package org.postgresql.jdbc1;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.postgresql.Field;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException;
import org.postgresql.Driver;

public abstract class AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData

  private static final String keywords = "abort,acl,add,aggregate,append,archive," +

	protected AbstractJdbc1Connection connection; // The connection association

	// These define various OID's. Hopefully they will stay constant.
	protected static final int iVarcharOid = 1043;	// OID for varchar
	protected static final int iBoolOid = 16; // OID for bool
	protected static final int iInt2Oid = 21; // OID for int2
	protected static final int iInt4Oid = 23; // OID for int4
	protected static final int VARHDRSZ = 4;	// length for int4

	public AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData(AbstractJdbc1Connection conn)
          this.connection = conn;

	 * Can all the procedures returned by getProcedures be called
	 * by the current user?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("allProceduresAreCallable");
          return true;		// For now...

	 * Can all the tables returned by getTable be SELECTed by
	 * the current user?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("allTablesAreSelectable");
		return true;		// For now...

	 * What is the URL for this database?
	 * @return the url or null if it cannott be generated
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getURL() throws SQLException
          String url = connection.getURL();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getURL " + url);
          return url;

	 * What is our user name as known to the database?
	 * @return our database user name
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getUserName() throws SQLException
          String userName = connection.getUserName();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getUserName " + userName);
          return userName;

	 * Is the database in read-only mode?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException
          boolean isReadOnly = connection.isReadOnly();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("isReadOnly " + isReadOnly);
          return isReadOnly;

	 * Are NULL values sorted high?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws SQLException
          boolean nullSortedHigh = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("nullsAreSortedHigh " + nullSortedHigh);
          return nullSortedHigh;

	 * Are NULL values sorted low?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("nullsAreSortedLow false");
          return false;

	 * Are NULL values sorted at the start regardless of sort order?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("nullsAreSortedAtStart false");
          return false;

	 * Are NULL values sorted at the end regardless of sort order?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws SQLException
          boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd = ! connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("nullsAreSortedAtEnd " + nullsAreSortedAtEnd);
          return nullsAreSortedAtEnd;

	 * What is the name of this database product - we hope that it is
	 * PostgreSQL, so we return that explicitly.
	 * @return the database product name
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getDatabaseProductName() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getDatabaseProductName PostgresSQL");
          return "PostgreSQL";

	 * What is the version of this database product.
	 * @return the database version
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException
          String versionNumber = connection.getDBVersionNumber();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getDatabaseProductVersion " + versionNumber);
          return versionNumber;

	 * What is the name of this JDBC driver?  If we don't know this
	 * we are doing something wrong!
	 * @return the JDBC driver name
	 * @exception SQLException why?
	public String getDriverName() throws SQLException
          String driverName = "PostgreSQL Native Driver";
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getDriverName" + driverName);
          return driverName;

	 * What is the version string of this JDBC driver?	Again, this is
	 * static.
	 * @return the JDBC driver name.
	 * @exception SQLException why?
	public String getDriverVersion() throws SQLException
          String driverVersion = connection.this_driver.getVersion();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getDriverVersion " + driverVersion);
          return driverVersion;

	 * What is this JDBC driver's major version number?
	 * @return the JDBC driver major version
	public int getDriverMajorVersion()
          int majorVersion = connection.this_driver.getMajorVersion();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getMajorVersion " + majorVersion);
          return majorVersion;

	 * What is this JDBC driver's minor version number?
	 * @return the JDBC driver minor version
	public int getDriverMinorVersion()
          int minorVersion = connection.this_driver.getMinorVersion();
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getMinorVersion " + minorVersion);
          return minorVersion;

	 * Does the database store tables in a local file?	No - it
	 * stores them in a file on the server.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("usesLocalFiles " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database use a file for each table?  Well, not really,
	 * since it doesnt use local files.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("usesLocalFilePerTable " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers
	 * as case sensitive and as a result store them in mixed case?
	 * A JDBC-Compliant driver will always return false.
	 * <p>Predicament - what do they mean by "SQL identifiers" - if it
	 * means the names of the tables and columns, then the answers
	 * given below are correct - otherwise I don't know.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
	 * case insensitive and store them in upper case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesUpperCaseIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
	 * case insensitive and store them in lower case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesLowerCaseIdentifiers " + true);
          return true;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as
	 * case insensitive and store them in mixed case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesMixedCaseIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
	 * case sensitive and as a result store them in mixed case?  A
	 * JDBC compliant driver will always return true.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers " + true);
          return true;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as
	 * case insensitive and store them in upper case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case
	 * insensitive and store them in lower case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case
	 * insensitive and store them in mixed case?
	 * @return true if so
	public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers " + false);
          return false;

