 * analyze.c
 *	  transform the parse tree into a query tree
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	$PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/parser/analyze.c,v 1.336 2006/06/27 03:43:20 momjian Exp $

#include "postgres.h"

#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/prepare.h"
#include "commands/tablecmds.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/analyze.h"
#include "parser/gramparse.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "parser/parse_agg.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_target.h"
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"

/* State shared by transformCreateSchemaStmt and its subroutines */
typedef struct
	const char *stmtType;		/* "CREATE SCHEMA" or "ALTER SCHEMA" */
	char	   *schemaname;		/* name of schema */
	char	   *authid;			/* owner of schema */
	List	   *sequences;		/* CREATE SEQUENCE items */
	List	   *tables;			/* CREATE TABLE items */
	List	   *views;			/* CREATE VIEW items */
	List	   *indexes;		/* CREATE INDEX items */
	List	   *triggers;		/* CREATE TRIGGER items */
	List	   *grants;			/* GRANT items */
	List	   *fwconstraints;	/* Forward referencing FOREIGN KEY constraints */
	List	   *alters;			/* Generated ALTER items (from the above) */
	List	   *ixconstraints;	/* index-creating constraints */
	List	   *blist;			/* "before list" of things to do before
								 * creating the schema */
	List	   *alist;			/* "after list" of things to do after creating
								 * the schema */
} CreateSchemaStmtContext;

/* State shared by transformCreateStmt and its subroutines */
typedef struct
	const char *stmtType;		/* "CREATE TABLE" or "ALTER TABLE" */
	RangeVar   *relation;		/* relation to create */
	List	   *inhRelations;	/* relations to inherit from */
	bool		hasoids;		/* does relation have an OID column? */
	bool		isalter;		/* true if altering existing table */
	List	   *columns;		/* ColumnDef items */
	List	   *ckconstraints;	/* CHECK constraints */
	List	   *fkconstraints;	/* FOREIGN KEY constraints */
	List	   *ixconstraints;	/* index-creating constraints */
	List	   *blist;			/* "before list" of things to do before
								 * creating the table */
	List	   *alist;			/* "after list" of things to do after creating
								 * the table */
	IndexStmt  *pkey;			/* PRIMARY KEY index, if any */
} CreateStmtContext;

typedef struct
	Oid		   *paramTypes;
	int			numParams;
} check_parameter_resolution_context;

static List *do_parse_analyze(Node *parseTree, ParseState *pstate);
static Query *transformStmt(ParseState *pstate, Node *stmt,
			  List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static Query *transformViewStmt(ParseState *pstate, ViewStmt *stmt,
				  List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static Query *transformDeleteStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeleteStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt,
					List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static Query *transformIndexStmt(ParseState *pstate, IndexStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformRuleStmt(ParseState *query, RuleStmt *stmt,
				  List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static Query *transformSelectStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Node *transformSetOperationTree(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformUpdateStmt(ParseState *pstate, UpdateStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformDeclareCursorStmt(ParseState *pstate,
						   DeclareCursorStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformPrepareStmt(ParseState *pstate, PrepareStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformExecuteStmt(ParseState *pstate, ExecuteStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformCreateStmt(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmt *stmt,
					List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static Query *transformAlterTableStmt(ParseState *pstate, AlterTableStmt *stmt,
						List **extras_before, List **extras_after);
static void transformColumnDefinition(ParseState *pstate,
						  CreateStmtContext *cxt,
						  ColumnDef *column);
static void transformTableConstraint(ParseState *pstate,
						 CreateStmtContext *cxt,
						 Constraint *constraint);
static void transformInhRelation(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
					 InhRelation *inhrelation);
static void transformIndexConstraints(ParseState *pstate,
						  CreateStmtContext *cxt);
static void transformFKConstraints(ParseState *pstate,
					   CreateStmtContext *cxt,
					   bool skipValidation,
					   bool isAddConstraint);
static void applyColumnNames(List *dst, List *src);
static List *getSetColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *node);
static void transformLockingClause(Query *qry, LockingClause *lc);
static void transformConstraintAttrs(List *constraintList);
static void transformColumnType(ParseState *pstate, ColumnDef *column);
static void release_pstate_resources(ParseState *pstate);
static FromExpr *makeFromExpr(List *fromlist, Node *quals);
static bool check_parameter_resolution_walker(Node *node,
								check_parameter_resolution_context *context);

 * parse_analyze
 *		Analyze a raw parse tree and transform it to Query form.
 * If available, pass the source text from which the raw parse tree was
 * generated; it's OK to pass NULL if this is not available.
 * Optionally, information about $n parameter types can be supplied.
 * References to $n indexes not defined by paramTypes[] are disallowed.
 * The result is a List of Query nodes (we need a list since some commands
 * produce multiple Queries).  Optimizable statements require considerable
 * transformation, while many utility-type statements are simply hung off
 * a dummy CMD_UTILITY Query node.
List *
parse_analyze(Node *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
			  Oid *paramTypes, int numParams)
	ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
	List	   *result;

	pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;
	pstate->p_paramtypes = paramTypes;
	pstate->p_numparams = numParams;
	pstate->p_variableparams = false;

	result = do_parse_analyze(parseTree, pstate);


	return result;

 * parse_analyze_varparams
 * This variant is used when it's okay to deduce information about $n
 * symbol datatypes from context.  The passed-in paramTypes[] array can
 * be modified or enlarged (via repalloc).
List *
parse_analyze_varparams(Node *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
						Oid **paramTypes, int *numParams)
	ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
	List	   *result;

	pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;
	pstate->p_paramtypes = *paramTypes;
	pstate->p_numparams = *numParams;
	pstate->p_variableparams = true;

	result = do_parse_analyze(parseTree, pstate);

	*paramTypes = pstate->p_paramtypes;
	*numParams = pstate->p_numparams;


	/* make sure all is well with parameter types */
	if (*numParams > 0)
		check_parameter_resolution_context context;

		context.paramTypes = *paramTypes;
		context.numParams = *numParams;
		check_parameter_resolution_walker((Node *) result, &context);

	return result;

 * parse_sub_analyze
 *		Entry point for recursively analyzing a sub-statement.
List *
parse_sub_analyze(Node *parseTree, ParseState *parentParseState)
	ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(parentParseState);
	List	   *result;

	result = do_parse_analyze(parseTree, pstate);


	return result;

 * do_parse_analyze
 *		Workhorse code shared by the above variants of parse_analyze.
static List *
do_parse_analyze(Node *parseTree, ParseState *pstate)
	List	   *result = NIL;

	/* Lists to return extra commands from transformation */
	List	   *extras_before = NIL;
	List	   *extras_after = NIL;
	Query	   *query;
	ListCell   *l;

	query = transformStmt(pstate, parseTree, &extras_before, &extras_after);

	/* don't need to access result relation any more */

	foreach(l, extras_before)
		result = list_concat(result, parse_sub_analyze(lfirst(l), pstate));

	result = lappend(result, query);

	foreach(l, extras_after)
		result = list_concat(result, parse_sub_analyze(lfirst(l), pstate));

	 * Make sure that only the original query is marked original. We have to
	 * do this explicitly since recursive calls of do_parse_analyze will have
	 * marked some of the added-on queries as "original".  Also mark only the
	 * original query as allowed to set the command-result tag.
	foreach(l, result)
		Query	   *q = lfirst(l);

		if (q == query)
			q->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;
			q->canSetTag = true;
			q->querySource = QSRC_PARSER;
			q->canSetTag = false;

	return result;

static void
release_pstate_resources(ParseState *pstate)
	if (pstate->p_target_relation != NULL)
		heap_close(pstate->p_target_relation, NoLock);
	pstate->p_target_relation = NULL;
	pstate->p_target_rangetblentry = NULL;

 * transformStmt -
 *	  transform a Parse tree into a Query tree.
static Query *
transformStmt(ParseState *pstate, Node *parseTree,
			  List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	Query	   *result = NULL;

	switch (nodeTag(parseTree))
			 * Non-optimizable statements
		case T_CreateStmt:
			result = transformCreateStmt(pstate, (CreateStmt *) parseTree,
										 extras_before, extras_after);

		case T_IndexStmt:
			result = transformIndexStmt(pstate, (IndexStmt *) parseTree);

		case T_RuleStmt:
			result = transformRuleStmt(pstate, (RuleStmt *) parseTree,
									   extras_before, extras_after);

		case T_ViewStmt:
			result = transformViewStmt(pstate, (ViewStmt *) parseTree,
									   extras_before, extras_after);

		case T_ExplainStmt:
				ExplainStmt *n = (ExplainStmt *) parseTree;

				result = makeNode(Query);
				result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
				n->query = transformStmt(pstate, (Node *) n->query,
										 extras_before, extras_after);
				result->utilityStmt = (Node *) parseTree;

		case T_AlterTableStmt:
			result = transformAlterTableStmt(pstate,
											 (AlterTableStmt *) parseTree,
											 extras_before, extras_after);

		case T_PrepareStmt:
			result = transformPrepareStmt(pstate, (PrepareStmt *) parseTree);

		case T_ExecuteStmt:
			result = transformExecuteStmt(pstate, (ExecuteStmt *) parseTree);

			 * Optimizable statements
		case T_InsertStmt:
			result = transformInsertStmt(pstate, (InsertStmt *) parseTree,
										 extras_before, extras_after);

		case T_DeleteStmt:
			result = transformDeleteStmt(pstate, (DeleteStmt *) parseTree);

		case T_UpdateStmt:
			result = transformUpdateStmt(pstate, (UpdateStmt *) parseTree);

		case T_SelectStmt:
			if (((SelectStmt *) parseTree)->op == SETOP_NONE)
				result = transformSelectStmt(pstate,
											 (SelectStmt *) parseTree);
				result = transformSetOperationStmt(pstate,
												   (SelectStmt *) parseTree);

		case T_DeclareCursorStmt:
			result = transformDeclareCursorStmt(pstate,
											(DeclareCursorStmt *) parseTree);


