are surprised(read: shocked) to suddenly know that your parents/faculty/Dean(SA) will also attend the show. You can make do with your “Dhinchak Pooja” like voice but you definitely cannot sing the actual lyrics of the song in front of the current audience.
One of your friends (read: a TA of this class) was gracious enough to send you a list of cuss words used in the song.
Write a bash script which takes two input arguments as file-names. You bash script should be able to replace the cuss word with “bleep” in the lyrics file provided. The output of your bash script should be in a file named ‘output’. For the people who need us to be precise, let the first input argument be your ‘lyrics’ file you need to clean, and the second input argument be ‘cuss-word list’ file (one cuss word per line).
P.S.: Later this will help you take a printout of the ‘output’ file and give your “dhinchak” performance.
P.P.S: This problem statement comes with a disclaimer, “People who are easily offended by cuss words/slang usage/offensive rap should not read the lyric file provided”. Simply replace the words, and submit the script and the output file in the folder.
Extra-credit assignments (for enthu junta):
We know this already seems hectic but in case you have some time left, and are enthu to learn more, you can do
1. Bash modification: You know BASh since you are using it now, but do you know “ZSH”, “Oh-my-ZSH” and other bash themes. You could look here, if a fancy bash (with more features and much better looking) interests you:
1. Googler: Do you know that you can Google stuff over terminal itself (for the ultra-geeks) ? Try this:
If you can install these successfully and send screenshots in the folder named extra/, you shall be rewarded with extra-credit points which can be ‘justifiably’ used against loss of point/marks in the latter assignments. The total marks for this assignment shall remain the same for all of you, these extra-credits may only be used if your total is falling below a certain level.