 * scan.l
 *	  lexical scanner for PostgreSQL
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/scan.l,v 1.104 2003/04/24 21:16:43 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "parser/gramparse.h"
#include "parser/keywords.h"
/* Not needed now that this file is compiled as part of gram.y */
/* #include "parser/parse.h" */
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"

/* No reason to constrain amount of data slurped */
#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 16777216

/* Avoid exit() on fatal scanner errors (a bit ugly -- see yy_fatal_error) */
#define fprintf(file, fmt, msg)  ereport(FATAL, (errmsg_internal("%s", msg)))

extern YYSTYPE yylval;

static int		xcdepth = 0;	/* depth of nesting in slash-star comments */

 * literalbuf is used to accumulate literal values when multiple rules
 * are needed to parse a single literal.  Call startlit to reset buffer
 * to empty, addlit to add text.  Note that the buffer is palloc'd and
 * starts life afresh on every parse cycle.
static char	   *literalbuf;		/* expandable buffer */
static int		literallen;		/* actual current length */
static int		literalalloc;	/* current allocated buffer size */

#define startlit()  (literalbuf[0] = '\0', literallen = 0)
static void addlit(char *ytext, int yleng);
static void addlitchar(unsigned char ychar);
static char *litbufdup(void);

 * When we parse a token that requires multiple lexer rules to process,
 * we set token_start to point at the true start of the token, for use
 * by yyerror().  yytext will point at just the text consumed by the last
 * rule, so it's not very helpful (e.g., it might contain just the last
 * quote mark of a quoted identifier).  But to avoid cluttering every rule
 * with setting token_start, we allow token_start = NULL to denote that
 * it's okay to use yytext.
static char	   *token_start;

/* Handles to the buffer that the lexer uses internally */
static YY_BUFFER_STATE scanbufhandle;
static char *scanbuf;

unsigned char unescape_single_char(unsigned char c);


%option 8bit
%option never-interactive
%option nounput
%option noyywrap
%option prefix="base_yy"

 * OK, here is a short description of lex/flex rules behavior.
 * The longest pattern which matches an input string is always chosen.
 * For equal-length patterns, the first occurring in the rules list is chosen.
 * INITIAL is the starting state, to which all non-conditional rules apply.
 * Exclusive states change parsing rules while the state is active.  When in
 * an exclusive state, only those rules defined for that state apply.
 * We use exclusive states for quoted strings, extended comments,
 * and to eliminate parsing troubles for numeric strings.
 * Exclusive states:
 *  <xb> bit string literal
 *  <xc> extended C-style comments
 *  <xd> delimited identifiers (double-quoted identifiers)
 *  <xh> hexadecimal numeric string
 *  <xq> quoted strings

%x xb
%x xc
%x xd
%x xh
%x xq

/* Bit string
 * It is tempting to scan the string for only those characters
 * which are allowed. However, this leads to silently swallowed
 * characters if illegal characters are included in the string.
 * For example, if xbinside is [01] then B'ABCD' is interpreted
 * as a zero-length string, and the ABCD' is lost!
 * Better to pass the string forward and let the input routines
 * validate the contents.
xbstart			[bB]{quote}
xbstop			{quote}
xbinside		[^']*
xbcat			{quote}{whitespace_with_newline}{quote}

/* Hexadecimal number
xhstart			[xX]{quote}
xhstop			{quote}
xhinside		[^']*
xhcat			{quote}{whitespace_with_newline}{quote}

/* National character
xnstart			[nN]{quote}

/* Extended quote
 * xqdouble implements SQL92 embedded quote
 * xqcat allows strings to cross input lines
quote			'
xqstart			{quote}
xqstop			{quote}
xqdouble		{quote}{quote}
xqinside		[^\\']+
xqescape		[\\][^0-7]
xqoctesc		[\\][0-7]{1,3}
xqcat			{quote}{whitespace_with_newline}{quote}

/* Double quote
 * Allows embedded spaces and other special characters into identifiers.
dquote			\"
xdstart			{dquote}
xdstop			{dquote}
xddouble		{dquote}{dquote}
xdinside		[^"]+