			 * other statements don't require any transformation-- just return
			 * the original parsetree, yea!
			result = makeNode(Query);
			result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
			result->utilityStmt = (Node *) parseTree;

	/* Mark as original query until we learn differently */
	result->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;
	result->canSetTag = true;

	 * Check that we did not produce too many resnos; at the very least we
	 * cannot allow more than 2^16, since that would exceed the range of a
	 * AttrNumber. It seems safest to use MaxTupleAttributeNumber.
	if (pstate->p_next_resno - 1 > MaxTupleAttributeNumber)
				 errmsg("target lists can have at most %d entries",

	return result;

static Query *
transformViewStmt(ParseState *pstate, ViewStmt *stmt,
				  List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	Query	   *result = makeNode(Query);

	result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	stmt->query = transformStmt(pstate, (Node *) stmt->query,
								extras_before, extras_after);

	 * If a list of column names was given, run through and insert these into
	 * the actual query tree. - thomas 2000-03-08
	 * Outer loop is over targetlist to make it easier to skip junk targetlist
	 * entries.
	if (stmt->aliases != NIL)
		ListCell   *alist_item = list_head(stmt->aliases);
		ListCell   *targetList;

		foreach(targetList, stmt->query->targetList)
			TargetEntry *te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(targetList);

			Assert(IsA(te, TargetEntry));
			/* junk columns don't get aliases */
			if (te->resjunk)
			te->resname = pstrdup(strVal(lfirst(alist_item)));
			alist_item = lnext(alist_item);
			if (alist_item == NULL)
				break;			/* done assigning aliases */

		if (alist_item != NULL)
					 errmsg("CREATE VIEW specifies more column "
							"names than columns")));

	return result;

 * transformDeleteStmt -
 *	  transforms a Delete Statement
static Query *
transformDeleteStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeleteStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *qry = makeNode(Query);
	Node	   *qual;

	qry->commandType = CMD_DELETE;

	/* set up range table with just the result rel */
	qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,

	qry->distinctClause = NIL;

	 * The USING clause is non-standard SQL syntax, and is equivalent in
	 * functionality to the FROM list that can be specified for UPDATE. The
	 * USING keyword is used rather than FROM because FROM is already a
	 * keyword in the DELETE syntax.
	transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->usingClause);

	/* fix where clause */
	qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause, "WHERE");

	/* done building the range table and jointree */
	qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
	qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
		parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

	return qry;

 * transformInsertStmt -
 *	  transform an Insert Statement
static Query *
transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt,
					List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	Query	   *qry = makeNode(Query);
	Query	   *selectQuery = NULL;
	List	   *sub_rtable;
	List	   *sub_relnamespace;
	List	   *sub_varnamespace;
	List	   *icolumns;
	List	   *attrnos;
	ListCell   *icols;
	ListCell   *attnos;
	ListCell   *tl;

	qry->commandType = CMD_INSERT;
	pstate->p_is_insert = true;

	 * If a non-nil rangetable/namespace was passed in, and we are doing
	 * INSERT/SELECT, arrange to pass the rangetable/namespace down to the
	 * SELECT.	This can only happen if we are inside a CREATE RULE, and in
	 * that case we want the rule's OLD and NEW rtable entries to appear as
	 * part of the SELECT's rtable, not as outer references for it.  (Kluge!)
	 * The SELECT's joinlist is not affected however.  We must do this before
	 * adding the target table to the INSERT's rtable.
	if (stmt->selectStmt)
		sub_rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
		pstate->p_rtable = NIL;
		sub_relnamespace = pstate->p_relnamespace;
		pstate->p_relnamespace = NIL;
		sub_varnamespace = pstate->p_varnamespace;
		pstate->p_varnamespace = NIL;
		sub_rtable = NIL;		/* not used, but keep compiler quiet */
		sub_relnamespace = NIL;
		sub_varnamespace = NIL;

	 * Must get write lock on INSERT target table before scanning SELECT, else
	 * we will grab the wrong kind of initial lock if the target table is also
	 * mentioned in the SELECT part.  Note that the target table is not added
	 * to the joinlist or namespace.
	qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,
										 false, false, ACL_INSERT);

	if (stmt->selectStmt)
		 * We make the sub-pstate a child of the outer pstate so that it can
		 * see any Param definitions supplied from above.  Since the outer
		 * pstate's rtable and namespace are presently empty, there are no
		 * side-effects of exposing names the sub-SELECT shouldn't be able to
		 * see.
		ParseState *sub_pstate = make_parsestate(pstate);
		RangeTblEntry *rte;
		RangeTblRef *rtr;

		 * Process the source SELECT.
		 * It is important that this be handled just like a standalone SELECT;
		 * otherwise the behavior of SELECT within INSERT might be different
		 * from a stand-alone SELECT. (Indeed, Postgres up through 6.5 had
		 * bugs of just that nature...)
		sub_pstate->p_rtable = sub_rtable;
		sub_pstate->p_relnamespace = sub_relnamespace;
		sub_pstate->p_varnamespace = sub_varnamespace;

		 * Note: we are not expecting that extras_before and extras_after are
		 * going to be used by the transformation of the SELECT statement.
		selectQuery = transformStmt(sub_pstate, stmt->selectStmt,
									extras_before, extras_after);


		Assert(IsA(selectQuery, Query));
		Assert(selectQuery->commandType == CMD_SELECT);
		if (selectQuery->into)
					 errmsg("INSERT ... SELECT may not specify INTO")));

		 * Make the source be a subquery in the INSERT's rangetable, and add
		 * it to the INSERT's joinlist.
		rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
											makeAlias("*SELECT*", NIL),
		rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
		/* assume new rte is at end */
		rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
		Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
		pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, rtr);

		 * Generate a targetlist for the INSERT that selects all the
		 * non-resjunk columns from the subquery.  (We need this to be
		 * separate from the subquery's tlist because we may add columns,
		 * insert datatype coercions, etc.)
		 * HACK: unknown-type constants and params in the SELECT's targetlist
		 * are copied up as-is rather than being referenced as subquery
		 * outputs.  This is to ensure that when we try to coerce them to
		 * the target column's datatype, the right things happen (see
		 * special cases in coerce_type).  Otherwise, this fails:
		 *		INSERT INTO foo SELECT 'bar', ... FROM baz
		qry->targetList = NIL;
		foreach(tl, selectQuery->targetList)
			TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
			Expr	   *expr;

			if (tle->resjunk)
			if (tle->expr &&
				(IsA(tle->expr, Const) ||IsA(tle->expr, Param)) &&
				exprType((Node *) tle->expr) == UNKNOWNOID)
				expr = tle->expr;
				expr = (Expr *) makeVar(rtr->rtindex,
										exprType((Node *) tle->expr),
										exprTypmod((Node *) tle->expr),
			tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
								  (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
			qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
		 * For INSERT ... VALUES, transform the given list of values to form a
		 * targetlist for the INSERT.
		qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList);

	 * Now we are done with SELECT-like processing, and can get on with
	 * transforming the target list to match the INSERT target columns.

	/* Prepare to assign non-conflicting resnos to resjunk attributes */
	if (pstate->p_next_resno <= pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts)
		pstate->p_next_resno = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts + 1;

	/* Validate stmt->cols list, or build default list if no list given */
	icolumns = checkInsertTargets(pstate, stmt->cols, &attrnos);

	 * Prepare columns for assignment to target table.
	icols = list_head(icolumns);
	attnos = list_head(attrnos);
	foreach(tl, qry->targetList)
		TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
		ResTarget  *col;

		if (icols == NULL || attnos == NULL)
				 errmsg("INSERT has more expressions than target columns")));

		col = (ResTarget *) lfirst(icols);
		Assert(IsA(col, ResTarget));

		updateTargetListEntry(pstate, tle, col->name, lfirst_int(attnos),
							  col->indirection, col->location);

		icols = lnext(icols);
		attnos = lnext(attnos);

	 * Ensure that the targetlist has the same number of entries that were
	 * present in the columns list.  Don't do the check unless an explicit
	 * columns list was given, though.
	if (stmt->cols != NIL && (icols != NULL || attnos != NULL))
				 errmsg("INSERT has more target columns than expressions")));

	/* done building the range table and jointree */
	qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
	qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
		parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

	return qry;

 * transformCreateStmt -
 *	  transforms the "create table" statement
 *	  SQL92 allows constraints to be scattered all over, so thumb through
 *	   the columns and collect all constraints into one place.
 *	  If there are any implied indices (e.g. UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY)
 *	   then expand those into multiple IndexStmt blocks.
 *	  - thomas 1997-12-02
static Query *
transformCreateStmt(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmt *stmt,
					List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	CreateStmtContext cxt;
	Query	   *q;
	ListCell   *elements;

	cxt.stmtType = "CREATE TABLE";
	cxt.relation = stmt->relation;
	cxt.inhRelations = stmt->inhRelations;
	cxt.isalter = false;
	cxt.columns = NIL;
	cxt.ckconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.fkconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.ixconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.blist = NIL;
	cxt.alist = NIL;
	cxt.pkey = NULL;
	cxt.hasoids = interpretOidsOption(stmt->hasoids);

	 * Run through each primary element in the table creation clause. Separate
	 * column defs from constraints, and do preliminary analysis.
	foreach(elements, stmt->tableElts)
		Node	   *element = lfirst(elements);

		switch (nodeTag(element))
			case T_ColumnDef:
				transformColumnDefinition(pstate, &cxt,
										  (ColumnDef *) element);

			case T_Constraint:
				transformTableConstraint(pstate, &cxt,
										 (Constraint *) element);

			case T_FkConstraint:
				/* No pre-transformation needed */
				cxt.fkconstraints = lappend(cxt.fkconstraints, element);

			case T_InhRelation:
				transformInhRelation(pstate, &cxt,
									 (InhRelation *) element);

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
					 (int) nodeTag(element));

	Assert(stmt->constraints == NIL);

	 * Postprocess constraints that give rise to index definitions.
	transformIndexConstraints(pstate, &cxt);

	 * Postprocess foreign-key constraints.
	transformFKConstraints(pstate, &cxt, true, false);

