# This is the default errors postgresql.con.auth:The authentication type {0} is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or Subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver. postgresql.con.authfail:An error occured while getting the authentication request. postgresql.con.call:Callable Statements are not supported at this time. postgresql.con.creobj:Failed to create object for {0} {1} postgresql.con.failed:The connection attempt failed because {0} postgresql.con.fathom:Unable to fathom update count {0} postgresql.con.garbled:Garbled data received. postgresql.con.ioerror:An IO erro occured while sending to the backend - {0} postgresql.con.kerb4:Kerberos 4 authentication is not supported by this driver. postgresql.con.kerb5:Kerberos 5 authentication is not supported by this driver. postgresql.con.multres:Cannot handle multiple result groups. postgresql.con.pass:The password property is missing. It is mandatory. postgresql.con.refused:Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port is correct, and that the postmaster is running with the -i flag, which enables TCP/IP networking. postgresql.con.strobj:The object could not be stored. Check that any tables required have already been created in the database. postgresql.con.strobjex:Failed to store object - {0} postgresql.con.toolong:The SQL Statement is too long - {0} postgresql.con.tuple:Tuple received before MetaData. postgresql.con.type:Unknown Response Type {0} postgresql.con.user:The user property is missing. It is mandatory. postgresql.fp.error:FastPath call returned {0} postgresql.fp.expint:Fastpath call {0} - No result was returned and we expected an integer. postgresql.fp.protocol:FastPath protocol error: {0} postgresql.fp.send:Failed to send fastpath call {0} {1} postgresql.fp.unknown:The fastpath function {0} is unknown. postgresql.geo.box:Conversion of box failed - {0} postgresql.geo.circle:Conversion of circle failed - {0} postgresql.geo.line:Conversion of line failed - {0} postgresql.geo.lseg:Conversion of lseg failed - {0} postgresql.geo.path:Cannot tell if path is open or closed. postgresql.geo.point:Conversion of point failed - {0} postgresql.jvm.version:The postgresql.jar file does not contain the correct JDBC classes for this JVM. Try rebuilding. If that fails, try forcing the version supplying it to the command line using the argument -Djava.version=1.1 or -Djava.version=1.2\nException thrown was {0} postgresql.lo.init:failed to initialise LargeObject API postgresql.money:conversion of money failed - {0}. postgresql.prep.is:InputStream as parameter not supported postgresql.prep.param:No value specified for parameter {0}. postgresql.prep.range:Parameter index out of range. postgresql.prep.type:Unknown Types value. postgresql.res.badbigdec:Bad BigDecimal {0} postgresql.res.badbyte:Bad Byte {0} postgresql.res.baddate:Bad Date Format at {0} in {1} postgresql.res.baddouble:Bad Double {0} postgresql.res.badfloat:Bad Float {0} postgresql.res.badint:Bad Integer {0} postgresql.res.badlong:Bad Long {0} postgresql.res.badshort:Bad Short {0} postgresql.res.badtime:Bad Time {0} postgresql.res.badtimestamp:Bad Timestamp Format at {0} in {1} postgresql.res.colname:The column name {0} not found. postgresql.res.colrange:The column index is out of range. postgresql.serial.interface:You cannot serialize an interface. postgresql.serial.namelength:Class & Package name length cannot be longer than 32 characters. {0} is {1} characters. postgresql.serial.noclass:No class found for {0}. postgresql.serial.table:The table for {0} is not in the database. Contact the DBA, as the database is in an inconsistent state. postgresql.serial.underscore:Class names may not have _ in them. You supplied {0}. postgresql.stat.batch.empty:The batch is empty. There is nothing to execute. postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch entry {0} {1} was aborted. postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:An attempt to setMaxFieldSize() failed - compile time default in force. postgresql.stat.noresult:No results were returned by the query. postgresql.stat.result:A result was returned by the statement, when none was expected. postgresql.stream.eof:The backend has broken the connection. Possibly the action you have attempted has caused it to close. postgresql.stream.flush:An I/O error has occured while flushing the output - {0} postgresql.stream.ioerror:An I/O error occured while reading from backend - {0} postgresql.stream.toomuch:Too much data was received. postgresql.unusual:Something unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception: {0} postgresql.unimplemented:This method is not yet implemented. postgresql.unexpected:An unexpected result was returned by a query.