 * index.c
 *	  code to create and destroy POSTGRES index relations
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/index.c,v 1.109 2000/05/19 03:22:31 tgl Exp $
 *		index_create()			- Create a cataloged index relation
 *		index_drop()			- Removes index relation from catalogs
#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/istrat.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "bootstrap/bootstrap.h"
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/comment.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/prep.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/temprel.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"

 * macros used in guessing how many tuples are on a page.
#define AVG_ATTR_SIZE 8
#define NTUPLES_PER_PAGE(natts) \
	((BLCKSZ - MAXALIGN(sizeof (PageHeaderData))) / \
	((natts) * AVG_ATTR_SIZE + MAXALIGN(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData))))

/* non-export function prototypes */
static Oid GetHeapRelationOid(char *heapRelationName, char *indexRelationName,
				   bool istemp);
static TupleDesc BuildFuncTupleDesc(FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo);
static TupleDesc ConstructTupleDescriptor(Oid heapoid, Relation heapRelation,
				  List *attributeList, int numatts, AttrNumber *attNums);

static void ConstructIndexReldesc(Relation indexRelation, Oid amoid);
static Oid	UpdateRelationRelation(Relation indexRelation, char *temp_relname);
static void InitializeAttributeOids(Relation indexRelation,
						int numatts, Oid indexoid);
static void AppendAttributeTuples(Relation indexRelation, int numatts);
static void UpdateIndexRelation(Oid indexoid, Oid heapoid,
					FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo, int natts,
					AttrNumber *attNums, Oid *classOids, Node *predicate,
		   List *attributeList, bool islossy, bool unique, bool primary);
static void DefaultBuild(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation,
			 int numberOfAttributes, AttrNumber *attributeNumber,
			 IndexStrategy indexStrategy, uint16 parameterCount,
		Datum *parameter, FuncIndexInfoPtr funcInfo, PredInfo *predInfo);
static Oid	IndexGetRelation(Oid indexId);

static bool reindexing = false;
extern bool
SetReindexProcessing(bool reindexmode)
	bool		old = reindexing;

	reindexing = reindexmode;
	return old;
extern bool
	return reindexing;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *	  sysatts is a structure containing attribute tuple forms
 *	  for system attributes (numbered -1, -2, ...).  This really
 *	  should be generated or eliminated or moved elsewhere. -cim 1/19/91
 * typedef struct FormData_pg_attribute {
 *		Oid				attrelid;
 *		NameData		attname;
 *		Oid				atttypid;
 *		uint32			attnvals;
 *		int16			attlen;
 *		AttrNumber		attnum;
 *		uint32			attnelems;
 *		int32			attcacheoff;
 *		int32			atttypmod;
 *		bool			attbyval;
 *		bool			attisset;
 *		char			attalign;
 *		bool			attnotnull;
 *		bool			atthasdef;
 * } FormData_pg_attribute;
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static FormData_pg_attribute sysatts[] = {
	{0, {"ctid"}, TIDOID, 0, 6, -1, 0, -1, -1, '\0', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},
	{0, {"oid"}, OIDOID, 0, 4, -2, 0, -1, -1, '\001', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},
	{0, {"xmin"}, XIDOID, 0, 4, -3, 0, -1, -1, '\001', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},
	{0, {"cmin"}, CIDOID, 0, 4, -4, 0, -1, -1, '\001', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},
	{0, {"xmax"}, XIDOID, 0, 4, -5, 0, -1, -1, '\001', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},
	{0, {"cmax"}, CIDOID, 0, 4, -6, 0, -1, -1, '\001', 'p', '\0', 'i', '\0', '\0'},

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		GetHeapRelationOid
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static Oid
GetHeapRelationOid(char *heapRelationName, char *indexRelationName, bool istemp)
	Oid			indoid;
	Oid			heapoid;

	indoid = RelnameFindRelid(indexRelationName);

	if ((!istemp && OidIsValid(indoid)) ||
		(istemp && get_temp_rel_by_username(indexRelationName) != NULL))
		elog(ERROR, "Cannot create index: '%s' already exists",

	heapoid = RelnameFindRelid(heapRelationName);

	if (!OidIsValid(heapoid))
		elog(ERROR, "Cannot create index on '%s': relation does not exist",

	return heapoid;

static TupleDesc
BuildFuncTupleDesc(FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo)
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	TupleDesc	funcTupDesc;
	Oid			retType;
	char	   *funcname;
	int4		nargs;
	Oid		   *argtypes;

	 * Allocate and zero a tuple descriptor.
	funcTupDesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(1);
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0] = (Form_pg_attribute) palloc(ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE);
	MemSet(funcTupDesc->attrs[0], 0, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE);

	 * Lookup the function for the return type.
	funcname = FIgetname(funcInfo);
	nargs = FIgetnArgs(funcInfo);
	argtypes = FIgetArglist(funcInfo);
	tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(PROCNAME,

	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		func_error("BuildFuncTupleDesc", funcname, nargs, argtypes, NULL);

	retType = ((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->prorettype;

	 * Look up the return type in pg_type for the type length.
	tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPEOID,
								0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		elog(ERROR, "Function %s return type does not exist", FIgetname(funcInfo));

	 * Assign some of the attributes values. Leave the rest as 0.
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attlen = ((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->typlen;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->atttypid = retType;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attnum = 1;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attbyval = ((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->typbyval;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attcacheoff = -1;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->atttypmod = -1;
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attstorage = 'p';
	funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attalign = ((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->typalign;

	 * make the attributes name the same as the functions
	namestrcpy(&funcTupDesc->attrs[0]->attname, funcname);

	return funcTupDesc;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ConstructTupleDescriptor
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleDesc
ConstructTupleDescriptor(Oid heapoid,
						 Relation heapRelation,
						 List *attributeList,
						 int numatts,
						 AttrNumber *attNums)
	TupleDesc	heapTupDesc;
	TupleDesc	indexTupDesc;
	IndexElem  *IndexKey;
	TypeName   *IndexKeyType;
	AttrNumber	atnum;			/* attributeNumber[attributeOffset] */
	AttrNumber	atind;
	int			natts;			/* Form_pg_class->relnatts */
	char	   *from;			/* used to simplify memcpy below */
	char	   *to;				/* used to simplify memcpy below */
	int			i;

	/* ----------------
	 *	allocate the new tuple descriptor
	 * ----------------
	natts = RelationGetForm(heapRelation)->relnatts;

	indexTupDesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(numatts);

	/* ----------------
	 * ----------------

	/* ----------------
	 *	  for each attribute we are indexing, obtain its attribute
	 *	  tuple form from either the static table of system attribute
	 *	  tuple forms or the relation tuple descriptor
	 * ----------------
	for (i = 0; i < numatts; i += 1)