	 * Output results.
	q = makeNode(Query);
	q->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	q->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;
	stmt->tableElts = cxt.columns;
	stmt->constraints = cxt.ckconstraints;
	*extras_before = list_concat(*extras_before, cxt.blist);
	*extras_after = list_concat(cxt.alist, *extras_after);

	return q;

static void
transformColumnDefinition(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
						  ColumnDef *column)
	bool		is_serial;
	bool		saw_nullable;
	Constraint *constraint;
	ListCell   *clist;

	cxt->columns = lappend(cxt->columns, column);

	/* Check for SERIAL pseudo-types */
	is_serial = false;
	if (list_length(column->typename->names) == 1)
		char	   *typname = strVal(linitial(column->typename->names));

		if (strcmp(typname, "serial") == 0 ||
			strcmp(typname, "serial4") == 0)
			is_serial = true;
			column->typename->names = NIL;
			column->typename->typeid = INT4OID;
		else if (strcmp(typname, "bigserial") == 0 ||
				 strcmp(typname, "serial8") == 0)
			is_serial = true;
			column->typename->names = NIL;
			column->typename->typeid = INT8OID;

	/* Do necessary work on the column type declaration */
	transformColumnType(pstate, column);

	/* Special actions for SERIAL pseudo-types */
	if (is_serial)
		Oid			snamespaceid;
		char	   *snamespace;
		char	   *sname;
		char	   *qstring;
		A_Const    *snamenode;
		FuncCall   *funccallnode;
		CreateSeqStmt *seqstmt;

		 * Determine namespace and name to use for the sequence.
		 * Although we use ChooseRelationName, it's not guaranteed that the
		 * selected sequence name won't conflict; given sufficiently long
		 * field names, two different serial columns in the same table could
		 * be assigned the same sequence name, and we'd not notice since we
		 * aren't creating the sequence quite yet.  In practice this seems
		 * quite unlikely to be a problem, especially since few people would
		 * need two serial columns in one table.
		snamespaceid = RangeVarGetCreationNamespace(cxt->relation);
		snamespace = get_namespace_name(snamespaceid);
		sname = ChooseRelationName(cxt->relation->relname,

				(errmsg("%s will create implicit sequence \"%s\" for serial column \"%s.%s\"",
						cxt->stmtType, sname,
						cxt->relation->relname, column->colname)));

		 * Build a CREATE SEQUENCE command to create the sequence object, and
		 * add it to the list of things to be done before this CREATE/ALTER
		 * TABLE.
		seqstmt = makeNode(CreateSeqStmt);
		seqstmt->sequence = makeRangeVar(snamespace, sname);
		seqstmt->options = NIL;

		cxt->blist = lappend(cxt->blist, seqstmt);

		 * Mark the ColumnDef so that during execution, an appropriate
		 * dependency will be added from the sequence to the column.
		column->support = makeRangeVar(snamespace, sname);

		 * Create appropriate constraints for SERIAL.  We do this in full,
		 * rather than shortcutting, so that we will detect any conflicting
		 * constraints the user wrote (like a different DEFAULT).
		 * Create an expression tree representing the function call
		 * nextval('sequencename').  We cannot reduce the raw tree to cooked
		 * form until after the sequence is created, but there's no need to do
		 * so.
		qstring = quote_qualified_identifier(snamespace, sname);
		snamenode = makeNode(A_Const);
		snamenode->val.type = T_String;
		snamenode->val.val.str = qstring;
		snamenode->typename = SystemTypeName("regclass");
		funccallnode = makeNode(FuncCall);
		funccallnode->funcname = SystemFuncName("nextval");
		funccallnode->args = list_make1(snamenode);
		funccallnode->agg_star = false;
		funccallnode->agg_distinct = false;
		funccallnode->location = -1;

		constraint = makeNode(Constraint);
		constraint->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT;
		constraint->raw_expr = (Node *) funccallnode;
		constraint->cooked_expr = NULL;
		constraint->keys = NIL;
		column->constraints = lappend(column->constraints, constraint);

		constraint = makeNode(Constraint);
		constraint->contype = CONSTR_NOTNULL;
		column->constraints = lappend(column->constraints, constraint);

	/* Process column constraints, if any... */

	saw_nullable = false;

	foreach(clist, column->constraints)
		constraint = lfirst(clist);

		 * If this column constraint is a FOREIGN KEY constraint, then we fill
		 * in the current attribute's name and throw it into the list of FK
		 * constraints to be processed later.
		if (IsA(constraint, FkConstraint))
			FkConstraint *fkconstraint = (FkConstraint *) constraint;

			fkconstraint->fk_attrs = list_make1(makeString(column->colname));
			cxt->fkconstraints = lappend(cxt->fkconstraints, fkconstraint);

		Assert(IsA(constraint, Constraint));

		switch (constraint->contype)
			case CONSTR_NULL:
				if (saw_nullable && column->is_not_null)
							 errmsg("conflicting NULL/NOT NULL declarations for column \"%s\" of table \"%s\"",
								  column->colname, cxt->relation->relname)));
				column->is_not_null = FALSE;
				saw_nullable = true;

				if (saw_nullable && !column->is_not_null)
							 errmsg("conflicting NULL/NOT NULL declarations for column \"%s\" of table \"%s\"",
								  column->colname, cxt->relation->relname)));
				column->is_not_null = TRUE;
				saw_nullable = true;

				if (column->raw_default != NULL)
							 errmsg("multiple default values specified for column \"%s\" of table \"%s\"",
								  column->colname, cxt->relation->relname)));
				column->raw_default = constraint->raw_expr;
				Assert(constraint->cooked_expr == NULL);

				if (constraint->keys == NIL)
					constraint->keys = list_make1(makeString(column->colname));
				cxt->ixconstraints = lappend(cxt->ixconstraints, constraint);

				cxt->ckconstraints = lappend(cxt->ckconstraints, constraint);

				/* transformConstraintAttrs took care of these */

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized constraint type: %d",

static void
transformTableConstraint(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
						 Constraint *constraint)
	switch (constraint->contype)
			cxt->ixconstraints = lappend(cxt->ixconstraints, constraint);

			cxt->ckconstraints = lappend(cxt->ckconstraints, constraint);

			elog(ERROR, "invalid context for constraint type %d",

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized constraint type: %d",

 * transformInhRelation
 * Change the LIKE <subtable> portion of a CREATE TABLE statement into the
 * column definitions which recreate the user defined column portions of <subtable>.
static void
transformInhRelation(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
					 InhRelation *inhRelation)
	AttrNumber	parent_attno;

	Relation	relation;
	TupleDesc	tupleDesc;
	TupleConstr *constr;
	AclResult	aclresult;

	bool including_defaults = false;
	bool including_constraints = false;
	bool including_indexes = false;
	ListCell *elem;

	relation = heap_openrv(inhRelation->relation, AccessShareLock);

	if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
				 errmsg("inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",

	 * Check for SELECT privilages
	aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(RelationGetRelid(relation), GetUserId(),
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_CLASS,

	tupleDesc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
	constr = tupleDesc->constr;

	foreach(elem, inhRelation->options)
			int option = lfirst_int(elem);
			switch (option)
					including_defaults = true;
					including_defaults = false;
					including_constraints = true;
					including_constraints = false;
					including_indexes = true;
					including_indexes = false;
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized CREATE TABLE LIKE option: %d", option);

	if (including_indexes)
		elog(ERROR, "TODO");
	 * Insert the inherited attributes into the cxt for the new table
	 * definition.
	for (parent_attno = 1; parent_attno <= tupleDesc->natts;
		Form_pg_attribute attribute = tupleDesc->attrs[parent_attno - 1];
		char	   *attributeName = NameStr(attribute->attname);
		ColumnDef  *def;

		 * Ignore dropped columns in the parent.
		if (attribute->attisdropped)

		 * Create a new inherited column.
		 * For constraints, ONLY the NOT NULL constraint is inherited by the
		 * new column definition per SQL99.
		def = makeNode(ColumnDef);
		def->colname = pstrdup(attributeName);
		def->typename = makeTypeNameFromOid(attribute->atttypid,
		def->inhcount = 0;
		def->is_local = true;
		def->is_not_null = attribute->attnotnull;
		def->raw_default = NULL;
		def->cooked_default = NULL;
		def->constraints = NIL;
		def->support = NULL;

		 * Add to column list
		cxt->columns = lappend(cxt->columns, def);

		 * Copy default if any, and the default has been requested
		if (attribute->atthasdef && including_defaults)
			char	   *this_default = NULL;
			AttrDefault *attrdef;
			int			i;

			/* Find default in constraint structure */
			Assert(constr != NULL);
			attrdef = constr->defval;
			for (i = 0; i < constr->num_defval; i++)
				if (attrdef[i].adnum == parent_attno)
					this_default = attrdef[i].adbin;
			Assert(this_default != NULL);

			 * If default expr could contain any vars, we'd need to fix 'em,
			 * but it can't; so default is ready to apply to child.

			def->cooked_default = pstrdup(this_default);
	if (including_constraints && tupleDesc->constr) {
		int ccnum;
		AttrNumber *attmap = varattnos_map_schema(tupleDesc, cxt->columns);
		for(ccnum = 0; ccnum < tupleDesc->constr->num_check; ccnum++) {
			char *ccname = tupleDesc->constr->check[ccnum].ccname;
			char *ccbin = tupleDesc->constr->check[ccnum].ccbin;
			Node *ccbin_node = stringToNode(ccbin);
			Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);

			change_varattnos_of_a_node(ccbin_node, attmap);
			n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK;
			n->name = pstrdup(ccname);
			n->raw_expr = ccbin_node;
			n->cooked_expr = NULL;
			n->indexspace = NULL;
			cxt->ckconstraints = lappend(cxt->ckconstraints, (Node*)n);

	 * Close the parent rel, but keep our AccessShareLock on it until xact
	 * commit.	That will prevent someone else from deleting or ALTERing the
	 * parent before the child is committed.
	heap_close(relation, NoLock);

static void
transformIndexConstraints(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt)
	IndexStmt  *index;
	List	   *indexlist = NIL;
	ListCell   *listptr;
	ListCell   *l;