	 * What is the string used to quote SQL identifiers?  This returns
	 * a space if identifier quoting isn't supported.  A JDBC Compliant
	 * driver will always use a double quote character.
	 * @return the quoting string
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getIdentifierQuoteString \"" );
          return "\"";

	 * Get a comma separated list of all a database's SQL keywords that
	 * are NOT also SQL92 keywords.
	 * <p>Within PostgreSQL, the keywords are found in
	 *	src/backend/parser/keywords.c
	 * <p>For SQL Keywords, I took the list provided at
	 *	<a href="">
	 * which is for SQL3, not SQL-92, but it is close enough for
	 * this purpose.
	 * @return a comma separated list of keywords we use
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getSQLKeywords() throws SQLException
		return keywords;

	public String getNumericFunctions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getNumericFunctions");
          return "";

	public String getStringFunctions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getStringFunctions");
          return "";

	public String getSystemFunctions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getSystemFunctions");
          return "";

	public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getTimeDateFunctions");
          return "";

	 * This is the string that can be used to escape '_' and '%' in
	 * a search string pattern style catalog search parameters
	 * @return the string used to escape wildcard characters
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getSearchStringEscape() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getSearchStringEscape");
          return "\\";

	 * Get all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted
	 * identifier names (those beyond a-zA-Z0-9 and _)
	 * <p>From the file src/backend/parser/scan.l, an identifier is
	 * {letter}{letter_or_digit} which makes it just those listed
	 * above.
	 * @return a string containing the extra characters
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getExtraNameCharacters");
          return "";

	 * Is "ALTER TABLE" with an add column supported?
	 * Yes for PostgreSQL 6.1
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn " + true);
          return true;

	 * Is "ALTER TABLE" with a drop column supported?
	 * Peter 10/10/2000 This was set to true, but 7.1devel doesn't support it!
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn " + false);
		return false;

	 * Is column aliasing supported?
	 * <p>If so, the SQL AS clause can be used to provide names for
	 * computed columns or to provide alias names for columns as
	 * required.  A JDBC Compliant driver always returns true.
	 * <p>e.g.
	 * <br><pre>
	 * select count(C) as C_COUNT from T group by C;
	 * </pre><br>
	 * should return a column named as C_COUNT instead of count(C)
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsColumnAliasing " + true);
          return true;

	 * Are concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values NULL?  A
	 * JDBC Compliant driver always returns true
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("nullPlusNonNullIsNull " + true);
          return true;

	public boolean supportsConvert() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsConvert " + false);
          return false;

	public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsConvert " + false);
          return false;

	 * Are table correlation names supported? A JDBC Compliant
	 * driver always returns true.
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsTableCorrelationNames " + true);
          return true;

	 * If table correlation names are supported, are they restricted to
	 * be different from the names of the tables?
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames " + false);
          return false;

	 * Are expressions in "ORDER BY" lists supported?
	 * <br>e.g. select * from t order by a + b;
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsExpressionsInOrderBy " + true);
          return true;

	 * Can an "ORDER BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("6.4");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsOrderByUnrelated " + supportsOrderByUnrelated);
          return supportsOrderByUnrelated;

	 * Is some form of "GROUP BY" clause supported?
	 * I checked it, and yes it is.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsGroupBy " + true);
          return true;

	 * Can a "GROUP BY" clause use columns not in the SELECT?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("6.4");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsGroupByUnrelated " + supportsGroupByUnrelated);
          return supportsGroupByUnrelated;

	 * Can a "GROUP BY" clause add columns not in the SELECT provided
	 * it specifies all the columns in the SELECT?	Does anyone actually
	 * understand what they mean here?
	 * (I think this is a subset of the previous function. -- petere)
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("6.4");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsGroupByUnrelated " + supportsGroupByBeyondSelect);
          return supportsGroupByBeyondSelect;

