%{ /*#define YYDEBUG 1*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gram.y * POSTGRES SQL YACC rules/actions * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 2.279 2002/02/24 20:20:20 tgl Exp $ * * HISTORY * AUTHOR DATE MAJOR EVENT * Andrew Yu Sept, 1994 POSTQUEL to SQL conversion * Andrew Yu Oct, 1994 lispy code conversion * * NOTES * CAPITALS are used to represent terminal symbols. * non-capitals are used to represent non-terminals. * SQL92-specific syntax is separated from plain SQL/Postgres syntax * to help isolate the non-extensible portions of the parser. * * In general, nothing in this file should initiate database accesses * nor depend on changeable state (such as SET variables). If you do * database accesses, your code will fail when we have aborted the * current transaction and are just parsing commands to find the next * ROLLBACK or COMMIT. If you make use of SET variables, then you * will do the wrong thing in multi-query strings like this: * SET SQL_inheritance TO off; SELECT * FROM foo; * because the entire string is parsed by gram.y before the SET gets * executed. Anything that depends on the database or changeable state * should be handled inside parse_analyze() so that it happens at the * right time not the wrong time. The handling of SQL_inheritance is * a good example. * * WARNINGS * If you use a list, make sure the datum is a node so that the printing * routines work. * * Sometimes we assign constants to makeStrings. Make sure we don't free * those. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "access/htup.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "nodes/params.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "parser/gramparse.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/numeric.h" #include "utils/datetime.h" #ifdef MULTIBYTE #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #else #define GetStandardEncoding() 0 /* PG_SQL_ASCII */ #define GetStandardEncodingName() "SQL_ASCII" #endif extern List *parsetree; /* final parse result is delivered here */ static bool QueryIsRule = FALSE; static Oid *param_type_info; static int pfunc_num_args; /* * If you need access to certain yacc-generated variables and find that * they're static by default, uncomment the next line. (this is not a * problem, yet.) */ /*#define __YYSCLASS*/ static Node *makeA_Expr(int oper, char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr); static Node *makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename); static Node *makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename); static Node *makeFloatConst(char *str); static Node *makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs); static SelectStmt *findLeftmostSelect(SelectStmt *node); static void insertSelectOptions(SelectStmt *stmt, List *sortClause, List *forUpdate, Node *limitOffset, Node *limitCount); static Node *makeSetOp(SetOperation op, bool all, Node *larg, Node *rarg); static Node *doNegate(Node *n); static void doNegateFloat(Value *v); #define MASK(b) (1 << (b)) %} %union { int ival; char chr; char *str; bool boolean; JoinType jtype; List *list; Node *node; Value *value; Attr *attr; Ident *ident; TypeName *typnam; DefElem *defelt; SortGroupBy *sortgroupby; JoinExpr *jexpr; IndexElem *ielem; RangeVar *range; A_Indices *aind; ResTarget *target; ParamNo *paramno; PrivTarget *privtarget; VersionStmt *vstmt; DefineStmt *dstmt; RuleStmt *rstmt; InsertStmt *istmt; } %type <node> stmt, AlterGroupStmt, AlterSchemaStmt, AlterTableStmt, AlterUserStmt, AnalyzeStmt, ClosePortalStmt, ClusterStmt, CommentStmt, ConstraintsSetStmt, CopyStmt, CreateAsStmt, CreateGroupStmt, CreatePLangStmt, CreateSchemaStmt, CreateSeqStmt, CreateStmt, CreateTrigStmt, CreateUserStmt, CreatedbStmt, CursorStmt, DefineStmt, DeleteStmt, DropGroupStmt, DropPLangStmt, DropSchemaStmt, DropStmt, DropTrigStmt, DropUserStmt, DropdbStmt, ExplainStmt, FetchStmt, GrantStmt, IndexStmt, InsertStmt, ListenStmt, LoadStmt, LockStmt, NotifyStmt, OptimizableStmt, ProcedureStmt, ReindexStmt, RemoveAggrStmt, RemoveFuncStmt, RemoveOperStmt, RenameStmt, RevokeStmt, RuleActionStmt, RuleActionStmtOrEmpty, RuleStmt, SelectStmt, TransactionStmt, TruncateStmt, UnlistenStmt, UpdateStmt, VacuumStmt, VariableResetStmt, VariableSetStmt, VariableShowStmt, ViewStmt, CheckPointStmt %type <node> select_no_parens, select_with_parens, select_clause, simple_select %type <node> alter_column_default %type <ival> drop_behavior %type <list> createdb_opt_list, createdb_opt_item %type <boolean> opt_equal %type <ival> opt_lock, lock_type %type <boolean> opt_force, opt_or_replace %type <list> user_list %type <list> OptGroupList %type <defelt> OptGroupElem %type <list> OptUserList %type <defelt> OptUserElem %type <boolean> TriggerActionTime, TriggerForSpec, opt_trusted, opt_procedural %type <str> opt_lancompiler %type <str> OptConstrFromTable %type <str> TriggerEvents %type <value> TriggerFuncArg %type <str> relation_name, copy_file_name, copy_delimiter, copy_null, database_name, access_method_clause, access_method, attr_name, class, index_name, name, func_name, file_name %type <str> opt_id, all_Op, MathOp, opt_name, OptUseOp, opt_class, SpecialRuleRelation %type <str> opt_level, opt_encoding %type <node> grantee %type <list> grantee_list %type <ival> privilege %type <list> privileges, privilege_list %type <privtarget> privilege_target %type <node> function_with_argtypes %type <list> function_with_argtypes_list %type <chr> TriggerOneEvent %type <list> stmtblock, stmtmulti, into_clause, OptTempTableName, relation_name_list, OptTableElementList, OptInherit, definition, opt_distinct, opt_with, func_args, func_args_list, func_as, oper_argtypes, RuleActionList, RuleActionMulti, opt_column_list, columnList, opt_name_list, sort_clause, sortby_list, index_params, index_list, name_list, from_clause, from_list, opt_array_bounds, expr_list, attrs, target_list, update_target_list, def_list, opt_indirection, group_clause, TriggerFuncArgs, select_limit, opt_select_limit %type <typnam> func_arg, func_return, func_type, aggr_argtype %type <boolean> opt_arg, TriggerForOpt, TriggerForType, OptTemp, OptWithOids %type <list> for_update_clause, opt_for_update_clause, update_list %type <boolean> opt_all %type <boolean> opt_table %type <boolean> opt_chain, opt_trans %type <node> join_outer, join_qual %type <jtype> join_type %type <list> extract_list, position_list %type <list> substr_list, trim_list %type <ival> opt_interval %type <node> substr_from, substr_for %type <boolean> opt_binary, opt_using, opt_instead, opt_cursor %type <boolean> opt_with_copy, index_opt_unique, opt_verbose, opt_full %type <boolean> opt_freeze, analyze_keyword %type <ival> copy_dirn, direction, reindex_type, drop_type, opt_column, event, comment_type %type <ival> fetch_how_many %type <node> select_limit_value, select_offset_value %type <list> OptSeqList %type <defelt> OptSeqElem %type <istmt> insert_rest %type <node> OptTableElement, ConstraintElem %type <node> columnDef %type <defelt> def_elem %type <node> def_arg, columnElem, where_clause, a_expr, b_expr, c_expr, AexprConst, in_expr, having_clause %type <list> row_descriptor, row_list, in_expr_nodes %type <node> row_expr %type <node> case_expr, case_arg, when_clause, case_default %type <boolean> opt_empty_parentheses %type <list> when_clause_list %type <ival> sub_type %type <list> OptCreateAs, CreateAsList %type <node> CreateAsElement %type <value> NumericOnly, FloatOnly, IntegerOnly %type <attr> event_object, attr, alias_clause %type <sortgroupby> sortby %type <ielem> index_elem, func_index %type <node> table_ref %type <jexpr> joined_table %type <range> relation_expr %type <target> target_el, update_target_el %type <paramno> ParamNo %type <typnam> Typename, SimpleTypename, ConstTypename GenericType, Numeric, Character, ConstDatetime, ConstInterval, Bit %type <str> character, bit %type <str> extract_arg %type <str> opt_charset, opt_collate %type <str> opt_float %type <ival> opt_numeric, opt_decimal %type <boolean> opt_varying, opt_timezone, opt_timezone_x %type <ival> Iconst %type <str> Sconst, comment_text %type <str> UserId, opt_boolean, var_value, ColId_or_Sconst %type <str> ColId, ColLabel, type_name, func_name_keyword %type <str> col_name_keyword, unreserved_keyword, reserved_keyword %type <node> zone_value %type <node> TableConstraint %type <list> ColQualList %type <node> ColConstraint, ColConstraintElem, ConstraintAttr %type <ival> key_actions, key_delete, key_update, key_reference %type <str> key_match %type <ival> ConstraintAttributeSpec, ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec, ConstraintTimeSpec %type <list> constraints_set_list %type <list> constraints_set_namelist %type <boolean> constraints_set_mode /* * If you make any token changes, remember to: * - use "yacc -d" and update parse.h * - update the keyword table in parser/keywords.c */ /* Reserved word tokens * SQL92 syntax has many type-specific constructs. * So, go ahead and make these types reserved words, * and call-out the syntax explicitly. * This gets annoying when trying to also retain Postgres' nice * type-extensible features, but we don't really have a choice. * - thomas 1997-10-11 * NOTE: don't forget to add new keywords to the appropriate one of * the reserved-or-not-so-reserved keyword lists, below. */ /* Keywords (in SQL92 reserved words) */ %token ABSOLUTE, ACTION, ADD, ALL, ALTER, AND, ANY, AS, ASC, AT, AUTHORIZATION, BEGIN_TRANS, BETWEEN, BOTH, BY, CASCADE, CASE, CAST, CHAR, CHARACTER, CHECK, CLOSE, COALESCE, COLLATE, COLUMN, COMMIT, CONSTRAINT, CONSTRAINTS, CREATE, CROSS, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_USER, CURSOR, DAY_P, DEC, DECIMAL, DECLARE, DEFAULT, DELETE, DESC, DISTINCT, DOUBLE, DROP, ELSE, ENCRYPTED, END_TRANS, ESCAPE, EXCEPT, EXECUTE, EXISTS, EXTRACT, FALSE_P, FETCH, FLOAT, FOR, FOREIGN, FROM, FULL, GLOBAL, GRANT, GROUP, HAVING, HOUR_P, IN, INNER_P, INSENSITIVE, INSERT, INTERSECT, INTERVAL, INTO, IS, ISOLATION, JOIN, KEY, LANGUAGE, LEADING, LEFT, LEVEL, LIKE, LOCAL, MATCH, MINUTE_P, MONTH_P, NAMES, NATIONAL, NATURAL, NCHAR, NEXT, NO, NOT, NULLIF, NULL_P, NUMERIC, OF, OLD, ON, ONLY, OPTION, OR, ORDER, OUTER_P, OVERLAPS, PARTIAL, POSITION, PRECISION, PRIMARY, PRIOR, PRIVILEGES, PROCEDURE, PUBLIC, READ, REFERENCES, RELATIVE, REVOKE, RIGHT, ROLLBACK, SCHEMA, SCROLL, SECOND_P, SELECT, SESSION, SESSION_USER, SET, SOME, SUBSTRING, TABLE, TEMPORARY, THEN, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TO, TRAILING, TRANSACTION, TRIM, TRUE_P, UNENCRYPTED, UNION, UNIQUE, UNKNOWN, UPDATE, USAGE, USER, USING, VALUES, VARCHAR, VARYING, VIEW, WHEN, WHERE, WITH, WORK, YEAR_P, ZONE /* Keywords (in SQL99 reserved words) */ %token CHAIN, CHARACTERISTICS, DEFERRABLE, DEFERRED, IMMEDIATE, INITIALLY, INOUT, OFF, OUT, PATH_P, PENDANT, REPLACE, RESTRICT, TRIGGER, WITHOUT /* Keywords (in SQL92 non-reserved words) */ %token COMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE, TYPE_P /* Keywords for Postgres support (not in SQL92 reserved words) * * The CREATEDB and CREATEUSER tokens should go away * when some sort of pg_privileges relation is introduced. * - Todd A. Brandys 1998-01-01? */ %token ABORT_TRANS, ACCESS, AFTER, AGGREGATE, ANALYSE, ANALYZE, BACKWARD, BEFORE, BINARY, BIT, CACHE, CHECKPOINT, CLUSTER, COMMENT, COPY, CREATEDB, CREATEUSER, CYCLE, DATABASE, DELIMITERS, DO, EACH, ENCODING, EXCLUSIVE, EXPLAIN, FORCE, FORWARD, FREEZE, FUNCTION, HANDLER, ILIKE, INCREMENT, INDEX, INHERITS, INSTEAD, ISNULL, LANCOMPILER, LIMIT, LISTEN, LOAD, LOCATION, LOCK_P, MAXVALUE, MINVALUE, MODE, MOVE, NEW, NOCREATEDB, NOCREATEUSER, NONE, NOTHING, NOTIFY, NOTNULL, OFFSET, OIDS, OPERATOR, OWNER, PASSWORD, PROCEDURAL, REINDEX, RENAME, RESET, RETURNS, ROW, RULE, SEQUENCE, SETOF, SHARE, SHOW, START, STATEMENT, STATISTICS, STDIN, STDOUT, SYSID, TEMP, TEMPLATE, TOAST, TRUNCATE, TRUSTED, UNLISTEN, UNTIL, VACUUM, VALID, VERBOSE, VERSION /* The grammar thinks these are keywords, but they are not in the keywords.c * list and so can never be entered directly. The filter in parser.c * creates these tokens when required. */ %token UNIONJOIN /* Special keywords, not in the query language - see the "lex" file */ %token <str> IDENT, FCONST, SCONST, BITCONST, Op %token <ival> ICONST, PARAM /* these are not real. they are here so that they get generated as #define's*/ %token OP /* precedence: lowest to highest */ %left UNION EXCEPT %left INTERSECT %left JOIN UNIONJOIN CROSS LEFT FULL RIGHT INNER_P NATURAL %left OR %left AND %right NOT %right '=' %nonassoc '<' '>' %nonassoc LIKE ILIKE %nonassoc ESCAPE %nonassoc OVERLAPS %nonassoc BETWEEN %nonassoc IN %left POSTFIXOP /* dummy for postfix Op rules */ %left Op /* multi-character ops and user-defined operators */ %nonassoc NOTNULL %nonassoc ISNULL %nonassoc IS NULL_P TRUE_P FALSE_P UNKNOWN /* sets precedence for IS NULL, etc */ %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '^' /* Unary Operators */ %left AT ZONE /* sets precedence for AT TIME ZONE */ %right UMINUS %left '.' %left '[' ']' %left '(' ')' %left TYPECAST %% /* * Handle comment-only lines, and ;; SELECT * FROM pg_class ;;; * psql already handles such cases, but other interfaces don't. * bjm 1999/10/05 */ stmtblock: stmtmulti { parsetree = $1; } ; /* the thrashing around here is to discard "empty" statements... */ stmtmulti: stmtmulti ';' stmt { if ($3 != (Node *)NULL) $$ = lappend($1, $3); else $$ = $1; } | stmt { if ($1 != (Node *)NULL) $$ = makeList1($1); else $$ = NIL; } ; stmt : AlterSchemaStmt | AlterTableStmt | AlterGroupStmt | AlterUserStmt | ClosePortalStmt | CopyStmt | CreateStmt | CreateAsStmt | CreateSchemaStmt | CreateGroupStmt | CreateSeqStmt | CreatePLangStmt | CreateTrigStmt | CreateUserStmt | ClusterStmt | DefineStmt | DropStmt | DropSchemaStmt | TruncateStmt | CommentStmt | DropGroupStmt | DropPLangStmt | DropTrigStmt | DropUserStmt | ExplainStmt | FetchStmt | GrantStmt | IndexStmt | ListenStmt | UnlistenStmt | LockStmt | NotifyStmt | ProcedureStmt | ReindexStmt | RemoveAggrStmt | RemoveOperStmt | RemoveFuncStmt | RenameStmt | RevokeStmt | OptimizableStmt | RuleStmt | TransactionStmt | ViewStmt | LoadStmt | CreatedbStmt | DropdbStmt | VacuumStmt | AnalyzeStmt | VariableSetStmt | VariableShowStmt | VariableResetStmt | ConstraintsSetStmt | CheckPointStmt | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = (Node *)NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Create a new Postgres DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateUserStmt: CREATE USER UserId OptUserList { CreateUserStmt *n = makeNode(CreateUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE USER UserId WITH OptUserList { CreateUserStmt *n = makeNode(CreateUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postgresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterUserStmt: ALTER USER UserId OptUserList { AlterUserStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALTER USER UserId WITH OptUserList { AlterUserStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postgresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ DropUserStmt: DROP USER user_list { DropUserStmt *n = makeNode(DropUserStmt); n->users = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Options for CREATE USER and ALTER USER */ OptUserList: OptUserList OptUserElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptUserElem: PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "password"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeString($2); } | ENCRYPTED PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "encryptedPassword"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeString($3); } | UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "unencryptedPassword"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeString($3); } | SYSID Iconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "sysid"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger($2); } | CREATEDB { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "createdb"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE); } | NOCREATEDB { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "createdb"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE); } | CREATEUSER { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "createuser"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE); } | NOCREATEUSER { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "createuser"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE); } | IN GROUP user_list { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "groupElts"; $$->arg = (Node *)$3; } | VALID UNTIL Sconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "validUntil"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeString($3); } ; user_list: user_list ',' UserId { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } | UserId { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Create a postgresql group * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateGroupStmt: CREATE GROUP UserId OptGroupList { CreateGroupStmt *n = makeNode(CreateGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->options = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE GROUP UserId WITH OptGroupList { CreateGroupStmt *n = makeNode(CreateGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Options for CREATE GROUP */ OptGroupList: OptGroupList OptGroupElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptGroupElem: USER user_list { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "userElts"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | SYSID Iconst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "sysid"; $$->arg = (Node *)makeInteger($2); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postgresql group * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterGroupStmt: ALTER GROUP UserId