select t1.*,o.unique1 AS ounique1,o.unique2 AS ounique2,o.two AS otwo,o.four AS ofour,o.ten AS oten,o.twenty AS otwenty,o.hundred AS ohundred,o.thousand AS othousand,o.twothousand AS otwothousand,o.fivethous AS ofivethous,o.tenthous AS otenthous,o.odd AS oodd, o.even AS oeven,o.stringu1 AS ostringu1,o.stringu2 AS ostringu2,o.string4 AS ostring4 into table temp_bench from onek o, tenk1 t1, tenk1 t2 where (o.unique2 = t1.unique2) and (t1.unique2 = t2.unique2) and (t1.unique2 < 1000) and (t2.unique2 < 1000);
drop table temp_bench;
select t1.*,o.unique1 AS ounique1,o.unique2 AS ounique2,o.two AS otwo,o.four AS ofour,o.ten AS oten,o.twenty AS otwenty,o.hundred AS ohundred,o.thousand AS othousand,o.twothousand AS otwothousand,o.fivethous AS ofivethous,o.tenthous AS otenthous,o.odd AS oodd, o.even AS oeven,o.stringu1 AS ostringu1,o.stringu2 AS ostringu2,o.string4 AS ostring4 into table temp_bench from onek o, tenk1 t1, tenk1 t2 where (o.unique2 = t1.unique2) and (t1.unique2 = t2.unique2) and (t1.unique2 < 1000) and (t2.unique2 < 1000);
drop table temp_bench;