$PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/libpq/README.SSL,v 1.7 2008/10/24 11:48:29 mha Exp $


>From the servers perspective:

  Receives StartupPacket
 (Is SSL_NEGOTIATE_CODE?) -----------  Normal startup
           |                  No
           | Yes
 (Server compiled with USE_SSL?) ------- Send 'N'
           |                       No        |
           |                                 |
           | Yes                         Normal startup
        Send 'S'
      Establish SSL
      Normal startup

>From the clients perspective (v6.6 client _with_ SSL):

  Send packet with SSL_NEGOTIATE_CODE
  Receive single char  ------- 'S' -------- Establish SSL
         |                                       |
         | '<else>'                              |
         |                                  Normal startup
   Is it 'E' for error  ------------------- Retry connection
         |                  Yes             without SSL
         | No
   Is it 'N' for normal ------------------- Normal startup
         |                  Yes
   Fail with unknown