		/* ----------------
		 *	 get the attribute number and make sure it's valid
		 * ----------------
		atnum = attNums[i];
		if (atnum > natts)
			elog(ERROR, "Cannot create index: attribute %d does not exist",
		if (attributeList)
			IndexKey = (IndexElem *) lfirst(attributeList);
			IndexKeyType = IndexKey->typename;
			attributeList = lnext(attributeList);
			IndexKeyType = NULL;

		indexTupDesc->attrs[i] = (Form_pg_attribute) palloc(ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE);

		/* ----------------
		 *	 determine which tuple descriptor to copy
		 * ----------------
		if (!AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(atnum))

			/* ----------------
			 *	  here we are indexing on a system attribute (-1...-12)
			 *	  so we convert atnum into a usable index 0...11 so we can
			 *	  use it to dereference the array sysatts[] which stores
			 *	  tuple descriptor information for system attributes.
			 * ----------------
			if (atnum <= FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber || atnum >= 0)
				elog(ERROR, "Cannot create index on system attribute: attribute number out of range (%d)", atnum);
			atind = (-atnum) - 1;

			from = (char *) (&sysatts[atind]);

			/* ----------------
			 *	  here we are indexing on a normal attribute (1...n)
			 * ----------------
			heapTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(heapRelation);
			atind = AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(atnum);

			from = (char *) (heapTupDesc->attrs[atind]);

		/* ----------------
		 *	 now that we've determined the "from", let's copy
		 *	 the tuple desc data...
		 * ----------------

		to = (char *) (indexTupDesc->attrs[i]);
		memcpy(to, from, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE);

		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attnum = i + 1;

		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attnotnull = false;
		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->atthasdef = false;
		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attcacheoff = -1;
		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->atttypmod = -1;
		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attalign = 'i';

		 * if the keytype is defined, we need to change the tuple form's
		 * atttypid & attlen field to match that of the key's type
		if (IndexKeyType != NULL)
			HeapTuple	tup;

			tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPENAME,
									  0, 0, 0);
			if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
				elog(ERROR, "create index: type '%s' undefined",
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->atttypid = tup->t_data->t_oid;
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attbyval =
				((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tup))->typbyval;
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attlen =
				((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tup))->typlen;
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attstorage = 'p';
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attalign =
				((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tup))->typalign;
			((Form_pg_attribute) to)->atttypmod = IndexKeyType->typmod;

		/* ----------------
		 *	  now we have to drop in the proper relation descriptor
		 *	  into the copied tuple form's attrelid and we should be
		 *	  all set.
		 * ----------------
		((Form_pg_attribute) to)->attrelid = heapoid;

	return indexTupDesc;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * AccessMethodObjectIdGetForm
 *		Returns the formated access method tuple given its object identifier.
 * Note:
 *		Assumes object identifier is valid.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
AccessMethodObjectIdGetForm(Oid accessMethodObjectId)
	Relation	pg_am_desc;
	HeapScanDesc pg_am_scan;
	HeapTuple	pg_am_tuple;
	ScanKeyData key;
	Form_pg_am	aform;

	/* ----------------
	 *	form a scan key for the pg_am relation
	 * ----------------
	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0, ObjectIdAttributeNumber,

	/* ----------------
	 *	fetch the desired access method tuple
	 * ----------------
	pg_am_desc = heap_openr(AccessMethodRelationName, AccessShareLock);
	pg_am_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_am_desc, 0, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);

	pg_am_tuple = heap_getnext(pg_am_scan, 0);

	/* ----------------
	 *	return NULL if not found
	 * ----------------
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pg_am_tuple))
		heap_close(pg_am_desc, AccessShareLock);
		return NULL;

	/* ----------------
	 *	if found am tuple, then copy the form and return the copy
	 * ----------------
	aform = (Form_pg_am) palloc(sizeof *aform);
	memcpy(aform, GETSTRUCT(pg_am_tuple), sizeof *aform);

	heap_close(pg_am_desc, AccessShareLock);

	return aform;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ConstructIndexReldesc
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
ConstructIndexReldesc(Relation indexRelation, Oid amoid)
	extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt;
	MemoryContext oldcxt;

	/* ----------------
	 *	  here we make certain to allocate the access method
	 *	  tuple within the cache context lest it vanish when the
	 *	  context changes
	 * ----------------
	if (!CacheCxt)
		CacheCxt = CreateGlobalMemory("Cache");

	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) CacheCxt);

	indexRelation->rd_am = AccessMethodObjectIdGetForm(amoid);


	/* ----------------
	 *	 XXX missing the initialization of some other fields
	 * ----------------

	indexRelation->rd_rel->relowner = GetUserId();

	indexRelation->rd_rel->relam = amoid;
	indexRelation->rd_rel->reltuples = 1;		/* XXX */
	indexRelation->rd_rel->relkind = RELKIND_INDEX;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		UpdateRelationRelation
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static Oid
UpdateRelationRelation(Relation indexRelation, char *temp_relname)
	Relation	pg_class;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Oid			tupleOid;
	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];

	pg_class = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* XXX Natts_pg_class_fixed is a hack - see pg_class.h */
	tuple = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_class_fixed,
						   (char *) indexRelation->rd_rel);

	/* ----------------
	 *	the new tuple must have the same oid as the relcache entry for the
	 *	index.	sure would be embarassing to do this sort of thing in polite
	 *	company.
	 * ----------------
	tuple->t_data->t_oid = RelationGetRelid(indexRelation);
	heap_insert(pg_class, tuple);

	if (temp_relname)
		create_temp_relation(temp_relname, tuple);

	 * During normal processing, we need to make sure that the system
	 * catalog indices are correct.  Bootstrap (initdb) time doesn't
	 * require this, because we make sure that the indices are correct
	 * just before exiting.

	if (!IsIgnoringSystemIndexes())
		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, pg_class, tuple);
		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);

	tupleOid = tuple->t_data->t_oid;
	heap_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock);

	return tupleOid;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		InitializeAttributeOids
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
InitializeAttributeOids(Relation indexRelation,
						int numatts,
						Oid indexoid)
	TupleDesc	tupleDescriptor;
	int			i;

	tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation);

	for (i = 0; i < numatts; i += 1)
		tupleDescriptor->attrs[i]->attrelid = indexoid;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		AppendAttributeTuples
 *		XXX For now, only change the ATTNUM attribute value
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
AppendAttributeTuples(Relation indexRelation, int numatts)
	Relation	pg_attribute;
	HeapTuple	init_tuple,
				cur_tuple = NULL,
	bool		hasind;
	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];

	Datum		value[Natts_pg_attribute];
	char		nullv[Natts_pg_attribute];
	char		replace[Natts_pg_attribute];

	TupleDesc	indexTupDesc;
	int			i;

