/* ----------
 * pg_lzcompress.c -
 * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/pg_lzcompress.c,v 1.8 2000/07/20 14:23:28 wieck Exp $
 *		This is an implementation of LZ compression for PostgreSQL.
 *		It uses a simple history table and generates 2-3 byte tags
 *		capable of backward copy information for 3-273 bytes with
 *		an offset of max. 4095.
 *		Entry routines:
 *			int
 *			pglz_compress(char *source, int slen, PGLZ_Header *dest,
 *										PGLZ_Strategy *strategy);
 *				source is the input data to be compressed.
 *				slen is the length of the input data.
 *				dest is the output area for the compressed result.
 *					It must be big enough to hold the worst case of
 *					compression failure and can be computed by the
 *					macro PGLZ_MAX_OUTPUT(slen). Don't be surprised,
 *					it is larger than the input data size.
 *				strategy is a pointer to some information controlling
 *					the compression algorithm. If NULL, the compiled
 *					in default strategy is used.
 *				The return value is the size of bytes written to buff.
 *			int
 *			pglz_decompress(PGLZ_Header *source, char *dest)
 *				source is the compressed input.
 *				dest is the area where the uncompressed data will be
 *					written to. It is the callers responsibility to
 *					provide enough space. The required amount can be
 *					obtained with the macro PGLZ_RAW_SIZE(source).
 *					The data is written to buff exactly as it was handed
 *					to pglz_compress(). No terminating zero byte is added.
 *				The return value is the size of bytes written to buff.
 *					Obviously the same as PGLZ_RAW_SIZE() returns.
 *		The decompression algorithm and internal data format:
 *			PGLZ_Header is defined as
 *				typedef struct PGLZ_Header {
 *					int32		varsize;
 *					int32		rawsize;
 *				}
 *			The header is followed by the compressed data itself.
 *			The data representation is easiest explained by describing
 *			the process of decompression.
 *			If varsize == rawsize + sizeof(PGLZ_Header), then the data
 *			is stored uncompressed as plain bytes. Thus, the decompressor
 *			simply copies rawsize bytes from the location after the
 *			header to the destination.
 *			Otherwise the first byte after the header tells what to do
 *			the next 8 times. We call this the control byte.
 *			An unset bit in the control byte means, that one uncompressed
 *			byte follows, which is copied from input to output.
 *			A set bit in the control byte means, that a tag of 2-3 bytes
 *			follows. A tag contains information to copy some bytes, that
 *			are already in the output buffer, to the current location in
 *			the output. Let's call the three tag bytes T1, T2 and T3. The
 *			position of the data to copy is coded as an offset from the
 *			actual output position.
 *			The offset is in the upper nibble of T1 and in T2.
 *			The length is in the lower nibble of T1.
 *			So the 16 bits of a 2 byte tag are coded as
 *				7---T1--0  7---T2--0
 *			This limits the offset to 1-4095 (12 bits) and the length
 *			to 3-18 (4 bits) because 3 is allways added to it. To emit
 *			a tag of 2 bytes with a length of 2 only saves one control
 *			bit. But we loose one byte in the possible length of a tag.
 *			In the actual implementation, the 2 byte tag's length is
 *			limited to 3-17, because the value 0xF in the length nibble
 *			has special meaning. It means, that the next following
 *			byte (T3) has to be added to the length value of 18. That
 *			makes total limits of 1-4095 for offset and 3-273 for length.
 *			Now that we have successfully decoded a tag. We simply copy
 *			the output that occured <offset> bytes back to the current
 *			output location in the specified <length>. Thus, a
 *			sequence of 200 spaces (think about bpchar fields) could be
 *			coded in 4 bytes. One literal space and a three byte tag to
 *			copy 199 bytes with a -1 offset. Whow - that's a compression
 *			rate of 98%! Well, the implementation needs to save the
 *			original data size too, so we need another 4 bytes for it
 *			and end up with a total compression rate of 96%, what's still
 *			worth a Whow.
 *		The compression algorithm
 *			The following uses numbers used in the default strategy.
 *			The compressor works best for attributes of a size between
 *			1K and 1M. For smaller items there's not that much chance of
 *			redundancy in the character sequence (except for large areas
 *			of identical bytes like trailing spaces) and for bigger ones
 *			the allocation of the history table is expensive (it needs
 *			8 times the size of the input!).
 *			The compressor creates a table for 8192 lists of positions.
 *			For each input position (except the last 3), a hash key is 
 *			built from the 4 next input bytes and the posiiton remembered
 *			in the appropriate list. Thus, the table points to linked
 *			lists of likely to be at least in the first 4 characters
 *			matching strings. This is done on the fly while the input
 *			is compressed into the output area.
 *			For each byte in the input, it's hash key (built from this
 *			byte and the next 3) is used to find the appropriate list
 *			in the table. The lists remember the positions of all bytes
 *			that had the same hash key in the past in increasing backward
 *			offset order. Now for all entries in the used lists, the
 *			match length is computed by comparing the characters from the
 *			entries position with the characters from the actual input
 *			position.
 *			The compressor starts with a so called "good_match" of 128.
 *			It is a "prefer speed against compression ratio" optimizer.
 *			So if the first entry looked at already has 128 or more
 *			matching characters, the lookup stops and that position is
 *			used for the next tag in the output.
 *			For each subsequent entry in the history list, the "good_match"
 *			is lowered by 10%. So the compressor will be more happy with
 *			short matches the farer it has to go back in the history.
 *			Another "speed against ratio" preference characteristic of
 *			the algorithm.
 *			Thus there are 3 stop conditions for the lookup of matches:
 *				- a match >= good_match is found
 *				- there are no more history entries to look at
 *              - the next history entry is already too far back
 *				  to be coded into a tag.
 *			Finally the match algorithm checks that at least a match
 *			of 3 or more bytes has been found, because thats the smallest
 *			amount of copy information to code into a tag. If so, a tag
 *			is omitted and all the input bytes covered by that are just
 *			scanned for the history add's, otherwise a literal character
 *			is omitted and only his history entry added.
 *		Acknowledgements:
 *			Many thanks to Adisak Pochanayon, who's article about SLZ
 *			inspired me to write the PostgreSQL compression this way.
 *			Jan Wieck
 * ----------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/pg_lzcompress.h"