ADD USER user_list { AlterGroupStmt *n = makeNode(AlterGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->action = +1; n->listUsers = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALTER GROUP UserId DROP USER user_list { AlterGroupStmt *n = makeNode(AlterGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->action = -1; n->listUsers = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postgresql group * * *****************************************************************************/ DropGroupStmt: DROP GROUP UserId { DropGroupStmt *n = makeNode(DropGroupStmt); n->name = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Manipulate a schema * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSchemaStmt: CREATE SCHEMA UserId { /* for now, just make this the same as CREATE DATABASE */ CreatedbStmt *n = makeNode(CreatedbStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->dbowner = NULL; n->dbpath = NULL; n->dbtemplate = NULL; n->encoding = -1; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; AlterSchemaStmt: ALTER SCHEMA UserId { elog(ERROR, "ALTER SCHEMA not yet supported"); } ; DropSchemaStmt: DROP SCHEMA UserId { DropdbStmt *n = makeNode(DropdbStmt); n->dbname = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /***************************************************************************** * * Set PG internal variable * SET name TO 'var_value' * Include SQL92 syntax (thomas 1997-10-22): * SET TIME ZONE 'var_value' * *****************************************************************************/ VariableSetStmt: SET ColId TO var_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $2; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($4, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET ColId '=' var_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $2; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($4, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET TIME ZONE zone_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; if ($4 != NULL) n->args = makeList1($4); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL opt_level { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "XactIsoLevel"; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($5, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL opt_level { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "default_transaction_isolation"; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($8, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET NAMES opt_encoding { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "client_encoding"; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($3, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION ColId_or_Sconst { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "session_authorization"; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($4, NULL)); $$ = (Node *) n; } ; opt_level: READ COMMITTED { $$ = "read committed"; } | SERIALIZABLE { $$ = "serializable"; } ; var_value: opt_boolean { $$ = $1; } | SCONST { $$ = $1; } | ICONST { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", $1); $$ = pstrdup(buf); } | '-' ICONST { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", -($2)); $$ = pstrdup(buf); } | FCONST { $$ = $1; } | '-' FCONST { char * s = palloc(strlen($2)+2); s[0] = '-'; strcpy(s + 1, $2); $$ = s; } | name_list { List *n; int slen = 0; char *result; /* List of words? Then concatenate together */ if ($1 == NIL) elog(ERROR, "SET must have at least one argument"); foreach (n, $1) { Value *p = (Value *) lfirst(n); Assert(IsA(p, String)); /* keep track of room for string and trailing comma */ slen += (strlen(p->val.str) + 1); } result = palloc(slen + 1); *result = '\0'; foreach (n, $1) { Value *p = (Value *) lfirst(n); strcat(result, p->val.str); strcat(result, ","); } /* remove the trailing comma from the last element */ *(result+strlen(result)-1) = '\0'; $$ = result; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_boolean: TRUE_P { $$ = "true"; } | FALSE_P { $$ = "false"; } | ON { $$ = "on"; } | OFF { $$ = "off"; } ; /* Timezone values can be: * - a string such as 'pst8pdt' * - an integer or floating point number * - a time interval per SQL99 */ zone_value: Sconst { $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); } | ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($2, $1); if ($3 != -1) { if (($3 & ~(MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE))) != 0) elog(ERROR, "Time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE"); n->typename->typmod = ((($3 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | 0xFFFF); } $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($5, $1); if ($6 != -1) { if (($6 & ~(MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE))) != 0) elog(ERROR, "Time zone interval must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE"); n->typename->typmod = ((($6 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | $3); } else { n->typename->typmod = ((0x7FFF << 16) | $3); } $$ = (Node *)n; } | FCONST { $$ = makeFloatConst($1); } | '-' FCONST { $$ = doNegate(makeFloatConst($2)); } | ICONST { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", $1); $$ = makeFloatConst(pstrdup(buf)); } | '-' ICONST { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", $2); $$ = doNegate(makeFloatConst(pstrdup(buf))); } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | LOCAL { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_encoding: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ColId_or_Sconst: ColId { $$ = $1; } | SCONST { $$ = $1; } VariableShowStmt: SHOW ColId { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW TIME ZONE { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW ALL { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "all"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "XactIsoLevel"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; VariableResetStmt: RESET ColId { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET TIME ZONE { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "XactIsoLevel"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET ALL { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "all"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; ConstraintsSetStmt: SET CONSTRAINTS constraints_set_list constraints_set_mode { ConstraintsSetStmt *n = makeNode(ConstraintsSetStmt); n->constraints = $3; n->deferred = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; constraints_set_list: ALL { $$ = NIL; } | constraints_set_namelist { $$ = $1; } ; constraints_set_namelist: ColId { $$ = makeList1($1); } | constraints_set_namelist ',' ColId { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; constraints_set_mode: DEFERRED { $$ = TRUE; } | IMMEDIATE { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* * Checkpoint statement */ CheckPointStmt: CHECKPOINT { CheckPointStmt *n = makeNode(CheckPointStmt); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * ALTER TABLE variations * *****************************************************************************/ AlterTableStmt: /* ALTER TABLE <relation> ADD [COLUMN] <coldef> */ ALTER TABLE relation_expr ADD opt_column columnDef { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'A'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->def = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <relation> ALTER [COLUMN] <colname> {SET DEFAULT <expr>|DROP DEFAULT} */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId alter_column_default { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'T'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->name = $6; n->def = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <relation> ALTER [COLUMN] <colname> SET STATISTICS <Iconst> */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId SET STATISTICS Iconst { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'S'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->name = $6; n->def = (Node *) makeInteger($9); $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <relation> DROP [COLUMN] <colname> {RESTRICT|CASCADE} */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr DROP opt_column ColId drop_behavior { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'D'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->name = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <relation> ADD CONSTRAINT ... */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ADD TableConstraint { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'C'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->def = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <relation> DROP CONSTRAINT <name> {RESTRICT|CASCADE} */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr DROP CONSTRAINT name drop_behavior { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'X'; n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->name = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <name> CREATE TOAST TABLE */ | ALTER TABLE relation_name CREATE TOAST TABLE { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'E'; n->relname = $3; n->inhOpt = INH_NO; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE <name> OWNER TO UserId */ | ALTER TABLE relation_name OWNER TO UserId { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'U'; n->relname = $3; n->inhOpt = INH_NO; n->name = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; alter_column_default: SET DEFAULT a_expr { /* Treat SET DEFAULT NULL the same as DROP DEFAULT */ if (exprIsNullConstant($3)) $$ = NULL; else $$ = $3; } | DROP DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } ; drop_behavior: CASCADE { $$ = CASCADE; } | RESTRICT { $$ = RESTRICT; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * close <optname> * *****************************************************************************/ ClosePortalStmt: CLOSE opt_id { ClosePortalStmt *n = makeNode(ClosePortalStmt); n->portalname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_id: ColId { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * COPY [BINARY] <relname> FROM/TO * [USING DELIMITERS <delimiter>] * *****************************************************************************/ CopyStmt: COPY opt_binary relation_name opt_with_copy copy_dirn copy_file_name copy_delimiter copy_null { CopyStmt *n = makeNode(CopyStmt); n->binary = $2; n->relname = $3; n->oids = $4; n->direction = $5; n->filename = $6; n->delimiter = $7; n->null_print = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; copy_dirn: TO { $$ = TO; } | FROM { $$ = FROM; } ; /* * copy_file_name NULL indicates stdio is used. Whether stdin or stdout is * used depends on the direction. (It really doesn't make sense to copy from * stdout. We silently correct the "typo". - AY 9/94 */ copy_file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | STDIN { $$ = NULL; } | STDOUT { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_binary: BINARY { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_with_copy: WITH OIDS { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* * the default copy delimiter is tab but the user can configure it */ copy_delimiter: opt_using DELIMITERS Sconst { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "\t"; } ; opt_using: USING { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; copy_null: WITH NULL_P AS Sconst { $$ = $4; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "\\N"; } /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE relname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE relation_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptWithOids { CreateStmt *n = makeNode(CreateStmt); n->relname = $4; n->tableElts = $6; n->inhRelnames = $8; n->constraints = NIL; n->istemp = $2; n->hasoids = $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Redundancy here is needed to avoid shift/reduce conflicts, * since TEMP is not a reserved word. See also OptTempTableName. */ OptTemp: TEMPORARY { $$ = TRUE; } | TEMP { $$ = TRUE; } | LOCAL TEMPORARY { $$ = TRUE; } | LOCAL TEMP { $$ = TRUE; } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | GLOBAL TEMP { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; OptTableElementList: OptTableElementList ',' OptTableElement { if ($3 != NULL) $$ = lappend($1, $3); else $$ = $1; } | OptTableElement { if ($1 != NULL) $$ = makeList1($1); else $$ = NIL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptTableElement: columnDef { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; columnDef: ColId Typename ColQualList opt_collate { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = $2; n->constraints = $3; if ($4 != NULL) elog(NOTICE,"CREATE TABLE / COLLATE %s not yet implemented" "; clause ignored", $4); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ColQualList: ColQualList ColConstraint { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; ColConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ColConstraintElem { switch (nodeTag($3)) { case T_Constraint: { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = $2; } break; case T_FkConstraint: { FkConstraint *n = (FkConstraint *)$3; n->constr_name = $2; } break; default: break; } $$ = $3; } | ColConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } | ConstraintAttr { $$ = $1; } ; /* DEFAULT NULL is already the default for Postgres. * But define it here and carry it forward into the system * to make it explicit. * - thomas 1998-09-13 * * WITH NULL and NULL are not SQL92-standard syntax elements, * so leave them out. Use DEFAULT NULL to explicitly indicate * that a column may have that value. WITH NULL leads to * shift/reduce conflicts with WITH TIME ZONE anyway. * - thomas 1999-01-08 * * DEFAULT expression must be b_expr not a_expr to prevent shift/reduce * conflict on NOT (since NOT might start a subsequent NOT NULL constraint, * or be part of a_expr NOT LIKE or similar constructs). */ ColConstraintElem: NOT NULL_P { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_NOTNULL; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NULL_P { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_NULL; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CHECK '(' a_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = $3; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DEFAULT b_expr { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT; n->name = NULL; if (exprIsNullConstant($2)) { /* DEFAULT NULL should be reported as empty expr */ n->raw_expr = NULL; } else { n->raw_expr = $2; } n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions { FkConstraint *n = makeNode(FkConstraint); n->constr_name = NULL; n->pktable_name = $2; n->fk_attrs = NIL; n->pk_attrs = $3; n->match_type = $4; n->actions = $5; n->deferrable = FALSE; n->initdeferred = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * ConstraintAttr represents constraint attributes, which we parse as if * they were independent constraint clauses, in order to avoid shift/reduce * conflicts (since NOT might start either an independent NOT NULL clause * or an attribute). analyze.c is responsible for attaching the attribute * information to the preceding "real" constraint node, and for complaining * if attribute clauses appear in the wrong place or wrong combinations. * * See also ConstraintAttributeSpec, which can be used in places where * there is no parsing conflict. */ ConstraintAttr: DEFERRABLE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NOT DEFERRABLE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_NOT_DEFERRABLE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRED; $$ = (Node *)n; } | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_IMMEDIATE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* ConstraintElem specifies constraint syntax which is not embedded into * a column definition. ColConstraintElem specifies the embedded form. * - thomas 1997-12-03 */ TableConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ConstraintElem { switch (nodeTag($3)) { case T_Constraint: { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = $2; } break; case T_FkConstraint: { FkConstraint *n = (FkConstraint *)$3; n->constr_name = $2; } break; default: break; } $$ = $3; } | ConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ConstraintElem: CHECK '(' a_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = $3; n->cooked_expr = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec { FkConstraint *n = makeNode(FkConstraint); n->constr_name = NULL; n->pktable_name = $7; n->fk_attrs = $4; n->pk_attrs = $8; n->match_type = $9; n->actions = $10; n->deferrable = ($11 & 1) != 0; n->initdeferred = ($11 & 2) != 0; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; key_match: MATCH FULL { $$ = "FULL"; } | MATCH PARTIAL { elog(ERROR, "FOREIGN KEY/MATCH PARTIAL not yet implemented"); $$ = "PARTIAL"; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "UNSPECIFIED"; } ; key_actions: key_delete { $$ = $1; } | key_update { $$ = $1; } | key_delete key_update { $$ = $1 | $2; } | key_update key_delete { $$ = $1 | $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 0; } ; key_delete: ON DELETE key_reference { $$ = $3 << FKCONSTR_ON_DELETE_SHIFT; } ; key_update: ON UPDATE key_reference { $$ = $3 << FKCONSTR_ON_UPDATE_SHIFT; } ; key_reference: NO ACTION { $$ = FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_NOACTION; } | RESTRICT { $$ = FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_RESTRICT; } | CASCADE { $$ = FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_CASCADE; } | SET NULL_P { $$ = FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETNULL; } | SET DEFAULT { $$ = FKCONSTR_ON_KEY_SETDEFAULT; } ; OptInherit: INHERITS '(' relation_name_list ')' { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptWithOids: WITH