$PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/access/transam/README,v 1.2 2004/09/16 16:58:26 tgl Exp $ The Transaction System ---------------------- PostgreSQL's transaction system is a three-layer system. The bottom layer implements low-level transactions and subtransactions, on top of which rests the mainloop's control code, which in turn implements user-visible transactions and savepoints. The middle layer of code is called by postgres.c before and after the processing of each query, or after detecting an error: StartTransactionCommand CommitTransactionCommand AbortCurrentTransaction Meanwhile, the user can alter the system's state by issuing the SQL commands BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO or RELEASE. The traffic cop redirects these calls to the toplevel routines BeginTransactionBlock EndTransactionBlock UserAbortTransactionBlock DefineSavepoint RollbackToSavepoint ReleaseSavepoint respectively. Depending on the current state of the system, these functions call low level functions to activate the real transaction system: StartTransaction CommitTransaction AbortTransaction CleanupTransaction StartSubTransaction CommitSubTransaction AbortSubTransaction CleanupSubTransaction Additionally, within a transaction, CommandCounterIncrement is called to increment the command counter, which allows future commands to "see" the effects of previous commands within the same transaction. Note that this is done automatically by CommitTransactionCommand after each query inside a transaction block, but some utility functions also do it internally to allow some operations (usually in the system catalogs) to be seen by future operations in the same utility command. (For example, in DefineRelation it is done after creating the heap so the pg_class row is visible, to be able to lock it.) For example, consider the following sequence of user commands: 1) BEGIN 2) SELECT * FROM foo 3) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (...) 4) COMMIT In the main processing loop, this results in the following function call sequence: / StartTransactionCommand; / StartTransaction; 1) < ProcessUtility; << BEGIN \ BeginTransactionBlock; \ CommitTransactionCommand; / StartTransactionCommand; 2) / ProcessQuery; << SELECT ... \ CommitTransactionCommand; \ CommandCounterIncrement; / StartTransactionCommand; 3) / ProcessQuery; << INSERT ... \ CommitTransactionCommand; \ CommandCounterIncrement; / StartTransactionCommand; / ProcessUtility; << COMMIT 4) < EndTransactionBlock; \ CommitTransactionCommand; \ CommitTransaction; The point of this example is to demonstrate the need for StartTransactionCommand and CommitTransactionCommand to be state smart -- they should call CommandCounterIncrement between the calls to BeginTransactionBlock and EndTransactionBlock and outside these calls they need to do normal start, commit or abort processing. Furthermore, suppose the "SELECT * FROM foo" caused an abort condition. In this case AbortCurrentTransaction is called, and the transaction is put in aborted state. In this state, any user input is ignored except for transaction-termination statements, or ROLLBACK TO <savepoint> commands. Transaction aborts can occur in two ways: 1) system dies from some internal cause (syntax error, etc) 2) user types ROLLBACK The reason we have to distinguish them is illustrated by the following two situations: case 1 case 2 ------ ------ 1) user types BEGIN 1) user types BEGIN 2) user does something 2) user does something 3) user does not like what 3) system aborts for some reason she sees and types ABORT (syntax error, etc) In case 1, we want to abort the transaction and return to the default state. In case 2, there may be more commands coming our way which are part of the same transaction block; we have to ignore these commands until we see a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Internal aborts are handled by AbortCurrentTransaction, while user aborts are handled by UserAbortTransactionBlock. Both of them rely on AbortTransaction to do all the real work. The only difference is what state we enter after AbortTransaction does its work: * AbortCurrentTransaction leaves us in TBLOCK_ABORT, * UserAbortTransactionBlock leaves us in TBLOCK_ABORT_END Low-level transaction abort handling is divided in two phases: * AbortTransaction executes as soon as we realize the transaction has failed. It should release all shared resources (locks etc) so that we do not delay other backends unnecessarily. * CleanupTransaction executes when we finally see a user COMMIT or ROLLBACK command; it cleans things up and gets us out of the transaction completely. In particular, we mustn't destroy TopTransactionContext until this point. Also, note that when a transaction is committed, we don't close it right away. Rather it's put in TBLOCK_END state, which means that when CommitTransactionCommand is called after the query has finished processing, the transaction has to be closed. The distinction is subtle but important, because it means that control will leave the xact.c code with the transaction open, and the main loop will be able to keep processing inside the same transaction. So, in a sense, transaction commit is also handled in two phases, the first at EndTransactionBlock and the second at CommitTransactionCommand (which is where CommitTransaction is actually called). The rest of the code in xact.c are routines to support the creation and finishing of transactions and subtransactions. For example, AtStart_Memory takes care of initializing the memory subsystem at main transaction start. Subtransaction handling ----------------------- Subtransactions are implemented using a stack of TransactionState structures, each of which has a pointer to its parent transaction's struct. When a new subtransaction is to be opened, PushTransaction is called, which creates a new TransactionState, with