/* ----------
 * Local definitions
 * ----------
#define PGLZ_HISTORY_LISTS		8192
#define PGLZ_HISTORY_MASK		0x1fff
#define PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE		4096
#define PGLZ_MAX_MATCH			273

/* ----------
 * PGLZ_HistEntry -
 *		Linked list for the backward history lookup
 * ----------
typedef struct PGLZ_HistEntry
	struct PGLZ_HistEntry *next;
	struct PGLZ_HistEntry *prev;
	char	   *pos;
} PGLZ_HistEntry;

/* ----------
 * The provided standard strategies
 * ----------
static PGLZ_Strategy strategy_default_data = {
	256,						/* Data chunks smaller 256 bytes are not
								 * compressed			 */
	6144,						/* Data chunks greater equal 6K force
								 * compression				 */
	/* except compressed result is greater uncompressed data		*/
	20,							/* Compression rates below 20% mean
								 * fallback to uncompressed    */
	/* storage except compression is forced by previous parameter	*/
	128,						/* Stop history lookup if a match of 128
								 * bytes is found		  */
	10							/* Lower good match size by 10% at every
								 * lookup loop iteration. */
PGLZ_Strategy *PGLZ_strategy_default = &strategy_default_data;

static PGLZ_Strategy strategy_allways_data = {
	0,							/* Chunks of any size are compressed							*/
	0,							/* */
	0,							/* We want to save at least one single
								 * byte						*/
	128,						/* Stop history lookup if a match of 128
								 * bytes is found		  */
	6							/* Look harder for a good match.								*/
PGLZ_Strategy *PGLZ_strategy_allways = &strategy_allways_data;

static PGLZ_Strategy strategy_never_data = {
	0,							/* */
	0,							/* */
	0,							/* */
	0,							/* Zero indicates "store uncompressed
								 * allways"                  */
	0							/* */
PGLZ_Strategy *PGLZ_strategy_never = &strategy_never_data;

/* ----------
 * Global arrays for history
 * ----------
static PGLZ_HistEntry *hist_start[PGLZ_HISTORY_LISTS];
static PGLZ_HistEntry hist_entries[PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE];

