 * psort.h--
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: psort.h,v 1.4 1997/08/06 03:42:13 momjian Exp $
#ifndef	PSORT_H
#define	PSORT_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "utils/lselect.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"

#define	SORTMEM		(1 << 18)		/* 1/4 M - any static memory */
#define	MAXTAPES	7			/* 7--See Fig. 70, p273 */
#define	TAPEEXTLEN	strlen("pg_psort.xxxxx.xxx")	/* TEMPDIR/TAPEEXT */
#define	FREE(x)		pfree((char *) x)

struct	tape {
    int		tp_dummy;	/* (D) */
    int		tp_fib;		/* (A) */
    FILE	*tp_file; 	/* (TAPE) */
    struct tape	*tp_prev;

struct	cmplist {
    int		cp_attn; 	/* attribute number */
    int		cp_num;		/* comparison function code */
    int		cp_rev;		/* invert comparison flag */
    struct	cmplist		*cp_next; /* next in chain */

/* This structure preserves the state of psort between calls from different
 * nodes to its interface functions. Basically, it includes all of the global
 * variables in psort. In case you were wondering, pointers to these structures
 * are included in Sort node structures.			-Rex 2.6.1995
typedef struct Psortstate {
    LeftistContextData treeContext;

    int TapeRange;
    int Level;
    int TotalDummy;
    struct tape Tape[MAXTAPES];

    int BytesRead;
    int BytesWritten;
    int tupcount;

    struct leftist *Tuples;

    FILE *psort_grab_file;
    long psort_current;	/* could be file offset, or array index */
    long psort_saved;	/* could be file offset, or array index */
    bool using_tape_files;

    HeapTuple *memtuples;
} Psortstate;

#ifdef	EBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"

#define	PDEBUG(PROC, S1)\
elog(DEBUG, "%s:%d>> PROC: %s.", __FILE__, __LINE__, S1)

#define	PDEBUG2(PROC, S1, D1)\
elog(DEBUG, "%s:%d>> PROC: %s %d.", __FILE__, __LINE__, S1, D1)

#define	PDEBUG4(PROC, S1, D1, S2, D2)\
elog(DEBUG, "%s:%d>> PROC: %s %d, %s %d.", __FILE__, __LINE__, S1, D1, S2, D2)

#define	VDEBUG(VAR, FMT)\
elog(DEBUG, "%s:%d>> VAR =FMT", __FILE__, __LINE__, VAR)

#define	ASSERT(EXPR, STR)\
if (!(EXPR)) elog(FATAL, "%s:%d>> %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, STR)

#define	TRACE(VAL, CODE)\
if (1) CODE; else

#define	PDEBUG(MSG)
#define	VDEBUG(VAR, FMT)
#define	TRACE(VAL, CODE)

/* psort.c */
extern bool psort_begin(Sort *node, int nkeys, ScanKey key);
extern void inittapes(Sort *node);
extern void resetpsort(void);
extern void initialrun(Sort *node, bool *empty);
extern bool createrun(Sort *node, FILE *file, bool *empty);
extern HeapTuple tuplecopy(HeapTuple tup);
extern FILE *mergeruns(Sort *node);
extern void merge(Sort *node, struct tape *dest);

extern void dumptuples(Sort *node);
extern HeapTuple psort_grabtuple(Sort *node);
extern void psort_markpos(Sort *node);
extern void psort_restorepos(Sort *node);
extern void psort_end(Sort *node);

extern FILE *gettape(void);
extern void resettape(FILE *file);
extern void destroytape(FILE *file);

#endif	/* PSORT_H */