OIDS { $$ = TRUE; } | WITHOUT OIDS { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; /* * Note: CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... is just another spelling for * SELECT ... INTO. */ CreateAsStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE relation_name OptCreateAs AS SelectStmt { /* * When the SelectStmt is a set-operation tree, we must * stuff the INTO information into the leftmost component * Select, because that's where analyze.c will expect * to find it. Similarly, the output column names must * be attached to that Select's target list. */ SelectStmt *n = findLeftmostSelect((SelectStmt *) $7); if (n->into != NULL) elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE AS may not specify INTO"); n->istemp = $2; n->into = $4; n->intoColNames = $5; $$ = $7; } ; OptCreateAs: '(' CreateAsList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; CreateAsList: CreateAsList ',' CreateAsElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | CreateAsElement { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; CreateAsElement: ColId { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = NULL; n->raw_default = NULL; n->cooked_default = NULL; n->is_not_null = FALSE; n->constraints = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE SEQUENCE seqname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSeqStmt: CREATE OptTemp SEQUENCE relation_name OptSeqList { CreateSeqStmt *n = makeNode(CreateSeqStmt); n->istemp = $2; n->seqname = $4; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptSeqList: OptSeqList OptSeqElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | { $$ = NIL; } ; OptSeqElem: CACHE NumericOnly { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "cache"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | CYCLE { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "cycle"; $$->arg = (Node *)NULL; } | INCREMENT NumericOnly { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "increment"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | MAXVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "maxvalue"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | MINVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "minvalue"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | START NumericOnly { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "start"; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } ; NumericOnly: FloatOnly { $$ = $1; } | IntegerOnly { $$ = $1; } FloatOnly: FCONST { $$ = makeFloat($1); } | '-' FCONST { $$ = makeFloat($2); doNegateFloat($$); } ; IntegerOnly: Iconst { $$ = makeInteger($1); } | '-' Iconst { $$ = makeInteger($2); $$->val.ival = - $$->val.ival; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreatePLangStmt: CREATE opt_trusted opt_procedural LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst HANDLER func_name opt_lancompiler { CreatePLangStmt *n = makeNode(CreatePLangStmt); n->plname = $5; n->plhandler = $7; n->plcompiler = $8; n->pltrusted = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_trusted: TRUSTED { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_lancompiler: LANCOMPILER Sconst { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = ""; } DropPLangStmt: DROP opt_procedural LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst { DropPLangStmt *n = makeNode(DropPLangStmt); n->plname = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_procedural: PROCEDURAL { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE TRIGGER ... * DROP TRIGGER ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateTrigStmt: CREATE TRIGGER name TriggerActionTime TriggerEvents ON relation_name TriggerForSpec EXECUTE PROCEDURE name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->relname = $7; n->funcname = $11; n->args = $13; n->before = $4; n->row = $8; memcpy (n->actions, $5, 4); n->lang = NULL; /* unused */ n->text = NULL; /* unused */ n->attr = NULL; /* unused */ n->when = NULL; /* unused */ n->isconstraint = FALSE; n->deferrable = FALSE; n->initdeferred = FALSE; n->constrrelname = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER name AFTER TriggerEvents ON relation_name OptConstrFromTable ConstraintAttributeSpec FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $4; n->relname = $8; n->funcname = $16; n->args = $18; n->before = FALSE; n->row = TRUE; memcpy (n->actions, $6, 4); n->lang = NULL; /* unused */ n->text = NULL; /* unused */ n->attr = NULL; /* unused */ n->when = NULL; /* unused */ n->isconstraint = TRUE; n->deferrable = ($10 & 1) != 0; n->initdeferred = ($10 & 2) != 0; n->constrrelname = $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; TriggerActionTime: BEFORE { $$ = TRUE; } | AFTER { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerEvents: TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = 0; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = 0; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = $5; e[3] = 0; $$ = e; } ; TriggerOneEvent: INSERT { $$ = 'i'; } | DELETE { $$ = 'd'; } | UPDATE { $$ = 'u'; } ; TriggerForSpec: FOR TriggerForOpt TriggerForType { $$ = $3; } ; TriggerForOpt: EACH { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerForType: ROW { $$ = TRUE; } | STATEMENT { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerFuncArgs: TriggerFuncArg { $$ = makeList1($1); } | TriggerFuncArgs ',' TriggerFuncArg { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; TriggerFuncArg: ICONST { char buf[64]; sprintf (buf, "%d", $1); $$ = makeString(pstrdup(buf)); } | FCONST { $$ = makeString($1); } | Sconst { $$ = makeString($1); } | BITCONST { $$ = makeString($1); } | ColId { $$ = makeString($1); } ; OptConstrFromTable: /* Empty */ { $$ = ""; } | FROM relation_name { $$ = $2; } ; ConstraintAttributeSpec: ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec { $$ = $1; } | ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec ConstraintTimeSpec { if ($1 == 0 && $2 != 0) elog(ERROR, "INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint must be DEFERRABLE"); $$ = $1 | $2; } | ConstraintTimeSpec { if ($1 != 0) $$ = 3; else $$ = 0; } | ConstraintTimeSpec ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec { if ($2 == 0 && $1 != 0) elog(ERROR, "INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint must be DEFERRABLE"); $$ = $1 | $2; } | /* Empty */ { $$ = 0; } ; ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec: NOT DEFERRABLE { $$ = 0; } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = 1; } ; ConstraintTimeSpec: INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { $$ = 0; } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { $$ = 2; } ; DropTrigStmt: DROP TRIGGER name ON relation_name { DropTrigStmt *n = makeNode(DropTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->relname = $5; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * define (aggregate,operator,type) * *****************************************************************************/ DefineStmt: CREATE AGGREGATE func_name definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = AGGREGATE; n->defname = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE OPERATOR all_Op definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = OPERATOR; n->defname = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE TYPE_P name definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = TYPE_P; n->defname = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; definition: '(' def_list ')' { $$ = $2; } ; def_list: def_elem { $$ = makeList1($1); } | def_list ',' def_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; def_elem: ColLabel '=' def_arg { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)$3; } | ColLabel { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)NULL; } ; /* Note: any simple identifier will be returned as a type name! */ def_arg: func_return { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | all_Op { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } | NumericOnly { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | Sconst { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * DROP itemtype itemname [, itemname ...] * *****************************************************************************/ DropStmt: DROP drop_type name_list { DropStmt *n = makeNode(DropStmt); n->removeType = $2; n->names = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; drop_type: TABLE { $$ = DROP_TABLE; } | SEQUENCE { $$ = DROP_SEQUENCE; } | VIEW { $$ = DROP_VIEW; } | INDEX { $$ = DROP_INDEX; } | RULE { $$ = DROP_RULE; } | TYPE_P { $$ = DROP_TYPE_P; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * truncate table relname * *****************************************************************************/ TruncateStmt: TRUNCATE opt_table relation_name { TruncateStmt *n = makeNode(TruncateStmt); n->relName = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * The COMMENT ON statement can take different forms based upon the type of * the object associated with the comment. The form of the statement is: * * COMMENT ON [ [ DATABASE | INDEX | RULE | SEQUENCE | TABLE | TYPE | VIEW ] * <objname> | AGGREGATE <aggname> (<aggtype>) | FUNCTION * <funcname> (arg1, arg2, ...) | OPERATOR <op> * (leftoperand_typ rightoperand_typ) | TRIGGER <triggername> ON * <relname> ] IS 'text' * *****************************************************************************/ CommentStmt: COMMENT ON comment_type name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = $3; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = NULL; n->objlist = NULL; n->comment = $6; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON COLUMN relation_name '.' attr_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COLUMN; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = $6; n->objlist = NULL; n->comment = $8; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON AGGREGATE name '(' aggr_argtype ')' IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = AGGREGATE; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = NULL; n->objlist = makeList1($6); n->comment = $9; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON AGGREGATE name aggr_argtype IS comment_text { /* Obsolete syntax, but must support for awhile */ CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = AGGREGATE; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = NULL; n->objlist = makeList1($5); n->comment = $7; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON FUNCTION func_name func_args IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = FUNCTION; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = NULL; n->objlist = $5; n->comment = $7; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON OPERATOR all_Op '(' oper_argtypes ')' IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = OPERATOR; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = NULL; n->objlist = $6; n->comment = $9; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON TRIGGER name ON relation_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = TRIGGER; n->objname = $4; n->objproperty = $6; n->objlist = NULL; n->comment = $8; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; comment_type: DATABASE { $$ = DATABASE; } | INDEX { $$ = INDEX; } | RULE { $$ = RULE; } | SEQUENCE { $$ = SEQUENCE; } | TABLE { $$ = TABLE; } | TYPE_P { $$ = TYPE_P; } | VIEW { $$ = VIEW; } ; comment_text: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * fetch/move [forward | backward] [ # | all ] [ in <portalname> ] * fetch [ forward | backward | absolute | relative ] * [ # | all | next | prior ] [ [ in | from ] <portalname> ] * *****************************************************************************/ FetchStmt: FETCH direction fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 == RELATIVE) { if ($3 == 0) elog(ERROR,"FETCH / RELATIVE at current position is not supported"); $2 = FORWARD; } if ($3 < 0) { $3 = -$3; $2 = (($2 == FORWARD)? BACKWARD: FORWARD); } n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $5; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 < 0) { n->howMany = -$2; n->direction = BACKWARD; } else { n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = $2; } n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH direction from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 == RELATIVE) { $2 = FORWARD; } n->direction = $2; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $3; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $2; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE direction fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($3 < 0) { $3 = -$3; $2 = (($2 == FORWARD)? BACKWARD: FORWARD); } n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $5; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 < 0) { n->howMany = -$2; n->direction = BACKWARD; } else { n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = $2; } n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE direction from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = $2; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $3; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $2; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; direction: FORWARD { $$ = FORWARD; } | BACKWARD { $$ = BACKWARD; } | RELATIVE { $$ = RELATIVE; } | ABSOLUTE { elog(NOTICE,"FETCH / ABSOLUTE not supported, using RELATIVE"); $$ = RELATIVE; } ; fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | '-' Iconst { $$ = - $2; } | ALL { $$ = 0; /* 0 means fetch all tuples*/ } | NEXT { $$ = 1; } | PRIOR { $$ = -1; } ; from_in: IN | FROM ; /***************************************************************************** * * GRANT and REVOKE statements * *****************************************************************************/ GrantStmt: GRANT privileges ON privilege_target TO grantee_list opt_grant_grant_option { GrantStmt *n = makeNode(GrantStmt); n->is_grant = true; n->privileges = $2; n->objtype = ($4)->objtype; n->objects = ($4)->objs; n->grantees = $6; $$ = (Node*)n; } ; RevokeStmt: REVOKE opt_revoke_grant_option privileges ON privilege_target FROM grantee_list { GrantStmt *n = makeNode(GrantStmt); n->is_grant = false; n->privileges = $3; n->objtype = ($5)->objtype; n->objects = ($5)->objs; n->grantees = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* either ALL [PRIVILEGES] or a list of individual privileges */ privileges: privilege_list { $$ = $1; } | ALL { $$ = makeListi1(ALL); } | ALL PRIVILEGES { $$ = makeListi1(ALL); } ; privilege_list: privilege { $$ = makeListi1($1); } | privilege_list ',' privilege { $$ = lappendi($1, $3); } ; /* Not all of these privilege types apply to all objects, but that gets sorted out later. */ privilege: SELECT { $$ = SELECT; } | INSERT { $$ = INSERT; } | UPDATE { $$ = UPDATE; } | DELETE { $$ = DELETE; } | RULE { $$ = RULE; } | REFERENCES { $$ = REFERENCES; } | TRIGGER { $$ = TRIGGER; } | EXECUTE { $$ = EXECUTE; } | USAGE { $$ = USAGE; } ; /* Don't bother trying to fold the first two rules into one using opt_table. You're going to get conflicts. */ privilege_target: relation_name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = TABLE; n->objs = $1; $$ = n; } | TABLE relation_name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = TABLE; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | FUNCTION function_with_argtypes_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = FUNCTION; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | LANGUAGE name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = LANGUAGE; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } ; grantee_list: grantee { $$ = makeList1($1); } | grantee_list ',' grantee { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; grantee: PUBLIC { PrivGrantee *n = makeNode(PrivGrantee); n->username = NULL; n->groupname = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | GROUP ColId { PrivGrantee *n = makeNode(PrivGrantee); n->username = NULL; n->groupname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ColId { PrivGrantee *n = makeNode(PrivGrantee); n->username = $1; n->groupname = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_grant_grant_option: WITH GRANT OPTION { elog(ERROR, "grant options are not implemented"); } | /*EMPTY*/ ; opt_revoke_grant_option: GRANT OPTION FOR { elog(ERROR, "grant options are not implemented"); } | /*EMPTY*/ ; function_with_argtypes_list: function_with_argtypes { $$ = makeList1($1); } | function_with_argtypes_list ',' function_with_argtypes { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; function_with_argtypes: func_name func_args { FuncWithArgs *n = makeNode(FuncWithArgs); n->funcname = $1; n->funcargs = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create index <indexname> on <relname> * [ using <access> ] "(" (<col> with <op>)+ ")" * [ where <predicate> ] * *****************************************************************************/ IndexStmt: CREATE index_opt_unique INDEX index_name ON relation_name access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' where_clause { IndexStmt *n = makeNode(IndexStmt); n->unique = $2; n->idxname = $4; n->relname = $6; n->accessMethod = $7; n->indexParams = $9; n->whereClause = $11; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; index_opt_unique: UNIQUE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; access_method_clause: USING access_method { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "btree"; } ; index_params: index_list { $$ = $1; } | func_index { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; index_list: index_list ',' index_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | index_elem { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; func_index: func_name '(' name_list ')' opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = $1; $$->args = $3; $$->class = $5; } ; index_elem: attr_name opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = $1; $$->args = NIL; $$->class = $2; } ; opt_class: class { /* * Release 7.0 removed network_ops, timespan_ops, and * datetime_ops, so we suppress it from being passed to * the parser so the default *_ops is used. This can be * removed in some later release. bjm 2000/02/07 * * Release 7.1 removes lztext_ops, so suppress that too * for a while. tgl 2000/07/30 * * Release 7.2 renames timestamp_ops to timestamptz_ops, * so suppress that too for awhile. I'm starting to * think we need a better approach. tgl 2000/10/01 */ if (strcmp($1, "network_ops") != 0 && strcmp($1, "timespan_ops") != 0 && strcmp($1, "datetime_ops") != 0 && strcmp($1, "lztext_ops") != 0 && strcmp($1, "timestamp_ops") != 0) $$ = $1; else $$ = NULL; } | USING class { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * execute recipe <recipeName> * *****************************************************************************/ /* NOT USED RecipeStmt: EXECUTE RECIPE recipe_name { RecipeStmt *n = makeNode(RecipeStmt); n->recipeName = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; */ /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create [or replace] function <fname> * [(<type-1> { , <type-n>})] * returns <type-r> * as <filename or code in language as appropriate> * language <lang> [with parameters] * *****************************************************************************/ ProcedureStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace FUNCTION func_name func_args RETURNS func_return AS func_as LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst opt_with { ProcedureStmt *n = makeNode(ProcedureStmt); n->replace = $2; n->funcname = $4; n->argTypes = $5; n->returnType = (Node *) $7; n->withClause = $12; n->as = $9; n->language = $11; $$ = (Node *)n; }; opt_or_replace: OR REPLACE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_with: WITH definition { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; func_args: '(' func_args_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' ')' { $$ = NIL; } ; func_args_list: func_arg { $$ = makeList1($1); } | func_args_list ',' func_arg { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; func_arg: opt_arg func_type { /* We can catch over-specified arguments here if we want to, * but for now better to silently swallow typmod, etc. * - thomas 2000-03-22 */ $$ = $2; } | func_type { $$ = $1; } ; opt_arg: IN { $$ = FALSE; } | OUT { elog(ERROR, "CREATE FUNCTION / OUT parameters are not supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | INOUT { elog(ERROR, "CREATE FUNCTION / INOUT parameters are not supported"); $$ = FALSE; } ; func_as: Sconst { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | Sconst ',' Sconst { $$ = makeList2(makeString($1), makeString($3)); } ; func_return: func_type { /* We can catch over-specified arguments here if we want to, * but for now better to silently swallow typmod, etc. * - thomas 2000-03-22 */ $$ = $1; } ; /* * We would like to make the second production here be ColId '.' ColId etc, * but that causes reduce/reduce conflicts. type_name is next best choice. */ func_type: Typename { $$ = $1; } | type_name '.' ColId '%' TYPE_P { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $1; $$->typmod = -1; $$->attrname = $3; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * DROP FUNCTION funcname (arg1, arg2, ...) * DROP AGGREGATE aggname (aggtype) * DROP OPERATOR opname (leftoperand_typ rightoperand_typ) * *****************************************************************************/ RemoveFuncStmt: DROP FUNCTION func_name func_args { RemoveFuncStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveFuncStmt); n->funcname = $3; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; RemoveAggrStmt: DROP AGGREGATE func_name '(' aggr_argtype ')' { RemoveAggrStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveAggrStmt); n->aggname = $3; n->aggtype = (Node *) $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DROP AGGREGATE func_name aggr_argtype { /* Obsolete syntax, but must support for awhile */ RemoveAggrStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveAggrStmt); n->aggname = $3; n->aggtype = (Node *) $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; aggr_argtype: Typename { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = NULL; } ; RemoveOperStmt: DROP OPERATOR all_Op '(' oper_argtypes ')' { RemoveOperStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveOperStmt); n->opname = $3; n->args = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; oper_argtypes: Typename { elog(ERROR,"parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)"); } | Typename ',' Typename { $$ = makeList2($1, $3); } | NONE ',' Typename /* left unary */ { $$ = makeList2(NULL, $3); } | Typename ',' NONE /* right unary */ { $$ = makeList2($1, NULL); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * REINDEX type <typename> [FORCE] [ALL] * *****************************************************************************/ ReindexStmt: REINDEX reindex_type name opt_force { ReindexStmt *n = makeNode(ReindexStmt); n->reindexType = $2; n->name = $3; n->force = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; reindex_type: INDEX { $$ = INDEX; } | TABLE { $$ = TABLE; } | DATABASE { $$ = DATABASE; } ; opt_force: FORCE { $$ = TRUE; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * rename <attrname1> in <relname> [*] to <attrname2> * rename <relname1> to <relname2> * *****************************************************************************/ RenameStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_expr RENAME opt_column opt_name TO name { RenameStmt *n = makeNode(RenameStmt); n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->column = $6; n->newname = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_name: name { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_column: COLUMN { $$ = COLUMN; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 0; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: Define Rewrite Rule , Define Tuple Rule * Define Rule <old rules > * * only rewrite rule is supported -- ay 9/94 * *****************************************************************************/ RuleStmt: CREATE RULE name AS { QueryIsRule=TRUE; } ON event TO event_object where_clause DO opt_instead RuleActionList { RuleStmt *n = makeNode(RuleStmt); n->rulename = $3; n->event = $7; n->object = $9; n->whereClause = $10; n->instead = $12; n->actions = $13; $$ = (Node *)n; QueryIsRule=FALSE; } ; RuleActionList: NOTHING { $$ = NIL; } | RuleActionStmt { $$ = makeList1($1); } | '[' RuleActionMulti ']' { $$ = $2; } | '(' RuleActionMulti ')' { $$ = $2; } ; /* the thrashing around here is to discard "empty" statements... */ RuleActionMulti: RuleActionMulti ';' RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { if ($3 != (Node *) NULL) $$ = lappend($1, $3); else $$ = $1; } | RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { if ($1 != (Node *) NULL) $$ = makeList1($1); else $$ = NIL; } ; RuleActionStmt: SelectStmt | InsertStmt | UpdateStmt | DeleteStmt | NotifyStmt ; RuleActionStmtOrEmpty: RuleActionStmt | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = (Node *)NULL; } ; event_object: relation_name '.' attr_name { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = makeList1(makeString($3)); $$->indirection = NIL; } | relation_name { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = NIL; $$->indirection = NIL; } ; /* change me to select, update, etc. some day */ event: SELECT { $$ = CMD_SELECT; } | UPDATE { $$ = CMD_UPDATE; } | DELETE { $$ = CMD_DELETE; } | INSERT { $$ = CMD_INSERT; } ; opt_instead: INSTEAD { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * NOTIFY <relation_name> can appear both in rule bodies and * as a query-level command * *****************************************************************************/ NotifyStmt: NOTIFY relation_name { NotifyStmt *n = makeNode(NotifyStmt); n->relname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ListenStmt: LISTEN relation_name { ListenStmt *n = makeNode(ListenStmt); n->relname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; UnlistenStmt: UNLISTEN relation_name { UnlistenStmt *n = makeNode(UnlistenStmt); n->relname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNLISTEN '*' { UnlistenStmt *n = makeNode(UnlistenStmt); n->relname = "*"; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Transactions: * * BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK * (also older versions END / ABORT) * *****************************************************************************/ TransactionStmt: ABORT_TRANS opt_trans { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ROLLBACK; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BEGIN_TRANS opt_trans { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = BEGIN_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | COMMIT opt_trans { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = COMMIT; $$ = (Node *)n; } | COMMIT opt_trans opt_chain { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = COMMIT; $$ = (Node *)n; } | END_TRANS opt_trans { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = COMMIT; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ROLLBACK opt_trans { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ROLLBACK; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ROLLBACK opt_trans opt_chain { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ROLLBACK; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_trans: WORK { $$ = TRUE; } | TRANSACTION { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; opt_chain: AND NO CHAIN { $$ = FALSE; } | AND CHAIN { /* SQL99 asks that conforming dbs reject AND CHAIN * if they don't support it. So we can't just ignore it. * - thomas 2000-08-06 */ elog(ERROR, "COMMIT / CHAIN not yet supported"); $$ = TRUE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * define view <viewname> '('target-list ')' [where <quals> ] * *****************************************************************************/ ViewStmt: CREATE VIEW name opt_column_list AS SelectStmt { ViewStmt *n = makeNode(ViewStmt); n->viewname = $3; n->aliases = $4; n->query = (Query *) $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * load "filename" * *****************************************************************************/ LoadStmt: LOAD file_name { LoadStmt *n = makeNode(LoadStmt); n->filename = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * CREATE DATABASE * * *****************************************************************************/ CreatedbStmt: CREATE DATABASE database_name WITH createdb_opt_list { CreatedbStmt *n = makeNode(CreatedbStmt); List *l; n->dbname = $3; /* set default options */ n->dbowner = NULL; n->dbpath = NULL; n->dbtemplate = NULL; n->encoding = -1; /* process additional options */ foreach(l, $5) { List *optitem = (List *) lfirst(l); switch (lfirsti(optitem)) { case 1: n->dbpath = (char *) lsecond(optitem); break; case 2: n->dbtemplate = (char *) lsecond(optitem); break; case 3: n->encoding = lfirsti(lnext(optitem)); break; case 4: n->dbowner = (char *) lsecond(optitem); break; } } $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE DATABASE database_name { CreatedbStmt *n = makeNode(CreatedbStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->dbowner = NULL; n->dbpath = NULL; n->dbtemplate = NULL; n->encoding = -1; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; createdb_opt_list: createdb_opt_item { $$ = makeList1($1); } | createdb_opt_list createdb_opt_item { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } ; /* * createdb_opt_item returns 2-element lists, with the first element * being an integer code to indicate which item was specified. */ createdb_opt_item: LOCATION opt_equal Sconst { $$ = lconsi(1, makeList1($3)); } | LOCATION opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = lconsi(1, makeList1(NULL)); } | TEMPLATE opt_equal name { $$ = lconsi(2, makeList1($3)); } | TEMPLATE opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = lconsi(2, makeList1(NULL)); } | ENCODING opt_equal Sconst { int encoding; #ifdef MULTIBYTE encoding = pg_char_to_encoding($3); if (encoding == -1) elog(ERROR, "%s is not a valid encoding name", $3); #else if (strcasecmp($3, GetStandardEncodingName()) != 0) elog(ERROR, "Multi-byte support is not enabled"); encoding = GetStandardEncoding(); #endif $$ = lconsi(3, makeListi1(encoding)); } | ENCODING opt_equal Iconst { #ifdef MULTIBYTE if (!pg_get_enconv_by_encoding($3)) elog(ERROR, "%d is not a valid encoding code", $3); #else if ($3 != GetStandardEncoding()) elog(ERROR, "Multi-byte support is not enabled"); #endif $$ = lconsi(3, makeListi1($3)); } | ENCODING opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = lconsi(3, makeListi1(-1)); } | OWNER opt_equal name { $$ = lconsi(4, makeList1($3)); } | OWNER opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = lconsi(4, makeList1(NULL)); } ; opt_equal: '=' { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * DROP DATABASE * * *****************************************************************************/ DropdbStmt: DROP DATABASE database_name { DropdbStmt *n = makeNode(DropdbStmt); n->dbname = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * cluster <index_name> on <relation_name> * *****************************************************************************/ ClusterStmt: CLUSTER index_name ON relation_name { ClusterStmt *n = makeNode(ClusterStmt); n->relname = $4; n->indexname = $2; $$ = (Node*)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * vacuum * analyze * *****************************************************************************/ VacuumStmt: VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = true; n->analyze = false; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose = $4; n->vacrel = NULL; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose relation_name { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = true; n->analyze = false; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose = $4; n->vacrel = $5; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose AnalyzeStmt { VacuumStmt *n = (VacuumStmt *) $5; n->vacuum = true; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose |= $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; AnalyzeStmt: analyze_keyword opt_verbose { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = false; n->analyze = true; n->full = false; n->freeze = false; n->verbose = $2; n->vacrel = NULL; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | analyze_keyword opt_verbose relation_name opt_name_list { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = false; n->analyze = true; n->full = false; n->freeze = false; n->verbose = $2; n->vacrel = $3; n->va_cols = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; analyze_keyword: ANALYZE { $$ = TRUE; } | ANALYSE /* British */ { $$ = TRUE; } ; opt_verbose: VERBOSE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_full: FULL { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_freeze: FREEZE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_name_list: '(' name_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * EXPLAIN query * EXPLAIN ANALYZE query * *****************************************************************************/ ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN opt_verbose OptimizableStmt { ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt); n->verbose = $2; n->analyze = FALSE; n->query = (Query*)$3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | EXPLAIN analyze_keyword opt_verbose OptimizableStmt { ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt); n->verbose = $3; n->analyze = TRUE; n->query = (Query*)$4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * * Optimizable Stmts: * * * * one of the five queries processed by the planner * * * * [ultimately] produces query-trees as specified * * in the query-spec document in ~postgres/ref * * * *****************************************************************************/ OptimizableStmt: SelectStmt | CursorStmt | UpdateStmt | InsertStmt | DeleteStmt /* by default all are $$=$1 */ ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * INSERT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ /* This rule used 'opt_column_list' between 'relation_name' and 'insert_rest' * originally. When the second rule of 'insert_rest' was changed to use the * new 'SelectStmt' rule (for INTERSECT and EXCEPT) it produced a shift/reduce * conflict. So I just changed the rules 'InsertStmt' and 'insert_rest' to * accept the same statements without any shift/reduce conflicts */ InsertStmt: INSERT INTO relation_name insert_rest { $4->relname = $3; $$ = (Node *) $4; } ; insert_rest: VALUES '(' target_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = $3; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | DEFAULT VALUES { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | SelectStmt { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = $1; } | '(' columnList ')' VALUES '(' target_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = $2; $$->targetList = $6; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | '(' columnList ')' SelectStmt { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = $2; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = $4; } ; opt_column_list: '(' columnList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; columnList: columnList ',' columnElem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | columnElem { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; columnElem: ColId opt_indirection { Ident *id = makeNode(Ident); id->name = $1; id->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)id; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * DELETE STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ DeleteStmt: DELETE FROM relation_expr where_clause { DeleteStmt *n = makeNode(DeleteStmt); n->relname = $3->relname; n->inhOpt = $3->inhOpt; n->whereClause = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; LockStmt: LOCK_P opt_table relation_name_list opt_lock { LockStmt *n = makeNode(LockStmt); n->rellist = $3; n->mode = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_lock: IN lock_type MODE { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = AccessExclusiveLock; } ; lock_type: ACCESS SHARE { $$ = AccessShareLock; } | ROW SHARE { $$ = RowShareLock; } | ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = RowExclusiveLock; } | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock; } | SHARE { $$ = ShareLock; } | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ShareRowExclusiveLock; } | EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ExclusiveLock; } | ACCESS EXCLUSIVE { $$ = AccessExclusiveLock; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * UpdateStmt (UPDATE) * *****************************************************************************/ UpdateStmt: UPDATE relation_expr SET update_target_list from_clause where_clause { UpdateStmt *n = makeNode(UpdateStmt); n->relname = $2->relname; n->inhOpt = $2->inhOpt; n->targetList = $4; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * CURSOR STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ CursorStmt: DECLARE name opt_cursor CURSOR FOR SelectStmt { SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *)$6; n->portalname = $2; n->binary = $3; $$ = $6; } ; opt_cursor: BINARY { $$ = TRUE; } | INSENSITIVE { $$ = FALSE; } | SCROLL { $$ = FALSE; } | INSENSITIVE SCROLL { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * SELECT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ /* A complete SELECT statement looks like this. * * The rule returns either a single SelectStmt node or a tree of them, * representing a set-operation tree. * * There is an ambiguity when a sub-SELECT is within an a_expr and there * are excess parentheses: do the parentheses belong to the sub-SELECT or * to the surrounding a_expr? We don't really care, but yacc wants to know. * To resolve the ambiguity, we are careful to define the grammar so that * the decision is staved off as long as possible: as long as we can keep * absorbing parentheses into the sub-SELECT, we will do so, and only when * it's no longer possible to do that will we decide that parens belong to * the expression. For example, in "SELECT (((SELECT 2)) + 3)" the extra * parentheses are treated as part of the sub-select. The necessity of doing * it that way is shown by "SELECT (((SELECT 2)) UNION SELECT 2)". Had we * parsed "((SELECT 2))" as an a_expr, it'd be too late to go back to the * SELECT viewpoint when we see the UNION. * * This approach is implemented by defining a nonterminal select_with_parens, * which represents a SELECT with at least one outer layer of parentheses, * and being careful to use select_with_parens, never '(' SelectStmt ')', * in the expression grammar. We will then have shift-reduce conflicts * which we can resolve in favor of always treating '(' <select> ')' as * a select_with_parens. To resolve the conflicts, the productions that * conflict with the select_with_parens productions are manually given * precedences lower than the precedence of ')', thereby ensuring that we * shift ')' (and then reduce to select_with_parens) rather than trying to * reduce the inner <select> nonterminal to something else. We use UMINUS * precedence for this, which is a fairly arbitrary choice. * * To be able to define select_with_parens itself without ambiguity, we need * a nonterminal select_no_parens that represents a SELECT structure with no * outermost parentheses. This is a little bit tedious, but it works. * * In non-expression contexts, we use SelectStmt which can represent a SELECT * with or without outer parentheses. */ SelectStmt: select_no_parens %prec UMINUS | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS ; select_with_parens: '(' select_no_parens ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' select_with_parens ')' { $$ = $2; } ; select_no_parens: simple_select { $$ = $1; } | select_clause sort_clause opt_for_update_clause opt_select_limit { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $3, nth(0, $4), nth(1, $4)); $$ = $1; } | select_clause for_update_clause opt_select_limit { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, NIL, $2, nth(0, $3), nth(1, $3)); $$ = $1; } | select_clause select_limit { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, NIL, NIL, nth(0, $2), nth(1, $2)); $$ = $1; } ; select_clause: simple_select | select_with_parens ; /* * This rule parses SELECT statements that can appear within set operations, * including UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT. '(' and ')' can be used to specify * the ordering of the set operations. Without '(' and ')' we want the * operations to be ordered per the precedence specs at the head of this file. * * As with select_no_parens, simple_select cannot have outer parentheses, * but can have parenthesized subclauses. * * Note that sort clauses cannot be included at this level --- SQL92 requires * SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar ORDER BY baz * to be parsed as * (SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar) ORDER BY baz * not * SELECT foo UNION (SELECT bar ORDER BY baz) * Likewise FOR UPDATE and LIMIT. Therefore, those clauses are described * as part of the select_no_parens production, not simple_select. * This does not limit functionality, because you can reintroduce sort and * limit clauses inside parentheses. * * NOTE: only the leftmost component SelectStmt should have INTO. * However, this is not checked by the grammar; parse analysis must check it. */ simple_select: SELECT opt_distinct target_list into_clause from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->distinctClause = $2; n->targetList = $3; n->istemp = (bool) ((Value *) lfirst($4))->val.ival; n->into = (char *) lnext($4); n->intoColNames = NIL; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; n->groupClause = $7; n->havingClause = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } | select_clause UNION opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_UNION, $3, $1, $4); } | select_clause INTERSECT opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_INTERSECT, $3, $1, $4); } | select_clause EXCEPT opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_EXCEPT, $3, $1, $4); } ; /* easy way to return two values. Can someone improve this? bjm */ into_clause: INTO OptTempTableName { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = makeList1(makeInteger(FALSE)); } ; /* * Redundancy here is needed to avoid shift/reduce conflicts, * since TEMP is not a reserved word. See also OptTemp. * * The result is a cons cell (not a true list!) containing * a boolean and a table name. */ OptTempTableName: TEMPORARY opt_table relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $3); } | TEMP opt_table relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $3); } | LOCAL TEMPORARY opt_table relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $4); } | LOCAL TEMP opt_table relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $4); } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY opt_table relation_name { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $4); } | GLOBAL TEMP opt_table relation_name { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = lcons(makeInteger(TRUE), (List *) $4); } | TABLE relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(FALSE), (List *) $2); } | relation_name { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(FALSE), (List *) $1); } ; opt_table: TABLE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_all: ALL { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* We use (NIL) as a placeholder to indicate that all target expressions * should be placed in the DISTINCT list during parsetree analysis. */ opt_distinct: DISTINCT { $$ = makeList1(NIL); } | DISTINCT ON '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = $4; } | ALL { $$ = NIL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; sort_clause: ORDER BY sortby_list { $$ = $3; } ; sortby_list: sortby { $$ = makeList1($1); } | sortby_list ',' sortby { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; sortby: a_expr OptUseOp { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->node = $1; $$->useOp = $2; } ; OptUseOp: USING all_Op { $$ = $2; } | ASC { $$ = "<"; } | DESC { $$ = ">"; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "<"; /*default*/ } ; select_limit: LIMIT select_limit_value OFFSET select_offset_value { $$ = makeList2($4, $2); } | OFFSET select_offset_value LIMIT select_limit_value { $$ = makeList2($2, $4); } | LIMIT select_limit_value { $$ = makeList2(NULL, $2); } | OFFSET select_offset_value { $$ = makeList2($2, NULL); } | LIMIT select_limit_value ',' select_offset_value /* Disabled because it was too confusing, bjm 2002-02-18 */ { elog(ERROR, "LIMIT #,# syntax not supported.\n\tUse separate LIMIT and OFFSET clauses."); } ; opt_select_limit: select_limit { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = makeList2(NULL,NULL); } ; select_limit_value: Iconst { Const *n = makeNode(Const); if ($1 < 0) elog(ERROR, "LIMIT must not be negative"); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = Int32GetDatum($1); n->constisnull = FALSE; n->constbyval = TRUE; n->constisset = FALSE; n->constiscast = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALL { /* LIMIT ALL is represented as a NULL constant */ Const *n = makeNode(Const); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = (Datum) 0; n->constisnull = TRUE; n->constbyval = TRUE; n->constisset = FALSE; n->constiscast = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PARAM { Param *n = makeNode(Param); n->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; n->paramid = $1; n->paramtype = INT4OID; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; select_offset_value: Iconst { Const *n = makeNode(Const); if ($1 < 0) elog(ERROR, "OFFSET must not be negative"); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = Int32GetDatum($1); n->constisnull = FALSE; n->constbyval = TRUE; n->constisset = FALSE; n->constiscast = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PARAM { Param *n = makeNode(Param); n->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; n->paramid = $1; n->paramtype = INT4OID; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * jimmy bell-style recursive queries aren't supported in the * current system. * * ...however, recursive addattr and rename supported. make special * cases for these. */ relation_name_list: name_list; name_list: name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | name_list ',' name { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } ; group_clause: GROUP BY expr_list { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; having_clause: HAVING a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; for_update_clause: FOR UPDATE update_list { $$ = $3; } | FOR READ ONLY { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_for_update_clause: for_update_clause { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } ; update_list: OF name_list { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = makeList1(NULL); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * clauses common to all Optimizable Stmts: * from_clause - allow list of both JOIN expressions and table names * where_clause - qualifications for joins or restrictions * *****************************************************************************/ from_clause: FROM from_list { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; from_list: from_list ',' table_ref { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | table_ref { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; /* * table_ref is where an alias clause can be attached. Note we cannot make * alias_clause have an empty production because that causes parse conflicts * between table_ref := '(' joined_table ')' alias_clause * and joined_table := '(' joined_table ')'. So, we must have the * redundant-looking productions here instead. */ table_ref: relation_expr { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | relation_expr alias_clause { $1->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) $1; } | select_with_parens { /* * The SQL spec does not permit a subselect * (<derived_table>) without an alias clause, * so we don't either. This avoids the problem * of needing to invent a unique refname for it. * That could be surmounted if there's sufficient * popular demand, but for now let's just implement * the spec and see if anyone complains. * However, it does seem like a good idea to emit * an error message that's better than "parse error". */ elog(ERROR, "sub-SELECT in FROM must have an alias" "\n\tFor example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo"); $$ = NULL; } | select_with_parens alias_clause { RangeSubselect *n = makeNode(RangeSubselect); n->subquery = $1; n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | joined_table { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | '(' joined_table ')' alias_clause { $2->alias = $4; $$ = (Node *) $2; } ; /* * It may seem silly to separate joined_table from table_ref, but there is * method in SQL92's madness: if you don't do it this way you get reduce- * reduce conflicts, because it's not clear to the parser generator whether * to expect alias_clause after ')' or not. For the same reason we must * treat 'JOIN' and 'join_type JOIN' separately, rather than allowing * join_type to expand to empty; if we try it, the parser generator can't * figure out when to reduce an empty join_type right after table_ref. * * Note that a CROSS JOIN is the same as an unqualified * INNER JOIN, and an INNER JOIN/ON has the same shape * but a qualification expression to limit membership. * A NATURAL JOIN implicitly matches column names between * tables and the shape is determined by which columns are * in common. We'll collect columns during the later transformations. */ joined_table: '(' joined_table ')' { $$ = $2; } | table_ref CROSS JOIN table_ref { /* CROSS JOIN is same as unqualified inner join */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; n->using = NIL; n->quals = NULL; $$ = n; } | table_ref UNIONJOIN table_ref { /* UNION JOIN is made into 1 token to avoid shift/reduce * conflict against regular UNION keyword. */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_UNION; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $3; n->using = NIL; n->quals = NULL; $$ = n; } | table_ref join_type JOIN table_ref join_qual { JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = $2; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; if ($5 != NULL && IsA($5, List)) n->using = (List *) $5; /* USING clause */ else n->quals = $5; /* ON clause */ $$ = n; } | table_ref JOIN table_ref join_qual { /* letting join_type reduce to empty doesn't work */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $3; if ($4 != NULL && IsA($4, List)) n->using = (List *) $4; /* USING clause */ else n->quals = $4; /* ON clause */ $$ = n; } | table_ref NATURAL join_type JOIN table_ref { JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = $3; n->isNatural = TRUE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $5; n->using = NIL; /* figure out which columns later... */ n->quals = NULL; /* fill later */ $$ = n; } | table_ref NATURAL JOIN table_ref { /* letting join_type reduce to empty doesn't work */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = TRUE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; n->using = NIL; /* figure out which columns later... */ n->quals = NULL; /* fill later */ $$ = n; } ; alias_clause: AS ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $2; $$->attrs = $4; } | AS ColId { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $2; } | ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->attrs = $3; } | ColId { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; } ; join_type: FULL join_outer { $$ = JOIN_FULL; } | LEFT join_outer { $$ = JOIN_LEFT; } | RIGHT join_outer { $$ = JOIN_RIGHT; } | INNER_P { $$ = JOIN_INNER; } ; /* OUTER is just noise... */ join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* JOIN qualification clauses * Possibilities are: * USING ( column list ) allows only unqualified column names, * which must match between tables. * ON expr allows more general qualifications. * * We return USING as a List node, while an ON-expr will not be a List. */ join_qual: USING '(' name_list ')' { $$ = (Node *) $3; } | ON a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; relation_expr: relation_name { /* default inheritance */ $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relname = $1; $$->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; $$->name = NULL; } | relation_name '*' { /* inheritance query */ $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relname = $1; $$->inhOpt = INH_YES; $$->name = NULL; } | ONLY relation_name { /* no inheritance */ $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relname = $2; $$->inhOpt = INH_NO; $$->name = NULL; } ; where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; /* no qualifiers */ } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Type syntax * SQL92 introduces a large amount of type-specific syntax. * Define individual clauses to handle