/* ----------
 * pglz_hist_idx -
 *		Computes the history table slot for the lookup by the next 4
 *		characters in the input.
 * ----------
#if 1
#define pglz_hist_idx(_s,_e) (												\
			(((_e) - (_s)) < 4) ? 0 :										\
			((((_s)[0] << 9) ^ ((_s)[1] << 6) ^								\
			((_s)[2] << 3) ^ (_s)[3]) & (PGLZ_HISTORY_MASK))				\
#define pglz_hist_idx(_s,_e) (												\
			(((_e) - (_s)) < 2) ? 0 :										\
			((((_s)[0] << 8) ^ (_s)[1]) & (PGLZ_HISTORY_MASK))				\

/* ----------
 * pglz_hist_add -
 *		Adds a new entry to the history table.
 * ----------
#define pglz_hist_add(_hs,_he,_hn,_s,_e) {									\
			int __hindex = pglz_hist_idx((_s),(_e));						\
			if ((_he)[(_hn)].prev == NULL) {								\
			    (_hs)[__hindex] = (_he)[(_hn)].next;						\
			} else {														\
			    (_he)[(_hn)].prev->next = (_he)[(_hn)].next;				\
			}																\
			if ((_he)[(_hn)].next != NULL) {								\
			    (_he)[(_hn)].next->prev = (_he)[(_hn)].prev;				\
			}																\
			(_he)[(_hn)].next = (_hs)[__hindex];							\
			(_he)[(_hn)].prev = NULL;										\
			(_he)[(_hn)].pos  = (_s);										\
			if ((_hs)[__hindex] != NULL) {									\
			    (_hs)[__hindex]->prev = &((_he)[(_hn)]);					\
			}																\
			(_hs)[__hindex] = &((_he)[(_hn)]);								\
			if (++(_hn) >= PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE) {								\
				(_hn) = 0;													\
			}																\

/* ----------
 * pglz_out_ctrl -
 *		Outputs the last and allocates a new control byte if needed.
 * ----------
#define pglz_out_ctrl(__ctrlp,__ctrlb,__ctrl,__buf) {						\
	if ((__ctrl & 0xff) == 0)												\
	{																		\
		*__ctrlp = __ctrlb;													\
		__ctrlp = __buf++;													\
		__ctrlb = 0;														\
		__ctrl = 1;															\
	}																		\

/* ----------
 * pglz_out_literal -
 *		Outputs a literal byte to the destination buffer including the
 *		appropriate control bit.
 * ----------
#define pglz_out_literal(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf,_byte) {					\
	pglz_out_ctrl(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf);								\
	*_buf++ = (unsigned char)(_byte);										\
	_ctrl <<= 1;															\

/* ----------
 * pglz_out_tag -
 *		Outputs a backward reference tag of 2-4 bytes (depending on
 *		offset and length) to the destination buffer including the
 *		appropriate control bit.
 * ----------
#define pglz_out_tag(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf,_len,_off) {					\
	pglz_out_ctrl(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf);								\
	_ctrlb |= _ctrl;														\
	_ctrl <<= 1;															\
	if (_len > 17)															\
	{																		\
		_buf[0] = (unsigned char)((((_off) & 0xf00) >> 4) | 0x0f);			\
		_buf[1] = (unsigned char)((_off & 0xff));							\
		_buf[2] = (unsigned char)((_len) - 18);								\
		_buf += 3;															\
	} else {																\
		_buf[0] = (unsigned char)((((_off) & 0xf00) >> 4) | (_len - 3));	\
		_buf[1] = (unsigned char)((_off) & 0xff);							\
		_buf += 2;															\
	}																		\

/* ----------
 * pglz_find_match -
 *		Lookup the history table if the actual input stream matches
 *		another sequence of characters, starting somewhere earlier
 *		in the input buffer.
 * ----------
static inline int
pglz_find_match(PGLZ_HistEntry **hstart, char *input, char *end,
				int *lenp, int *offp, int good_match, int good_drop)
	PGLZ_HistEntry *hent;
	int32		len = 0;
	int32		off = 0;
	int32		thislen;
	int32		thisoff;
	char	   *ip;
	char	   *hp;