	/* ----------------
	 *	open the attribute relation
	 * ----------------
	pg_attribute = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* ----------------
	 *	initialize *null, *replace and *value
	 * ----------------
	MemSet(nullv, ' ', Natts_pg_attribute);
	MemSet(replace, ' ', Natts_pg_attribute);

	/* ----------------
	 *	create the first attribute tuple.
	 *	XXX For now, only change the ATTNUM attribute value
	 * ----------------
	replace[Anum_pg_attribute_attnum - 1] = 'r';
	replace[Anum_pg_attribute_attcacheoff - 1] = 'r';

	value[Anum_pg_attribute_attnum - 1] = Int16GetDatum(1);
	value[Anum_pg_attribute_attcacheoff - 1] = Int32GetDatum(-1);

	init_tuple = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_attribute,
							 (char *) (indexRelation->rd_att->attrs[0]));

	hasind = false;
	if (!IsIgnoringSystemIndexes() && pg_attribute->rd_rel->relhasindex)
		hasind = true;
		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);

	/* ----------------
	 *	insert the first attribute tuple.
	 * ----------------
	cur_tuple = heap_modifytuple(init_tuple,

	heap_insert(pg_attribute, cur_tuple);
	if (hasind)
		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, pg_attribute, cur_tuple);

	/* ----------------
	 *	now we use the information in the index cur_tuple
	 *	descriptor to form the remaining attribute tuples.
	 * ----------------
	indexTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation);

	for (i = 1; i < numatts; i += 1)
		/* ----------------
		 *	process the remaining attributes...
		 * ----------------
				(char *) indexTupDesc->attrs[i],

		value[Anum_pg_attribute_attnum - 1] = Int16GetDatum(i + 1);

		new_tuple = heap_modifytuple(cur_tuple,

		heap_insert(pg_attribute, new_tuple);
		if (hasind)
			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, pg_attribute, new_tuple);

		/* ----------------
		 *	ModifyHeapTuple returns a new copy of a cur_tuple
		 *	so we free the original and use the copy..
		 * ----------------
		cur_tuple = new_tuple;

	if (cur_tuple)
	heap_close(pg_attribute, RowExclusiveLock);
	if (hasind)
		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		UpdateIndexRelation
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static void
UpdateIndexRelation(Oid indexoid,
					Oid heapoid,
					FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo,
					int natts,
					AttrNumber *attNums,
					Oid *classOids,
					Node *predicate,
					List *attributeList,
					bool islossy,
					bool unique,
					bool primary)
	Form_pg_index indexForm;
	IndexElem  *IndexKey;
	char	   *predString;
	text	   *predText;
	int			predLen,
	Relation	pg_index;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	int			i;
	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_index_indices];

	/* ----------------
	 *	allocate an Form_pg_index big enough to hold the
	 *	index-predicate (if any) in string form
	 * ----------------
	if (predicate != NULL)
		predString = nodeToString(predicate);
		predText = (text *) fmgr(F_TEXTIN, predString);
		predText = (text *) fmgr(F_TEXTIN, "");

	predLen = VARSIZE(predText);
	itupLen = predLen + sizeof(FormData_pg_index);
	indexForm = (Form_pg_index) palloc(itupLen);
	memset(indexForm, 0, sizeof(FormData_pg_index));

	memmove((char *) &indexForm->indpred, (char *) predText, predLen);

	/* ----------------
	 *	store the oid information into the index tuple form
	 * ----------------
	indexForm->indrelid = heapoid;
	indexForm->indexrelid = indexoid;
	indexForm->indproc = (PointerIsValid(funcInfo)) ?
		FIgetProcOid(funcInfo) : InvalidOid;
	indexForm->indislossy = islossy;
	indexForm->indisprimary = primary;
	indexForm->indisunique = unique;

	indexForm->indhaskeytype = 0;
	while (attributeList != NIL)
		IndexKey = (IndexElem *) lfirst(attributeList);
		if (IndexKey->typename != NULL)
			indexForm->indhaskeytype = 1;
		attributeList = lnext(attributeList);

	MemSet((char *) &indexForm->indkey[0], 0, sizeof indexForm->indkey);
	MemSet((char *) &indexForm->indclass[0], 0, sizeof indexForm->indclass);

	/* ----------------
	 *	copy index key and op class information
	 * ----------------
	for (i = 0; i < natts; i += 1)
		indexForm->indkey[i] = attNums[i];
		indexForm->indclass[i] = classOids[i];

	 * If we have a functional index, add all attribute arguments
	if (PointerIsValid(funcInfo))
		for (i = 1; i < FIgetnArgs(funcInfo); i++)
			indexForm->indkey[i] = attNums[i];

	indexForm->indisclustered = '\0';	/* XXX constant */

	/* ----------------
	 *	open the system catalog index relation
	 * ----------------
	pg_index = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* ----------------
	 *	form a tuple to insert into pg_index
	 * ----------------
	tuple = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_index,
						   (char *) indexForm);

	/* ----------------
	 *	insert the tuple into the pg_index
	 * ----------------
	heap_insert(pg_index, tuple);

	/* ----------------
	 *	insert the index tuple into the pg_index
	 * ----------------
	if (!IsIgnoringSystemIndexes())
		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_index_indices, Name_pg_index_indices, idescs);
		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_index_indices, pg_index, tuple);
		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_index_indices, idescs);
	/* ----------------
	 *	close the relation and free the tuple
	 * ----------------
	heap_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		UpdateIndexPredicate
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
UpdateIndexPredicate(Oid indexoid, Node *oldPred, Node *predicate)
	Node	   *newPred;
	char	   *predString;
	text	   *predText;
	Relation	pg_index;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	HeapTuple	newtup;
	int			i;
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_index];
	char		nulls[Natts_pg_index];
	char		replace[Natts_pg_index];

	 * Construct newPred as a CNF expression equivalent to the OR of the
	 * original partial-index predicate ("oldPred") and the extension
	 * predicate ("predicate").
	 * This should really try to process the result to change things like
	 * "a>2 OR a>1" to simply "a>1", but for now all it does is make sure
	 * that if the extension predicate is NULL (i.e., it is being extended
	 * to be a complete index), then newPred will be NULL - in effect,
	 * changing "a>2 OR TRUE" to "TRUE". --Nels, Jan '93
	newPred = NULL;
	if (predicate != NULL)
		newPred = (Node *) make_orclause(lcons(make_andclause((List *) predicate),
								  lcons(make_andclause((List *) oldPred),
		newPred = (Node *) cnfify((Expr *) newPred, true);

	/* translate the index-predicate to string form */
	if (newPred != NULL)
		predString = nodeToString(newPred);
		predText = (text *) fmgr(F_TEXTIN, predString);
		predText = (text *) fmgr(F_TEXTIN, "");

