package postgresql; import*; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import postgresql.Field; import postgresql.fastpath.*; import postgresql.largeobject.*; import postgresql.util.*; /** * $Id:,v 1.20 1999/09/15 20:39:50 peter Exp $ * * This abstract class is used by postgresql.Driver to open either the JDBC1 or * JDBC2 versions of the Connection class. * */ public abstract class Connection { // This is the network stream associated with this connection public PG_Stream pg_stream; // This is set by postgresql.Statement.setMaxRows() public int maxrows = 0; // maximum no. of rows; 0 = unlimited private String PG_HOST; private int PG_PORT; private String PG_USER; private String PG_PASSWORD; private String PG_DATABASE; private boolean PG_STATUS; public boolean CONNECTION_OK = true; public boolean CONNECTION_BAD = false; public boolean autoCommit = true; public boolean readOnly = false; public Driver this_driver; private String this_url; private String cursor = null; // The positioned update cursor name // These are new for v6.3, they determine the current protocol versions // supported by this version of the driver. They are defined in // src/include/libpq/pqcomm.h protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR = 2; protected static final int PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MINOR = 0; private static final int SM_DATABASE = 64; private static final int SM_USER = 32; private static final int SM_OPTIONS = 64; private static final int SM_UNUSED = 64; private static final int SM_TTY = 64; private static final int AUTH_REQ_OK = 0; private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB4 = 1; private static final int AUTH_REQ_KRB5 = 2; private static final int AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD = 3; private static final int AUTH_REQ_CRYPT = 4; // New for 6.3, salt value for crypt authorisation private String salt; // This is used by Field to cache oid -> names. // It's here, because it's shared across this connection only. // Hence it cannot be static within the Field class, because it would then // be across all connections, which could be to different backends. public Hashtable fieldCache = new Hashtable(); // Now handle notices as warnings, so things like "show" now work public SQLWarning firstWarning = null; // The PID an cancellation key we get from the backend process public int pid; public int ckey; /** * This is called by Class.forName() from within postgresql.Driver */ public Connection() { } /** * This method actually opens the connection. It is called by Driver. * * @param host the hostname of the database back end * @param port the port number of the postmaster process * @param info a Properties[] thing of the user and password * @param database the database to connect to * @param u the URL of the connection * @param d the Driver instantation of the connection * @return a valid connection profile * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */ protected void openConnection(String host, int port, Properties info, String database, String url, Driver d) throws SQLException { // Throw an exception if the user or password properties are missing // This occasionally occurs when the client uses the properties version // of getConnection(), and is a common question on the email lists if(info.getProperty("user")==null) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.user"); if(info.getProperty("password")==null) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.pass"); this_driver = d; this_url = new String(url); PG_DATABASE = new String(database); PG_PASSWORD = new String(info.getProperty("password")); PG_USER = new String(info.getProperty("user")); PG_PORT = port; PG_HOST = new String(host); PG_STATUS = CONNECTION_BAD; // Now make the initial connection try { pg_stream = new PG_Stream(host, port); } catch (ConnectException cex) { // Added by Peter Mount <> // ConnectException is thrown when the connection cannot be made. // we trap this an return a more meaningful message for the end user throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.refused"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.con.failed",e); } // Now we need to construct and send a startup packet try { // Ver 6.3 code pg_stream.SendInteger(4+4+SM_DATABASE+SM_USER+SM_OPTIONS+SM_UNUSED+SM_TTY,4); pg_stream.SendInteger(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MAJOR,2); pg_stream.SendInteger(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST_MINOR,2); pg_stream.Send(database.getBytes(),SM_DATABASE); // This last send includes the unused fields pg_stream.Send(PG_USER.getBytes(),SM_USER+SM_OPTIONS+SM_UNUSED+SM_TTY); // now flush the startup packets to the backend pg_stream.flush(); // Now get the response from the backend, either an error message // or an authentication request int areq = -1; // must have a value here do { int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); switch(beresp) { case 'E': // An error occured, so pass the error message to the // user. // // The most common one to be thrown here is: // "User authentication failed" // throw new SQLException(pg_stream.ReceiveString(4096)); case 'R': // Get the type of request areq = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4); // Get