	/* ----------
	 * Traverse the linked history list until a good enough
	 * match is found.
	 * ----------
	hent = hstart[pglz_hist_idx(input, end)];
	while (hent && len < good_match)
		/* ----------
		 * Be happy with lesser good matches the more entries we visited.
		 * ----------
		good_match -= (good_match * good_drop) / 100;

		/* ----------
		 * Stop if the offset does not fit into our tag anymore.
		 * ----------
		thisoff = (ip = input) - (hp = hent->pos);
		if (thisoff >= 0x0fff)

		/* ----------
		 * Determine length of match. A better match must be larger than
		 * the best so far. And if we already have a match of 16 or more
		 * bytes, it's worth the call overhead to use memcmp() to check
		 * if this match is equal for the same size. After that we must
		 * fallback to character by character comparision to know the
		 * exact position where the diff occured.
		 * ----------
		if (len >= 16)
			if (memcmp(ip, hp, len) != 0)
				hent = hent->next;
			thislen = len;
			ip += len;
			hp += len;
			thislen = 0;
		while (ip < end && *ip == *hp && thislen < PGLZ_MAX_MATCH)

		/* ----------
		 * Remember this match as the best (if it is)
		 * ----------
		if (thislen > len)
			len = thislen;
			off = thisoff;

		/* ----------
		 * Advance to the next history entry
		 * ----------
		hent = hent->next;

	/* ----------
	 * Return match information only if it results at least in one
	 * byte reduction.
	 * ----------
	if (len > 2)
		*lenp = len;
		*offp = off;
		return 1;

	return 0;

/* ----------
 * pglz_compress -
 *		Compresses source into dest using strategy.
 * ----------
pglz_compress(char *source, int slen, PGLZ_Header *dest, PGLZ_Strategy *strategy)
	int            hist_next = 0;

	unsigned char *bp = ((unsigned char *) dest) + sizeof(PGLZ_Header);
	unsigned char *bstart = bp;
	char	   *dp = source;
	char	   *dend = source + slen;
	unsigned char ctrl_dummy = 0;
	unsigned char *ctrlp = &ctrl_dummy;
	unsigned char ctrlb = 0;
	unsigned char ctrl = 0;
	int32		match_len;
	int32		match_off;
	int32		good_match;
	int32		good_drop;
	int32		do_compress = 1;
	int32		result_size = -1;
	int32		result_max;
	int32		need_rate;

	/* ----------
	 * Our fallback strategy is the default.
	 * ----------
	if (strategy == NULL)
		strategy = PGLZ_strategy_default;

	/* ----------
	 * Save the original source size in the header.
	 * ----------
	dest->rawsize = slen;

	/* ----------
	 * If the strategy forbids compression (at all or if source chunk too
	 * small), copy input to output without compression.
	 * ----------
	if (strategy->match_size_good == 0)
		memcpy(bstart, source, slen);
		return (dest->varsize = slen + sizeof(PGLZ_Header));
		if (slen < strategy->min_input_size)
			memcpy(bstart, source, slen);
			return (dest->varsize = slen + sizeof(PGLZ_Header));

	/* ----------
	 * Limit the match size to the maximum implementation allowed value
	 * ----------
	if ((good_match = strategy->match_size_good) > PGLZ_MAX_MATCH)
		good_match = PGLZ_MAX_MATCH;
	if (good_match < 17)
		good_match = 17;

	if ((good_drop = strategy->match_size_drop) < 0)
		good_drop = 0;
	if (good_drop > 100)
		good_drop = 100;

	/* ----------
	 * Initialize the history tables. For inputs smaller than
	 * PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE, we already have a big enough history
	 * table on the stack frame.
	 * ----------
	memset((void *) hist_start, 0, sizeof(hist_start));
	memset((void *) hist_entries, 0, sizeof(hist_entries));

	/* ----------
	 * Compute the maximum result size allowed by the strategy.
	 * If the input size exceeds force_input_size, the max result size
	 * is the input size itself.
	 * Otherwise, it is the input size minus the minimum wanted
	 * compression rate.
	 * ----------
	if (slen >= strategy->force_input_size)
		result_max = slen;
		need_rate = strategy->min_comp_rate;
		if (need_rate < 0)
			need_rate = 0;
		else if (need_rate > 99)
			need_rate = 99;
		result_max = slen - ((slen * need_rate) / 100);