these cases, and use * the generic case to handle regular type-extensible Postgres syntax. * - thomas 1997-10-10 * *****************************************************************************/ Typename: SimpleTypename opt_array_bounds { $$ = $1; $$->arrayBounds = $2; } | SETOF SimpleTypename { $$ = $2; $$->setof = TRUE; } ; opt_array_bounds: opt_array_bounds '[' ']' { $$ = lappend($1, makeInteger(-1)); } | opt_array_bounds '[' Iconst ']' { $$ = lappend($1, makeInteger($3)); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; SimpleTypename: ConstTypename | ConstInterval opt_interval { $$ = $1; if ($2 != -1) $$->typmod = ((($2 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | 0xFFFF); } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' opt_interval { $$ = $1; $$->typmod = ((($5 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | $3); } ; ConstTypename: GenericType | Numeric | Bit | Character | ConstDatetime ; GenericType: type_name { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType($1); $$->typmod = -1; } ; /* SQL92 numeric data types * Check FLOAT() precision limits assuming IEEE floating types. * Provide real DECIMAL() and NUMERIC() implementations now - Jan 1998-12-30 * - thomas 1997-09-18 */ Numeric: FLOAT opt_float { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $2; /* already xlated */ $$->typmod = -1; } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("float8"); $$->typmod = -1; } | DECIMAL opt_decimal { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("decimal"); $$->typmod = $2; } | DEC opt_decimal { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("decimal"); $$->typmod = $2; } | NUMERIC opt_numeric { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("numeric"); $$->typmod = $2; } ; opt_float: '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1) elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be at least 1"); else if ($2 < 7) $$ = xlateSqlType("float4"); else if ($2 < 16) $$ = xlateSqlType("float8"); else elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be less than 16"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = xlateSqlType("float8"); } ; opt_numeric: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); if ($4 < 0 || $4 > $2) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC scale %d must be between 0 and precision %d", $4,$2); $$ = (($2 << 16) | $4) + VARHDRSZ; } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); $$ = ($2 << 16) + VARHDRSZ; } | /*EMPTY*/ { /* Insert "-1" meaning "no limit" */ $$ = -1; } ; opt_decimal: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); if ($4 < 0 || $4 > $2) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL scale %d must be between 0 and precision %d", $4,$2); $$ = (($2 << 16) | $4) + VARHDRSZ; } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); $$ = ($2 << 16) + VARHDRSZ; } | /*EMPTY*/ { /* Insert "-1" meaning "no limit" */ $$ = -1; } ; /* * SQL92 bit-field data types * The following implements BIT() and BIT VARYING(). */ Bit: bit '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $1; if ($3 < 1) elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' must be at least 1", $1); else if ($3 > (MaxAttrSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)) elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' cannot exceed %d", $1, (MaxAttrSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)); $$->typmod = $3; } | bit { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $1; /* bit defaults to bit(1), varbit to no limit */ if (strcmp($1, "bit") == 0) $$->typmod = 1; else $$->typmod = -1; } ; bit: BIT opt_varying { char *type; if ($2) type = xlateSqlType("varbit"); else type = xlateSqlType("bit"); $$ = type; } /* * SQL92 character data types * The following implements CHAR() and VARCHAR(). */ Character: character '(' Iconst ')' opt_charset { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $1; if ($3 < 1) elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' must be at least 1", $1); else if ($3 > MaxAttrSize) elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' cannot exceed %d", $1, MaxAttrSize); /* we actually implement these like a varlen, so * the first 4 bytes is the length. (the difference * between these and "text" is that we blank-pad and * truncate where necessary) */ $$->typmod = VARHDRSZ + $3; if (($5 != NULL) && (strcmp($5, "sql_text") != 0)) { char *type; type = palloc(strlen($$->name) + 1 + strlen($5) + 1); strcpy(type, $$->name); strcat(type, "_"); strcat(type, $5); $$->name = xlateSqlType(type); }; } | character opt_charset { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = $1; /* char defaults to char(1), varchar to no limit */ if (strcmp($1, "bpchar") == 0) $$->typmod = VARHDRSZ + 1; else $$->typmod = -1; if (($2 != NULL) && (strcmp($2, "sql_text") != 0)) { char *type; type = palloc(strlen($$->name) + 1 + strlen($2) + 1); strcpy(type, $$->name); strcat(type, "_"); strcat(type, $2); $$->name = xlateSqlType(type); }; } ; character: CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"); } | CHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"); } | VARCHAR { $$ = xlateSqlType("varchar"); } | NATIONAL CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($3 ? "varchar": "bpchar"); } | NATIONAL CHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($3 ? "varchar": "bpchar"); } | NCHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"); } ; opt_varying: VARYING { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_charset: CHARACTER SET ColId { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_collate: COLLATE ColId { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ConstDatetime: TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone_x { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); if ($5) $$->name = xlateSqlType("timestamptz"); else $$->name = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); /* XXX the timezone field seems to be unused * - thomas 2001-09-06 */ $$->timezone = $5; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 13)) elog(ERROR,"TIMESTAMP(%d)%s precision must be between %d and %d", $3, ($5 ? " WITH TIME ZONE": ""), 0, 13); $$->typmod = $3; } | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone_x { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); if ($2) $$->name = xlateSqlType("timestamptz"); else $$->name = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); /* XXX the timezone field seems to be unused * - thomas 2001-09-06 */ $$->timezone = $2; /* SQL99 specified a default precision of six * for schema definitions. But for timestamp * literals we don't want to throw away precision * so leave this as unspecified for now. * Later, we may want a different production * for schemas. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ $$->typmod = -1; } | TIME '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); if ($5) $$->name = xlateSqlType("timetz"); else $$->name = xlateSqlType("time"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 13)) elog(ERROR,"TIME(%d)%s precision must be between %d and %d", $3, ($5 ? " WITH TIME ZONE": ""), 0, 13); $$->typmod = $3; } | TIME opt_timezone { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); if ($2) $$->name = xlateSqlType("timetz"); else $$->name = xlateSqlType("time"); /* SQL99 specified a default precision of zero. * See comments for timestamp above on why we will * leave this unspecified for now. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ $$->typmod = -1; } ; ConstInterval: INTERVAL { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("interval"); $$->typmod = -1; } ; /* XXX Make the default be WITH TIME ZONE for 7.2 to help with database upgrades * but revert this back to WITHOUT TIME ZONE for 7.3. * Do this by simply reverting opt_timezone_x to opt_timezone - thomas 2001-09-06 */ opt_timezone_x: WITH TIME ZONE { $$ = TRUE; } | WITHOUT TIME ZONE { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; opt_timezone: WITH TIME ZONE { $$ = TRUE; } | WITHOUT TIME ZONE { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_interval: YEAR_P { $$ = MASK(YEAR); } | MONTH_P { $$ = MASK(MONTH); } | DAY_P { $$ = MASK(DAY); } | HOUR_P { $$ = MASK(HOUR); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = MASK(MINUTE); } | SECOND_P { $$ = MASK(SECOND); } | YEAR_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = MASK(YEAR) | MASK(MONTH); } | DAY_P TO HOUR_P { $$ = MASK(DAY) | MASK(HOUR); } | DAY_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = MASK(DAY) | MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE); } | DAY_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = MASK(DAY) | MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE) | MASK(SECOND); } | HOUR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE); } | HOUR_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = MASK(HOUR) | MASK(MINUTE) | MASK(SECOND); } | MINUTE_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = MASK(MINUTE) | MASK(SECOND); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = -1; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * expression grammar * *****************************************************************************/ /* Expressions using row descriptors * Define row_descriptor to allow yacc to break the reduce/reduce conflict * with singleton expressions. */ row_expr: '(' row_descriptor ')' IN select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = $2; n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, "=", NULL, NULL); n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; n->subselect = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' NOT IN select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = $2; n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, "<>", NULL, NULL); n->useor = TRUE; n->subLinkType = ALL_SUBLINK; n->subselect = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' all_Op sub_type select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = $2; n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, $4, NULL, NULL); if (strcmp($4, "<>") == 0) n->useor = TRUE; else n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = $5; n->subselect = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' all_Op select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = $2; n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, $4, NULL, NULL); if (strcmp($4, "<>") == 0) n->useor = TRUE; else n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK; n->subselect = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' all_Op '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = makeRowExpr($4, $2, $6); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' OVERLAPS '(' row_descriptor ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); List *largs = $2; List *rargs = $6; n->funcname = xlateSqlFunc("overlaps"); if (length(largs) == 1) largs = lappend(largs, $2); else if (length(largs) != 2) elog(ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters" " on left side of OVERLAPS expression"); if (length(rargs) == 1) rargs = lappend(rargs, $6); else if (length(rargs) != 2) elog(ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters" " on right side of OVERLAPS expression"); n->args = nconc(largs, rargs); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; row_descriptor: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; row_list: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | a_expr { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; sub_type: ANY { $$ = ANY_SUBLINK; } | SOME { $$ = ANY_SUBLINK; } | ALL { $$ = ALL_SUBLINK; } ; all_Op: Op | MathOp; MathOp: '+' { $$ = "+"; } | '-' { $$ = "-"; } | '*' { $$ = "*"; } | '/' { $$ = "/"; } | '%' { $$ = "%"; } | '^' { $$ = "^"; } | '<' { $$ = "<"; } | '>' { $$ = ">"; } | '=' { $$ = "="; } ; /* * General expressions * This is the heart of the expression syntax. * * We have two expression types: a_expr is the unrestricted kind, and * b_expr is a subset that must be used in some places to avoid shift/reduce * conflicts. For example, we can't do BETWEEN as "BETWEEN a_expr AND a_expr" * because that use of AND conflicts with AND as a boolean operator. So, * b_expr is used in BETWEEN and we remove boolean keywords from b_expr. * * Note that '(' a_expr ')' is a b_expr, so an unrestricted expression can * always be used by surrounding it with parens. * * c_expr is all the productions that are common to a_expr and b_expr; * it's factored out just to eliminate redundant coding. */ a_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = makeTypeCast($1, $3); } | a_expr AT TIME ZONE c_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "timezone"; n->args = makeList2($5, $1); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) n; } /* * These operators must be called out explicitly in order to make use * of yacc/bison's automatic operator-precedence handling. All other * operator names are handled by the generic productions using "Op", * below; and all those operators will have the same precedence. * * If you add more explicitly-known operators, be sure to add them * also to b_expr and to the MathOp list above. */ | '+' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", NULL, $2); } | '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = doNegate($2); } | '%' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", NULL, $2); } | '^' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", NULL, $2); } | a_expr '%' { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, NULL); } | a_expr '^' { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, NULL); } | a_expr '+' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | a_expr '-' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | a_expr '*' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | a_expr '/' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | a_expr '%' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, $3); } | a_expr '^' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, $3); } | a_expr '<' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $3); } | a_expr '>' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $3); } | a_expr '=' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, $3); } | a_expr Op a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, $3); } | Op a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | a_expr Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } | a_expr AND a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, $1, $3); } | a_expr OR a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, $1, $3); } | NOT a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(NOT, NULL, NULL, $2); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "~~", $1, $3); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "like_escape"; n->args = makeList2($3, $5); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "~~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "!~~", $1, $4); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "like_escape"; n->args = makeList2($4, $6); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "!~~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "~~*", $1, $3); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "like_escape"; n->args = makeList2($3, $5); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "~~*", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT ILIKE a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "!~~*", $1, $4); } | a_expr NOT ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "like_escape"; n->args = makeList2($4, $6); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "!~~*", $1, (Node *) n); } /* NullTest clause * Define SQL92-style Null test clause. * Allow two forms described in the standard: * a IS NULL * a IS NOT NULL * Allow two SQL extensions * a ISNULL * a NOTNULL * NOTE: this is not yet fully SQL-compatible, since SQL92 * allows a row constructor as argument, not just a scalar. */ | a_expr ISNULL { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr IS NULL_P { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr NOTNULL { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* IS TRUE, IS FALSE, etc used to be function calls * but let's make them expressions to allow the optimizer * a chance to eliminate them if a_expr is a constant string. * - thomas 1997-12-22 * * Created BooleanTest Node type, and changed handling * for NULL inputs * - jec 2001-06-18 */ | a_expr IS TRUE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_TRUE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_TRUE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS FALSE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_FALSE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_FALSE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS UNKNOWN { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_UNKNOWN; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT UNKNOWN { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_UNKNOWN; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, ">=", $1, $3), makeA_Expr(OP, "<=", $1, $5)); } | a_expr NOT BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $4), makeA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $6)); } | a_expr IN in_expr { /* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */ if (IsA($3, SubLink)) { SubLink *n = (SubLink *)$3; n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, "=", NULL, NULL); n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; $$ = (Node *)n; } else { Node *n = NULL; List *l; foreach(l, (List *) $3) { Node *cmp = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, lfirst(l)); if (n == NULL) n = cmp; else n = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, n, cmp); } $$ = n; } } | a_expr NOT IN in_expr { /* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */ if (IsA($4, SubLink)) { SubLink *n = (SubLink *)$4; n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, "<>", NULL, NULL); n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = ALL_SUBLINK; $$ = (Node *)n; } else { Node *n = NULL; List *l; foreach(l, (List *) $4) { Node *cmp = makeA_Expr(OP, "<>", $1, lfirst(l)); if (n == NULL) n = cmp; else n = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, n, cmp); } $$ = n; } } | a_expr all_Op sub_type select_with_parens %prec Op { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->oper = (List *) makeA_Expr(OP, $2, NULL, NULL); n->useor = FALSE; /* doesn't matter since only one col */ n->subLinkType = $3; n->subselect = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | row_expr { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Restricted expressions * * b_expr is a subset of the complete expression syntax defined by a_expr. * * Presently, AND, NOT, IS, and IN are the a_expr keywords that would * cause trouble in the places where b_expr is used. For simplicity, we * just eliminate all the boolean-keyword-operator productions from b_expr. */ b_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | b_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = makeTypeCast($1, $3); } | '+' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", NULL, $2); } | '-' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = doNegate($2); } | '%' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", NULL, $2); } | '^' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", NULL, $2); } | b_expr '%' { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, NULL); } | b_expr '^' { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, NULL); } | b_expr '+' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | b_expr '-' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | b_expr '*' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | b_expr '/' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | b_expr '%' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, $3); } | b_expr '^' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, $3); } | b_expr '<' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $3); } | b_expr '>' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $3); } | b_expr '=' b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, $3); } | b_expr Op b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, $3); } | Op b_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | b_expr Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } ; /* * Productions that can be used in both a_expr and b_expr. * * Note: productions that refer recursively to a_expr or b_expr mostly * cannot appear here. However, it's OK to refer to a_exprs that occur * inside parentheses, such as function arguments; that cannot introduce * ambiguity to the b_expr syntax. */ c_expr: attr { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | ColId opt_indirection { /* could be a column name or a relation_name */ Ident *n = makeNode(Ident); n->name = $1; n->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | CAST '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = makeTypeCast($3, $5); } | case_expr { $$ = $1; } | func_name '(' ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' ALL expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; /* Ideally we'd mark the FuncCall node to indicate * "must be an aggregate", but there's no provision * for that in FuncCall at the moment. */ $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' DISTINCT expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' '*' ')' { /* * For now, we transform AGGREGATE(*) into AGGREGATE(1). * * This does the right thing for COUNT(*) (in fact, * any certainly-non-null expression would do for COUNT), * and there are no other aggregates in SQL92 that accept * '*' as parameter. * * The FuncCall node is also marked agg_star = true, * so that later processing can detect what the argument * really was. */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *star = makeNode(A_Const); star->val.type = T_Integer; star->val.val.ival = 1; n->funcname = $1; n->args = makeList1(star); n->agg_star = TRUE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_DATE opt_empty_parentheses { /* * Translate as "date('now'::text)". * * We cannot use "'now'::date" because coerce_type() will * immediately reduce that to a constant representing * today's date. We need to delay the conversion until * runtime, else the wrong things will happen when * CURRENT_DATE is used in a column default value or rule. * * This could be simplified if we had a way to generate * an expression tree representing runtime application * of type-input conversion functions... */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); TypeName *d = makeNode(TypeName); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("text"); t->setof = FALSE; t->typmod = -1; d->name = xlateSqlType("date"); d->setof = FALSE; d->typmod = -1; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIME opt_empty_parentheses { /* * Translate as "timetz('now'::text)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); TypeName *d = makeNode(TypeName); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("text"); t->setof = FALSE; t->typmod = -1; d->name = xlateSqlType("timetz"); d->setof = FALSE; /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of zero for TIME * fields in schemas. However, for CURRENT_TIME * let's preserve the microsecond precision we * might see from the system clock. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "timetz('now'::text)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); TypeName *d = makeNode(TypeName); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("text"); t->setof = FALSE; t->typmod = -1; d->name = xlateSqlType("timetz"); d->setof = FALSE; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 13)) elog(ERROR,"CURRENT_TIME(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, 13); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP opt_empty_parentheses { /* * Translate as "timestamptz('now'::text)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); TypeName *d = makeNode(TypeName); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("text"); t->setof = FALSE; t->typmod = -1; d->name = xlateSqlType("timestamptz"); d->setof = FALSE; /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of 6 for timestamp. * Also, that is about as precise as we will get since * we are using a microsecond time interface. * - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "timestamptz('now'::text)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); TypeName *d = makeNode(TypeName); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("text"); t->setof = FALSE; t->typmod = -1; d->name = xlateSqlType("timestamptz"); d->setof = FALSE; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 13)) elog(ERROR,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, 13); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_USER opt_empty_parentheses { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "current_user"; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SESSION_USER opt_empty_parentheses { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "session_user"; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | USER opt_empty_parentheses { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "current_user"; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "date_part"; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { /* position(A in B) is converted to position(B, A) */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "position"; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { /* substring(A from B for C) is converted to * substring(A, B, C) - thomas 2000-11-28 */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "substring"; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 * - thomas 1997-07-19 */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "ltrim"; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "rtrim"; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = NIL; n->oper = NIL; n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = EXPR_SUBLINK; n->subselect = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | EXISTS select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->lefthand = NIL; n->oper = NIL; n->useor = FALSE; n->subLinkType = EXISTS_SUBLINK; n->subselect = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Supporting nonterminals for expressions. */ opt_indirection: opt_indirection '[' a_expr ']' { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = NULL; ai->uidx = $3; $$ = lappend($1, ai); } | opt_indirection '[' a_expr ':' a_expr ']' { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = $3; ai->uidx = $5; $$ = lappend($1, ai); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; expr_list: a_expr { $$ = makeList1($1); } | expr_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | expr_list USING a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; extract_list: extract_arg FROM a_expr { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = makeList2((Node *) n, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* Allow delimited string SCONST in extract_arg as an SQL extension. * - thomas 2001-04-12 */ extract_arg: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P { $$ = "year"; } | MONTH_P { $$ = "month"; } | DAY_P { $$ = "day"; } | HOUR_P { $$ = "hour"; } | MINUTE_P { $$ = "minute"; } | SECOND_P { $$ = "second"; } | SCONST { $$ = $1; } ; /* position_list uses b_expr not a_expr to avoid conflict with general IN */ position_list: b_expr IN b_expr { $$ = makeList2($3, $1); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* SUBSTRING() arguments * SQL9x defines a specific syntax for arguments to SUBSTRING(): * o substring(text from int for int) * o substring(text from int) get entire string from starting point "int" * o substring(text for int) get first "int" characters of string * We also want to implement generic substring functions which accept * the usual generic list of arguments. So we will accept both styles * here, and convert the SQL9x style to the generic list for further * processing. - thomas 2000-11-28 */ substr_list: a_expr substr_from substr_for { $$ = makeList3($1, $2, $3); } | a_expr substr_for substr_from { $$ = makeList3($1, $3, $2); } | a_expr substr_from { $$ = makeList2($1, $2); } | a_expr substr_for { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = 1; $$ = makeList3($1, (Node *)n, $2); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; substr_from: FROM a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; substr_for: FOR a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; trim_list: a_expr FROM expr_list { $$ = lappend($3, $1); } | FROM expr_list { $$ = $2; } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr: select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subselect = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' in_expr_nodes ')' { $$ = (Node *)$2; } ; in_expr_nodes: a_expr { $$ = makeList1($1); } | in_expr_nodes ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; /* Case clause * Define SQL92-style case clause. * Allow all four forms described in the standard: * - Full specification * CASE WHEN a = b THEN c ... ELSE d END * - Implicit argument * CASE a WHEN b THEN c ... ELSE d END * - Conditional NULL * NULLIF(x,y) * same as CASE WHEN x = y THEN NULL ELSE x END * - Conditional substitution from list, use first non-null argument * COALESCE(a,b,...) * same as CASE WHEN a IS NOT NULL THEN a WHEN b IS NOT NULL THEN b ... END * - thomas 1998-11-09 */ case_expr: CASE case_arg when_clause_list case_default END_TRANS { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); c->arg = $2; c->args = $3; c->defresult = $4; $$ = (Node *)c; } | NULLIF '(' a_expr ',' a_expr ')' { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); /* A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; w->result = (Node *)n; */ w->expr = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $3, $5); c->args = makeList1(w); c->defresult = $3; $$ = (Node *)c; } | COALESCE '(' expr_list ')' { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); List *l; foreach (l,$3) { CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = lfirst(l); n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; w->expr = (Node *) n; w->result = lfirst(l); c->args = lappend(c->args, w); } $$ = (Node *)c; } ; when_clause_list: when_clause_list when_clause { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | when_clause { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; when_clause: WHEN a_expr THEN a_expr { CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); w->expr = $2; w->result = $4; $$ = (Node *)w; } ; case_default: ELSE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; case_arg: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; attr: relation_name '.' attrs opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = $3; $$->indirection = $4; } | ParamNo '.' attrs opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = NULL; $$->paramNo = $1; $$->attrs = $3; $$->indirection = $4; } ; attrs: attr_name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | attrs '.' attr_name { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } | attrs '.' '*' { $$ = lappend($1, makeString("*")); } ; opt_empty_parentheses: '(' ')' { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } /***************************************************************************** * * target lists * *****************************************************************************/ /* Target lists as found in SELECT ... and INSERT VALUES ( ... ) */ target_list: target_list ',' target_el { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | target_el { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; /* AS is not optional because shift/red conflict with unary ops */ target_el: a_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $3; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | a_expr { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | relation_name '.' '*' { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = $1; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = makeList1(makeString("*")); att->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)att; } | '*' { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = "*"; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = NULL; att->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)att; } ; /* Target list as found in UPDATE table SET ... */ update_target_list: update_target_list ',' update_target_el { $$ = lappend($1,$3); } | update_target_el { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; update_target_el: ColId opt_indirection '=' a_expr { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $1; $$->indirection = $2; $$->val = (Node *)$4; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Names and constants * *****************************************************************************/ relation_name: SpecialRuleRelation { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } ; name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; database_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; access_method: ColId { $$ = $1; }; attr_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; class: ColId { $$ = $1; }; index_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; }; /* Constants * Include TRUE/FALSE for SQL3 support. - thomas 1997-10-24 */ AexprConst: Iconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FCONST { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Float; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BITCONST { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_BitString; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* This rule formerly used Typename, * but that causes reduce conflicts with subscripted column names. * Now, separate into ConstTypename and ConstInterval, * to allow implementing the SQL92 syntax for INTERVAL literals. * - thomas 2000-06-24 */ | ConstTypename Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $2; /* precision is not specified, but fields may be... */ if ($3 != -1) n->typename->typmod = ((($3 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | 0xFFFF); $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $5; /* precision specified, and fields may be... */ n->typename->typmod = ((($6 & 0x7FFF) << 16) | $3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | ParamNo { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | TRUE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "t"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); n->typename->typmod = -1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FALSE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "f"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); n->typename->typmod = -1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NULL_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ParamNo: PARAM opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(ParamNo); $$->number = $1; $$->indirection = $2; } ; Iconst: ICONST { $$ = $1; }; Sconst: SCONST { $$ = $1; }; UserId: ColId { $$ = $1; }; /* * Name classification hierarchy. * * IDENT is the lexeme returned by the lexer for identifiers that match * no known keyword. In most cases, we can accept certain keywords as * names, not only IDENTs. We prefer to accept as many such keywords * as possible to minimize the impact of "reserved words" on programmers. * So, we divide names into several possible classes. The classification * is chosen in part to make keywords