its parent link pointing to the current transaction. StartSubTransaction is in charge of initializing the new TransactionState to sane values, and properly initializing other subsystems (AtSubStart routines). When closing a subtransaction, either CommitSubTransaction has to be called (if the subtransaction is committing), or AbortSubTransaction and CleanupSubTransaction (if it's aborting). In either case, PopTransaction is called so the system returns to the parent transaction. One important point regarding subtransaction handling is that several may need to be closed in response to a single user command. That's because savepoints have names, and we allow to commit or rollback a savepoint by name, which is not necessarily the one that was last opened. Also a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command must be able to close out the entire stack. We handle this by having the utility command subroutine mark all the state stack entries as commit- pending or abort-pending, and then when the main loop reaches CommitTransactionCommand, the real work is done. The main point of doing things this way is that if we get an error while popping state stack entries, the remaining stack entries still show what we need to do to finish up. In the case of ROLLBACK TO <savepoint>, we abort all the subtransactions up through the one identified by the savepoint name, and then re-create that subtransaction level with the same name. So it's a completely new subtransaction as far as the internals are concerned. Other subsystems are allowed to start "internal" subtransactions, which are handled by BeginInternalSubtransaction. This is to allow implementing exception handling, e.g. in PL/pgSQL. ReleaseCurrentSubTransaction and RollbackAndReleaseCurrentSubTransaction allows the subsystem to close said subtransactions. The main difference between this and the savepoint/release path is that we execute the complete state transition immediately in each subroutine, rather than deferring some work until CommitTransactionCommand. Another difference is that BeginInternalSubtransaction is allowed when no explicit transaction block has been established, while DefineSavepoint is not. Subtransaction numbering ------------------------ A top-level transaction is always given a TransactionId (XID) as soon as it is created. This is necessary for a number of reasons, notably XMIN bookkeeping for VACUUM. However, a subtransaction doesn't need its own XID unless it (or one of its child subxacts) writes tuples into the database. Therefore, we postpone assigning XIDs to subxacts until and unless they call GetCurrentTransactionId. The subsidiary actions of obtaining a lock on the XID and and entering it into pg_subtrans and PG_PROC are done at the same time. Internally, a backend needs a way to identify subtransactions whether or not they have XIDs; but this need only lasts as long as the parent top transaction endures. Therefore, we have SubTransactionId, which is somewhat like CommandId in that it's generated from a counter that we reset at the start of each top transaction. The top-level transaction itself has SubTransactionId 1, and subtransactions have IDs 2 and up. (Zero is reserved for InvalidSubTransactionId.) pg_clog and pg_subtrans ----------------------- pg_clog and pg_subtrans are permanent (on-disk) storage of transaction related information. There is a limited number of pages of each kept in memory, so in many cases there is no need to actually read from disk. However, if there's a long running transaction or a backend sitting idle with an open transaction, it may be necessary to be able to read and write this information from disk. They also allow information to be permanent across server restarts. pg_clog records the commit status for each transaction that has been assigned an XID. A transaction can be in progress, committed, aborted, or "sub-committed". This last state means that it's a subtransaction that's no longer running, but its parent has not updated its state yet (either it is still running, or the backend crashed without updating its status). A sub-committed transaction's status will be updated again to the final value as soon as the parent commits or aborts, or when the parent is detected to be aborted. Savepoints are implemented using subtransactions. A subtransaction is a transaction inside a transaction; its commit or abort status is not only dependent on whether it committed itself, but also whether its parent transaction committed. To implement multiple savepoints in a transaction we allow unlimited transaction nesting depth, so any particular subtransaction's commit state is dependent on the commit status of each and every ancestor transaction. The "subtransaction parent" (pg_subtrans) mechanism records, for each transaction with an XID, the TransactionId of its parent transaction. This information is stored as soon as the subtransaction is assigned an XID. Top-level transactions do not have a parent, so they leave their pg_subtrans entries set to the default value of zero (InvalidTransactionId). pg_subtrans is used to check whether the transaction in question is still running --- the main Xid of a transaction is recorded in the PGPROC struct, but since we allow arbitrary nesting of subtransactions, we can't fit all Xids in shared memory, so we have to store them on disk. Note, however, that for each transaction we keep a "cache" of Xids that are known to be part of the transaction tree, so we can skip looking at pg_subtrans unless we know the cache has been overflowed. See storage/ipc/sinval.c for the gory details. slru.c is the supporting mechanism for both pg_clog and pg_subtrans. It implements the LRU policy for in-memory buffer pages. The high-level routines for pg_clog are implemented in transam.c, while the low-level functions are in clog.c. pg_subtrans is contained completely in subtrans.c.