/* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/lib/Attic/connect.c,v 1.16 2001/12/05 15:32:06 meskes Exp $ */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "ecpgtype.h" #include "ecpglib.h" #include "ecpgerrno.h" #include "extern.h" #include "sqlca.h" static struct connection *all_connections = NULL, *actual_connection = NULL; struct connection * ECPGget_connection(const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con = all_connections; if (connection_name == NULL || strcmp(connection_name, "CURRENT") == 0) return actual_connection; for (; con && strcmp(connection_name, con->name) != 0; con = con->next); if (con) return con; else return NULL; } static void ecpg_finish(struct connection * act) { if (act != NULL) { struct ECPGtype_information_cache *cache, *ptr; ECPGlog("ecpg_finish: finishing %s.\n", act->name); PQfinish(act->connection); /* remove act from the list */ if (act == all_connections) all_connections = act->next; else { struct connection *con; for (con = all_connections; con->next && con->next != act; con = con->next); if (con->next) con->next = act->next; } if (actual_connection == act) actual_connection = all_connections; for (cache = act->cache_head; cache; ptr = cache, cache = cache->next, free(ptr)); free(act->name); free(act); } else ECPGlog("ecpg_finish: called an extra time.\n"); } bool ECPGsetcommit(int lineno, const char *mode, const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con = ECPGget_connection(connection_name); PGresult *results; if (!ECPGinit(con, connection_name, lineno)) return (false); ECPGlog("ECPGsetcommit line %d action = %s connection = %s\n", lineno, mode, con->name); if (con->autocommit == true && strncmp(mode, "off", strlen("off")) == 0) { if (con->committed) { if ((results = PQexec(con->connection, "begin transaction")) == NULL) { ECPGraise(lineno, ECPG_TRANS, NULL); return false; } PQclear(results); con->committed = false; } con->autocommit = false; } else if (con->autocommit == false && strncmp(mode, "on", strlen("on")) == 0) { if (!con->committed) { if ((results = PQexec(con->connection, "commit")) == NULL) { ECPGraise(lineno, ECPG_TRANS, NULL); return false; } PQclear(results); con->committed = true; } con->autocommit = true; } return true; } bool ECPGsetconn(int lineno, const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con = ECPGget_connection(connection_name); if (!ECPGinit(con, connection_name, lineno)) return (false); actual_connection = con; return true; } static void ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(int code, const char *message) { sqlca.sqlcode = code; strncpy(sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc, message, sizeof(sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc)); sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[sizeof(sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc) - 1] = 0; sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = strlen(sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); /* remove trailing newline */ if (sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml && sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml - 1] == '\n') { sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml - 1] = 0; sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml--; } ECPGlog("raising sqlcode %d\n", code); } /* * I know this is a mess, but we can't redesign the backend */ static void ECPGnoticeProcessor(void *arg, const char *message) { /* these notices raise an error */ if (strncmp(message, "NOTICE: ", 8)) { ECPGlog("ECPGnoticeProcessor: strange notice '%s'\n", message); ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_UNRECOGNIZED, message); return; } message += 8; while (*message == ' ') message++; ECPGlog("NOTICE: %s", message); /* NOTICE: (transaction aborted): queries ignored until END */ /* * NOTICE: current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end * of transaction block */ if (strstr(message, "queries ignored") && strstr(message, "transaction") && strstr(message, "aborted")) { ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_QUERY_IGNORED, message); return; } /* NOTICE: PerformPortalClose: portal "*" not found */ if ((!strncmp(message, "PerformPortalClose: portal", 26) || !strncmp(message, "PerformPortalFetch: portal", 26)) && strstr(message + 26, "not found")) { ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_UNKNOWN_PORTAL, message); return; } /* NOTICE: BEGIN: already a transaction in progress */ if (!strncmp(message, "BEGIN: already a transaction in progress", 40)) { ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_IN_TRANSACTION, message); return; } /* NOTICE: AbortTransaction and not in in-progress state */ /* NOTICE: COMMIT: no transaction in progress */ /* NOTICE: ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress */ if (!strncmp(message, "AbortTransaction and not in in-progress state", 45) || !strncmp(message, "COMMIT: no transaction in progress", 34) || !strncmp(message, "ROLLBACK: no transaction in progress", 36)) { ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_NO_TRANSACTION, message); return; } /* NOTICE: BlankPortalAssignName: portal * already exists */ if (!strncmp(message, "BlankPortalAssignName: portal", 29) && strstr(message + 29, "already exists")) { ECPGnoticeProcessor_raise(ECPG_NOTICE_PORTAL_EXISTS, message); return; } /* these are harmless - do nothing */ /* * NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index '*' * for table '*' */ /* * NOTICE: ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT will create implicit * trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s) */ /* * NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence '*' for SERIAL * column '*.