acceptable as names wherever possible. */ /* Column identifier --- names that can be column, table, etc names. */ ColId: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; /* Type identifier --- names that can be type names. */ type_name: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; /* Function identifier --- names that can be function names. */ func_name: IDENT { $$ = xlateSqlFunc($1); } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = xlateSqlFunc($1); } | func_name_keyword { $$ = xlateSqlFunc($1); } ; /* Column label --- allowed labels in "AS" clauses. * This presently includes *all* Postgres keywords. */ ColLabel: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } | col_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | func_name_keyword { $$ = $1; } | reserved_keyword { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Keyword classification lists. Generally, every keyword present in * the Postgres grammar should appear in exactly one of these lists. * * Put a new keyword into the first list that it can go into without causing * shift or reduce conflicts. The earlier lists define "less reserved" * categories of keywords. */ /* "Unreserved" keywords --- available for use as any kind of name. */ unreserved_keyword: ABORT_TRANS { $$ = "abort"; } | ABSOLUTE { $$ = "absolute"; } | ACCESS { $$ = "access"; } | ACTION { $$ = "action"; } | ADD { $$ = "add"; } | AFTER { $$ = "after"; } | AGGREGATE { $$ = "aggregate"; } | ALTER { $$ = "alter"; } | AT { $$ = "at"; } | AUTHORIZATION { $$ = "authorization"; } | BACKWARD { $$ = "backward"; } | BEFORE { $$ = "before"; } | BEGIN_TRANS { $$ = "begin"; } | BY { $$ = "by"; } | CACHE { $$ = "cache"; } | CASCADE { $$ = "cascade"; } | CHAIN { $$ = "chain"; } | CHARACTERISTICS { $$ = "characteristics"; } | CHECKPOINT { $$ = "checkpoint"; } | CLOSE { $$ = "close"; } | CLUSTER { $$ = "cluster"; } | COMMENT { $$ = "comment"; } | COMMIT { $$ = "commit"; } | COMMITTED { $$ = "committed"; } | CONSTRAINTS { $$ = "constraints"; } | COPY { $$ = "copy"; } | CREATE { $$ = "create"; } | CREATEDB { $$ = "createdb"; } | CREATEUSER { $$ = "createuser"; } | CURSOR { $$ = "cursor"; } | CYCLE { $$ = "cycle"; } | DATABASE { $$ = "database"; } | DAY_P { $$ = "day"; } | DECLARE { $$ = "declare"; } | DEFERRED { $$ = "deferred"; } | DELETE { $$ = "delete"; } | DELIMITERS { $$ = "delimiters"; } | DOUBLE { $$ = "double"; } | DROP { $$ = "drop"; } | EACH { $$ = "each"; } | ENCODING { $$ = "encoding"; } | ENCRYPTED { $$ = "encrypted"; } | ESCAPE { $$ = "escape"; } | EXCLUSIVE { $$ = "exclusive"; } | EXECUTE { $$ = "execute"; } | EXPLAIN { $$ = "explain"; } | FETCH { $$ = "fetch"; } | FORCE { $$ = "force"; } | FORWARD { $$ = "forward"; } | FUNCTION { $$ = "function"; } | GLOBAL { $$ = "global"; } | GRANT { $$ = "grant"; } | HANDLER { $$ = "handler"; } | HOUR_P { $$ = "hour"; } | IMMEDIATE { $$ = "immediate"; } | INCREMENT { $$ = "increment"; } | INDEX { $$ = "index"; } | INHERITS { $$ = "inherits"; } | INOUT { $$ = "inout"; } | INSENSITIVE { $$ = "insensitive"; } | INSERT { $$ = "insert"; } | INSTEAD { $$ = "instead"; } | ISOLATION { $$ = "isolation"; } | KEY { $$ = "key"; } | LANGUAGE { $$ = "language"; } | LANCOMPILER { $$ = "lancompiler"; } | LEVEL { $$ = "level"; } | LISTEN { $$ = "listen"; } | LOAD { $$ = "load"; } | LOCAL { $$ = "local"; } | LOCATION { $$ = "location"; } | LOCK_P { $$ = "lock"; } | MATCH { $$ = "match"; } | MAXVALUE { $$ = "maxvalue"; } | MINUTE_P { $$ = "minute"; } | MINVALUE { $$ = "minvalue"; } | MODE { $$ = "mode"; } | MONTH_P { $$ = "month"; } | MOVE { $$ = "move"; } | NAMES { $$ = "names"; } | NATIONAL { $$ = "national"; } | NEXT { $$ = "next"; } | NO { $$ = "no"; } | NOCREATEDB { $$ = "nocreatedb"; } | NOCREATEUSER { $$ = "nocreateuser"; } | NOTHING { $$ = "nothing"; } | NOTIFY { $$ = "notify"; } | OF { $$ = "of"; } | OIDS { $$ = "oids"; } | OPERATOR { $$ = "operator"; } | OPTION { $$ = "option"; } | OUT { $$ = "out"; } | OWNER { $$ = "owner"; } | PARTIAL { $$ = "partial"; } | PASSWORD { $$ = "password"; } | PATH_P { $$ = "path"; } | PENDANT { $$ = "pendant"; } | PRECISION { $$ = "precision"; } | PRIOR { $$ = "prior"; } | PRIVILEGES { $$ = "privileges"; } | PROCEDURAL { $$ = "procedural"; } | PROCEDURE { $$ = "procedure"; } | READ { $$ = "read"; } | REINDEX { $$ = "reindex"; } | RELATIVE { $$ = "relative"; } | RENAME { $$ = "rename"; } | REPLACE { $$ = "replace"; } | RESET { $$ = "reset"; } | RESTRICT { $$ = "restrict"; } | RETURNS { $$ = "returns"; } | REVOKE { $$ = "revoke"; } | ROLLBACK { $$ = "rollback"; } | ROW { $$ = "row"; } | RULE { $$ = "rule"; } | SCHEMA { $$ = "schema"; } | SCROLL { $$ = "scroll"; } | SECOND_P { $$ = "second"; } | SESSION { $$ = "session"; } | SEQUENCE { $$ = "sequence"; } | SERIALIZABLE { $$ = "serializable"; } | SET { $$ = "set"; } | SHARE { $$ = "share"; } | SHOW { $$ = "show"; } | START { $$ = "start"; } | STATEMENT { $$ = "statement"; } | STATISTICS { $$ = "statistics"; } | STDIN { $$ = "stdin"; } | STDOUT { $$ = "stdout"; } | SYSID { $$ = "sysid"; } | TEMP { $$ = "temp"; } | TEMPLATE { $$ = "template"; } | TEMPORARY { $$ = "temporary"; } | TOAST { $$ = "toast"; } | TRANSACTION { $$ = "transaction"; } | TRIGGER { $$ = "trigger"; } | TRUNCATE { $$ = "truncate"; } | TRUSTED { $$ = "trusted"; } | TYPE_P { $$ = "type"; } | UNENCRYPTED { $$ = "unencrypted"; } | UNKNOWN { $$ = "unknown"; } | UNLISTEN { $$ = "unlisten"; } | UNTIL { $$ = "until"; } | UPDATE { $$ = "update"; } | USAGE { $$ = "usage"; } | VACUUM { $$ = "vacuum"; } | VALID { $$ = "valid"; } | VALUES { $$ = "values"; } | VARYING { $$ = "varying"; } | VERSION { $$ = "version"; } | VIEW { $$ = "view"; } | WITH { $$ = "with"; } | WITHOUT { $$ = "without"; } | WORK { $$ = "work"; } | YEAR_P { $$ = "year"; } | ZONE { $$ = "zone"; } ; /* Column identifier --- keywords that can be column, table, etc names. * * Many of these keywords will in fact be recognized as type or function * names too; but they have special productions for the purpose, and so * can't be treated as "generic" type or function names. * * The type names appearing here are not usable as function names * because they can be followed by '(' in typename productions, which * looks too much like a function call for an LR(1) parser. */ col_name_keyword: BIT { $$ = "bit"; } | CHAR { $$ = "char"; } | CHARACTER { $$ = "character"; } | COALESCE { $$ = "coalesce"; } | DEC { $$ = "dec"; } | DECIMAL { $$ = "decimal"; } | EXISTS { $$ = "exists"; } | EXTRACT { $$ = "extract"; } | FLOAT { $$ = "float"; } | INTERVAL { $$ = "interval"; } | NCHAR { $$ = "nchar"; } | NONE { $$ = "none"; } | NULLIF { $$ = "nullif"; } | NUMERIC { $$ = "numeric"; } | POSITION { $$ = "position"; } | SETOF { $$ = "setof"; } | SUBSTRING { $$ = "substring"; } | TIME { $$ = "time"; } | TIMESTAMP { $$ = "timestamp"; } | TRIM { $$ = "trim"; } | VARCHAR { $$ = "varchar"; } ; /* Function identifier --- keywords that can be function names. * * Most of these are keywords that are used as operators in expressions; * in general such keywords can't be column names because they would be * ambiguous with variables, but they are unambiguous as function identifiers. * * Do not include POSITION, SUBSTRING, etc here since they have explicit * productions in a_expr to support the goofy SQL9x argument syntax. * - thomas 2000-11-28 */ func_name_keyword: BETWEEN { $$ = "between"; } | BINARY { $$ = "binary"; } | CROSS { $$ = "cross"; } | FREEZE { $$ = "freeze"; } | FULL { $$ = "full"; } | ILIKE { $$ = "ilike"; } | IN { $$ = "in"; } | INNER_P { $$ = "inner"; } | IS { $$ = "is"; } | ISNULL { $$ = "isnull"; } | JOIN { $$ = "join"; } | LEFT { $$ = "left"; } | LIKE { $$ = "like"; } | NATURAL { $$ = "natural"; } | NOTNULL { $$ = "notnull"; } | OUTER_P { $$ = "outer"; } | OVERLAPS { $$ = "overlaps"; } | PUBLIC { $$ = "public"; } | RIGHT { $$ = "right"; } | VERBOSE { $$ = "verbose"; } ; /* Reserved keyword --- these keywords are usable only as a ColLabel. * * Keywords appear here if they could not be distinguished from variable, * type, or function names in some contexts. Don't put things here unless * forced to. */ reserved_keyword: ALL { $$ = "all"; } | ANALYSE { $$ = "analyse"; } /* British */ | ANALYZE { $$ = "analyze"; } | AND { $$ = "and"; } | ANY { $$ = "any"; } | AS { $$ = "as"; } | ASC { $$ = "asc"; } | BOTH { $$ = "both"; } | CASE { $$ = "case"; } | CAST { $$ = "cast"; } | CHECK { $$ = "check"; } | COLLATE { $$ = "collate"; } | COLUMN { $$ = "column"; } | CONSTRAINT { $$ = "constraint"; } | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = "current_date"; } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = "current_time"; } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = "current_timestamp"; } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = "current_user"; } | DEFAULT { $$ = "default"; } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = "deferrable"; } | DESC { $$ = "desc"; } | DISTINCT { $$ = "distinct"; } | DO { $$ = "do"; } | ELSE { $$ = "else"; } | END_TRANS { $$ = "end"; } | EXCEPT { $$ = "except"; } | FALSE_P { $$ = "false"; } | FOR { $$ = "for"; } | FOREIGN { $$ = "foreign"; } | FROM { $$ = "from"; } | GROUP { $$ = "group"; } | HAVING { $$ = "having"; } | INITIALLY { $$ = "initially"; } | INTERSECT { $$ = "intersect"; } | INTO { $$ = "into"; } | LEADING { $$ = "leading"; } | LIMIT { $$ = "limit"; } | NEW { $$ = "new"; } | NOT { $$ = "not"; } | NULL_P { $$ = "null"; } | OFF { $$ = "off"; } | OFFSET { $$ = "offset"; } | OLD { $$ = "old"; } | ON { $$ = "on"; } | ONLY { $$ = "only"; } | OR { $$ = "or"; } | ORDER { $$ = "order"; } | PRIMARY { $$ = "primary"; } | REFERENCES { $$ = "references"; } | SELECT { $$ = "select"; } | SESSION_USER { $$ = "session_user"; } | SOME { $$ = "some"; } | TABLE { $$ = "table"; } | THEN { $$ = "then"; } | TO { $$ = "to"; } | TRAILING { $$ = "trailing"; } | TRUE_P { $$ = "true"; } | UNION { $$ = "union"; } | UNIQUE { $$ = "unique"; } | USER { $$ = "user"; } | USING { $$ = "using"; } | WHEN { $$ = "when"; } | WHERE { $$ = "where"; } ; SpecialRuleRelation: OLD { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*OLD*"; else elog(ERROR,"OLD used in non-rule query"); } | NEW { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*NEW*"; else elog(ERROR,"NEW used in non-rule query"); } ; %% static Node * makeA_Expr(int oper, char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = oper; a->opname = opname; a->lexpr = lexpr; a->rexpr = rexpr; return (Node *)a; } static Node * makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename) { /* * If arg is an A_Const or ParamNo, just stick the typename into the * field reserved for it --- unless there's something there already! * (We don't want to collapse x::type1::type2 into just x::type2.) * Otherwise, generate a TypeCast node. */ if (IsA(arg, A_Const) && ((A_Const *) arg)->typename == NULL) { ((A_Const *) arg)->typename = typename; return arg; } else if (IsA(arg, ParamNo) && ((ParamNo *) arg)->typename == NULL) { ((ParamNo *) arg)->typename = typename; return arg; } else { TypeCast *n = makeNode(TypeCast); n->arg = arg; n->typename = typename; return (Node *) n; } } static Node * makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = str; n->typename = typename; return (Node *)n; } static Node * makeFloatConst(char *str) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->val.type = T_Float; n->val.val.str = str; t->name = xlateSqlType("float"); t->typmod = -1; n->typename = t; return (Node *)n; } /* makeRowExpr() * Generate separate operator nodes for a single row descriptor expression. * Perhaps this should go deeper in the parser someday... * - thomas 1997-12-22 */ static Node * makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs) { Node *expr = NULL; Node *larg, *rarg; if (length(largs) != length(rargs)) elog(ERROR,"Unequal number of entries in row expression"); if (lnext(largs) != NIL) expr = makeRowExpr(opr,lnext(largs),lnext(rargs)); larg = lfirst(largs); rarg = lfirst(rargs); if ((strcmp(opr, "=") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, "<") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, "<=") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, ">") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, ">=") == 0)) { if (expr == NULL) expr = makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, expr, makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else if (strcmp(opr, "<>") == 0) { if (expr == NULL) expr = makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, expr, makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else { elog(ERROR,"Operator '%s' not implemented for row expressions",opr); } return expr; } /* findLeftmostSelect() * Find the leftmost component SelectStmt in a set-operation parsetree. */ static SelectStmt * findLeftmostSelect(SelectStmt *node) { while (node && node->op != SETOP_NONE) node = node->larg; Assert(node && IsA(node, SelectStmt) && node->larg == NULL); return node; } /* insertSelectOptions() * Insert ORDER BY, etc into an already-constructed SelectStmt. * * This routine is just to avoid duplicating code in SelectStmt productions. */ static void insertSelectOptions(SelectStmt *stmt, List *sortClause, List *forUpdate, Node *limitOffset, Node *limitCount) { /* * Tests here are to reject constructs like * (SELECT foo ORDER BY bar) ORDER BY baz */ if (sortClause) { if (stmt->sortClause) elog(ERROR, "Multiple ORDER BY clauses not allowed"); stmt->sortClause = sortClause; } if (forUpdate) { if (stmt->forUpdate) elog(ERROR, "Multiple FOR UPDATE clauses not allowed"); stmt->forUpdate = forUpdate; } if (limitOffset) { if (stmt->limitOffset) elog(ERROR, "Multiple OFFSET clauses not allowed"); stmt->limitOffset = limitOffset; } if (limitCount) { if (stmt->limitCount) elog(ERROR, "Multiple LIMIT clauses not allowed"); stmt->limitCount = limitCount; } } static Node * makeSetOp(SetOperation op, bool all, Node *larg, Node *rarg) { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->op = op; n->all = all; n->larg = (SelectStmt *) larg; n->rarg = (SelectStmt *) rarg; return (Node *) n; } /* xlateSqlFunc() * Convert alternate function names to internal Postgres functions. * * Do not convert "float", since that is handled elsewhere * for FLOAT(p) syntax. * * Converting "datetime" to "timestamp" and "timespan" to "interval" * is a temporary expedient for pre-7.0 to 7.0 compatibility; * these should go away for v7.1. */ char * xlateSqlFunc(char *name) { if (strcmp(name,"character_length") == 0) return "char_length"; else if (strcmp(name,"datetime") == 0) return "timestamp"; else if (strcmp(name,"timespan") == 0) return "interval"; else return name; } /* xlateSqlFunc() */ /* xlateSqlType() * Convert alternate type names to internal Postgres types. * * NB: do NOT put "char" -> "bpchar" here, because that renders it impossible * to refer to our single-byte char type, even with quotes. (Without quotes, * CHAR is a keyword, and the code above produces "bpchar" for it.) * * Convert "datetime" and "timespan" to allow a transition to SQL92 type names. * Remove this translation for v7.1 - thomas 2000-03-25 * * Convert "lztext" to "text" to allow forward compatibility for anyone using * the undocumented "lztext" type in 7.0. This can go away in 7.2 or later * - tgl 2000-07-30 */ char * xlateSqlType(char *name) { if ((strcmp(name,"int") == 0) || (strcmp(name,"integer") == 0)) return "int4"; else if (strcmp(name, "smallint") == 0) return "int2"; else if (strcmp(name, "bigint") == 0) return "int8"; else if (strcmp(name, "real") == 0) return "float4"; else if (strcmp(name, "float") == 0) return "float8"; else if (strcmp(name, "decimal") == 0) return "numeric"; else if (strcmp(name, "datetime") == 0) return "timestamp"; else if (strcmp(name, "timespan") == 0) return "interval"; else if (strcmp(name, "lztext") == 0) return "text"; else if (strcmp(name, "boolean") == 0) return "bool"; else return name; } /* xlateSqlType() */ void parser_init(Oid *typev, int nargs) { QueryIsRule = FALSE; /* * Keep enough information around to fill out the type of param nodes * used in postquel functions */ param_type_info = typev; pfunc_num_args = nargs; } Oid param_type(int t) { if ((t > pfunc_num_args) || (t <= 0)) return InvalidOid; return param_type_info[t - 1]; } /* * Test whether an a_expr is a plain NULL constant or not. */ bool exprIsNullConstant(Node *arg) { if (arg && IsA(arg, A_Const)) { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) arg; if (con->val.type == T_Null && con->typename == NULL) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * doNegate --- handle negation of a numeric constant. * * Formerly, we did this here because the optimizer couldn't cope with * indexquals that looked like "var = -4" --- it wants "var = const" * and a unary minus operator applied to a constant didn't qualify. * As of Postgres 7.0, that problem doesn't exist anymore because there * is a constant-subexpression simplifier in the optimizer. However, * there's still a good reason for doing this here, which is that we can * postpone committing to a particular internal representation for simple * negative constants. It's better to leave "-123.456" in string form * until we know what the desired type is. */ static Node * doNegate(Node *n) { if (IsA(n, A_Const)) { A_Const *con = (A_Const *)n; if (con->val.type == T_Integer) { con->val.val.ival = -con->val.val.ival; return n; } if (con->val.type == T_Float) { doNegateFloat(&con->val); return n; } } return makeA_Expr(OP, "-", NULL, n); } static void doNegateFloat(Value *v) { char *oldval = v->val.str; Assert(IsA(v, Float)); if (*oldval == '+') oldval++; if (*oldval == '-') v->val.str = oldval+1; /* just strip the '-' */ else { char *newval = (char *) palloc(strlen(oldval) + 2); *newval = '-'; strcpy(newval+1, oldval); v->val.str = newval; } }