/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * tcopprot.h-- * prototypes for postgres.c. * * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * $Id: tcopprot.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 07:27:53 scrappy Exp $ * * OLD COMMENTS * This file was created so that other c files could get the two * function prototypes without having to include tcop.h which single * handedly includes the whole f*cking tree -- mer 5 Nov. 1991 * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef TCOPPROT_H #define TCOPPROT_H #include "tcop/dest.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "parser/parse_query.h" #ifndef BOOTSTRAP_INCLUDE extern List *pg_plan(char *query_string, Oid *typev, int nargs, QueryTreeList **queryListP, CommandDest dest); extern void pg_eval(char *query_string, char **argv, Oid *typev, int nargs); extern void pg_eval_dest(char *query_string, char **argv, Oid *typev, int nargs, CommandDest dest); #endif /* BOOTSTRAP_HEADER */ extern void handle_warn(); extern void quickdie(); extern void die(); extern int PostgresMain(int argc, char *argv[]); extern void ResetUsage(); extern void ShowUsage(); #endif /* tcopprotIncluded */