the password salt if there is one if(areq == AUTH_REQ_CRYPT) { byte[] rst = new byte[2]; rst[0] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); rst[1] = (byte)pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); salt = new String(rst,0,2); DriverManager.println("Salt="+salt); } // now send the auth packet switch(areq) { case AUTH_REQ_OK: break; case AUTH_REQ_KRB4: DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB4"); throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb4"); case AUTH_REQ_KRB5: DriverManager.println("postgresql: KRB5"); throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.kerb5"); case AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD: DriverManager.println("postgresql: PASSWORD"); pg_stream.SendInteger(5+PG_PASSWORD.length(),4); pg_stream.Send(PG_PASSWORD.getBytes()); pg_stream.SendInteger(0,1); pg_stream.flush(); break; case AUTH_REQ_CRYPT: DriverManager.println("postgresql: CRYPT"); String crypted = UnixCrypt.crypt(salt,PG_PASSWORD); pg_stream.SendInteger(5+crypted.length(),4); pg_stream.Send(crypted.getBytes()); pg_stream.SendInteger(0,1); pg_stream.flush(); break; default: throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.auth",new Integer(areq)); } break; default: throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.authfail"); } } while(areq != AUTH_REQ_OK); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.failed",e); } // As of protocol version 2.0, we should now receive the cancellation key and the pid int beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); switch(beresp) { case 'K': pid = pg_stream.ReceiveInteger(4); ckey = pg_stream.ReceiveInteger(4); break; case 'E': case 'N': throw new SQLException(pg_stream.ReceiveString(4096)); default: throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup"); } // Expect ReadyForQuery packet beresp = pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); switch(beresp) { case 'Z': break; case 'E': case 'N': throw new SQLException(pg_stream.ReceiveString(4096)); default: throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.setup"); } // Originally we issued a SHOW DATESTYLE statement to find the databases default // datestyle. However, this caused some problems with timestamps, so in 6.5, we // went the way of ODBC, and set the connection to ISO. // // This may cause some clients to break when they assume anything other than ISO, // but then - they should be using the proper methods ;-) // // firstWarning = null; ExecSQL("set datestyle to 'ISO'"); // Initialise object handling initObjectTypes(); // Mark the connection as ok, and cleanup firstWarning = null; PG_STATUS = CONNECTION_OK; } // These methods used to be in the main Connection implementation. As they // are common to all implementations (JDBC1 or 2), they are placed here. // This should make it easy to maintain the two specifications. /** * This adds a warning to the warning chain. * @param msg message to add */ public void addWarning(String msg) { DriverManager.println(msg); // Add the warning to the chain if(firstWarning!=null) firstWarning.setNextWarning(new SQLWarning(msg)); else firstWarning = new SQLWarning(msg); // Now check for some specific messages // This is obsolete in 6.5, but I've left it in here so if we need to use this // technique again, we'll know where to place it. // // This is generated by the SQL "show datestyle" //if(msg.startsWith("NOTICE:") && msg.indexOf("DateStyle")>0) { //// 13 is the length off "DateStyle is " //msg = msg.substring(msg.indexOf("DateStyle is ")+13); // //for(int i=0;i<dateStyles.length;i+=2) //if(msg.startsWith(dateStyles[i])) //currentDateStyle=i+1; // this is the index of the format //} } /** * Send a query to the backend. Returns one of the ResultSet * objects. * * <B>Note:</B> there does not seem to be any method currently * in existance to return the update count. * * @param sql the SQL statement to be executed * @return a ResultSet holding the results * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs */ public java.sql.ResultSet ExecSQL(String sql) throws SQLException { // added Oct 7 1998 to give us thread safety. synchronized(pg_stream) { Field[] fields = null; Vector tuples = new Vector(); byte[] buf = new byte[sql.length()]; int fqp = 0; boolean hfr = false; String recv_status = null, msg; int update_count = 1; SQLException final_error = null; if (sql.length() > 8192) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.toolong",sql); try { pg_stream.SendChar('Q'); buf = sql.getBytes(); pg_stream.Send(buf); pg_stream.SendChar(0); pg_stream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.ioerror",e); } while (!hfr || fqp > 0) { Object tup=null; // holds rows as they are recieved int c = pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); switch (c) { case 'A': // Asynchronous Notify pid = pg_stream.ReceiveInteger(4); msg = pg_stream.ReceiveString(8192); break; case 'B': // Binary Data Transfer if (fields == null) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.tuple"); tup = pg_stream.ReceiveTuple(fields.length, true); // This implements Statement.setMaxRows() if(maxrows==0 || tuples.size()<maxrows) tuples.addElement(tup); break; case 'C': // Command Status