	/* ----------
	 * Compress the source directly into the output buffer.
	 * ----------
	while (dp < dend)
		/* ----------
		 * If we already exceeded the maximum result size, set no compression
		 * flag and stop this. But don't check too often.
		 * ----------
		if (bp - bstart >= result_max)
			do_compress = 0;

		/* ----------
		 * Try to find a match in the history
		 * ----------
		if (pglz_find_match(hist_start, dp, dend, &match_len,
							&match_off, good_match, good_drop))
			/* ----------
			 * Create the tag and add history entries for
			 * all matched characters.
			 * ----------
			pglz_out_tag(ctrlp, ctrlb, ctrl, bp, match_len, match_off);
			while (match_len--)
				pglz_hist_add(hist_start, hist_entries, hist_next, dp, dend);
				dp++;			/* Do not do this ++ in the line above!		*/
				/* The macro would do it four times - Jan.	*/
			/* ----------
			 * No match found. Copy one literal byte.
			 * ----------
			pglz_out_literal(ctrlp, ctrlb, ctrl, bp, *dp);
			pglz_hist_add(hist_start, hist_entries, hist_next, dp, dend);
			dp++;				/* Do not do this ++ in the line above!		*/
			/* The macro would do it four times - Jan.	*/

	/* ----------
	 * If we are still in compressing mode, write out the last
	 * control byte and determine if the compression gained the
	 * rate requested by the strategy.
	 * ----------
	if (do_compress)
		*ctrlp = ctrlb;

		result_size = bp - bstart;
		if (result_size >= result_max)
			do_compress = 0;

	/* ----------
	 * Done - if we successfully compressed and matched the
	 * strategy's constraints, return the compressed result.
	 * Otherwise copy the original source over it and return
	 * the original length.
	 * ----------
	if (do_compress)
		dest->varsize = result_size + sizeof(PGLZ_Header);
		return VARATT_SIZE(dest);
		memcpy(((char *) dest) + sizeof(PGLZ_Header), source, slen);
		dest->varsize = slen + sizeof(PGLZ_Header);
		return VARATT_SIZE(dest);

/* ----------
 * pglz_decompress -
 *		Decompresses source into dest.
 * ----------
pglz_decompress(PGLZ_Header *source, char *dest)
	unsigned char *dp;
	unsigned char *dend;
	unsigned char *bp;
	unsigned char ctrl;
	int32		ctrlc;
	int32		len;
	int32		off;

	dp = ((unsigned char *) source) + sizeof(PGLZ_Header);
	dend = ((unsigned char *) source) + VARATT_SIZE(source);
	bp = (unsigned char *) dest;

	if (VARATT_SIZE(source) == source->rawsize + sizeof(PGLZ_Header))
		memcpy(dest, dp, source->rawsize);
		return source->rawsize;

	while (dp < dend)
		/* ----------
		 * Read one control byte and process the next 8 items.
		 * ----------
		ctrl = *dp++;
		for (ctrlc = 0; ctrlc < 8 && dp < dend; ctrlc++)
			if (ctrl & 1)
				/* ----------
				 * Otherwise it contains the match length minus 3
				 * and the upper 4 bits of the offset. The next following
				 * byte contains the lower 8 bits of the offset. If
				 * the length is coded as 18, another extension tag byte
				 * tells how much longer the match really was (0-255).
				 * ----------
				len = (dp[0] & 0x0f) + 3;
				off = ((dp[0] & 0xf0) << 4) | dp[1];
				dp += 2;
				if (len == 18)
					len += *dp++;

				/* ----------
				 * Now we copy the bytes specified by the tag from
				 * OUTPUT to OUTPUT. It is dangerous and platform
				 * dependant to use memcpy() here, because the copied
				 * areas could overlap extremely!
				 * ----------
				while (len--)
					*bp = bp[-off];
				/* ----------
				 * An unset control bit means LITERAL BYTE. So we
				 * just copy one from INPUT to OUTPUT.
				 * ----------
				*bp++ = *dp++;

