package org.postgresql;

import java.lang.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import org.postgresql.largeobject.*;
import org.postgresql.util.*;

 * This class implements the common internal methods used by both JDBC 1 and
 * JDBC 2 specifications.
public abstract class ResultSet
  protected Vector rows;			// The results
  protected Field fields[];		// The field descriptions
  protected String status;		// Status of the result
  protected int updateCount;		// How many rows did we get back?
  protected int insertOID;		// The oid of an inserted row
  protected int current_row;		// Our pointer to where we are at
  protected byte[][] this_row;		// the current row result
  protected Connection connection;	// the connection which we returned from
  protected SQLWarning warnings = null;	// The warning chain
  protected boolean wasNullFlag = false;	// the flag for wasNull()
  //  We can chain multiple resultSets together - this points to
  // next resultSet in the chain.
  protected ResultSet next = null;
   * Create a new ResultSet - Note that we create ResultSets to
   * represent the results of everything.
   * @param fields an array of Field objects (basically, the
   *	ResultSet MetaData)
   * @param tuples Vector of the actual data
   * @param status the status string returned from the back end
   * @param updateCount the number of rows affected by the operation
   * @param cursor the positioned update/delete cursor name
  public ResultSet(Connection conn, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount,int insertOID)
    this.connection = conn;
    this.fields = fields;
    this.rows = tuples;
    this.status = status;
    this.updateCount = updateCount;
    this.insertOID = insertOID;
    this.this_row = null;
    this.current_row = -1;
   * Create a new ResultSet - Note that we create ResultSets to
   * represent the results of everything.
   * @param fields an array of Field objects (basically, the
   *	ResultSet MetaData)
   * @param tuples Vector of the actual data
   * @param status the status string returned from the back end
   * @param updateCount the number of rows affected by the operation
   * @param cursor the positioned update/delete cursor name
  public ResultSet(Connection conn, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount)
   * We at times need to know if the resultSet we are working
   * with is the result of an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT (in which
   * case, we only have a row count), or of a SELECT operation
   * (in which case, we have multiple fields) - this routine
   * tells us.
   * @return true if we have tuples available
  public boolean reallyResultSet()
    return (fields != null);
   * Since ResultSets can be chained, we need some method of
   * finding the next one in the chain.  The method getNext()
   * returns the next one in the chain.
   * @return the next ResultSet, or null if there are none
  public java.sql.ResultSet getNext()
    return (java.sql.ResultSet)next;
   * This following method allows us to add a ResultSet object
   * to the end of the current chain.
   * @param r the resultset to add to the end of the chain.
  public void append(ResultSet r)
    if (next == null)
      next = r;
   * If we are just a place holder for results, we still need
   * to get an updateCount.  This method returns it.
   * @return the updateCount
  public int getResultCount()
    return updateCount;
   * We also need to provide a couple of auxiliary functions for
   * the implementation of the ResultMetaData functions.  In
   * particular, we need to know the number of rows and the
   * number of columns.  Rows are also known as Tuples
   * @return the number of rows
  public int getTupleCount()
    return rows.size();
   * getColumnCount returns the number of columns
   * @return the number of columns
  public int getColumnCount()
    return fields.length;
    * Returns the status message from the backend.<p>
    * It is used internally by the driver.
    * @return the status string from the backend
   public String getStatusString()
     return status;
    * returns the OID of a field.<p>
    * It is used internally by the driver.
    * @param field field id
    * @return the oid of that field's type
   public int getColumnOID(int field)
     return fields[field-1].getOID();
     * returns the OID of the last inserted row
    public int getInsertedOID()
	return insertOID;
     * This is part of the JDBC API, but is required by org.postgresql.Field
    public abstract void close() throws SQLException;
    public abstract boolean next() throws SQLException;
    public abstract String getString(int i) throws SQLException;