 * postinit.c
 *	  postgres initialization utilities
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2004, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c,v 1.136 2004/08/29 04:12:54 momjian Exp $
#include "postgres.h"

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_database.h"
#include "catalog/pg_shadow.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
#include "storage/backendid.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/sinval.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/portal.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"

static void ReverifyMyDatabase(const char *name);
static void InitCommunication(void);
static void ShutdownPostgres(int code, Datum arg);
static bool ThereIsAtLeastOneUser(void);

/*** InitPostgres support ***/

/* --------------------------------
 *		ReverifyMyDatabase
 * Since we are forced to fetch the database OID out of pg_database without
 * benefit of locking or transaction ID checking (see utils/misc/database.c),
 * we might have gotten a wrong answer.  Or, we might have attached to a
 * database that's in process of being destroyed by destroydb().  This
 * routine is called after we have all the locking and other infrastructure
 * running --- now we can check that we are really attached to a valid
 * database.
 * In reality, if destroydb() is running in parallel with our startup,
 * it's pretty likely that we will have failed before now, due to being
 * unable to read some of the system tables within the doomed database.
 * This routine just exists to make *sure* we have not started up in an
 * invalid database.  If we quit now, we should have managed to avoid
 * creating any serious problems.
 * This is also a handy place to fetch the database encoding info out
 * of pg_database.
 * To avoid having to read pg_database more times than necessary
 * during session startup, this place is also fitting to set up any
 * database-specific configuration variables.
 * --------------------------------
static void
ReverifyMyDatabase(const char *name)
	Relation	pgdbrel;
	HeapScanDesc pgdbscan;
	ScanKeyData key;
	HeapTuple	tup;
	Form_pg_database dbform;

	 * Because we grab AccessShareLock here, we can be sure that destroydb
	 * is not running in parallel with us (any more).
	pgdbrel = heap_openr(DatabaseRelationName, AccessShareLock);

				BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,

	pgdbscan = heap_beginscan(pgdbrel, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);

	tup = heap_getnext(pgdbscan, ForwardScanDirection);
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup) ||
		HeapTupleGetOid(tup) != MyDatabaseId)
		/* OOPS */
		heap_close(pgdbrel, AccessShareLock);

		 * The only real problem I could have created is to load dirty
		 * buffers for the dead database into shared buffer cache; if I
		 * did, some other backend will eventually try to write them and
		 * die in mdblindwrt.  Flush any such pages to forestall trouble.
		/* Now I can commit hara-kiri with a clear conscience... */
				 errmsg("database \"%s\", OID %u, has disappeared from pg_database",
						name, MyDatabaseId)));

	 * Also check that the database is currently allowing connections.
	dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tup);
	if (!dbform->datallowconn)
		 errmsg("database \"%s\" is not currently accepting connections",

	 * OK, we're golden.  Only other to-do item is to save the encoding
	 * info out of the pg_database tuple.
	/* Record it as a GUC internal option, too */
	SetConfigOption("server_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),
	/* If we have no other source of client_encoding, use server encoding */
	SetConfigOption("client_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),

	 * Set up database-specific configuration variables.
	if (IsUnderPostmaster)
		Datum		datum;
		bool		isnull;

		datum = heap_getattr(tup, Anum_pg_database_datconfig,
							 RelationGetDescr(pgdbrel), &isnull);
		if (!isnull)
			ArrayType  *a = DatumGetArrayTypeP(datum);

			ProcessGUCArray(a, PGC_S_DATABASE);

	heap_close(pgdbrel, AccessShareLock);

/* --------------------------------
 *		InitCommunication
 *		This routine initializes stuff needed for ipc, locking, etc.
 *		it should be called something more informative.
 * --------------------------------
static void
	 * initialize shared memory and semaphores appropriately.
	if (!IsUnderPostmaster)		/* postmaster already did this */
		 * We're running a postgres bootstrap process or a standalone
		 * backend. Create private "shmem" and semaphores.
		CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores(true, MaxBackends, 0);

 * Early initialization of a backend (either standalone or under postmaster).
 * This happens even before InitPostgres.
 * If you're wondering why this is separate from InitPostgres at all:
 * the critical distinction is that this stuff has to happen before we can
 * run XLOG-related initialization, which is done before InitPostgres --- in
 * fact, for cases such as checkpoint creation processes, InitPostgres may
 * never be done at all.
	 * Attach to shared memory and semaphores, and initialize our
	 * input/output/debugging file descriptors.

	/* Do local initialization of storage and buffer managers */

/* --------------------------------
 * InitPostgres
 *		Initialize POSTGRES.
 * Note:
 *		Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
 * --------------------------------
InitPostgres(const char *dbname, const char *username)
	bool		bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();

	 * Set up the global variables holding database id and path.
	 * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
	 * the db name in pg_database.
	if (bootstrap)
		MyDatabaseId = TemplateDbOid;
		SetDatabasePath(GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace));
		char	   *fullpath;

		 * Formerly we validated DataDir here, but now that's done
		 * earlier.

