/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * prune.c-- * Routines to prune redundant paths and relations * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/Attic/prune.c,v 1.3 1997/06/10 07:55:47 vadim Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "optimizer/internal.h" #include "optimizer/cost.h" #include "optimizer/paths.h" #include "optimizer/pathnode.h" #include "utils/elog.h" static List *prune_joinrel(Rel *rel, List *other_rels); /* * prune-joinrels-- * Removes any redundant relation entries from a list of rel nodes * 'rel-list'. * * Returns the resulting list. * */ List *prune_joinrels(List *rel_list) { List *temp_list = NIL; if (rel_list != NIL) { temp_list = lcons(lfirst(rel_list), prune_joinrels(prune_joinrel((Rel*)lfirst(rel_list), lnext(rel_list)))); } return(temp_list); } /* * prune-joinrel-- * Prunes those relations from 'other-rels' that are redundant with * 'rel'. A relation is redundant if it is built up of the same * relations as 'rel'. Paths for the redundant relation are merged into * the pathlist of 'rel'. * * Returns a list of non-redundant relations, and sets the pathlist field * of 'rel' appropriately. * */ static List * prune_joinrel(Rel *rel, List *other_rels) { List *i = NIL; List *t_list = NIL; List *temp_node = NIL; Rel *other_rel = (Rel *)NULL; foreach(i, other_rels) { other_rel = (Rel*)lfirst(i); if(same(rel->relids, other_rel->relids)) { rel->pathlist = add_pathlist(rel, rel->pathlist, other_rel->pathlist); t_list = nconc(t_list, NIL); /* XXX is this right ? */ } else { temp_node = lcons(other_rel, NIL); t_list = nconc(t_list,temp_node); } } return(t_list); } /* * prune-rel-paths-- * For each relation entry in 'rel-list' (which corresponds to a join * relation), set pointers to the unordered path and cheapest paths * (if the unordered path isn't the cheapest, it is pruned), and * reset the relation's size field to reflect the join. * * Returns nothing of interest. * */ void prune_rel_paths(List *rel_list) { List *x = NIL; List *y = NIL; Path *path = NULL; Rel *rel = (Rel*)NULL; JoinPath *cheapest = (JoinPath*)NULL; foreach(x, rel_list) { rel = (Rel*)lfirst(x); rel->size = 0; foreach(y, rel->pathlist) { path = (Path*)lfirst(y); if(!path->p_ordering.ord.sortop) { break; } } cheapest = (JoinPath*)prune_rel_path(rel, path); if (IsA_JoinPath(cheapest)) { rel->size = compute_joinrel_size(cheapest); } else elog(WARN, "non JoinPath called"); } } /* * prune-rel-path-- * Compares the unordered path for a relation with the cheapest path. If * the unordered path is not cheapest, it is pruned. * * Resets the pointers in 'rel' for unordered and cheapest paths. * * Returns the cheapest path. * */ Path * prune_rel_path(Rel *rel, Path *unorderedpath) { Path *cheapest = set_cheapest(rel, rel->pathlist); /* don't prune if not pruneable -- JMH, 11/23/92 */ if(unorderedpath != cheapest && rel->pruneable) { rel->unorderedpath = (Path *)NULL; rel->pathlist = lremove(unorderedpath, rel->pathlist); } else { rel->unorderedpath = (Path *)unorderedpath; } return(cheapest); } /* * merge-joinrels-- * Given two lists of rel nodes that are already * pruned, merge them into one pruned rel node list * * 'rel-list1' and * 'rel-list2' are the rel node lists * * Returns one pruned rel node list */ List * merge_joinrels(List *rel_list1, List *rel_list2) { List *xrel = NIL; foreach(xrel,rel_list1) { Rel *rel = (Rel*)lfirst(xrel); rel_list2 = prune_joinrel(rel,rel_list2); } return(append(rel_list1, rel_list2)); } /* * prune_oldrels-- * If all the joininfo's in a rel node are inactive, * that means that this node has been joined into * other nodes in all possible ways, therefore * this node can be discarded. If not, it will cause * extra complexity of the optimizer. * * old_rels is a list of rel nodes * * Returns a new list of rel nodes */ List *prune_oldrels(List *old_rels) { Rel *rel; List *joininfo_list, *xjoininfo; if(old_rels == NIL) return(NIL); rel = (Rel*)lfirst(old_rels); joininfo_list = rel->joininfo; if(joininfo_list == NIL) return (lcons(rel, prune_oldrels(lnext(old_rels)))); foreach(xjoininfo, joininfo_list) { JInfo *joininfo = (JInfo*)lfirst(xjoininfo); if(!joininfo->inactive) return (lcons(rel, prune_oldrels(lnext(old_rels)))); } return(prune_oldrels(lnext(old_rels))); }