	 * Run through the constraints that need to generate an index. For PRIMARY
	 * KEY, mark each column as NOT NULL and create an index. For UNIQUE,
	 * create an index as for PRIMARY KEY, but do not insist on NOT NULL.
	foreach(listptr, cxt->ixconstraints)
		Constraint *constraint = lfirst(listptr);
		ListCell   *keys;
		IndexElem  *iparam;

		Assert(IsA(constraint, Constraint));
		Assert((constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY)
			   || (constraint->contype == CONSTR_UNIQUE));

		index = makeNode(IndexStmt);

		index->unique = true;
		index->primary = (constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY);
		if (index->primary)
			if (cxt->pkey != NULL)
						 errmsg("multiple primary keys for table \"%s\" are not allowed",
			cxt->pkey = index;

			 * In ALTER TABLE case, a primary index might already exist, but
			 * DefineIndex will check for it.
		index->isconstraint = true;

		if (constraint->name != NULL)
			index->idxname = pstrdup(constraint->name);
			index->idxname = NULL;		/* DefineIndex will choose name */

		index->relation = cxt->relation;
		index->accessMethod = DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE;
		index->tableSpace = constraint->indexspace;
		index->indexParams = NIL;
		index->whereClause = NULL;

		 * Make sure referenced keys exist.  If we are making a PRIMARY KEY
		 * index, also make sure they are NOT NULL, if possible. (Although we
		 * could leave it to DefineIndex to mark the columns NOT NULL, it's
		 * more efficient to get it right the first time.)
		foreach(keys, constraint->keys)
			char	   *key = strVal(lfirst(keys));
			bool		found = false;
			ColumnDef  *column = NULL;
			ListCell   *columns;

			foreach(columns, cxt->columns)
				column = (ColumnDef *) lfirst(columns);
				Assert(IsA(column, ColumnDef));
				if (strcmp(column->colname, key) == 0)
					found = true;
			if (found)
				/* found column in the new table; force it to be NOT NULL */
				if (constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY)
					column->is_not_null = TRUE;
			else if (SystemAttributeByName(key, cxt->hasoids) != NULL)
				 * column will be a system column in the new table, so accept
				 * it.	System columns can't ever be null, so no need to worry
				 * about PRIMARY/NOT NULL constraint.
				found = true;
			else if (cxt->inhRelations)
				/* try inherited tables */
				ListCell   *inher;

				foreach(inher, cxt->inhRelations)
					RangeVar   *inh = (RangeVar *) lfirst(inher);
					Relation	rel;
					int			count;

					Assert(IsA(inh, RangeVar));
					rel = heap_openrv(inh, AccessShareLock);
					if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
						   errmsg("inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",
					for (count = 0; count < rel->rd_att->natts; count++)
						Form_pg_attribute inhattr = rel->rd_att->attrs[count];
						char	   *inhname = NameStr(inhattr->attname);

						if (inhattr->attisdropped)
						if (strcmp(key, inhname) == 0)
							found = true;

							 * We currently have no easy way to force an
							 * inherited column to be NOT NULL at creation, if
							 * its parent wasn't so already. We leave it to
							 * DefineIndex to fix things up in this case.
					heap_close(rel, NoLock);
					if (found)

			 * In the ALTER TABLE case, don't complain about index keys not
			 * created in the command; they may well exist already.
			 * DefineIndex will complain about them if not, and will also take
			 * care of marking them NOT NULL.
			if (!found && !cxt->isalter)
						 errmsg("column \"%s\" named in key does not exist",

			/* Check for PRIMARY KEY(foo, foo) */
			foreach(columns, index->indexParams)
				iparam = (IndexElem *) lfirst(columns);
				if (iparam->name && strcmp(key, iparam->name) == 0)
					if (index->primary)
								 errmsg("column \"%s\" appears twice in primary key constraint",
								 errmsg("column \"%s\" appears twice in unique constraint",

			/* OK, add it to the index definition */
			iparam = makeNode(IndexElem);
			iparam->name = pstrdup(key);
			iparam->expr = NULL;
			iparam->opclass = NIL;
			index->indexParams = lappend(index->indexParams, iparam);

		indexlist = lappend(indexlist, index);

	 * Scan the index list and remove any redundant index specifications. This
	 * can happen if, for instance, the user writes UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY. A
	 * strict reading of SQL92 would suggest raising an error instead, but
	 * that strikes me as too anal-retentive. - tgl 2001-02-14
	 * XXX in ALTER TABLE case, it'd be nice to look for duplicate
	 * pre-existing indexes, too.
	cxt->alist = NIL;
	if (cxt->pkey != NULL)
		/* Make sure we keep the PKEY index in preference to others... */
		cxt->alist = list_make1(cxt->pkey);

	foreach(l, indexlist)
		bool		keep = true;
		ListCell   *k;

		index = lfirst(l);

		/* if it's pkey, it's already in cxt->alist */
		if (index == cxt->pkey)

		foreach(k, cxt->alist)
			IndexStmt  *priorindex = lfirst(k);

			if (equal(index->indexParams, priorindex->indexParams))
				 * If the prior index is as yet unnamed, and this one is
				 * named, then transfer the name to the prior index. This
				 * ensures that if we have named and unnamed constraints,
				 * we'll use (at least one of) the names for the index.
				if (priorindex->idxname == NULL)
					priorindex->idxname = index->idxname;
				keep = false;

		if (keep)
			cxt->alist = lappend(cxt->alist, index);

static void
transformFKConstraints(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
					   bool skipValidation, bool isAddConstraint)
	ListCell   *fkclist;

	if (cxt->fkconstraints == NIL)

	 * If CREATE TABLE or adding a column with NULL default, we can safely
	 * skip validation of the constraint.
	if (skipValidation)
		foreach(fkclist, cxt->fkconstraints)
			FkConstraint *fkconstraint = (FkConstraint *) lfirst(fkclist);

			fkconstraint->skip_validation = true;

	 * CONSTRAINT command to execute after the basic command is complete. (If
	 * called from ADD CONSTRAINT, that routine will add the FK constraints to
	 * its own subcommand list.)
	 * Note: the ADD CONSTRAINT command must also execute after any index
	 * creation commands.  Thus, this should run after
	 * transformIndexConstraints, so that the CREATE INDEX commands are
	 * already in cxt->alist.
	if (!isAddConstraint)
		AlterTableStmt *alterstmt = makeNode(AlterTableStmt);

		alterstmt->relation = cxt->relation;
		alterstmt->cmds = NIL;
		alterstmt->relkind = OBJECT_TABLE;

		foreach(fkclist, cxt->fkconstraints)
			FkConstraint *fkconstraint = (FkConstraint *) lfirst(fkclist);
			AlterTableCmd *altercmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd);

			altercmd->subtype = AT_ProcessedConstraint;
			altercmd->name = NULL;
			altercmd->def = (Node *) fkconstraint;
			alterstmt->cmds = lappend(alterstmt->cmds, altercmd);

		cxt->alist = lappend(cxt->alist, alterstmt);

 * transformIndexStmt -
 *	  transforms the qualification of the index statement
static Query *
transformIndexStmt(ParseState *pstate, IndexStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *qry;
	RangeTblEntry *rte = NULL;
	ListCell   *l;

	qry = makeNode(Query);
	qry->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;

	/* take care of the where clause */
	if (stmt->whereClause)
		 * Put the parent table into the rtable so that the WHERE clause can
		 * refer to its fields without qualification.  Note that this only
		 * works if the parent table already exists --- so we can't easily
		 * support predicates on indexes created implicitly by CREATE TABLE.
		 * Fortunately, that's not necessary.
		rte = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, stmt->relation, NULL, false, true);

		/* no to join list, yes to namespaces */
		addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, false, true, true);

		stmt->whereClause = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause,

	/* take care of any index expressions */
	foreach(l, stmt->indexParams)
		IndexElem  *ielem = (IndexElem *) lfirst(l);

		if (ielem->expr)
			/* Set up rtable as for predicate, see notes above */
			if (rte == NULL)
				rte = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, stmt->relation, NULL,
										 false, true);
				/* no to join list, yes to namespaces */
				addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, false, true, true);
			ielem->expr = transformExpr(pstate, ielem->expr);

			 * We check only that the result type is legitimate; this is for
			 * consistency with what transformWhereClause() checks for the
			 * predicate.  DefineIndex() will make more checks.
			if (expression_returns_set(ielem->expr))
						 errmsg("index expression may not return a set")));

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
	stmt->rangetable = pstate->p_rtable;

	qry->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	return qry;

 * transformRuleStmt -
 *	  transform a Create Rule Statement. The actions is a list of parse
 *	  trees which is transformed into a list of query trees.
static Query *
transformRuleStmt(ParseState *pstate, RuleStmt *stmt,
				  List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	Query	   *qry;
	Relation	rel;
	RangeTblEntry *oldrte;
	RangeTblEntry *newrte;

	qry = makeNode(Query);
	qry->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	qry->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	 * To avoid deadlock, make sure the first thing we do is grab
	 * AccessExclusiveLock on the target relation.	This will be needed by
	 * DefineQueryRewrite(), and we don't want to grab a lesser lock
	 * beforehand.
	rel = heap_openrv(stmt->relation, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * NOTE: 'OLD' must always have a varno equal to 1 and 'NEW' equal to 2.
	 * Set up their RTEs in the main pstate for use in parsing the rule
	 * qualification.
	Assert(pstate->p_rtable == NIL);
	oldrte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(pstate, rel,
										   makeAlias("*OLD*", NIL),
										   false, false);
	newrte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(pstate, rel,
										   makeAlias("*NEW*", NIL),
										   false, false);
	/* Must override addRangeTableEntry's default access-check flags */
	oldrte->requiredPerms = 0;
	newrte->requiredPerms = 0;