		 * Find oid and tablespace of the database we're about to open.
		 * Since we're not yet up and running we have to use the hackish
		 * GetRawDatabaseInfo.
		GetRawDatabaseInfo(dbname, &MyDatabaseId, &MyDatabaseTableSpace);

		if (!OidIsValid(MyDatabaseId))
					 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",

		fullpath = GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace);

		/* Verify the database path */

		if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
			if (errno == ENOENT)
						 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
				errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
						 errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",


		if (chdir(fullpath) == -1)
					 errmsg("could not change directory to \"%s\": %m",


	 * Code after this point assumes we are in the proper directory!

	 * Set up my per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory.	(We need
	 * to know MyDatabaseId before we can do this, since it's entered into
	 * the PGPROC struct.)

	 * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
	 * per-backend data.  (Formerly this came before InitProcess, but now
	 * it must happen after, because it uses MyProc.)  Once I have done
	 * this, I am visible to other backends!
	 * Sets up MyBackendId, a unique backend identifier.
	MyBackendId = InvalidBackendId;


	if (MyBackendId > MaxBackends || MyBackendId <= 0)
		elog(FATAL, "bad backend id: %d", MyBackendId);

	 * Initialize the transaction system override state.

	 * Initialize local process's access to XLOG.  In bootstrap case
	 * we may skip this since StartupXLOG() was run instead.
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * Initialize the relation descriptor cache.  This must create at
	 * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.	No catalog
	 * access happens here.

	 * Initialize all the system catalog caches.  Note that no catalog
	 * access happens here; we only set up the cache structure.

	/* Initialize portal manager */

	/* start a new transaction here before access to db */
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
	 * Replace faked-up relcache entries with correct info.

	 * Figure out our postgres user id.  In standalone mode we use a fixed
	 * id, otherwise we figure it out from the authenticated user name.
	if (bootstrap)
	else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
		if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneUser())
				  errmsg("no users are defined in this database system"),
					 errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" WITH SYSID %d CREATEUSER;.",
							 username, BOOTSTRAP_USESYSID)));
		/* normal multiuser case */

	 * Unless we are bootstrapping, double-check that InitMyDatabaseInfo()
	 * got a correct result.  We can't do this until all the
	 * database-access infrastructure is up.
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * Final phase of relation cache startup: write a new cache file if
	 * necessary.  This is done after ReverifyMyDatabase to avoid writing
	 * a cache file into a dead database.

	 * Check a normal user hasn't connected to a superuser reserved slot.
	 * We can't do this till after we've read the user information, and we
	 * must do it inside a transaction since checking superuserness may
	 * require database access.  The superuser check is probably the most
	 * expensive part; don't do it until necessary.
	if (ReservedBackends > 0 &&
		CountEmptyBackendSlots() < ReservedBackends &&
				 errmsg("connection limit exceeded for non-superusers")));

	 * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
	 * selected the active user and done ReverifyMyDatabase.

	/* set default namespace search path */

	/* initialize client encoding */

	 * Now all default states are fully set up.  Report them to client if
	 * appropriate.

	 * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup.  This
	 * should be last because we want shmem_exit to call this routine
	 * before the exit callbacks that are registered by buffer manager,
	 * lock manager, etc. We need to run this code before we close down
	 * database access!
	on_shmem_exit(ShutdownPostgres, 0);

	/* close the transaction we started above */
	if (!bootstrap)

 * Backend-shutdown callback.  Do cleanup that we want to be sure happens
 * before all the supporting modules begin to nail their doors shut via
 * their own callbacks.  Note that because this has to be registered very
 * late in startup, it will not get called if we suffer a failure *during*
 * startup.
 * User-level cleanup, such as temp-relation removal and UNLISTEN, happens
 * via separate callbacks that execute before this one.  We don't combine the
 * callbacks because we still want this one to happen if the user-level
 * cleanup fails.
static void
ShutdownPostgres(int code, Datum arg)
	 * These operations are really just a minimal subset of
	 * AbortTransaction(). We don't want to do any inessential cleanup,
	 * since that just raises the odds of failure --- but there's some
	 * stuff we need to do.
	 * Release any LW locks and buffer context locks we might be holding.
	 * This is a kluge to improve the odds that we won't get into a
	 * self-made stuck-lock scenario while trying to shut down.

	 * In case a transaction is open, delete any files it created.	This
	 * has to happen before bufmgr shutdown, so having smgr register a
	 * callback for it wouldn't work.
	smgrDoPendingDeletes(false);	/* delete as though aborting xact */

 * Returns true if at least one user is defined in this database cluster.
static bool
	Relation	pg_shadow_rel;
	TupleDesc	pg_shadow_dsc;
	HeapScanDesc scan;
	bool		result;

	pg_shadow_rel = heap_openr(ShadowRelationName, AccessExclusiveLock);
	pg_shadow_dsc = RelationGetDescr(pg_shadow_rel);

	scan = heap_beginscan(pg_shadow_rel, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
	result = (heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection) != NULL);

	heap_close(pg_shadow_rel, AccessExclusiveLock);

	return result;