			/* ----------
			 * Advance the control bit
			 * ----------
			ctrl >>= 1;

	/* ----------
	 * That's it.
	 * ----------
	return (char *) bp - dest;

/* ----------
 * pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_lzdata -
 *		Reads the next character from a decompression state if the
 *		input data to pglz_decomp_init() was in compressed format.
 * ----------
pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_lzdata(PGLZ_DecompState *dstate)
	unsigned char retval;

	if (dstate->tocopy > 0)
		/* ----------
		 * Copy one byte from output to output until we did it
		 * for the length specified by the last tag. Return that
		 * byte.
		 * ----------
		return (*(dstate->cp_out++) = *(dstate->cp_copy++));

	if (dstate->ctrl_count == 0)
		/* ----------
		 * Get the next control byte if we need to, but check
		 * for EOF before.
		 * ----------
		if (dstate->cp_in == dstate->cp_end)
			return EOF;

		/* ----------
		 * This decompression method saves time only, if we stop near
		 * the beginning of the data (maybe because we're called by a
		 * comparision function and a difference occurs early). Otherwise,
		 * all the checks, needed here, cause too much overhead.
		 * Thus we decompress the entire rest at once into the temporary
		 * buffer and change the decomp state to return the prepared
		 * data from the buffer by the more simple calls to
		 * pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_plain().
		 * ----------
		if (dstate->cp_out - dstate->temp_buf >= 256)
			unsigned char *cp_in = dstate->cp_in;
			unsigned char *cp_out = dstate->cp_out;
			unsigned char *cp_end = dstate->cp_end;
			unsigned char *cp_copy;
			unsigned char ctrl;
			int			off;
			int			len;
			int			i;

			while (cp_in < cp_end)
				ctrl = *cp_in++;

				for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					if (cp_in == cp_end)

					if (ctrl & 0x01)
						len = (cp_in[0] & 0x0f) + 3;
						off = ((cp_in[0] & 0xf0) << 4) | cp_in[1];
						cp_in += 2;
						if (len == 18)
							len += *cp_in++;

						cp_copy = cp_out - off;
						while (len--)
							*cp_out++ = *cp_copy++;
						*cp_out++ = *cp_in++;
					ctrl >>= 1;

			dstate->cp_in = dstate->cp_out;
			dstate->cp_end = cp_out;
			dstate->next_char = pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_plain;

			return (int) (*(dstate->cp_in++));

		/* ----------
		 * Not yet, get next control byte into decomp state.
		 * ----------
		dstate->ctrl = (unsigned char) (*(dstate->cp_in++));
		dstate->ctrl_count = 8;

	/* ----------
	 * Check for EOF in tag/literal byte data.
	 * ----------
	if (dstate->cp_in == dstate->cp_end)
		return EOF;

	/* ----------
	 * Handle next control bit.
	 * ----------
	if (dstate->ctrl & 0x01)
		/* ----------
		 * Bit is set, so tag is following. Setup copy information
		 * and do the copy for the first byte as above.
		 * ----------
		int			off;

		dstate->tocopy = (dstate->cp_in[0] & 0x0f) + 3;
		off = ((dstate->cp_in[0] & 0xf0) << 4) | dstate->cp_in[1];
		dstate->cp_in += 2;
		if (dstate->tocopy == 18)
			dstate->tocopy += *(dstate->cp_in++);
		dstate->cp_copy = dstate->cp_out - off;

		retval = (*(dstate->cp_out++) = *(dstate->cp_copy++));
		/* ----------
		 * Bit is unset, so literal byte follows.
		 * ----------
		retval = (int) (*(dstate->cp_out++) = *(dstate->cp_in++));
	dstate->ctrl >>= 1;

	return (int) retval;

/* ----------
 * pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_plain -
 *		The input data to pglz_decomp_init() was stored in uncompressed
 *		format. So we don't have a temporary output buffer and simply
 *		return bytes from the input until EOF.
 * ----------
pglz_get_next_decomp_char_from_plain(PGLZ_DecompState *dstate)
	if (dstate->cp_in >= dstate->cp_end)
		return EOF;

	return (int) (*(dstate->cp_in++));