/* C-style comments
 * The "extended comment" syntax closely resembles allowable operator syntax.
 * The tricky part here is to get lex to recognize a string starting with
 * slash-star as a comment, when interpreting it as an operator would produce
 * a longer match --- remember lex will prefer a longer match!  Also, if we
 * have something like plus-slash-star, lex will think this is a 3-character
 * operator whereas we want to see it as a + operator and a comment start.
 * The solution is two-fold:
 * 1. append {op_chars}* to xcstart so that it matches as much text as
 *    {operator} would. Then the tie-breaker (first matching rule of same
 *    length) ensures xcstart wins.  We put back the extra stuff with yyless()
 *    in case it contains a star-slash that should terminate the comment.
 * 2. In the operator rule, check for slash-star within the operator, and
 *    if found throw it back with yyless().  This handles the plus-slash-star
 *    problem.
 * SQL92-style comments, which start with dash-dash, have similar interactions
 * with the operator rule.
xcstart			\/\*{op_chars}*
xcstop			\*+\/
xcinside		[^*/]+

digit			[0-9]
letter			[\200-\377_A-Za-z]
letter_or_digit	[\200-\377_A-Za-z0-9]

identifier		{letter}{letter_or_digit}*

typecast		"::"

 * "self" is the set of chars that should be returned as single-character
 * tokens.  "op_chars" is the set of chars that can make up "Op" tokens,
 * which can be one or more characters long (but if a single-char token
 * appears in the "self" set, it is not to be returned as an Op).  Note
 * that the sets overlap, but each has some chars that are not in the other.
 * If you change either set, adjust the character lists appearing in the
 * rule for "operator"!
self			[,()\[\].;$\:\+\-\*\/\%\^\<\>\=]
op_chars		[\~\!\@\#\^\&\|\`\?\$\+\-\*\/\%\<\>\=]
operator		{op_chars}+

/* we no longer allow unary minus in numbers. 
 * instead we pass it separately to parser. there it gets
 * coerced via doNegate() -- Leon aug 20 1999 

integer			{digit}+
decimal			(({digit}*\.{digit}+)|({digit}+\.{digit}*))
real			((({digit}*\.{digit}+)|({digit}+\.{digit}*)|({digit}+))([Ee][-+]?{digit}+))

param			\${integer}

 * In order to make the world safe for Windows and Mac clients as well as
 * Unix ones, we accept either \n or \r as a newline.  A DOS-style \r\n
 * sequence will be seen as two successive newlines, but that doesn't cause
 * any problems.  SQL92-style comments, which start with -- and extend to the
 * next newline, are treated as equivalent to a single whitespace character.
 * NOTE a fine point: if there is no newline following --, we will absorb
 * everything to the end of the input as a comment.  This is correct.  Older
 * versions of Postgres failed to recognize -- as a comment if the input
 * did not end with a newline.
 * XXX perhaps \f (formfeed) should be treated as a newline as well?

space			[ \t\n\r\f]
horiz_space		[ \t\f]
newline			[\n\r]
non_newline		[^\n\r]

comment			("--"{non_newline}*)

whitespace		({space}+|{comment})

 * SQL92 requires at least one newline in the whitespace separating
 * string literals that are to be concatenated.  Silly, but who are we
 * to argue?  Note that {whitespace_with_newline} should not have * after
 * it, whereas {whitespace} should generally have a * after it...

horiz_whitespace	({horiz_space}|{comment})
whitespace_with_newline	({horiz_whitespace}*{newline}{whitespace}*)

other			.

 * Quoted strings must allow some special characters such as single-quote
 *  and newline.
 * Embedded single-quotes are implemented both in the SQL92-standard
 *  style of two adjacent single quotes "''" and in the Postgres/Java style
 *  of escaped-quote "\'".
 * Other embedded escaped characters are matched explicitly and the leading
 *  backslash is dropped from the string.
 * Note that xcstart must appear before operator, as explained above!
 *  Also whitespace (comment) must appear before operator.