	 * They must be in the namespace too for lookup purposes, but only add the
	 * one(s) that are relevant for the current kind of rule.  In an UPDATE
	 * rule, quals must refer to OLD.field or NEW.field to be unambiguous, but
	 * there's no need to be so picky for INSERT & DELETE.  We do not add them
	 * to the joinlist.
	switch (stmt->event)
		case CMD_SELECT:
			addRTEtoQuery(pstate, oldrte, false, true, true);
		case CMD_UPDATE:
			addRTEtoQuery(pstate, oldrte, false, true, true);
			addRTEtoQuery(pstate, newrte, false, true, true);
		case CMD_INSERT:
			addRTEtoQuery(pstate, newrte, false, true, true);
		case CMD_DELETE:
			addRTEtoQuery(pstate, oldrte, false, true, true);
			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized event type: %d",
				 (int) stmt->event);

	/* take care of the where clause */
	stmt->whereClause = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause,

	if (list_length(pstate->p_rtable) != 2)		/* naughty, naughty... */
				 errmsg("rule WHERE condition may not contain references to other relations")));

	/* aggregates not allowed (but subselects are okay) */
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
		errmsg("cannot use aggregate function in rule WHERE condition")));

	/* save info about sublinks in where clause */
	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;

	 * 'instead nothing' rules with a qualification need a query rangetable so
	 * the rewrite handler can add the negated rule qualification to the
	 * original query. We create a query with the new command type CMD_NOTHING
	 * here that is treated specially by the rewrite system.
	if (stmt->actions == NIL)
		Query	   *nothing_qry = makeNode(Query);

		nothing_qry->commandType = CMD_NOTHING;
		nothing_qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
		nothing_qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(NIL, NULL);		/* no join wanted */

		stmt->actions = list_make1(nothing_qry);
		ListCell   *l;
		List	   *newactions = NIL;

		 * transform each statement, like parse_sub_analyze()
		foreach(l, stmt->actions)
			Node	   *action = (Node *) lfirst(l);
			ParseState *sub_pstate = make_parsestate(pstate->parentParseState);
			Query	   *sub_qry,
			bool		has_old,

			 * Set up OLD/NEW in the rtable for this statement.  The entries
			 * are added only to relnamespace, not varnamespace, because we
			 * don't want them to be referred to by unqualified field names
			 * nor "*" in the rule actions.  We decide later whether to put
			 * them in the joinlist.
			oldrte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(sub_pstate, rel,
												   makeAlias("*OLD*", NIL),
												   false, false);
			newrte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(sub_pstate, rel,
												   makeAlias("*NEW*", NIL),
												   false, false);
			oldrte->requiredPerms = 0;
			newrte->requiredPerms = 0;
			addRTEtoQuery(sub_pstate, oldrte, false, true, false);
			addRTEtoQuery(sub_pstate, newrte, false, true, false);

			/* Transform the rule action statement */
			top_subqry = transformStmt(sub_pstate, action,
									   extras_before, extras_after);

			 * We cannot support utility-statement actions (eg NOTIFY) with
			 * nonempty rule WHERE conditions, because there's no way to make
			 * the utility action execute conditionally.
			if (top_subqry->commandType == CMD_UTILITY &&
				stmt->whereClause != NULL)
						 errmsg("rules with WHERE conditions may only have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE actions")));

			 * If the action is INSERT...SELECT, OLD/NEW have been pushed down
			 * into the SELECT, and that's what we need to look at. (Ugly
			 * kluge ... try to fix this when we redesign querytrees.)
			sub_qry = getInsertSelectQuery(top_subqry, NULL);

			 * If the sub_qry is a setop, we cannot attach any qualifications
			 * to it, because the planner won't notice them.  This could
			 * perhaps be relaxed someday, but for now, we may as well reject
			 * such a rule immediately.
			if (sub_qry->setOperations != NULL && stmt->whereClause != NULL)
						 errmsg("conditional UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT statements are not implemented")));

			 * Validate action's use of OLD/NEW, qual too
			has_old =
				rangeTableEntry_used((Node *) sub_qry, PRS2_OLD_VARNO, 0) ||
				rangeTableEntry_used(stmt->whereClause, PRS2_OLD_VARNO, 0);
			has_new =
				rangeTableEntry_used((Node *) sub_qry, PRS2_NEW_VARNO, 0) ||
				rangeTableEntry_used(stmt->whereClause, PRS2_NEW_VARNO, 0);

			switch (stmt->event)
				case CMD_SELECT:
					if (has_old)
								 errmsg("ON SELECT rule may not use OLD")));
					if (has_new)
								 errmsg("ON SELECT rule may not use NEW")));
				case CMD_UPDATE:
					/* both are OK */
				case CMD_INSERT:
					if (has_old)
								 errmsg("ON INSERT rule may not use OLD")));
				case CMD_DELETE:
					if (has_new)
								 errmsg("ON DELETE rule may not use NEW")));
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized event type: %d",
						 (int) stmt->event);

			 * For efficiency's sake, add OLD to the rule action's jointree
			 * only if it was actually referenced in the statement or qual.
			 * For INSERT, NEW is not really a relation (only a reference to
			 * the to-be-inserted tuple) and should never be added to the
			 * jointree.
			 * For UPDATE, we treat NEW as being another kind of reference to
			 * OLD, because it represents references to *transformed* tuples
			 * of the existing relation.  It would be wrong to enter NEW
			 * separately in the jointree, since that would cause a double
			 * join of the updated relation.  It's also wrong to fail to make
			 * a jointree entry if only NEW and not OLD is mentioned.
			if (has_old || (has_new && stmt->event == CMD_UPDATE))
				 * If sub_qry is a setop, manipulating its jointree will do no
				 * good at all, because the jointree is dummy. (This should be
				 * a can't-happen case because of prior tests.)
				if (sub_qry->setOperations != NULL)
							 errmsg("conditional UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT statements are not implemented")));
				/* hack so we can use addRTEtoQuery() */
				sub_pstate->p_rtable = sub_qry->rtable;
				sub_pstate->p_joinlist = sub_qry->jointree->fromlist;
				addRTEtoQuery(sub_pstate, oldrte, true, false, false);
				sub_qry->jointree->fromlist = sub_pstate->p_joinlist;

			newactions = lappend(newactions, top_subqry);


		stmt->actions = newactions;

	/* Close relation, but keep the exclusive lock */
	heap_close(rel, NoLock);

	return qry;

 * transformSelectStmt -
 *	  transforms a Select Statement
 * Note: this is also used for DECLARE CURSOR statements.
static Query *
transformSelectStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *qry = makeNode(Query);
	Node	   *qual;
	ListCell   *l;

	qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;

	/* make FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE info available to addRangeTableEntry */
	pstate->p_locking_clause = stmt->lockingClause;

	/* process the FROM clause */
	transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause);

	/* transform targetlist */
	qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList);

	/* handle any SELECT INTO/CREATE TABLE AS spec */
	qry->into = stmt->into;
	if (stmt->intoColNames)
		applyColumnNames(qry->targetList, stmt->intoColNames);

	qry->intoHasOids = interpretOidsOption(stmt->intoHasOids);
	qry->intoOnCommit = stmt->intoOnCommit;
	qry->intoTableSpaceName = stmt->intoTableSpaceName;

	/* mark column origins */
	markTargetListOrigins(pstate, qry->targetList);

	/* transform WHERE */
	qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause, "WHERE");

	 * Initial processing of HAVING clause is just like WHERE clause.
	qry->havingQual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->havingClause,

	 * Transform sorting/grouping stuff.  Do ORDER BY first because both
	 * transformGroupClause and transformDistinctClause need the results.
	qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
										  true /* fix unknowns */ );

	qry->groupClause = transformGroupClause(pstate,

	qry->distinctClause = transformDistinctClause(pstate,

	qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitOffset,
	qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitCount,

	qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
	qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->havingQual)
		parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

	foreach(l, stmt->lockingClause)
		transformLockingClause(qry, (LockingClause *) lfirst(l));

	return qry;

 * transformSetOperationsStmt -
 *	  transforms a set-operations tree
 * A set-operation tree is just a SELECT, but with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT
 * structure to it.  We must transform each leaf SELECT and build up a top-
 * level Query that contains the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its rangetable.
 * The tree of set operations is converted into the setOperations field of
 * the top-level Query.
static Query *
transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *qry = makeNode(Query);
	SelectStmt *leftmostSelect;
	int			leftmostRTI;
	Query	   *leftmostQuery;
	SetOperationStmt *sostmt;
	RangeVar   *into;
	List	   *intoColNames;
	List	   *sortClause;
	Node	   *limitOffset;
	Node	   *limitCount;
	List	   *lockingClause;
	Node	   *node;
	ListCell   *left_tlist,
	List	   *targetvars,
	RangeTblEntry *jrte;
	int			tllen;

	qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;

	 * Find leftmost leaf SelectStmt; extract the one-time-only items from it
	 * and from the top-level node.
	leftmostSelect = stmt->larg;
	while (leftmostSelect && leftmostSelect->op != SETOP_NONE)
		leftmostSelect = leftmostSelect->larg;
	Assert(leftmostSelect && IsA(leftmostSelect, SelectStmt) &&
		   leftmostSelect->larg == NULL);
	into = leftmostSelect->into;
	intoColNames = leftmostSelect->intoColNames;

	/* clear them to prevent complaints in transformSetOperationTree() */
	leftmostSelect->into = NULL;
	leftmostSelect->intoColNames = NIL;

	 * These are not one-time, exactly, but we want to process them here and
	 * not let transformSetOperationTree() see them --- else it'll just
	 * recurse right back here!
	sortClause = stmt->sortClause;
	limitOffset = stmt->limitOffset;
	limitCount = stmt->limitCount;
	lockingClause = stmt->lockingClause;

	stmt->sortClause = NIL;
	stmt->limitOffset = NULL;
	stmt->limitCount = NULL;
	stmt->lockingClause = NIL;

	/* We don't support FOR UPDATE/SHARE with set ops at the moment. */
	if (lockingClause)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT")));

	 * Recursively transform the components of the tree.
	sostmt = (SetOperationStmt *) transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt);
	Assert(sostmt && IsA(sostmt, SetOperationStmt));
	qry->setOperations = (Node *) sostmt;