recv_status = pg_stream.ReceiveString(8192); // Now handle the update count correctly. if(recv_status.startsWith("INSERT") || recv_status.startsWith("UPDATE")) { try { update_count = Integer.parseInt(recv_status.substring(1+recv_status.lastIndexOf(' '))); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.fathom",recv_status); } } if (fields != null) hfr = true; else { try { pg_stream.SendChar('Q'); pg_stream.SendChar(' '); pg_stream.SendChar(0); pg_stream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.ioerror",e); } fqp++; } break; case 'D': // Text Data Transfer if (fields == null) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.tuple"); tup = pg_stream.ReceiveTuple(fields.length, false); // This implements Statement.setMaxRows() if(maxrows==0 || tuples.size()<maxrows) tuples.addElement(tup); break; case 'E': // Error Message msg = pg_stream.ReceiveString(4096); final_error = new SQLException(msg); hfr = true; break; case 'I': // Empty Query int t = pg_stream.ReceiveChar(); if (t != 0) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.garbled"); if (fqp > 0) fqp--; if (fqp == 0) hfr = true; break; case 'N': // Error Notification addWarning(pg_stream.ReceiveString(4096)); break; case 'P': // Portal Name String pname = pg_stream.ReceiveString(8192); break; case 'T': // MetaData Field Description if (fields != null) throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.multres"); fields = ReceiveFields(); break; case 'Z': // backend ready for query, ignore for now :-) break; default: throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.type",new Character((char)c)); } } if (final_error != null) throw final_error; return getResultSet(this, fields, tuples, recv_status, update_count); } } /** * Receive the field descriptions from the back end * * @return an array of the Field object describing the fields * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs */ private Field[] ReceiveFields() throws SQLException { int nf = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2), i; Field[] fields = new Field[nf]; for (i = 0 ; i < nf ; ++i) { String typname = pg_stream.ReceiveString(8192); int typid = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4); int typlen = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(2); int typmod = pg_stream.ReceiveIntegerR(4); fields[i] = new Field(this, typname, typid, typlen, typmod); } return fields; } /** * In SQL, a result table can be retrieved through a cursor that * is named. The current row of a result can be updated or deleted * using a positioned update/delete statement that references the * cursor name. * * We support one cursor per connection. * * setCursorName sets the cursor name. * * @param cursor the cursor name * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */ public void setCursorName(String cursor) throws SQLException { this.cursor = cursor; } /** * getCursorName gets the cursor name. * * @return the current cursor name * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */ public String getCursorName() throws SQLException { return cursor; } /** * We are required to bring back certain information by * the DatabaseMetaData class. These functions do that. * * Method getURL() brings back the URL (good job we saved it) * * @return the url * @exception SQLException just in case... */ public String getURL() throws SQLException { return this_url; } /** * Method getUserName() brings back the User Name (again, we * saved it) * * @return the user name * @exception SQLException just in case... */ public String getUserName() throws SQLException { return PG_USER; } /** * This returns the Fastpath API for the current connection. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to * functions on the postgresql backend itself. * * <p>It is primarily used by the LargeObject API * * <p>The best way to use this is as follows: * * <p><pre> * import postgresql.fastpath.*; * ... * Fastpath fp = ((postgresql.Connection)myconn).getFastpathAPI(); * </pre> * * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to postgresql. * * @return Fastpath object allowing access to functions on the postgresql * backend. * @exception SQLException by Fastpath when initialising for first time */ public Fastpath getFastpathAPI() throws SQLException { if(fastpath==null) fastpath = new Fastpath(this,pg_stream); return fastpath; } // This holds a reference to the Fastpath API if already open private Fastpath fastpath = null; /** * This returns the LargeObject API for the current connection. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but allows access to * functions on the postgresql backend itself. * * <p>The best way to use this is as follows: * * <p><pre> * import postgresql.largeobject.