	/* open the index system catalog relation */
	pg_index = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(INDEXRELID,
								0, 0, 0);

	for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_index; i++)
		nulls[i] = heap_attisnull(tuple, i + 1) ? 'n' : ' ';
		replace[i] = ' ';
		values[i] = (Datum) NULL;

	replace[Anum_pg_index_indpred - 1] = 'r';
	values[Anum_pg_index_indpred - 1] = (Datum) predText;

	newtup = heap_modifytuple(tuple, pg_index, values, nulls, replace);

	heap_update(pg_index, &newtup->t_self, newtup, NULL);

	heap_close(pg_index, RowExclusiveLock);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		InitIndexStrategy
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
InitIndexStrategy(int numatts,
				  Relation indexRelation,
				  Oid accessMethodObjectId)
	IndexStrategy strategy;
	RegProcedure *support;
	uint16		amstrategies;
	uint16		amsupport;
	Oid			attrelid;
	Size		strsize;
	extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt;

	/* ----------------
	 *	get information from the index relation descriptor
	 * ----------------
	attrelid = indexRelation->rd_att->attrs[0]->attrelid;
	amstrategies = indexRelation->rd_am->amstrategies;
	amsupport = indexRelation->rd_am->amsupport;

	/* ----------------
	 *	get the size of the strategy
	 * ----------------
	strsize = AttributeNumberGetIndexStrategySize(numatts, amstrategies);

	/* ----------------
	 *	allocate the new index strategy structure
	 *	the index strategy has to be allocated in the same
	 *	context as the relation descriptor cache or else
	 *	it will be lost at the end of the transaction.
	 * ----------------
	if (!CacheCxt)
		CacheCxt = CreateGlobalMemory("Cache");

	strategy = (IndexStrategy)
		MemoryContextAlloc((MemoryContext) CacheCxt, strsize);

	if (amsupport > 0)
		strsize = numatts * (amsupport * sizeof(RegProcedure));
		support = (RegProcedure *) MemoryContextAlloc((MemoryContext) CacheCxt,
		support = (RegProcedure *) NULL;

	/* ----------------
	 *	fill in the index strategy structure with information
	 *	from the catalogs.	First we must advance the command counter
	 *	so that we will see the newly-entered index catalog tuples.
	 * ----------------

	IndexSupportInitialize(strategy, support,
						   attrelid, accessMethodObjectId,
						   amstrategies, amsupport, numatts);

	/* ----------------
	 *	store the strategy information in the index reldesc
	 * ----------------
	RelationSetIndexSupport(indexRelation, strategy, support);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		index_create
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
index_create(char *heapRelationName,
			 char *indexRelationName,
			 FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo,
			 List *attributeList,
			 Oid accessMethodObjectId,
			 int numatts,
			 AttrNumber *attNums,
			 Oid *classObjectId,
			 uint16 parameterCount,
			 Datum *parameter,
			 Node *predicate,
			 bool islossy,
			 bool unique,
			 bool primary)
	Relation	heapRelation;
	Relation	indexRelation;
	TupleDesc	indexTupDesc;
	Oid			heapoid;
	Oid			indexoid;
	PredInfo   *predInfo;
	bool		istemp = (get_temp_rel_by_username(heapRelationName) != NULL);
	char	   *temp_relname = NULL;

	/* ----------------
	 *	check parameters
	 * ----------------
	if (numatts < 1)
		elog(ERROR, "must index at least one attribute");

	/* ----------------
	 *	  get heap relation oid and open the heap relation
	 * ----------------
	heapoid = GetHeapRelationOid(heapRelationName, indexRelationName, istemp);

	 * Only SELECT ... FOR UPDATE are allowed while doing this
	heapRelation = heap_open(heapoid, ShareLock);

	/* ----------------
	 *	  construct new tuple descriptor
	 * ----------------
	if (PointerIsValid(funcInfo))
		indexTupDesc = BuildFuncTupleDesc(funcInfo);
		indexTupDesc = ConstructTupleDescriptor(heapoid,

	/* save user relation name because heap_create changes it */
	if (istemp)
		temp_relname = pstrdup(indexRelationName);		/* save original value */
		indexRelationName = palloc(NAMEDATALEN);
		strcpy(indexRelationName, temp_relname);		/* heap_create will
														 * change this */

	/* ----------------
	 *	create the index relation
	 * ----------------
	indexRelation = heap_create(indexRelationName,
								indexTupDesc, false, istemp, false);

	/* ----------------
	 *	  construct the index relation descriptor
	 *	  XXX should have a proper way to create cataloged relations
	 * ----------------
	ConstructIndexReldesc(indexRelation, accessMethodObjectId);

	/* ----------------
	 *	  add index to catalogs
	 *	  (append RELATION tuple)
	 * ----------------
	indexoid = UpdateRelationRelation(indexRelation, temp_relname);

	 * We create the disk file for this relation here

	/* ----------------
	 *	now update the object id's of all the attribute
	 *	tuple forms in the index relation's tuple descriptor
	 * ----------------
	InitializeAttributeOids(indexRelation, numatts, indexoid);

	/* ----------------
	 *	  append ATTRIBUTE tuples
	 * ----------------
	AppendAttributeTuples(indexRelation, numatts);

	/* ----------------
	 *	  update pg_index
	 *	  (append INDEX tuple)
	 *	  Note that this stows away a representation of "predicate".
	 *	  (Or, could define a rule to maintain the predicate) --Nels, Feb '92
	 * ----------------
	UpdateIndexRelation(indexoid, heapoid, funcInfo,
						numatts, attNums, classObjectId, predicate,
						attributeList, islossy, unique, primary);

	predInfo = (PredInfo *) palloc(sizeof(PredInfo));
	predInfo->pred = predicate;
	predInfo->oldPred = NULL;

	/* ----------------
	 *	  initialize the index strategy
	 * ----------------
	InitIndexStrategy(numatts, indexRelation, accessMethodObjectId);

	 * If this is bootstrap (initdb) time, then we don't actually fill in
	 * the index yet.  We'll be creating more indices and classes later,
	 * so we delay filling them in until just before we're done with
	 * bootstrapping.  Otherwise, we call the routine that constructs the
	 * index.
	 * In normal processing mode, the heap and index relations are closed by
	 * index_build() --- but we continue to hold the ShareLock on the heap
	 * that we acquired above, until end of transaction.
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		index_register(heapRelationName, indexRelationName, numatts, attNums,
					   parameterCount, parameter, funcInfo, predInfo);
		/* XXX shouldn't we close the heap and index rels here? */
		index_build(heapRelation, indexRelation, numatts, attNums,
					parameterCount, parameter, funcInfo, predInfo);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		index_drop
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
index_drop(Oid indexId)
	Relation	userHeapRelation;
	Relation	userIndexRelation;
	Relation	indexRelation;
	Relation	relationRelation;
	Relation	attributeRelation;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	int16		attnum;