*' */ /* * NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN * KEY check(s) */ if ((!strncmp(message, "CREATE TABLE", 12) || !strncmp(message, "ALTER TABLE", 11)) && strstr(message + 11, "will create implicit")) return; /* NOTICE: QUERY PLAN: */ if (!strncmp(message, "QUERY PLAN:", 11)) /* do we really see these? */ return; /* * NOTICE: DROP TABLE implicitly drops referential integrity trigger * from table "*" */ if (!strncmp(message, "DROP TABLE implicitly drops", 27)) return; /* * NOTICE: Caution: DROP INDEX cannot be rolled back, so don't abort * now */ if (strstr(message, "cannot be rolled back")) return; /* these and other unmentioned should set sqlca.sqlwarn[2] */ /* NOTICE: The ':' operator is deprecated. Use exp(x) instead. */ /* NOTICE: Rel *: Uninitialized page 0 - fixing */ /* NOTICE: PortalHeapMemoryFree: * not in alloc set! */ /* NOTICE: Too old parent tuple found - can't continue vc_repair_frag */ /* NOTICE: identifier "*" will be truncated to "*" */ /* NOTICE: InvalidateSharedInvalid: cache state reset */ /* NOTICE: RegisterSharedInvalid: SI buffer overflow */ sqlca.sqlwarn[2] = 'W'; sqlca.sqlwarn[0] = 'W'; } /* this contains some quick hacks, needs to be cleaned up, but it works */ bool ECPGconnect(int lineno, const char *name, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *connection_name, int autocommit) { struct connection *this; char *dbname = strdup(name), *host = NULL, *tmp, *port = NULL, *realname = NULL, *options = NULL; ECPGinit_sqlca(); if ((this = (struct connection *) ECPGalloc(sizeof(struct connection), lineno)) == NULL) return false; if (dbname == NULL && connection_name == NULL) connection_name = "DEFAULT"; /* get the detail information out of dbname */ if (strchr(dbname, '@') != NULL) { /* old style: dbname[@server][:port] */ tmp = strrchr(dbname, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) /* port number given */ { port = strdup(tmp + 1); *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = strrchr(dbname, '@'); if (tmp != NULL) /* host name given */ { host = strdup(tmp + 1); *tmp = '\0'; } realname = strdup(dbname); } else if (strncmp(dbname, "tcp:", 4) == 0 || strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) { int offset = 0; /* * only allow protocols tcp and unix */ if (strncmp(dbname, "tcp:", 4) == 0) offset = 4; else if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) offset = 5; if (strncmp(dbname + offset, "postgresql://", strlen("postgresql://")) == 0) { /*------ * new style: * <tcp|unix>:postgresql://server[:port|:/unixsocket/path:] * [/db name][?options] *------ */ offset += strlen("postgresql://"); tmp = strrchr(dbname + offset, '?'); if (tmp != NULL) /* options given */ { options = strdup(tmp + 1); *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = strrchr(dbname + offset, '/'); if (tmp != NULL) /* database name given */ { realname = strdup(tmp + 1); *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = strrchr(dbname + offset, ':'); if (tmp != NULL) /* port number or Unix socket path given */ { char *tmp2; *tmp = '\0'; if ((tmp2 = strchr(tmp + 1, ':')) != NULL) { *tmp2 = '\0'; host = strdup(tmp + 1); if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) != 0) { ECPGlog("connect: socketname %s given for TCP connection in line %d\n", host, lineno); ECPGraise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, realname ? realname : "<DEFAULT>"); if (host) free(host); if (port) free(port); if (options) free(options); if (realname) free(realname); if (dbname) free(dbname); return false; } } else port = strdup(tmp + 1); } if (strncmp(dbname, "unix:", 5) == 0) { if (strcmp(dbname + offset, "localhost") != 0 && strcmp(dbname + offset, "") != 0) { ECPGlog("connect: non-localhost access via sockets in line %d\n", lineno); ECPGraise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, realname ? realname : "<DEFAULT>"); if (host) free(host); if (port) free(port); if (options) free(options); if (realname) free(realname); if (dbname) free(dbname); return false; } } else host = strdup(dbname + offset); } else { realname = strdup(dbname); } } else realname = strdup(dbname); /* add connection to our list */ if (connection_name != NULL) this->name = ECPGstrdup(connection_name, lineno); else this->name = ECPGstrdup(realname, lineno); this->cache_head = NULL; if (all_connections == NULL) this->next = NULL; else this->next = all_connections; actual_connection = all_connections = this; ECPGlog("ECPGconnect: opening database %s on %s port %s %s%s%s%s\n", realname ? realname : "<DEFAULT>", host ? host : "<DEFAULT>", port ? port : "<DEFAULT>", options ? "with options " : "", options ? options : "", user ? "for user " : "", user ? user : ""); this->connection = PQsetdbLogin(host, port, options, NULL, realname, user, passwd); if (PQstatus(this->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD) { ecpg_finish(this); ECPGlog("connect: could not open database %s on %s port %s %s%s%s%s in line %d\n", realname ? realname : "<DEFAULT>", host ? host : "<DEFAULT>", port ? port : "<DEFAULT>", options ? "with options " : "", options ? options : "", user ? "for user " : "", user ? user : "", lineno); ECPGraise(lineno, ECPG_CONNECT, realname ? realname : "<DEFAULT>"); if (host) free(host); if (port) free(port); if (options) free(options); if (realname) free(realname); if (dbname) free(dbname); return false; } if (host) free(host); if (port) free(port); if (options) free(options); if (realname) free(realname); if (dbname) free(dbname); this->committed = true; this->autocommit = autocommit; PQsetNoticeProcessor(this->connection, &ECPGnoticeProcessor, (void *) this); return true; } bool ECPGdisconnect(int lineno, const char *connection_name) { struct connection *con; if (strcmp(connection_name, "ALL") == 0) { ECPGinit_sqlca(); for (con = all_connections; con;) { struct connection *f = con; con = con->next; ecpg_finish(f); } } else { con = ECPGget_connection(connection_name); if (!ECPGinit(con, connection_name, lineno)) return (false); else ecpg_finish(con); } return true; }