*; * ... * LargeObjectManager lo = ((postgresql.Connection)myconn).getLargeObjectAPI(); * </pre> * * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to postgresql. * * @return LargeObject object that implements the API * @exception SQLException by LargeObject when initialising for first time */ public LargeObjectManager getLargeObjectAPI() throws SQLException { if(largeobject==null) largeobject = new LargeObjectManager(this); return largeobject; } // This holds a reference to the LargeObject API if already open private LargeObjectManager largeobject = null; /** * This method is used internally to return an object based around * postgresql's more unique data types. * * <p>It uses an internal Hashtable to get the handling class. If the * type is not supported, then an instance of postgresql.util.PGobject * is returned. * * You can use the getValue() or setValue() methods to handle the returned * object. Custom objects can have their own methods. * * In 6.4, this is extended to use the postgresql.util.Serialize class to * allow the Serialization of Java Objects into the database without using * Blobs. Refer to that class for details on how this new feature works. * * @return PGobject for this type, and set to value * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type * @see postgresql.util.Serialize */ public Object getObject(String type,String value) throws SQLException { try { Object o = objectTypes.get(type); // If o is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that // can handle it if(o == null) { Serialize ser = new Serialize(this,type); objectTypes.put(type,ser); return ser.fetch(Integer.parseInt(value)); } // If o is not null, and it is a String, then its a class name that // extends PGobject. // // This is used to implement the postgresql unique types (like lseg, // point, etc). if(o instanceof String) { // 6.3 style extending PG_Object PGobject obj = null; obj = (PGobject)(Class.forName((String)o).newInstance()); obj.setType(type); obj.setValue(value); return (Object)obj; } else { // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class // If so, then call it's fetch method. if(o instanceof Serialize) return ((Serialize)o).fetch(Integer.parseInt(value)); } } catch(SQLException sx) { // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next sx.fillInStackTrace(); throw sx; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.creobj",type,ex); } // should never be reached return null; } /** * This stores an object into the database. * @param o Object to store * @return OID of the new rectord * @exception SQLException if value is not correct for this type * @see postgresql.util.Serialize */ public int putObject(Object o) throws SQLException { try { String type = o.getClass().getName(); Object x = objectTypes.get(type); // If x is null, then the type is unknown, so check to see if type // is an actual table name. If it does, see if a Class is known that // can handle it if(x == null) { Serialize ser = new Serialize(this,type); objectTypes.put(type,ser); return; } // If it's an object, it should be an instance of our Serialize class // If so, then call it's fetch method. if(x instanceof Serialize) return ((Serialize)x).store(o); // Thow an exception because the type is unknown throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobj"); } catch(SQLException sx) { // rethrow the exception. Done because we capture any others next sx.fillInStackTrace(); throw sx; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.strobjex",ex); } } /** * This allows client code to add a handler for one of postgresql's * more unique data types. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This is not part of JDBC, but an extension. * * <p>The best way to use this is as follows: * * <p><pre> * ... * ((postgresql.Connection)myconn).addDataType("mytype",""); * ... * </pre> * * <p>where myconn is an open Connection to postgresql. * * <p>The handling class must extend postgresql.util.PGobject * * @see postgresql.util.PGobject */ public void addDataType(String type,String name) { objectTypes.put(type,name); } // This holds the available types private Hashtable objectTypes = new Hashtable(); // This array contains the types that are supported as standard. // // The first entry is the types name on the database, the second // the full class name of the handling class. // private static final String defaultObjectTypes[][] = { {"box", "postgresql.geometric.PGbox"}, {"circle", "postgresql.geometric.PGcircle"}, {"line", "postgresql.geometric.PGline"}, {"lseg", "postgresql.geometric.PGlseg"}, {"path", "postgresql.geometric.PGpath"}, {"point", "postgresql.geometric.PGpoint"}, {"polygon", "postgresql.geometric.PGpolygon"}, {"money", "postgresql.util.PGmoney"} }; // This initialises the objectTypes hashtable private void initObjectTypes() { for(int i=0;i<defaultObjectTypes.length;i++) objectTypes.put(defaultObjectTypes[i][0],defaultObjectTypes[i][1]); } // These are required by other common classes public abstract java.sql.Statement createStatement() throws SQLException; /** * This returns a resultset. It must be overridden, so that the correct * version (from jdbc1 or jdbc2) are returned. */ protected abstract java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(postgresql.Connection conn, Field[] fields, Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount) throws SQLException; public abstract void close() throws SQLException; /** * Overides finalize(). If called, it closes the connection. * * This was done at the request of Rachel Greenham * <> who hit a problem where multiple * clients didn't close the connection, and once a fortnight enough * clients were open to kill the postgres server. */ public void finalize() throws Throwable { close(); } }