/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_clause.c * handle clauses in parser * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c,v 1.49 2000/01/17 02:04:16 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "optimizer/tlist.h" #include "parse.h" #include "parser/parse_clause.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #define ORDER_CLAUSE 0 #define GROUP_CLAUSE 1 static char *clauseText[] = {"ORDER", "GROUP"}; static TargetEntry *findTargetlistEntry(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, List *tlist, int clause, char *uniqFlag); static void parseFromClause(ParseState *pstate, List *frmList, Node **qual); static char *transformTableEntry(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r); static List *addTargetToSortList(TargetEntry *tle, List *sortlist, List *targetlist, char *opname); static bool exprIsInSortList(Node *expr, List *sortList, List *targetList); #ifdef ENABLE_OUTER_JOINS static Node *transformUsingClause(ParseState *pstate, List *onList, char *lname, char *rname); #endif /* * makeRangeTable - * Build the initial range table from the FROM clause. */ void makeRangeTable(ParseState *pstate, List *frmList, Node **qual) { /* Currently, nothing to do except this: */ parseFromClause(pstate, frmList, qual); } /* * setTargetTable * Add the target relation of INSERT or UPDATE to the range table, * and make the special links to it in the ParseState. * * Note that the target is not marked as either inFromCl or inJoinSet. * For INSERT, we don't want the target to be joined to; it's a * destination of tuples, not a source. For UPDATE/DELETE, we do * need to scan or join the target. This will happen without the * inJoinSet flag because the planner's preprocess_targetlist() * adds the destination's CTID attribute to the targetlist, and * therefore the destination will be a referenced table even if * there is no other use of any of its attributes. Tricky, eh? */ void setTargetTable(ParseState *pstate, char *relname) { RangeTblEntry *rte; int sublevels_up; if ((refnameRangeTablePosn(pstate, relname, &sublevels_up) == 0) || (sublevels_up != 0)) rte = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, relname, relname, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); else rte = refnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, relname); /* This could only happen for multi-action rules */ if (pstate->p_target_relation != NULL) heap_close(pstate->p_target_relation, AccessShareLock); pstate->p_target_rangetblentry = rte; pstate->p_target_relation = heap_open(rte->relid, AccessShareLock); /* will close relation later, see analyze.c */ } /* * transformWhereClause - * transforms the qualification and make sure it is of type Boolean * * Now accept an additional argument, which is a qualification derived * from the JOIN/ON or JOIN/USING syntax. * - thomas 1998-12-16 */ Node * transformWhereClause(ParseState *pstate, Node *a_expr, Node *o_expr) { A_Expr *expr; Node *qual; if ((a_expr == NULL) && (o_expr == NULL)) return NULL; /* no qualifiers */ if ((a_expr != NULL) && (o_expr != NULL)) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = AND; a->opname = NULL; a->lexpr = o_expr; a->rexpr = a_expr; expr = a; } else if (o_expr != NULL) expr = (A_Expr *) o_expr; else expr = (A_Expr *) a_expr; pstate->p_in_where_clause = true; qual = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) expr, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST); pstate->p_in_where_clause = false; if (exprType(qual) != BOOLOID) { elog(ERROR, "WHERE clause must return type bool, not type %s", typeidTypeName(exprType(qual))); } return qual; } #ifdef ENABLE_OUTER_JOINS static Attr * makeAttr(char *relname, char *attname) { Attr *a = makeNode(Attr); a->relname = relname; a->paramNo = NULL; a->attrs = lcons(makeString(attname), NIL); a->indirection = NULL; return a; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OUTER_JOINS /* transformUsingClause() * Take an ON or USING clause from a join expression and expand if necessary. */ static Node * transformUsingClause(ParseState *pstate, List *onList, char *lname, char *rname) { A_Expr *expr = NULL; List *on; Node *qual; foreach(on, onList) { qual = lfirst(on); /* * Ident node means it is just a column name from a real USING * clause... */ if (IsA(qual, Ident)) { Ident *i = (Ident *) qual; Attr *lattr = makeAttr(lname, i->name); Attr *rattr = makeAttr(rname, i->name); A_Expr *e = makeNode(A_Expr); e->oper = OP; e->opname = "="; e->lexpr = (Node *) lattr; e->rexpr = (Node *) rattr; if (expr != NULL) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = AND; a->opname = NULL; a->lexpr = (Node *) expr; a->rexpr = (Node *) e; expr = a; } else expr = e; } /* otherwise, we have an expression from an ON clause... */ else { if (expr != NULL) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = AND; a->opname = NULL; a->lexpr = (Node *) expr; a->rexpr = (Node *) qual; expr = a; } else expr = (A_Expr *) qual; } } return ((Node *) transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) expr, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST)); } #endif static char * transformTableEntry(ParseState *pstate, RangeVar *r) { RelExpr *baserel = r->relExpr; char *relname = baserel->relname; char *refname = r->name; RangeTblEntry *rte; if (refname == NULL) refname = relname; /* * marks this entry to indicate it comes from the FROM clause. In SQL, * the target list can only refer to range variables specified in the * from clause but we follow the more powerful POSTQUEL semantics and * automatically generate the range variable if not specified. However * there are times we need to know whether the entries are legitimate. * * eg. select * from foo f where f.x = 1; will generate wrong answer if * we expand * to foo.x. */ rte = addRangeTableEntry(pstate, relname, refname, baserel->inh, TRUE, TRUE); return refname; } /* * parseFromClause - * turns the table references specified in the from-clause into a * range table. The range table may grow as we transform the expressions * in the target list. (Note that this happens because in POSTQUEL, we * allow references to relations not specified in the from-clause. We * also allow now as an extension.) * * The FROM clause can now contain JoinExpr nodes, which contain parsing info * for inner and outer joins. The USING clause must be expanded into a qualification * for an inner join at least, since that is compatible with the old syntax. * Not sure yet how to handle outer joins, but it will become clear eventually? * - thomas 1998-12-16 */ static void parseFromClause(ParseState *pstate, List *frmList, Node **qual) { List *fl; if (qual != NULL) *qual = NULL; foreach(fl, frmList) { Node *n = lfirst(fl); /* * marks this entry to indicate it comes from the FROM clause. In * SQL, the target list can only refer to range variables * specified in the from clause but we follow the more powerful * POSTQUEL semantics and automatically generate the range * variable if not specified. However there are times we need to * know whether the entries are legitimate. * * eg. select * from foo f where f.x = 1; will generate wrong answer * if we expand * to foo.x. */ if (IsA(n, RangeVar)) transformTableEntry(pstate, (RangeVar *) n); else if (IsA(n, JoinExpr)) { JoinExpr *j = (JoinExpr *) n; #ifdef ENABLE_OUTER_JOINS char *lname = transformTableEntry(pstate, (RangeVar *) j->larg); #endif char *rname; if (IsA((Node *) j->rarg, RangeVar)) rname = transformTableEntry(pstate, (RangeVar *) j->rarg); else elog(ERROR, "Nested JOINs are not yet supported"); #ifdef ENABLE_OUTER_JOINS if (j->jointype == INNER_P) { /* * This is an inner join, so rip apart the join node and * transform into a traditional FROM list. NATURAL JOIN * and USING clauses both change the shape of the result. * Need to generate a list of result columns to use for * target list expansion and validation. Not doing this * yet though! */ if (IsA(j->quals, List)) j->quals = lcons(transformUsingClause(pstate, (List *) j->quals, lname, rname), NIL); if (qual == NULL) elog(ERROR, "JOIN/ON not supported in this context"); if (*qual == NULL) *qual = lfirst(j->quals); else elog(ERROR, "Multiple JOIN/ON clauses not handled (internal error)"); /* * if we are transforming this node back into a FROM list, * then we will need to replace the node with two nodes. * Will need access to the previous list item to change * the link pointer to reference these new nodes. Try * accumulating and returning a new list. - thomas * 1999-01-08 Not doing this yet though! */ } else if ((j->jointype == LEFT) || (j->jointype == RIGHT) || (j->jointype == FULL)) elog(ERROR, "OUTER JOIN is not implemented"); else elog(ERROR, "Unrecognized JOIN clause; tag is %d (internal error)", j->jointype); #else elog(ERROR, "JOIN expressions are not yet implemented"); #endif } else elog(ERROR, "parseFromClause: unexpected FROM clause node (internal error)" "\n\t%s", nodeToString(n)); } } /* * findTargetlistEntry - * Returns the targetlist entry matching the given (untransformed) node. * If no matching entry exists, one is created and appended to the target * list as a "resjunk" node. * * node the ORDER BY or GROUP BY expression to be matched * tlist the existing target list (NB: this cannot be NIL, which is a * good thing since we'd be unable to append to it...) * clause identifies clause type for error messages. */ static TargetEntry * findTargetlistEntry(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, List *tlist, int clause, char *uniqueFlag) { TargetEntry *target_result = NULL; List *tl; Node *expr; /*---------- * Handle two special cases as mandated by the SQL92 spec: * * 1. ORDER/GROUP BY ColumnName * For a bare identifier, we search for a matching column name * in the existing target list. Multiple matches are an error * unless they refer to identical values; for example, * we allow SELECT a, a FROM table ORDER BY a * but not SELECT a AS b, b FROM table ORDER BY b * If no match is found, we fall through and treat the identifier * as an expression. * * 2. ORDER/GROUP BY IntegerConstant * This means to use the n'th item in the existing target list. * Note that it would make no sense to order/group by an actual * constant, so this does not create a conflict with our extension * to order/group by an expression. * * Note that pre-existing resjunk targets must not be used in either case. *---------- */ if (IsA(node, Ident) && ((Ident *) node)->indirection == NIL) { char *name = ((Ident *) node)->name; foreach(tl, tlist) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl); Resdom *resnode = tle->resdom; if (!resnode->resjunk && strcmp(resnode->resname, name) == 0) { if (target_result != NULL) { if (! equal(target_result->expr, tle->expr)) elog(ERROR, "%s BY '%s' is ambiguous", clauseText[clause], name); } else target_result = tle; /* Stay in loop to check for ambiguity */ } } if (target_result != NULL) return target_result; /* return the first match */ } if (IsA(node, A_Const)) { Value *val = &((A_Const *) node)->val; int targetlist_pos = 0; int target_pos; if (nodeTag(val) != T_Integer) elog(ERROR, "Non-integer constant in %s BY", clauseText[clause]); target_pos = intVal(val); foreach(tl, tlist) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl); Resdom *resnode = tle->resdom; if (!resnode->resjunk) { if (++targetlist_pos == target_pos) return tle; /* return the unique match */ } } elog(ERROR, "%s BY position %d is not in target list", clauseText[clause], target_pos); } /* * Otherwise, we have an expression (this is a Postgres extension * not found in SQL92). Convert the untransformed node to a * transformed expression, and search for a match in the tlist. * NOTE: it doesn't really matter whether there is more than one * match. Also, we are willing to match a resjunk target here, * though the above cases must ignore resjunk targets. */ expr = transformExpr(pstate, node, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST); foreach(tl, tlist) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl); if (equal(expr, tle->expr)) return tle; } /* * If no matches, construct a new target entry which is appended to * the end of the target list. This target is set to be resjunk = * TRUE so that it will not be projected into the final tuple. */ if(clause == ORDER_CLAUSE && uniqueFlag) { elog(ERROR, "ORDER BY columns must appear in SELECT DISTINCT target list"); } target_result = transformTargetEntry(pstate, node, expr, NULL, true); lappend(tlist, target_result); return target_result; } /* * transformGroupClause - * transform a Group By clause * */ List * transformGroupClause(ParseState *pstate, List *grouplist, List *targetlist) { List *glist = NIL, *gl; foreach(gl, grouplist) { TargetEntry *tle; tle = findTargetlistEntry(pstate, lfirst(gl), targetlist, GROUP_CLAUSE, NULL); /* avoid making duplicate grouplist entries */ if (! exprIsInSortList(tle->expr, glist, targetlist)) { GroupClause *grpcl = makeNode(GroupClause); grpcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, targetlist); grpcl->sortop = oprid(oper("<", tle->resdom->restype, tle->resdom->restype, false)); glist = lappend(glist, grpcl); } } return glist; } /* * transformSortClause - * transform an Order By clause * */ List * transformSortClause(ParseState *pstate, List *orderlist, List *targetlist, char *uniqueFlag) { List *sortlist = NIL; List *olitem; /* Transform all the explicit ORDER BY clauses */ foreach(olitem, orderlist) { SortGroupBy *sortby = lfirst(olitem); TargetEntry *tle; tle = findTargetlistEntry(pstate, sortby->node, targetlist, ORDER_CLAUSE, uniqueFlag); sortlist = addTargetToSortList(tle, sortlist, targetlist, sortby->useOp); } /* If we have a DISTINCT clause, add any necessary entries to * the sortlist to ensure that all the DISTINCT columns will be * sorted. A subsequent UNIQUE pass will then do the right thing. */ if (uniqueFlag) { if (uniqueFlag[0] == '*') { /* * concatenate all elements from target list that are not * already in the sortby list */ sortlist = addAllTargetsToSortList(sortlist, targetlist); } else { TargetEntry *tle = NULL; char *uniqueAttrName = uniqueFlag; List *i; /* only create sort clause with the specified unique attribute */ foreach(i, targetlist) { tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(i); if (strcmp(tle->resdom->resname, uniqueAttrName) == 0) break; } if (i == NIL) elog(ERROR, "All fields in the UNIQUE ON clause must appear in the target list"); sortlist = addTargetToSortList(tle, sortlist, targetlist, NULL); } } return sortlist; } /* * addAllTargetsToSortList * Make sure all targets in the targetlist are in the ORDER BY list, * adding the not-yet-sorted ones to the end of the list. * This is typically used to help implement SELECT DISTINCT. * * Returns the updated ORDER BY list. */ List * addAllTargetsToSortList(List *sortlist, List *targetlist) { List *i; foreach(i, targetlist) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(i); sortlist = addTargetToSortList(tle, sortlist, targetlist, NULL); } return