	/* ----------------
	 *	To drop an index safely, we must grab exclusive lock on its parent
	 *	table; otherwise there could be other backends using the index!
	 *	Exclusive lock on the index alone is insufficient because the index
	 *	access routines are a little slipshod about obtaining adequate locking
	 *	(see ExecOpenIndices()).  We do grab exclusive lock on the index too,
	 *	just to be safe.  Both locks must be held till end of transaction,
	 *	else other backends will still see this index in pg_index.
	 * ----------------
	userHeapRelation = heap_open(IndexGetRelation(indexId),

	userIndexRelation = index_open(indexId);
	LockRelation(userIndexRelation, AccessExclusiveLock);

	/* ----------------
	 *	DROP INDEX within a transaction block is dangerous, because
	 *	if the transaction is later rolled back there will be no way to
	 *	undo the unlink of the relation's physical file.  For now, allow it
	 *	but emit a warning message.
	 *	Someday we might want to consider postponing the physical unlink
	 *	until transaction commit, but that's a lot of work...
	 *	The only case that actually works right is for relations created
	 *	in the current transaction, since the post-abort state would be that
	 *	they don't exist anyway.  So, no warning in that case.
	 * ----------------
	if (IsTransactionBlock() && !userIndexRelation->rd_myxactonly)
		elog(NOTICE, "Caution: DROP INDEX cannot be rolled back, so don't abort now");

	/* ----------------
	 * fix DESCRIPTION relation
	 * ----------------

	/* ----------------
	 * fix RELATION relation
	 * ----------------
	relationRelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
									0, 0, 0);


	heap_delete(relationRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
	heap_close(relationRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* ----------------
	 * fix ATTRIBUTE relation
	 * ----------------
	attributeRelation = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	attnum = 1;					/* indexes start at 1 */

	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(ATTNUM,
															0, 0)))
		heap_delete(attributeRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
	heap_close(attributeRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* ----------------
	 * fix INDEX relation
	 * ----------------
	indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);

	tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(INDEXRELID,
									0, 0, 0);

	heap_delete(indexRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
	heap_close(indexRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * flush buffer cache and physically remove the file

	if (smgrunlink(DEFAULT_SMGR, userIndexRelation) != SM_SUCCESS)
		elog(ERROR, "index_drop: unlink: %m");

	 * Close rels, but keep locks
	heap_close(userHeapRelation, NoLock);


	/* does something only if it is a temp index */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *						index_build support
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------
 *		FormIndexDatum
 * ----------------
FormIndexDatum(int numberOfAttributes,
			   AttrNumber *attributeNumber,
			   HeapTuple heapTuple,
			   TupleDesc heapDescriptor,
			   Datum *datum,
			   char *nullv,
			   FuncIndexInfoPtr fInfo)
	AttrNumber	i;
	int			offset;
	bool		isNull;

	/* ----------------
	 *	for each attribute we need from the heap tuple,
	 *	get the attribute and stick it into the datum and
	 *	null arrays.
	 * ----------------

	for (i = 1; i <= numberOfAttributes; i++)
		offset = AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(i);

		datum[offset] = PointerGetDatum(GetIndexValue(heapTuple,

		nullv[offset] = (isNull) ? 'n' : ' ';

/* --------------------------------------------
 *		Lock class info for update
 * --------------------------------------------
LockClassinfoForUpdate(Oid relid, HeapTuple rtup, Buffer *buffer, bool confirmCommitted)
	HeapTuple	classTuple;
	Form_pg_class pgcform;
	bool		test;
	Relation	relationRelation;

	classTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID, PointerGetDatum(relid),
									 0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTuple))
		return false;
	rtup->t_self = classTuple->t_self;
	pgcform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTuple);
	relationRelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowShareLock);
	test = heap_mark4update(relationRelation, rtup, buffer);
	switch (test)
		case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
		case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:
			elog(ERROR, "LockStatsForUpdate couldn't lock relid %u", relid);
			return false;
	RelationInvalidateHeapTuple(relationRelation, rtup);
	if (confirmCommitted)
		HeapTupleHeader th = rtup->t_data;

		if (!(th->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
			elog(ERROR, "The tuple isn't committed");
		if (th->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED)
			if (!(th->t_infomask & HEAP_MARKED_FOR_UPDATE))
				elog(ERROR, "The tuple is already deleted");
	heap_close(relationRelation, NoLock);
	return true;

/* ---------------------------------------------
 *		Indexes of the relation active ?
 * ---------------------------------------------
IndexesAreActive(Oid relid, bool confirmCommitted)
	HeapTupleData tuple;
	Relation	indexRelation;
	Buffer		buffer;
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	ScanKeyData entry;
	bool		isactive;

	if (!LockClassinfoForUpdate(relid, &tuple, &buffer, confirmCommitted))
		elog(ERROR, "IndexesAreActive couldn't lock %u", relid);
	if (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(&tuple))->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
		elog(ERROR, "relation %u isn't an relation", relid);
	isactive = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(&tuple))->relhasindex;
	if (isactive)
		return isactive;
	indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
						   F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
	scan = heap_beginscan(indexRelation, false, SnapshotNow,
						  1, &entry);
	if (!heap_getnext(scan, 0))
		isactive = true;
	heap_close(indexRelation, NoLock);
	return isactive;

/* ----------------
 *		set relhasindex of pg_class in place
 * ----------------
setRelhasindexInplace(Oid relid, bool hasindex, bool immediate)
	Relation	whichRel;
	Relation	pg_class;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Form_pg_class rd_rel;
	HeapScanDesc pg_class_scan = NULL;

	/* ----------------
	 * This routine handles updates for only the heap relation
	 * hasindex. In order to guarantee that we're able to *see* the index
	 * relation tuple, we bump the command counter id here.
	 * ----------------

	/* ----------------
	 * CommandCounterIncrement() flushes invalid cache entries, including
	 * those for the heap and index relations for which we're updating
	 * statistics.	Now that the cache is flushed, it's safe to open the
	 * relation again.	We need the relation open in order to figure out
	 * how many blocks it contains.
	 * ----------------

	whichRel = heap_open(relid, ShareLock);

	if (!RelationIsValid(whichRel))
		elog(ERROR, "setRelhasindexInplace: cannot open relation id %u", relid);

	/* ----------------
	 * Find the RELATION relation tuple for the given relation.
	 * ----------------
	pg_class = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
	if (!RelationIsValid(pg_class))
		elog(ERROR, "setRelhasindexInplace: could not open RELATION relation");

	if (!IsIgnoringSystemIndexes())
		tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
										ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), 0, 0, 0);
		ScanKeyData key[1];

		ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key[0], 0,

		pg_class_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_class, 0, SnapshotNow, 1, key);
		tuple = heap_getnext(pg_class_scan, 0);

