 * pqcomm.h--
 *    Parameters for the communication module
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: pqcomm.h,v 1.1 1996/08/28 07:23:02 scrappy Exp $
 *    Some of this should move to libpq.h
#ifndef PQCOMM_H
#define	PQCOMM_H

#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */

#include "postgres.h"

 * startup msg parameters: path length, argument string length
#define PATH_SIZE	64
#define ARGV_SIZE	64

typedef enum _MsgType {
    ACK_MSG = 0,		/* acknowledge a message */
    ERROR_MSG=1,		/* error response to client from server */
    RESET_MSG=2,		/* client must reset connection */
    PRINT_MSG=3,		/* tuples for client from server */
    NET_ERROR=4,		/* error in net system call */
    FUNCTION_MSG=5,		/* fastpath call (unused) */
    QUERY_MSG=6,		/* client query to server */
    STARTUP_MSG=7,		/* initialize a connection with a backend */
    DUPLICATE_MSG=8,		/* duplicate msg arrived (errors msg only) */
    INVALID_MSG=9,		/* for some control functions */
    STARTUP_KRB4_MSG=10,	/* krb4 session follows startup packet */
    STARTUP_KRB5_MSG=11,      	/* krb5 session follows startup packet */
    STARTUP_HBA_MSG=12         /* use host-based authentication */
    /* insert new values here -- DO NOT REORDER OR DELETE ENTRIES */
} MsgType;

typedef char *Addr;
typedef int PacketLen;	/* packet length */

typedef struct StartupInfo {
/*     PacketHdr	hdr; */
    char		database[PATH_SIZE]; /* database name */
    char		user[NAMEDATALEN];   /* user name */
    char		options[ARGV_SIZE];  /* possible additional args */
    char		execFile[ARGV_SIZE]; /* possible backend to use */
    char		tty[PATH_SIZE];	     /* possible tty for debug output*/
} StartupInfo;

/* amount of available data in a packet buffer */
#define MESSAGE_SIZE	sizeof(StartupInfo) + 5

/* I/O can be blocking or non-blocking */

/* a PacketBuf gets shipped from client to server so be careful
   of differences in representation.  
   Be sure to use htonl() and ntohl() on the len and msgtype fields! */
typedef struct PacketBuf {
    int len;
    MsgType msgtype;
    char data[MESSAGE_SIZE];
} PacketBuf;

/* update the conversion routines 
  StartupInfo2PacketBuf() and PacketBuf2StartupInfo() (decl. below)
  if StartupInfo or PacketBuf structs ever change */

 * socket descriptor port 
 *	we need addresses of both sides to do authentication calls
typedef struct Port {
    int			sock;	/* file descriptor */
    int			mask;	/* select mask */
    int   		nBytes;	/* nBytes read in so far */
    struct sockaddr_in	laddr;	/* local addr (us) */
    struct sockaddr_in	raddr;	/* remote addr (them) */
/*     PacketBufId		id;*/	/* id of packet buf currently in use */ 
    PacketBuf		buf;	/* stream implementation (curr pack buf) */
} Port;

/* invalid socket descriptor */
#define INVALID_SOCK	(-1)

#define INVALID_ID (-1)
#define N_PACK_BUFS	20

/* no multi-packet messages yet */

#define	DEFAULT_STRING		""

extern FILE *Pfout, *Pfin;
extern int PQAsyncNotifyWaiting;

 * prototypes for functions in pqpacket.c
extern int PacketReceive(Port *port, PacketBuf *buf, bool nonBlocking);
extern int PacketSend(Port *port, PacketBuf *buf,
		      PacketLen len, bool nonBlocking);
/* extern PacketBuf* StartupInfo2PacketBuf(StartupInfo*); */
/* extern StartupInfo* PacketBuf2StartupInfo(PacketBuf*); */

#endif	/* PQCOMM_H */