	 * Is the escape character in "LIKE" clauses supported?  A
	 * JDBC compliant driver always returns true.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsLikeEscapeClause " + supportsLikeEscapeClause);
          return supportsLikeEscapeClause;

	 * Are multiple ResultSets from a single execute supported?
	 * Well, I implemented it, but I dont think this is possible from
	 * the back ends point of view.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsMultipleResultSets " + false);
          return false;

	 * Can we have multiple transactions open at once (on different
	 * connections?)
	 * I guess we can have, since Im relying on it.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsMultipleTransactions " + true);
          return true;

	 * Can columns be defined as non-nullable.	A JDBC Compliant driver
	 * always returns true.
	 * <p>This changed from false to true in v6.2 of the driver, as this
	 * support was added to the backend.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsNonNullableColumns true");
          return true;

	 * Does this driver support the minimum ODBC SQL grammar.  This
	 * grammar is defined at:
	 * <p><a href=""></a>
	 * <p>In Appendix C.  From this description, we seem to support the
	 * ODBC minimal (Level 0) grammar.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsMinimumSQLGrammar TRUE");
          return true;

	 * Does this driver support the Core ODBC SQL grammar.	We need
	 * SQL-92 conformance for this.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCoreSQLGrammar FALSE ");
          return false;

	 * Does this driver support the Extended (Level 2) ODBC SQL
	 * grammar.  We don't conform to the Core (Level 1), so we can't
	 * conform to the Extended SQL Grammar.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsExtendedSQLGrammar FALSE");
          return false;

	 * Does this driver support the ANSI-92 entry level SQL grammar?
	 * All JDBC Compliant drivers must return true. We currently
	 * report false until 'schema' support is added.  Then this
	 * should be changed to return true, since we will be mostly
	 * compliant (probably more compliant than many other databases)
	 * And since this is a requirement for all JDBC drivers we
	 * need to get to the point where we can return true.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws SQLException
          boolean schemas = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.3");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL " + schemas);
          return schemas;

	 * Does this driver support the ANSI-92 intermediate level SQL
	 * grammar?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL false ");
          return false;

	 * Does this driver support the ANSI-92 full SQL grammar?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsANSI92FullSQL false ");
          return false;

	 * Is the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility supported?
	 * I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, so I guess not
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility false ");
          return false;

	 * Is some form of outer join supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsOuterJoins = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsOuterJoins " + supportsOuterJoins);
          return supportsOuterJoins;

	 * Are full nexted outer joins supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsFullOuterJoins = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsFullOuterJoins " + supportsFullOuterJoins);
          return supportsFullOuterJoins;

	 * Is there limited support for outer joins?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws SQLException
          boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsFullOuterJoins " + supportsLimitedOuterJoins);
          return supportsLimitedOuterJoins;

	 * What is the database vendor's preferred term for "schema"?
	 * PostgreSQL doesn't have schemas, but when it does, we'll use the
	 * term "schema".
	 * @return the vendor term
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getSchemaTerm() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getSchemaTerm schema");
          return "schema";

	 * What is the database vendor's preferred term for "procedure"?
	 * Traditionally, "function" has been used.
	 * @return the vendor term
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getProcedureTerm() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getProcedureTerm function ");
          return "function";

	 * What is the database vendor's preferred term for "catalog"?
	 * @return the vendor term
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getCatalogTerm() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getCatalogTerm database ");
          return "database";

	 * Does a catalog appear at the start of a qualified table name?
	 * (Otherwise it appears at the end).
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws SQLException
          // return true here; we return false for every other catalog function
          // so it won't matter what we return here D.C.
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("isCatalogAtStart not implemented");
          return true;

	 * What is the Catalog separator.
	 * @return the catalog separator string
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public String getCatalogSeparator() throws SQLException
          // Give them something to work with here
          // everything else returns false so it won't matter what we return here D.C.
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("getCatalogSeparator not implemented ");
          return ".";

	 * Can a schema name be used in a data manipulation statement?	Nope.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsSchemasInDataManipulation false");
          return false;