	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		if (pg_class_scan)
		heap_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock);
		elog(ERROR, "setRelhasindexInplace: cannot scan RELATION relation");

	 * Confirm that target tuple is locked by this transaction in case of
	 * immedaite updation.
	if (immediate)
		HeapTupleHeader th = tuple->t_data;

		if (!(th->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
			elog(ERROR, "Immediate hasindex updation can be done only for committed tuples %x", th->t_infomask);
		if (th->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)
			elog(ERROR, "Immediate hasindex updation can be done only for locked tuples %x", th->t_infomask);
		if (th->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED)
			elog(ERROR, "Immediate hasindex updation can be done only for locked tuples %x", th->t_infomask);
		if (!(th->t_infomask & HEAP_MARKED_FOR_UPDATE))
			elog(ERROR, "Immediate hasindex updation can be done only for locked tuples %x", th->t_infomask);
		if (!(TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(th->t_xmax)))
			elog(ERROR, "The updating tuple is already locked by another backend");

	 * We shouldn't have to do this, but we do...  Modify the reldesc in
	 * place with the new values so that the cache contains the latest
	 * copy.
	whichRel->rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex;

	/* ----------------
	 *	Update hasindex in pg_class.
	 * ----------------
	if (pg_class_scan)

		if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
			ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
		rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
		rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex;
		HeapTupleData htup;
		Buffer		buffer;

		htup.t_self = tuple->t_self;
		heap_fetch(pg_class, SnapshotNow, &htup, &buffer);
		ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
		rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(&htup);
		rd_rel->relhasindex = hasindex;

	if (!pg_class_scan)

	heap_close(pg_class, NoLock);
	heap_close(whichRel, NoLock);

/* ----------------
 *		UpdateStats
 * ----------------
UpdateStats(Oid relid, long reltuples, bool inplace)
	Relation	whichRel;
	Relation	pg_class;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	HeapTuple	newtup;
	long		relpages;
	int			i;
	Form_pg_class rd_rel;
	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_class];
	char		nulls[Natts_pg_class];
	char		replace[Natts_pg_class];
	HeapScanDesc pg_class_scan = NULL;
	bool		in_place_upd;

	/* ----------------
	 * This routine handles updates for both the heap and index relation
	 * statistics.	In order to guarantee that we're able to *see* the index
	 * relation tuple, we bump the command counter id here.  The index
	 * relation tuple was created in the current transaction.
	 * ----------------

	/* ----------------
	 * CommandCounterIncrement() flushes invalid cache entries, including
	 * those for the heap and index relations for which we're updating
	 * statistics.	Now that the cache is flushed, it's safe to open the
	 * relation again.	We need the relation open in order to figure out
	 * how many blocks it contains.
	 * ----------------

	 * Can't use heap_open here since we don't know if it's an index...
	whichRel = RelationIdGetRelation(relid);

	if (!RelationIsValid(whichRel))
		elog(ERROR, "UpdateStats: cannot open relation id %u", relid);

	LockRelation(whichRel, ShareLock);

	/* ----------------
	 * Find the RELATION relation tuple for the given relation.
	 * ----------------
	pg_class = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
	if (!RelationIsValid(pg_class))
		elog(ERROR, "UpdateStats: could not open RELATION relation");

	in_place_upd = (inplace || IsBootstrapProcessingMode());
	if (!in_place_upd)
		tuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
										0, 0, 0);
		ScanKeyData key[1];

		ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key[0], 0,

		pg_class_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_class, 0, SnapshotNow, 1, key);
		tuple = heap_getnext(pg_class_scan, 0);

	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		if (pg_class_scan)
		heap_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock);
		elog(ERROR, "UpdateStats: cannot scan RELATION relation");

	/* ----------------
	 * Figure values to insert.
	 * If we found zero tuples in the scan, do NOT believe it; instead put
	 * a bogus estimate into the statistics fields.  Otherwise, the common
	 * pattern "CREATE TABLE; CREATE INDEX; insert data" leaves the table
	 * with zero size statistics until a VACUUM is done.  The optimizer will
	 * generate very bad plans if the stats claim the table is empty when
	 * it is actually sizable.	See also CREATE TABLE in heap.c.
	 * ----------------
	relpages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(whichRel);

	if (reltuples == 0)
		if (relpages == 0)
			/* Bogus defaults for a virgin table, same as heap.c */
			reltuples = 1000;
			relpages = 10;
		else if (whichRel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX && relpages <= 2)
			/* Empty index, leave bogus defaults in place */
			reltuples = 1000;
			reltuples = relpages * NTUPLES_PER_PAGE(whichRel->rd_rel->relnatts);

	 * We shouldn't have to do this, but we do...  Modify the reldesc in
	 * place with the new values so that the cache contains the latest
	 * copy.
	whichRel->rd_rel->relpages = relpages;
	whichRel->rd_rel->reltuples = reltuples;

	/* ----------------
	 *	Update statistics in pg_class.
	 * ----------------
	if (in_place_upd)

		 * At bootstrap time, we don't need to worry about concurrency or
		 * visibility of changes, so we cheat.
		if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
			ImmediateInvalidateSharedHeapTuple(pg_class, tuple);
		rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
		rd_rel->relpages = relpages;
		rd_rel->reltuples = reltuples;
		/* During normal processing, must work harder. */

		for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_class; i++)
			nulls[i] = heap_attisnull(tuple, i + 1) ? 'n' : ' ';
			replace[i] = ' ';
			values[i] = (Datum) NULL;

		replace[Anum_pg_class_relpages - 1] = 'r';
		values[Anum_pg_class_relpages - 1] = (Datum) relpages;
		replace[Anum_pg_class_reltuples - 1] = 'r';
		values[Anum_pg_class_reltuples - 1] = (Datum) reltuples;
		newtup = heap_modifytuple(tuple, pg_class, values, nulls, replace);
		heap_update(pg_class, &tuple->t_self, newtup, NULL);
		if (!IsIgnoringSystemIndexes())
			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, pg_class, newtup);
			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);

	if (!pg_class_scan)

	heap_close(pg_class, RowExclusiveLock);
	/* Cheating a little bit since we didn't open it with heap_open... */
	heap_close(whichRel, ShareLock);

/* -------------------------
 *		FillDummyExprContext
 *			Sets up dummy ExprContext and TupleTableSlot objects for use
 *			with ExecQual.
 *			NOTE: buffer is passed for historical reasons; it should
 *			almost certainly always be InvalidBuffer.
 * -------------------------
FillDummyExprContext(ExprContext *econtext,
					 TupleTableSlot *slot,
					 TupleDesc tupdesc,
					 Buffer buffer)
	econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
	econtext->ecxt_innertuple = NULL;
	econtext->ecxt_outertuple = NULL;
	econtext->ecxt_param_list_info = NULL;
	econtext->ecxt_range_table = NULL;

	slot->ttc_tupleDescriptor = tupdesc;
	slot->ttc_buffer = buffer;
	slot->ttc_shouldFree = false;