					/* code to execute during start of each call of yylex() */
					token_start = NULL;

{whitespace}	{ /* ignore */ }

{xcstart}		{
					token_start = yytext;
					xcdepth = 0;
					/* Put back any characters past slash-star; see above */

<xc>{xcstart}	{
					/* Put back any characters past slash-star; see above */

<xc>{xcstop}	{
					if (xcdepth <= 0)
						/* reset token_start for next token */
						token_start = NULL;

<xc>{xcinside}	{ /* ignore */ }

<xc>{op_chars}	{ /* ignore */ }

<xc><<EOF>>		{ yyerror("unterminated /* comment"); }

{xbstart}		{
					/* Binary bit type.
					 * At some point we should simply pass the string
					 * forward to the parser and label it there.
					 * In the meantime, place a leading "b" on the string
					 * to mark it for the input routine as a binary string.
					token_start = yytext;
<xb>{xbstop}	{
					yylval.str = litbufdup();
					return BCONST;
<xh>{xhinside}	|
<xb>{xbinside}	{
					addlit(yytext, yyleng);
<xh>{xhcat}		|
<xb>{xbcat}		{
					/* ignore */
<xb><<EOF>>		{
					yyerror("unterminated bit string literal");
{xhstart}		{
					/* Hexadecimal bit type.
					 * At some point we should simply pass the string
					 * forward to the parser and label it there.
					 * In the meantime, place a leading "x" on the string
					 * to mark it for the input routine as a hex string.
					token_start = yytext;
<xh>{xhstop}	{
					yylval.str = litbufdup();
					return XCONST;
<xh><<EOF>>		{ yyerror("unterminated hexadecimal string literal"); }

{xnstart}		{
					/* National character.
					 * We will pass this along as a normal character string,
					 * but preceded with an internally-generated "NCHAR".
					const ScanKeyword *keyword;

					/* This had better be a keyword! */
					keyword = ScanKeywordLookup("nchar");
					Assert(keyword != NULL);
					yylval.keyword = keyword->name;
					token_start = yytext;
					return keyword->value;

{xqstart}		{
					token_start = yytext;
<xq>{xqstop}	{
					yylval.str = litbufdup();
					return SCONST;
<xq>{xqdouble}  {
<xq>{xqinside}  {
					addlit(yytext, yyleng);
<xq>{xqescape}  {
<xq>{xqoctesc}  {
					unsigned char c = strtoul(yytext+1, NULL, 8);
<xq>{xqcat}		{
					/* ignore */
<xq><<EOF>>		{ yyerror("unterminated quoted string"); }

{xdstart}		{
					token_start = yytext;
<xd>{xdstop}	{
					if (literallen == 0)
						yyerror("zero-length delimited identifier");
					if (literallen >= NAMEDATALEN)
						int len;

						len = pg_mbcliplen(literalbuf, literallen,
						elog(NOTICE, "identifier \"%s\" will be truncated to \"%.*s\"",
							 literalbuf, len, literalbuf);
						literalbuf[len] = '\0';
						literallen = len;
					yylval.str = litbufdup();
					return IDENT;
<xd>{xddouble} {
<xd>{xdinside}	{
					addlit(yytext, yyleng);
<xd><<EOF>>		{ yyerror("unterminated quoted identifier"); }

{typecast}		{ return TYPECAST; }

{self}			{ return yytext[0]; }

{operator}		{
					 * Check for embedded slash-star or dash-dash; those
					 * are comment starts, so operator must stop there.
					 * Note that slash-star or dash-dash at the first
					 * character will match a prior rule, not this one.
					int		nchars = yyleng;
					char   *slashstar = strstr(yytext, "/*");
					char   *dashdash = strstr(yytext, "--");

					if (slashstar && dashdash)
						/* if both appear, take the first one */
						if (slashstar > dashdash)
							slashstar = dashdash;
					else if (!slashstar)
						slashstar = dashdash;
					if (slashstar)
						nchars = slashstar - yytext;

					 * For SQL92 compatibility, '+' and '-' cannot be the
					 * last char of a multi-char operator unless the operator
					 * contains chars that are not in SQL92 operators.
					 * The idea is to lex '=-' as two operators, but not
					 * to forbid operator names like '?-' that could not be
					 * sequences of SQL92 operators.
					while (nchars > 1 &&
						   (yytext[nchars-1] == '+' ||
							yytext[nchars-1] == '-'))
						int		ic;

						for (ic = nchars-2; ic >= 0; ic--)
							if (strchr("~!@#^&|`?$%", yytext[ic]))
						if (ic >= 0)
							break; /* found a char that makes it OK */
						nchars--; /* else remove the +/-, and check again */

					if (nchars < yyleng)
						/* Strip the unwanted chars from the token */
						 * If what we have left is only one char, and it's
						 * one of the characters matching "self", then
						 * return it as a character token the same way
						 * that the "self" rule would have.
						if (nchars == 1 &&
							strchr(",()[].;$:+-*/%^<>=", yytext[0]))
							return yytext[0];