	 * Re-find leftmost SELECT (now it's a sub-query in rangetable)
	node = sostmt->larg;
	while (node && IsA(node, SetOperationStmt))
		node = ((SetOperationStmt *) node)->larg;
	Assert(node && IsA(node, RangeTblRef));
	leftmostRTI = ((RangeTblRef *) node)->rtindex;
	leftmostQuery = rt_fetch(leftmostRTI, pstate->p_rtable)->subquery;
	Assert(leftmostQuery != NULL);

	 * Generate dummy targetlist for outer query using column names of
	 * leftmost select and common datatypes of topmost set operation. Also
	 * make lists of the dummy vars and their names for use in parsing ORDER
	 * BY.
	 * Note: we use leftmostRTI as the varno of the dummy variables. It
	 * shouldn't matter too much which RT index they have, as long as they
	 * have one that corresponds to a real RT entry; else funny things may
	 * happen when the tree is mashed by rule rewriting.
	qry->targetList = NIL;
	targetvars = NIL;
	targetnames = NIL;
	left_tlist = list_head(leftmostQuery->targetList);

	foreach(dtlist, sostmt->colTypes)
		Oid			colType = lfirst_oid(dtlist);
		TargetEntry *lefttle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(left_tlist);
		char	   *colName;
		TargetEntry *tle;
		Expr	   *expr;

		colName = pstrdup(lefttle->resname);
		expr = (Expr *) makeVar(leftmostRTI,
		tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
							  (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
		qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
		targetvars = lappend(targetvars, expr);
		targetnames = lappend(targetnames, makeString(colName));
		left_tlist = lnext(left_tlist);

	 * Any column names from CREATE TABLE AS need to be attached to both the
	 * top level and the leftmost subquery.  We do not do this earlier because
	 * we do *not* want the targetnames list to be affected.
	qry->into = into;
	if (intoColNames)
		applyColumnNames(qry->targetList, intoColNames);
		applyColumnNames(leftmostQuery->targetList, intoColNames);

	 * As a first step towards supporting sort clauses that are expressions
	 * using the output columns, generate a varnamespace entry that makes the
	 * output columns visible.	A Join RTE node is handy for this, since we
	 * can easily control the Vars generated upon matches.
	 * Note: we don't yet do anything useful with such cases, but at least
	 * "ORDER BY upper(foo)" will draw the right error message rather than
	 * "foo not found".
	jrte = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(NULL,

	sv_rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	pstate->p_rtable = list_make1(jrte);

	sv_relnamespace = pstate->p_relnamespace;
	pstate->p_relnamespace = NIL;		/* no qualified names allowed */

	sv_varnamespace = pstate->p_varnamespace;
	pstate->p_varnamespace = list_make1(jrte);

	 * For now, we don't support resjunk sort clauses on the output of a
	 * setOperation tree --- you can only use the SQL92-spec options of
	 * selecting an output column by name or number.  Enforce by checking that
	 * transformSortClause doesn't add any items to tlist.
	tllen = list_length(qry->targetList);

	qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
										  false /* no unknowns expected */ );

	pstate->p_rtable = sv_rtable;
	pstate->p_relnamespace = sv_relnamespace;
	pstate->p_varnamespace = sv_varnamespace;

	if (tllen != list_length(qry->targetList))
				 errmsg("ORDER BY on a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT result must be on one of the result columns")));

	qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, limitOffset,
	qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, limitCount,

	qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
	qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->havingQual)
		parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

	foreach(l, lockingClause)
		transformLockingClause(qry, (LockingClause *) lfirst(l));

	return qry;

 * transformSetOperationTree
 *		Recursively transform leaves and internal nodes of a set-op tree
static Node *
transformSetOperationTree(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
	bool		isLeaf;

	Assert(stmt && IsA(stmt, SelectStmt));

	 * Validity-check both leaf and internal SELECTs for disallowed ops.
	if (stmt->into)
				 errmsg("INTO is only allowed on first SELECT of UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT")));
	/* We don't support FOR UPDATE/SHARE with set ops at the moment. */
	if (stmt->lockingClause)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT")));

	 * If an internal node of a set-op tree has ORDER BY, UPDATE, or LIMIT
	 * clauses attached, we need to treat it like a leaf node to generate an
	 * independent sub-Query tree.	Otherwise, it can be represented by a
	 * SetOperationStmt node underneath the parent Query.
	if (stmt->op == SETOP_NONE)
		Assert(stmt->larg == NULL && stmt->rarg == NULL);
		isLeaf = true;
		Assert(stmt->larg != NULL && stmt->rarg != NULL);
		if (stmt->sortClause || stmt->limitOffset || stmt->limitCount ||
			isLeaf = true;
			isLeaf = false;

	if (isLeaf)
		/* Process leaf SELECT */
		List	   *selectList;
		Query	   *selectQuery;
		char		selectName[32];
		RangeTblEntry *rte;
		RangeTblRef *rtr;

		 * Transform SelectStmt into a Query.
		 * Note: previously transformed sub-queries don't affect the parsing
		 * of this sub-query, because they are not in the toplevel pstate's
		 * namespace list.
		selectList = parse_sub_analyze((Node *) stmt, pstate);

		Assert(list_length(selectList) == 1);
		selectQuery = (Query *) linitial(selectList);
		Assert(IsA(selectQuery, Query));

		 * Check for bogus references to Vars on the current query level (but
		 * upper-level references are okay). Normally this can't happen
		 * because the namespace will be empty, but it could happen if we are
		 * inside a rule.
		if (pstate->p_relnamespace || pstate->p_varnamespace)
			if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) selectQuery, 1))
						 errmsg("UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT member statement may not refer to other relations of same query level")));

		 * Make the leaf query be a subquery in the top-level rangetable.
		snprintf(selectName, sizeof(selectName), "*SELECT* %d",
				 list_length(pstate->p_rtable) + 1);
		rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
											makeAlias(selectName, NIL),

		 * Return a RangeTblRef to replace the SelectStmt in the set-op tree.
		rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
		/* assume new rte is at end */
		rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
		Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
		return (Node *) rtr;
		/* Process an internal node (set operation node) */
		SetOperationStmt *op = makeNode(SetOperationStmt);
		List	   *lcoltypes;
		List	   *rcoltypes;
		ListCell   *l;
		ListCell   *r;
		const char *context;

		context = (stmt->op == SETOP_UNION ? "UNION" :
				   (stmt->op == SETOP_INTERSECT ? "INTERSECT" :

		op->op = stmt->op;
		op->all = stmt->all;

		 * Recursively transform the child nodes.
		op->larg = transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt->larg);
		op->rarg = transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt->rarg);

		 * Verify that the two children have the same number of non-junk
		 * columns, and determine the types of the merged output columns.
		lcoltypes = getSetColTypes(pstate, op->larg);
		rcoltypes = getSetColTypes(pstate, op->rarg);
		if (list_length(lcoltypes) != list_length(rcoltypes))
				 errmsg("each %s query must have the same number of columns",

		op->colTypes = NIL;
		forboth(l, lcoltypes, r, rcoltypes)
			Oid			lcoltype = lfirst_oid(l);
			Oid			rcoltype = lfirst_oid(r);
			Oid			rescoltype;

			rescoltype = select_common_type(list_make2_oid(lcoltype, rcoltype),
			op->colTypes = lappend_oid(op->colTypes, rescoltype);

		return (Node *) op;

 * getSetColTypes
 *		Get output column types of an (already transformed) set-op node
static List *
getSetColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *node)
	if (IsA(node, RangeTblRef))
		RangeTblRef *rtr = (RangeTblRef *) node;
		RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable);
		Query	   *selectQuery = rte->subquery;
		List	   *result = NIL;
		ListCell   *tl;

		Assert(selectQuery != NULL);
		/* Get types of non-junk columns */
		foreach(tl, selectQuery->targetList)
			TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);

			if (tle->resjunk)
			result = lappend_oid(result, exprType((Node *) tle->expr));
		return result;
	else if (IsA(node, SetOperationStmt))
		SetOperationStmt *op = (SetOperationStmt *) node;

		/* Result already computed during transformation of node */
		Assert(op->colTypes != NIL);
		return op->colTypes;
		elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));
		return NIL;				/* keep compiler quiet */

/* Attach column names from a ColumnDef list to a TargetEntry list */
static void
applyColumnNames(List *dst, List *src)
	ListCell   *dst_item;
	ListCell   *src_item;

	if (list_length(src) > list_length(dst))
				 errmsg("CREATE TABLE AS specifies too many column names")));

	forboth(dst_item, dst, src_item, src)
		TargetEntry *d = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(dst_item);
		ColumnDef  *s = (ColumnDef *) lfirst(src_item);

		d->resname = pstrdup(s->colname);

 * transformUpdateStmt -
 *	  transforms an update statement
static Query *
transformUpdateStmt(ParseState *pstate, UpdateStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *qry = makeNode(Query);
	Node	   *qual;
	ListCell   *origTargetList;
	ListCell   *tl;

	qry->commandType = CMD_UPDATE;
	pstate->p_is_update = true;

	qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,

	 * the FROM clause is non-standard SQL syntax. We used to be able to do
	 * this with REPLACE in POSTQUEL so we keep the feature.
	transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause);

	qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList);

	qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause, "WHERE");

	qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
	qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);

	qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;

	 * Top-level aggregates are simply disallowed in UPDATE, per spec.
	 * (From an implementation point of view, this is forced because the
	 * implicit ctid reference would otherwise be an ungrouped variable.)
	if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
				 errmsg("cannot use aggregate function in UPDATE")));

	 * Now we are done with SELECT-like processing, and can get on with
	 * transforming the target list to match the UPDATE target columns.