/* ----------------
 *		DefaultBuild
 * ----------------
static void
DefaultBuild(Relation heapRelation,
			 Relation indexRelation,
			 int numberOfAttributes,
			 AttrNumber *attributeNumber,
			 IndexStrategy indexStrategy,		/* not used */
			 uint16 parameterCount,		/* not used */
			 Datum *parameter,	/* not used */
			 FuncIndexInfoPtr funcInfo,
			 PredInfo *predInfo)
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	HeapTuple	heapTuple;
	IndexTuple	indexTuple;
	TupleDesc	heapDescriptor;
	TupleDesc	indexDescriptor;
	Datum	   *datum;
	char	   *nullv;
	long		reltuples,

	ExprContext *econtext;
	TupleTable	tupleTable;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;

	Node	   *predicate;
	Node	   *oldPred;

	InsertIndexResult insertResult;

	/* ----------------
	 *	more & better checking is needed
	 * ----------------
	Assert(OidIsValid(indexRelation->rd_rel->relam));	/* XXX */

	/* ----------------
	 *	get the tuple descriptors from the relations so we know
	 *	how to form the index tuples..
	 * ----------------
	heapDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(heapRelation);
	indexDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(indexRelation);

	/* ----------------
	 *	datum and null are arrays in which we collect the index attributes
	 *	when forming a new index tuple.
	 * ----------------
	datum = (Datum *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof *datum);
	nullv = (char *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof *nullv);

	 * If this is a predicate (partial) index, we will need to evaluate
	 * the predicate using ExecQual, which requires the current tuple to
	 * be in a slot of a TupleTable.  In addition, ExecQual must have an
	 * ExprContext referring to that slot.	Here, we initialize dummy
	 * TupleTable and ExprContext objects for this purpose. --Nels, Feb
	 * '92

	predicate = predInfo->pred;
	oldPred = predInfo->oldPred;

	if (predicate != NULL || oldPred != NULL)
		tupleTable = ExecCreateTupleTable(1);
		slot = ExecAllocTableSlot(tupleTable);
		econtext = makeNode(ExprContext);
		FillDummyExprContext(econtext, slot, heapDescriptor, InvalidBuffer);
		econtext = NULL;
		tupleTable = 0;
		slot = NULL;
#endif	 /* OMIT_PARTIAL_INDEX */

	/* ----------------
	 *	Ok, begin our scan of the base relation.
	 * ----------------
	scan = heap_beginscan(heapRelation, /* relation */
						  0,	/* start at end */
						  SnapshotNow,	/* seeself */
						  0,	/* number of keys */
						  (ScanKey) NULL);		/* scan key */

	reltuples = indtuples = 0;

	/* ----------------
	 *	for each tuple in the base relation, we create an index
	 *	tuple and add it to the index relation.  We keep a running
	 *	count of the number of tuples so that we can update pg_class
	 *	with correct statistics when we're done building the index.
	 * ----------------
	while (HeapTupleIsValid(heapTuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))


		 * If oldPred != NULL, this is an EXTEND INDEX command, so skip
		 * this tuple if it was already in the existing partial index
		if (oldPred != NULL)
			/* SetSlotContents(slot, heapTuple); */
			slot->val = heapTuple;
			if (ExecQual((List *) oldPred, econtext, false))

		 * Skip this tuple if it doesn't satisfy the partial-index
		 * predicate
		if (predicate != NULL)
			/* SetSlotContents(slot, heapTuple); */
			slot->val = heapTuple;
			if (!ExecQual((List *) predicate, econtext, false))
#endif	 /* OMIT_PARTIAL_INDEX */


		/* ----------------
		 *	FormIndexDatum fills in its datum and null parameters
		 *	with attribute information taken from the given heap tuple.
		 * ----------------
		FormIndexDatum(numberOfAttributes,		/* num attributes */
					   attributeNumber, /* array of att nums to extract */
					   heapTuple,		/* tuple from base relation */
					   heapDescriptor,	/* heap tuple's descriptor */
					   datum,	/* return: array of attributes */
					   nullv,	/* return: array of char's */

		indexTuple = index_formtuple(indexDescriptor,

		indexTuple->t_tid = heapTuple->t_self;

		insertResult = index_insert(indexRelation, datum, nullv,
									&(heapTuple->t_self), heapRelation);

		if (insertResult)


	if (predicate != NULL || oldPred != NULL)
		/* parameter was 'false', almost certainly wrong --- tgl 9/21/99 */
		ExecDropTupleTable(tupleTable, true);
#endif	 /* OMIT_PARTIAL_INDEX */


	 * Since we just counted the tuples in the heap, we update its stats
	 * in pg_class to guarantee that the planner takes advantage of the
	 * index we just created.  But, only update statistics during normal
	 * index definitions, not for indices on system catalogs created
	 * during bootstrap processing.  We must close the relations before
	 * updating statistics to guarantee that the relcache entries are
	 * flushed when we increment the command counter in UpdateStats(). But
	 * we do not release any locks on the relations; those will be held
	 * until end of transaction.
	if (IsNormalProcessingMode())
		Oid			hrelid = RelationGetRelid(heapRelation);
		Oid			irelid = RelationGetRelid(indexRelation);
		bool		inplace = IsReindexProcessing();

		heap_close(heapRelation, NoLock);
		UpdateStats(hrelid, reltuples, inplace);
		UpdateStats(irelid, indtuples, inplace);
		if (oldPred != NULL)
			if (indtuples == reltuples)
				predicate = NULL;
			if (!inplace)
				UpdateIndexPredicate(irelid, oldPred, predicate);

/* ----------------
 *		index_build
 * ----------------
index_build(Relation heapRelation,
			Relation indexRelation,
			int numberOfAttributes,
			AttrNumber *attributeNumber,
			uint16 parameterCount,
			Datum *parameter,
			FuncIndexInfo *funcInfo,
			PredInfo *predInfo)
	RegProcedure procedure;

	/* ----------------
	 *	sanity checks
	 * ----------------

	procedure = indexRelation->rd_am->ambuild;

	/* ----------------
	 *	use the access method build procedure if supplied..
	 * ----------------
	if (RegProcedureIsValid(procedure))

 * IndexGetRelation: given an index's relation OID, get the OID of the
 * relation it is an index on.	Uses the system cache.
static Oid
IndexGetRelation(Oid indexId)
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Form_pg_index index;

	tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(INDEXRELID,
								0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		elog(ERROR, "IndexGetRelation: can't find index id %u",
	index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
	Assert(index->indexrelid == indexId);

	return index->indrelid;