					/* Convert "!=" operator to "<>" for compatibility */
					if (strcmp(yytext, "!=") == 0)
						yylval.str = pstrdup("<>");
						yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
					return Op;

{param}			{
					yylval.ival = atol(yytext + 1);
					return PARAM;

{integer}		{
					long val;
					char* endptr;

					errno = 0;
					val = strtol(yytext, &endptr, 10);
					if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE
#ifdef HAVE_LONG_INT_64
						/* if long > 32 bits, check for overflow of int4 */
						|| val != (long) ((int32) val)
						/* integer too large, treat it as a float */
						yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
						return FCONST;
					yylval.ival = val;
					return ICONST;
{decimal}		{
					yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
					return FCONST;
{real}			{
					yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
					return FCONST;

{identifier}	{
					const ScanKeyword *keyword;
					char		   *ident;
					int				i;

					/* Is it a keyword? */
					keyword = ScanKeywordLookup(yytext);
					if (keyword != NULL)
						yylval.keyword = keyword->name;
						return keyword->value;

					 * No.  Convert the identifier to lower case, and truncate
					 * if necessary.
					 * Note: here we use a locale-dependent case conversion,
					 * which seems appropriate under SQL99 rules, whereas
					 * the keyword comparison was NOT locale-dependent.
					ident = pstrdup(yytext);
					for (i = 0; ident[i]; i++)
						if (isupper((unsigned char) ident[i]))
							ident[i] = tolower((unsigned char) ident[i]);
					if (i >= NAMEDATALEN)
						int len;

						len = pg_mbcliplen(ident, i, NAMEDATALEN-1);
                        elog(NOTICE, "identifier \"%s\" will be truncated to \"%.*s\"",
                             ident, len, ident);
						ident[len] = '\0';
					yylval.str = ident;
					return IDENT;

{other}			{ return yytext[0]; }


yyerror(const char *message)
	const char *loc = token_start ? token_start : yytext;
	int			cursorpos;

	/* in multibyte encodings, return index in characters not bytes */
	cursorpos = pg_mbstrlen_with_len(scanbuf, loc - scanbuf) + 1;

	if (*loc == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR)
				(errmsg("parser: %s at end of input", message),
				(errmsg("parser: %s at or near \"%s\"", message, loc),

 * Called before any actual parsing is done
scanner_init(StringInfo str)
	 * Might be left over after ereport()

	scanbuf = palloc(str->len + 2);
	memcpy(scanbuf, str->data, str->len);
	scanbuf[str->len] = scanbuf[str->len + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
	scanbufhandle = yy_scan_buffer(scanbuf, str->len + 2);

	/* initialize literal buffer to a reasonable but expansible size */
	literalalloc = 128;
	literalbuf = (char *) palloc(literalalloc);


 * Called after parsing is done to clean up after scanner_init()

static void
addlit(char *ytext, int yleng)
	/* enlarge buffer if needed */
	if ((literallen+yleng) >= literalalloc)
		do {
			literalalloc *= 2;
		} while ((literallen+yleng) >= literalalloc);
		literalbuf = (char *) repalloc(literalbuf, literalalloc);
	/* append new data, add trailing null */
	memcpy(literalbuf+literallen, ytext, yleng);
	literallen += yleng;
	literalbuf[literallen] = '\0';

static void
addlitchar(unsigned char ychar)
	/* enlarge buffer if needed */
	if ((literallen+1) >= literalalloc)
		literalalloc *= 2;
		literalbuf = (char *) repalloc(literalbuf, literalalloc);
	/* append new data, add trailing null */
	literalbuf[literallen] = ychar;
	literallen += 1;
	literalbuf[literallen] = '\0';

 * One might be tempted to write pstrdup(literalbuf) instead of this,
 * but for long literals this is much faster because the length is
 * already known.
static char *
	char *new;

	new = palloc(literallen + 1);
	memcpy(new, literalbuf, literallen+1);
	return new;

unsigned char
unescape_single_char(unsigned char c)
	switch (c)
		case 'b':
			return '\b';
		case 'f':
			return '\f';
		case 'n':
			return '\n';
		case 'r':
			return '\r';
		case 't':
			return '\t';
			return c;