sortlist; } /* * addTargetToSortList * If the given targetlist entry isn't already in the ORDER BY list, * add it to the end of the list, using the sortop with given name * or any available sort operator if opname == NULL. * * Returns the updated ORDER BY list. */ static List * addTargetToSortList(TargetEntry *tle, List *sortlist, List *targetlist, char *opname) { /* avoid making duplicate sortlist entries */ if (! exprIsInSortList(tle->expr, sortlist, targetlist)) { SortClause *sortcl = makeNode(SortClause); sortcl->tleSortGroupRef = assignSortGroupRef(tle, targetlist); if (opname) sortcl->sortop = oprid(oper(opname, tle->resdom->restype, tle->resdom->restype, false)); else sortcl->sortop = any_ordering_op(tle->resdom->restype); sortlist = lappend(sortlist, sortcl); } return sortlist; } /* * assignSortGroupRef * Assign the targetentry an unused ressortgroupref, if it doesn't * already have one. Return the assigned or pre-existing refnumber. * * 'tlist' is the targetlist containing (or to contain) the given targetentry. */ Index assignSortGroupRef(TargetEntry *tle, List *tlist) { Index maxRef; List *l; if (tle->resdom->ressortgroupref) /* already has one? */ return tle->resdom->ressortgroupref; /* easiest way to pick an unused refnumber: max used + 1 */ maxRef = 0; foreach(l, tlist) { Index ref = ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(l))->resdom->ressortgroupref; if (ref > maxRef) maxRef = ref; } tle->resdom->ressortgroupref = maxRef + 1; return tle->resdom->ressortgroupref; } /* * exprIsInSortList * Is the given expression already in the sortlist? * Note we will say 'yes' if it is equal() to any sortlist item, * even though that might be a different targetlist member. * * Works for both SortClause and GroupClause lists. */ static bool exprIsInSortList(Node *expr, List *sortList, List *targetList) { List *i; foreach(i, sortList) { SortClause *scl = (SortClause *) lfirst(i); if (equal(expr, get_sortgroupclause_expr(scl, targetList))) return true; } return false; } /* transformUnionClause() * Transform a UNION clause. * Note that the union clause is actually a fully-formed select structure. * So, it is evaluated as a select, then the resulting target fields * are matched up to ensure correct types in the results. * The select clause parsing is done recursively, so the unions are evaluated * right-to-left. One might want to look at all columns from all clauses before * trying to coerce, but unless we keep track of the call depth we won't know * when to do this because of the recursion. * Let's just try matching in pairs for now (right to left) and see if it works. * - thomas 1998-05-22 */ #ifdef NOT_USED static List * transformUnionClause(List *unionClause, List *targetlist) { List *union_list = NIL; List *qlist, *qlist_item; if (unionClause) { /* recursion */ qlist = parse_analyze(unionClause, NULL); foreach(qlist_item, qlist) { Query *query = (Query *) lfirst(qlist_item); List *prev_target = targetlist; List *next_target; int prev_len = 0, next_len = 0; foreach(prev_target, targetlist) if (!((TargetEntry *) lfirst(prev_target))->resdom->resjunk) prev_len++; foreach(next_target, query->targetList) if (!((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->resdom->resjunk) next_len++; if (prev_len != next_len) elog(ERROR, "Each UNION clause must have the same number of columns"); foreach(next_target, query->targetList) { Oid itype; Oid otype; otype = ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(prev_target))->resdom->restype; itype = ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->resdom->restype; /* one or both is a NULL column? then don't convert... */ if (otype == InvalidOid) { /* propagate a known type forward, if available */ if (itype != InvalidOid) ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(prev_target))->resdom->restype = itype; #if FALSE else { ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(prev_target))->resdom->restype = UNKNOWNOID; ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->resdom->restype = UNKNOWNOID; } #endif } else if (itype == InvalidOid) { } /* they don't match in type? then convert... */ else if (itype != otype) { Node *expr; expr = ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->expr; expr = CoerceTargetExpr(NULL, expr, itype, otype, -1); if (expr == NULL) { elog(ERROR, "Unable to transform %s to %s" "\n\tEach UNION clause must have compatible target types", typeidTypeName(itype), typeidTypeName(otype)); } ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->expr = expr; ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->resdom->restype = otype; } /* both are UNKNOWN? then evaluate as text... */ else if (itype == UNKNOWNOID) { ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(next_target))->resdom->restype = TEXTOID; ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(prev_target))->resdom->restype = TEXTOID; } prev_target = lnext(prev_target); } union_list = lappend(union_list, query); } return union_list; } else return NIL; } #endif