	/* Prepare to assign non-conflicting resnos to resjunk attributes */
	if (pstate->p_next_resno <= pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts)
		pstate->p_next_resno = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts + 1;

	/* Prepare non-junk columns for assignment to target table */
	origTargetList = list_head(stmt->targetList);

	foreach(tl, qry->targetList)
		TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
		ResTarget  *origTarget;
		int		attrno;

		if (tle->resjunk)
			 * Resjunk nodes need no additional processing, but be sure they
			 * have resnos that do not match any target columns; else rewriter
			 * or planner might get confused.  They don't need a resname
			 * either.
			tle->resno = (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++;
			tle->resname = NULL;
		if (origTargetList == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "UPDATE target count mismatch --- internal error");
		origTarget = (ResTarget *) lfirst(origTargetList);
		Assert(IsA(origTarget, ResTarget));

		attrno = attnameAttNum(pstate->p_target_relation,
							   origTarget->name, true);
		if (attrno == InvalidAttrNumber)
					 errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist",
					 parser_errposition(pstate, origTarget->location)));

		updateTargetListEntry(pstate, tle, origTarget->name,

		origTargetList = lnext(origTargetList);
	if (origTargetList != NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "UPDATE target count mismatch --- internal error");

	return qry;

 * tranformAlterTableStmt -
 *	transform an Alter Table Statement
static Query *
transformAlterTableStmt(ParseState *pstate, AlterTableStmt *stmt,
						List **extras_before, List **extras_after)
	CreateStmtContext cxt;
	Query	   *qry;
	ListCell   *lcmd,
	List	   *newcmds = NIL;
	bool		skipValidation = true;
	AlterTableCmd *newcmd;

	cxt.stmtType = "ALTER TABLE";
	cxt.relation = stmt->relation;
	cxt.inhRelations = NIL;
	cxt.isalter = true;
	cxt.hasoids = false;		/* need not be right */
	cxt.columns = NIL;
	cxt.ckconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.fkconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.ixconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.blist = NIL;
	cxt.alist = NIL;
	cxt.pkey = NULL;

	 * The only subtypes that currently require parse transformation handling
	 * are ADD COLUMN and ADD CONSTRAINT.  These largely re-use code from
	foreach(lcmd, stmt->cmds)
		AlterTableCmd *cmd = (AlterTableCmd *) lfirst(lcmd);

		switch (cmd->subtype)
			case AT_AddColumn:
					ColumnDef  *def = (ColumnDef *) cmd->def;

					Assert(IsA(cmd->def, ColumnDef));
					transformColumnDefinition(pstate, &cxt,
											  (ColumnDef *) cmd->def);

					 * If the column has a non-null default, we can't skip
					 * validation of foreign keys.
					if (((ColumnDef *) cmd->def)->raw_default != NULL)
						skipValidation = false;

					newcmds = lappend(newcmds, cmd);

					 * Convert an ADD COLUMN ... NOT NULL constraint to a
					 * separate command
					if (def->is_not_null)
						/* Remove NOT NULL from AddColumn */
						def->is_not_null = false;

						/* Add as a separate AlterTableCmd */
						newcmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd);
						newcmd->subtype = AT_SetNotNull;
						newcmd->name = pstrdup(def->colname);
						newcmds = lappend(newcmds, newcmd);

					 * All constraints are processed in other ways. Remove the
					 * original list
					def->constraints = NIL;

			case AT_AddConstraint:

				 * The original AddConstraint cmd node doesn't go to newcmds

				if (IsA(cmd->def, Constraint))
					transformTableConstraint(pstate, &cxt,
											 (Constraint *) cmd->def);
				else if (IsA(cmd->def, FkConstraint))
					cxt.fkconstraints = lappend(cxt.fkconstraints, cmd->def);
					skipValidation = false;
					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
						 (int) nodeTag(cmd->def));

			case AT_ProcessedConstraint:

				 * Already-transformed ADD CONSTRAINT, so just make it look
				 * like the standard case.
				cmd->subtype = AT_AddConstraint;
				newcmds = lappend(newcmds, cmd);

				newcmds = lappend(newcmds, cmd);

	/* Postprocess index and FK constraints */
	transformIndexConstraints(pstate, &cxt);

	transformFKConstraints(pstate, &cxt, skipValidation, true);

	 * Push any index-creation commands into the ALTER, so that they can be
	 * scheduled nicely by tablecmds.c.
	foreach(l, cxt.alist)
		Node	   *idxstmt = (Node *) lfirst(l);

		Assert(IsA(idxstmt, IndexStmt));
		newcmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd);
		newcmd->subtype = AT_AddIndex;
		newcmd->def = idxstmt;
		newcmds = lappend(newcmds, newcmd);
	cxt.alist = NIL;

	/* Append any CHECK or FK constraints to the commands list */
	foreach(l, cxt.ckconstraints)
		newcmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd);
		newcmd->subtype = AT_AddConstraint;
		newcmd->def = (Node *) lfirst(l);
		newcmds = lappend(newcmds, newcmd);
	foreach(l, cxt.fkconstraints)
		newcmd = makeNode(AlterTableCmd);
		newcmd->subtype = AT_AddConstraint;
		newcmd->def = (Node *) lfirst(l);
		newcmds = lappend(newcmds, newcmd);

	/* Update statement's commands list */
	stmt->cmds = newcmds;

	qry = makeNode(Query);
	qry->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	qry->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	*extras_before = list_concat(*extras_before, cxt.blist);
	*extras_after = list_concat(cxt.alist, *extras_after);

	return qry;

static Query *
transformDeclareCursorStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeclareCursorStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *result = makeNode(Query);
	List	   *extras_before = NIL,
			   *extras_after = NIL;

	result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	 * Don't allow both SCROLL and NO SCROLL to be specified
	if ((stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL) &&
		(stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL))
				 errmsg("cannot specify both SCROLL and NO SCROLL")));

	stmt->query = (Node *) transformStmt(pstate, stmt->query,
										 &extras_before, &extras_after);

	/* Shouldn't get any extras, since grammar only allows SelectStmt */
	if (extras_before || extras_after)
		elog(ERROR, "unexpected extra stuff in cursor statement");

	return result;

static Query *
transformPrepareStmt(ParseState *pstate, PrepareStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *result = makeNode(Query);
	List	   *argtype_oids;		/* argtype OIDs in a list */
	Oid		   *argtoids = NULL;	/* and as an array */
	int			nargs;
	List	   *queries;
	int			i;

	result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	/* Transform list of TypeNames to list (and array) of type OIDs */
	nargs = list_length(stmt->argtypes);

	if (nargs)
		ListCell   *l;

		argtoids = (Oid *) palloc(nargs * sizeof(Oid));
		i = 0;

		foreach(l, stmt->argtypes)
			TypeName   *tn = lfirst(l);
			Oid			toid = typenameTypeId(pstate, tn);

			argtoids[i++] = toid;

	 * Analyze the statement using these parameter types (any
	 * parameters passed in from above us will not be visible to it),
	 * allowing information about unknown parameters to be deduced
	 * from context.
	queries = parse_analyze_varparams((Node *) stmt->query,
									  &argtoids, &nargs);

	 * Shouldn't get any extra statements, since grammar only allows
	 * OptimizableStmt
	if (list_length(queries) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "unexpected extra stuff in prepared statement");

	 * Check that all parameter types were determined, and convert the
	 * array of OIDs into a list for storage.
	argtype_oids = NIL;
	for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
		Oid			argtype = argtoids[i];

		if (argtype == InvalidOid || argtype == UNKNOWNOID)
					 errmsg("could not determine data type of parameter $%d",
							i + 1)));

		argtype_oids = lappend_oid(argtype_oids, argtype);

	stmt->argtype_oids = argtype_oids;
	stmt->query = linitial(queries);
	return result;

static Query *
transformExecuteStmt(ParseState *pstate, ExecuteStmt *stmt)
	Query	   *result = makeNode(Query);
	List	   *paramtypes;

	result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
	result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;

	paramtypes = FetchPreparedStatementParams(stmt->name);

	stmt->into_has_oids = interpretOidsOption(stmt->into_contains_oids);

	if (stmt->params || paramtypes)
		int			nparams = list_length(stmt->params);
		int			nexpected = list_length(paramtypes);
		ListCell   *l,
		int			i = 1;

		if (nparams != nexpected)
			errmsg("wrong number of parameters for prepared statement \"%s\"",
					 errdetail("Expected %d parameters but got %d.",
							   nexpected, nparams)));

		forboth(l, stmt->params, l2, paramtypes)
			Node	   *expr = lfirst(l);
			Oid			expected_type_id = lfirst_oid(l2);
			Oid			given_type_id;

			expr = transformExpr(pstate, expr);

			/* Cannot contain subselects or aggregates */
			if (pstate->p_hasSubLinks)
						 errmsg("cannot use subquery in EXECUTE parameter")));
			if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
						 errmsg("cannot use aggregate function in EXECUTE parameter")));

			given_type_id = exprType(expr);

			expr = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, expr, given_type_id,
										 expected_type_id, -1,

			if (expr == NULL)
						 errmsg("parameter $%d of type %s cannot be coerced to the expected type %s",
				errhint("You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.")));

			lfirst(l) = expr;

	return result;

/* exported so planner can check again after rewriting, query pullup, etc */
CheckSelectLocking(Query *qry)
	if (qry->setOperations)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT")));
	if (qry->distinctClause != NIL)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with DISTINCT clause")));
	if (qry->groupClause != NIL)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with GROUP BY clause")));
	if (qry->havingQual != NULL)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with HAVING clause")));
	if (qry->hasAggs)
				 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with aggregate functions")));

 * Transform a FOR UPDATE/SHARE clause
 * This basically involves replacing names by integer relids.
 * NB: if you need to change this, see also markQueryForLocking()
 * in rewriteHandler.c.
static void
transformLockingClause(Query *qry, LockingClause *lc)
	List	   *lockedRels = lc->lockedRels;
	ListCell   *l;
	ListCell   *rt;
	Index		i;
	LockingClause *allrels;


	/* make a clause we can pass down to subqueries to select all rels */
	allrels = makeNode(LockingClause);
	allrels->lockedRels = NIL;	/* indicates all rels */
	allrels->forUpdate = lc->forUpdate;
	allrels->noWait = lc->noWait;

	if (lockedRels == NIL)
		/* all regular tables used in query */
		i = 0;
		foreach(rt, qry->rtable)
			RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);

			switch (rte->rtekind)
				case RTE_RELATION:
					applyLockingClause(qry, i, lc->forUpdate, lc->noWait);
					rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE;
				case RTE_SUBQUERY:

					 * FOR UPDATE/SHARE of subquery is propagated to all of
					 * subquery's rels
					transformLockingClause(rte->subquery, allrels);
					/* ignore JOIN, SPECIAL, FUNCTION RTEs */
		/* just the named tables */
		foreach(l, lockedRels)
			char	   *relname = strVal(lfirst(l));

			i = 0;
			foreach(rt, qry->rtable)
				RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);

				if (strcmp(rte->eref->aliasname, relname) == 0)
					switch (rte->rtekind)
						case RTE_RELATION:
							applyLockingClause(qry, i,
											   lc->forUpdate, lc->noWait);
							rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE;
						case RTE_SUBQUERY:

							 * FOR UPDATE/SHARE of subquery is propagated to
							 * all of subquery's rels
							transformLockingClause(rte->subquery, allrels);
						case RTE_JOIN:
									 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE cannot be applied to a join")));
						case RTE_SPECIAL:
									 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE cannot be applied to NEW or OLD")));
						case RTE_FUNCTION:
									 errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE cannot be applied to a function")));
							elog(ERROR, "unrecognized RTE type: %d",
								 (int) rte->rtekind);
					break;		/* out of foreach loop */
			if (rt == NULL)
						 errmsg("relation \"%s\" in FOR UPDATE/SHARE clause not found in FROM clause",

 * Record locking info for a single rangetable item
applyLockingClause(Query *qry, Index rtindex, bool forUpdate, bool noWait)
	RowMarkClause *rc;

	/* Check for pre-existing entry for same rtindex */
	if ((rc = get_rowmark(qry, rtindex)) != NULL)
		 * If the same RTE is specified both FOR UPDATE and FOR SHARE,
		 * treat it as FOR UPDATE.  (Reasonable, since you can't take
		 * both a shared and exclusive lock at the same time; it'll
		 * end up being exclusive anyway.)
		 * We also consider that NOWAIT wins if it's specified both ways.
		 * This is a bit more debatable but raising an error doesn't
		 * seem helpful.  (Consider for instance SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT
		 * from a view that internally contains a plain FOR UPDATE spec.)
		rc->forUpdate |= forUpdate;
		rc->noWait |= noWait;

	/* Make a new RowMarkClause */
	rc = makeNode(RowMarkClause);
	rc->rti = rtindex;
	rc->forUpdate = forUpdate;
	rc->noWait = noWait;
	qry->rowMarks = lappend(qry->rowMarks, rc);

 * Preprocess a list of column constraint clauses
 * to attach constraint attributes to their primary constraint nodes
 * and detect inconsistent/misplaced constraint attributes.
 * NOTE: currently, attributes are only supported for FOREIGN KEY primary
 * constraints, but someday they ought to be supported for other constraints.
static void
transformConstraintAttrs(List *constraintList)
	Node	   *lastprimarynode = NULL;
	bool		saw_deferrability = false;
	bool		saw_initially = false;
	ListCell   *clist;

	foreach(clist, constraintList)
		Node	   *node = lfirst(clist);

		if (!IsA(node, Constraint))
			lastprimarynode = node;
			/* reset flags for new primary node */
			saw_deferrability = false;
			saw_initially = false;
			Constraint *con = (Constraint *) node;

			switch (con->contype)
					if (lastprimarynode == NULL ||
						!IsA(lastprimarynode, FkConstraint))
								 errmsg("misplaced DEFERRABLE clause")));
					if (saw_deferrability)
								 errmsg("multiple DEFERRABLE/NOT DEFERRABLE clauses not allowed")));
					saw_deferrability = true;
					((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->deferrable = true;
					if (lastprimarynode == NULL ||
						!IsA(lastprimarynode, FkConstraint))
								 errmsg("misplaced NOT DEFERRABLE clause")));
					if (saw_deferrability)
								 errmsg("multiple DEFERRABLE/NOT DEFERRABLE clauses not allowed")));
					saw_deferrability = true;
					((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->deferrable = false;
					if (saw_initially &&
						((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->initdeferred)
								 errmsg("constraint declared INITIALLY DEFERRED must be DEFERRABLE")));
					if (lastprimarynode == NULL ||
						!IsA(lastprimarynode, FkConstraint))
							 errmsg("misplaced INITIALLY DEFERRED clause")));
					if (saw_initially)
								 errmsg("multiple INITIALLY IMMEDIATE/DEFERRED clauses not allowed")));
					saw_initially = true;
					((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->initdeferred = true;

					 * If only INITIALLY DEFERRED appears, assume DEFERRABLE
					if (!saw_deferrability)
						((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->deferrable = true;
					else if (!((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->deferrable)
								 errmsg("constraint declared INITIALLY DEFERRED must be DEFERRABLE")));
					if (lastprimarynode == NULL ||
						!IsA(lastprimarynode, FkConstraint))
							errmsg("misplaced INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause")));
					if (saw_initially)
								 errmsg("multiple INITIALLY IMMEDIATE/DEFERRED clauses not allowed")));
					saw_initially = true;
					((FkConstraint *) lastprimarynode)->initdeferred = false;
					/* Otherwise it's not an attribute */
					lastprimarynode = node;
					/* reset flags for new primary node */
					saw_deferrability = false;
					saw_initially = false;

/* Build a FromExpr node */
static FromExpr *
makeFromExpr(List *fromlist, Node *quals)
	FromExpr   *f = makeNode(FromExpr);

	f->fromlist = fromlist;
	f->quals = quals;
	return f;

 * Special handling of type definition for a column
static void
transformColumnType(ParseState *pstate, ColumnDef *column)
	 * All we really need to do here is verify that the type is valid.
	Type		ctype = typenameType(pstate, column->typename);


static void
setSchemaName(char *context_schema, char **stmt_schema_name)
	if (*stmt_schema_name == NULL)
		*stmt_schema_name = context_schema;
	else if (strcmp(context_schema, *stmt_schema_name) != 0)
				 errmsg("CREATE specifies a schema (%s) "
						"different from the one being created (%s)",
						*stmt_schema_name, context_schema)));

 * analyzeCreateSchemaStmt -
 *	  analyzes the "create schema" statement
 * Split the schema element list into individual commands and place
 * them in the result list in an order such that there are no forward
 * references (e.g. GRANT to a table created later in the list). Note
 * that the logic we use for determining forward references is
 * presently quite incomplete.
 * SQL92 also allows constraints to make forward references, so thumb through
 * the table columns and move forward references to a posterior alter-table
 * command.
 * The result is a list of parse nodes that still need to be analyzed ---
 * but we can't analyze the later commands until we've executed the earlier
 * ones, because of possible inter-object references.
 * Note: Called from commands/schemacmds.c
List *
analyzeCreateSchemaStmt(CreateSchemaStmt *stmt)
	CreateSchemaStmtContext cxt;
	List	   *result;
	ListCell   *elements;

	cxt.stmtType = "CREATE SCHEMA";
	cxt.schemaname = stmt->schemaname;
	cxt.authid = stmt->authid;
	cxt.sequences = NIL;
	cxt.tables = NIL;
	cxt.views = NIL;
	cxt.indexes = NIL;
	cxt.grants = NIL;
	cxt.triggers = NIL;
	cxt.fwconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.alters = NIL;
	cxt.blist = NIL;
	cxt.alist = NIL;

	 * Run through each schema element in the schema element list. Separate
	 * statements by type, and do preliminary analysis.
	foreach(elements, stmt->schemaElts)
		Node	   *element = lfirst(elements);

		switch (nodeTag(element))
			case T_CreateSeqStmt:
					CreateSeqStmt *elp = (CreateSeqStmt *) element;

					setSchemaName(cxt.schemaname, &elp->sequence->schemaname);
					cxt.sequences = lappend(cxt.sequences, element);

			case T_CreateStmt:
					CreateStmt *elp = (CreateStmt *) element;

					setSchemaName(cxt.schemaname, &elp->relation->schemaname);

					 * XXX todo: deal with constraints
					cxt.tables = lappend(cxt.tables, element);

			case T_ViewStmt:
					ViewStmt   *elp = (ViewStmt *) element;

					setSchemaName(cxt.schemaname, &elp->view->schemaname);

					 * XXX todo: deal with references between views
					cxt.views = lappend(cxt.views, element);

			case T_IndexStmt:
					IndexStmt  *elp = (IndexStmt *) element;

					setSchemaName(cxt.schemaname, &elp->relation->schemaname);
					cxt.indexes = lappend(cxt.indexes, element);

			case T_CreateTrigStmt:
					CreateTrigStmt *elp = (CreateTrigStmt *) element;

					setSchemaName(cxt.schemaname, &elp->relation->schemaname);
					cxt.triggers = lappend(cxt.triggers, element);

			case T_GrantStmt:
				cxt.grants = lappend(cxt.grants, element);

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
					 (int) nodeTag(element));

	result = NIL;
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.sequences);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.tables);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.views);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.indexes);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.triggers);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.grants);

	return result;

 * Traverse a fully-analyzed tree to verify that parameter symbols
 * match their types.  We need this because some Params might still
 * be UNKNOWN, if there wasn't anything to force their coercion,
 * and yet other instances seen later might have gotten coerced.
static bool
check_parameter_resolution_walker(Node *node,
								  check_parameter_resolution_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Param))
		Param	   *param = (Param *) node;

		if (param->paramkind == PARAM_EXTERN)
			int			paramno = param->paramid;

			if (paramno <= 0 || /* shouldn't happen, but... */
				paramno > context->numParams)
						 errmsg("there is no parameter $%d", paramno)));

			if (param->paramtype != context->paramTypes[paramno - 1])
					 errmsg("could not determine data type of parameter $%d",
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into RTE subquery or not-yet-planned sublink subquery */
		return query_tree_walker((Query *) node,
								 (void *) context, 0);
	return expression_tree_walker(node, check_parameter_resolution_walker,
								  (void *) context);