 * IndexIsUnique: given an index's relation OID, see if it
 * is unique using the system cache.
IndexIsUnique(Oid indexId)
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Form_pg_index index;

	tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(INDEXRELID,
								0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		elog(ERROR, "IndexIsUnique: can't find index id %u",
	index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
	Assert(index->indexrelid == indexId);

	return index->indisunique;

 * IndexIsUniqueNoCache: same as above function, but don't use the
 * system cache.  if we are called from btbuild, the transaction
 * that is adding the entry to pg_index has not been committed yet.
 * the system cache functions will do a heap scan, but only with
 * NowTimeQual, not SelfTimeQual, so it won't find tuples added
 * by the current transaction (which is good, because if the transaction
 * is aborted, you don't want the tuples sitting around in the cache).
 * so anyway, we have to do our own scan with SelfTimeQual.
 * this is only called when a new index is created, so it's OK
 * if it's slow.
IndexIsUniqueNoCache(Oid indexId)
	Relation	pg_index;
	ScanKeyData skey[1];
	HeapScanDesc scandesc;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Form_pg_index index;
	bool		isunique;

	pg_index = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);

	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[0], (bits16) 0x0,
						   (RegProcedure) F_OIDEQ,

	scandesc = heap_beginscan(pg_index, 0, SnapshotSelf, 1, skey);

	/* NO CACHE */
	tuple = heap_getnext(scandesc, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
		elog(ERROR, "IndexIsUniqueNoCache: can't find index id %u", indexId);

	index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
	Assert(index->indexrelid == indexId);
	isunique = index->indisunique;

	heap_close(pg_index, AccessShareLock);
	return isunique;

/* ---------------------------------
 * activate_index -- activate/deactivate the specified index.
 *		Note that currelntly PostgreSQL doesn't hold the
 *		status per index
 * ---------------------------------
activate_index(Oid indexId, bool activate)
	if (!activate)				/* Currently does nothing */
		return true;
	return reindex_index(indexId, false);

/* --------------------------------
 * reindex_index - This routine is used to recreate an index
 * --------------------------------
reindex_index(Oid indexId, bool force)
	Relation	iRel,
	ScanKeyData entry;
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	HeapTuple	indexTuple,
	Form_pg_index index;
	Oid			heapId,
	Node	   *oldPred = NULL;
	PredInfo   *predInfo;
	AttrNumber *attributeNumberA;
	FuncIndexInfo fInfo,
			   *funcInfo = NULL;
	int			i,
	char	   *predString;
	bool		old;

	old = SetReindexProcessing(true);
	/* Scan pg_index to find indexes on heapRelation */
	indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0, Anum_pg_index_indexrelid, F_OIDEQ,
	scan = heap_beginscan(indexRelation, false, SnapshotNow, 1, &entry);
	indexTuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
		elog(ERROR, "reindex_index index %d tuple is invalid", indexId);

	 * For the index, fetch index attributes so we can apply index_build
	index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
	heapId = index->indrelid;
	procId = index->indproc;

	for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++)
		if (index->indkey[i] == InvalidAttrNumber)
	numberOfAttributes = i;

	/* If a valid where predicate, compute predicate Node */
	if (VARSIZE(&index->indpred) != 0)
		predString = fmgr(F_TEXTOUT, &index->indpred);
		oldPred = stringToNode(predString);
	predInfo = (PredInfo *) palloc(sizeof(PredInfo));
	predInfo->pred = (Node *) oldPred;
	predInfo->oldPred = NULL;

	/* Assign Index keys to attributes array */
	attributeNumberA = (AttrNumber *) palloc(numberOfAttributes * sizeof(AttrNumber));
	for (i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++)
		attributeNumberA[i] = index->indkey[i];

	/* If this is a procedural index, initialize our FuncIndexInfo */
	if (procId != InvalidOid)
		funcInfo = &fInfo;
		FIsetnArgs(funcInfo, numberOfAttributes);
		procTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(procId),
										0, 0, 0);
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(procTuple))
			elog(ERROR, "RelationTruncateIndexes: index procedure not found");
				&(((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(procTuple))->proname));
		FIsetProcOid(funcInfo, procTuple->t_data->t_oid);

	/* Fetch the classTuple associated with this index */
	classTuple = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexId), 0, 0, 0);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTuple))
		elog(ERROR, "RelationTruncateIndexes: index access method not found");
	accessMethodId = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTuple))->relam;

	/* Open our index relation */
	iRel = index_open(indexId);
	if (iRel == NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "reindex_index: can't open index relation");
	heapRelation = heap_open(heapId, ExclusiveLock);
	if (heapRelation == NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "reindex_index: can't open heap relation");

	/* Obtain exclusive lock on it, just to be sure */
	LockRelation(iRel, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * Release any buffers associated with this index.	If they're dirty,
	 * they're just dropped without bothering to flush to disk.

	/* Now truncate the actual data and set blocks to zero */
	smgrtruncate(DEFAULT_SMGR, iRel, 0);
	iRel->rd_nblocks = 0;

	/* Initialize the index and rebuild */
	InitIndexStrategy(numberOfAttributes, iRel, accessMethodId);
	index_build(heapRelation, iRel, numberOfAttributes,
				attributeNumberA, 0, NULL, funcInfo, predInfo);

	 * index_build will close both the heap and index relations (but not
	 * give up the locks we hold on them).	That's fine for the index, but
	 * we need to open the heap again.	We need no new lock, since this
	 * backend still has the exclusive lock grabbed by heap_truncate.
	iRel = index_open(indexId);
	Assert(iRel != NULL);

	/* Complete the scan and close pg_index */
	heap_close(indexRelation, AccessShareLock);
	return true;

 * ----------------------------
 * activate_indexes_of_a_table
 *	activate/deactivate indexes of the specified table.
 * ----------------------------
activate_indexes_of_a_table(Oid relid, bool activate)
	if (IndexesAreActive(relid, true))
		if (!activate)
			setRelhasindexInplace(relid, false, true);
			return false;
		if (activate)
			reindex_relation(relid, false);
			return false;
	return true;

/* --------------------------------
 * reindex_relation - This routine is used to recreate indexes
 * of a relation.
 * --------------------------------
reindex_relation(Oid relid, bool force)
	Relation	indexRelation;
	ScanKeyData entry;
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	HeapTuple	indexTuple;
	bool		old,

	old = SetReindexProcessing(true);
	if (IndexesAreActive(relid, true))
		if (!force)
			return false;
		activate_indexes_of_a_table(relid, false);

	indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
						   F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
	scan = heap_beginscan(indexRelation, false, SnapshotNow,
						  1, &entry);
	reindexed = false;
	while (HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
		Form_pg_index index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);

		if (activate_index(index->indexrelid, true))
			reindexed = true;
			reindexed = false;
	heap_close(indexRelation, AccessShareLock);
	if (reindexed)
		setRelhasindexInplace(relid, true, false);
	return reindexed;