<REFENTRY ID="SQL-ABORT"> <REFMETA> <REFENTRYTITLE> ABORT </REFENTRYTITLE> <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO> </REFMETA> <REFNAMEDIV> <REFNAME> ABORT </REFNAME> <REFPURPOSE> Aborts the current transaction </REFPURPOSE> <REFSYNOPSISDIV> <REFSYNOPSISDIVINFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSYNOPSISDIVINFO> <SYNOPSIS> ABORT </SYNOPSIS> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-ABORT-1"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Inputs </TITLE> <PARA> None. </REFSECT2> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-ABORT-2"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Outputs </TITLE> <PARA> <VARIABLELIST> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> ABORT </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> Message returned if successful. <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> NOTICE: UserAbortTransactionBlock and not in in-progress state ABORT </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> If there is not any transaction currently in progress. </VARLISTENTRY> </VARIABLELIST> </REFSECT2> </REFSYNOPSISDIV> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-ABORT-1"> <REFSECT1INFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSECT1INFO> <TITLE> Description </TITLE> <PARA> <command>ABORT</command> rolls back the current transaction and causes all the updates made by the transaction to be discarded. This command is identical in behavior to the <acronym>SQL92</acronym> command <command>ROLLBACK</command>, and is present only for historical reasons. <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-ABORT-3"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Notes </TITLE> <para> Use the <command>COMMIT</command> statement to successfully terminate a transaction. </REFSECT1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-ABORT-2"> <TITLE> Usage </TITLE> <PARA> <ProgramListing> --To abort all changes -- ABORT WORK; </ProgramListing> </REFSECT1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-ABORT-3"> <TITLE> Compatibility </TITLE> <PARA> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-ABORT-4"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-09-27</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> SQL92 </TITLE> <para> This command is a <productname>Postgres</productname> extension present for historical reasons. <command>ROLLBACK</command> is the <acronym>SQL92</acronym> equivalent command. </PARA> </REFENTRY>