	 * Can a schema name be used in a procedure call statement?  Nope.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls false");
          return false;

	 * Can a schema be used in a table definition statement?  Nope.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException
          boolean schemas = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.3");

          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions " + schemas);
          return schemas;

	 * Can a schema name be used in an index definition statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions false");
          return false;

	 * Can a schema name be used in a privilege definition statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions false");
          return false;

	 * Can a catalog name be used in a data manipulation statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation false");
          return false;

	 * Can a catalog name be used in a procedure call statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation false");
          return false;

	 * Can a catalog name be used in a table definition statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions false");
          return false;

	 * Can a catalog name be used in an index definition?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions false");
          return false;

	 * Can a catalog name be used in a privilege definition statement?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions false");
          return false;

	 * We support cursors for gets only it seems.  I dont see a method
	 * to get a positioned delete.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsPositionedDelete false");
          return false;			// For now...

	 * Is positioned UPDATE supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws SQLException
          if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("supportsPositionedUpdate false");
          return false;			// For now...

	 * Is SELECT for UPDATE supported?
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws SQLException
          return connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("6.5");

	 * Are stored procedure calls using the stored procedure escape
	 * syntax supported?
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws SQLException
          return false;

	 * Are subqueries in comparison expressions supported? A JDBC
	 * Compliant driver always returns true.
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Are subqueries in 'exists' expressions supported? A JDBC
	 * Compliant driver always returns true.
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Are subqueries in 'in' statements supported? A JDBC
	 * Compliant driver always returns true.
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Are subqueries in quantified expressions supported? A JDBC
	 * Compliant driver always returns true.
	 * (No idea what this is, but we support a good deal of
	 * subquerying.)
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Are correlated subqueries supported? A JDBC Compliant driver
	 * always returns true.
	 * (a.k.a. subselect in from?)
	 * @return true if so; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException - if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws SQLException
		return connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");

	 * Is SQL UNION supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsUnion() throws SQLException
		return true; // since 6.3

	 * Is SQL UNION ALL supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws SQLException
		return connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1");

	 * In PostgreSQL, Cursors are only open within transactions.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException
		return false;

	 * Do we support open cursors across multiple transactions?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException
		return false;

	 * Can statements remain open across commits?  They may, but
	 * this driver cannot guarentee that.  In further reflection.
	 * we are talking a Statement object here, so the answer is
	 * yes, since the Statement is only a vehicle to ExecSQL()
	 * @return true if they always remain open; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Can statements remain open across rollbacks?  They may, but
	 * this driver cannot guarentee that.  In further contemplation,
	 * we are talking a Statement object here, so the answer is yes,
	 * since the Statement is only a vehicle to ExecSQL() in Connection
	 * @return true if they always remain open; false otherwise
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * How many hex characters can you have in an inline binary literal
	 * @return the max literal length
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * What is the maximum length for a character literal
	 * I suppose it is 8190 (8192 - 2 for the quotes)
	 * @return the max literal length
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * Whats the limit on column name length.  The description of
	 * pg_class would say '32' (length of pg_class.relname) - we
	 * should probably do a query for this....but....
	 * @return the maximum column name length
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws SQLException
		return 32;

	 * What is the maximum number of columns in a "GROUP BY" clause?
	 * @return the max number of columns
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * What's the maximum number of columns allowed in an index?
	 * 6.0 only allowed one column, but 6.1 introduced multi-column
	 * indices, so, theoretically, its all of them.
	 * @return max number of columns
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws SQLException
		return getMaxColumnsInTable();

	 * What's the maximum number of columns in an "ORDER BY clause?
	 * @return the max columns
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * What is the maximum number of columns in a "SELECT" list?
	 * @return the max columns
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * What is the maximum number of columns in a table? From the
	 * CREATE TABLE reference page...
	 * <p>"The new class is created as a heap with no initial data.  A
	 * class can have no more than 1600 attributes (realistically,
	 * this is limited by the fact that tuple sizes must be less than
	 * 8192 bytes)..."
	 * @return the max columns
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws SQLException
		return 1600;

	 * How many active connection can we have at a time to this
	 * database?  Well, since it depends on postmaster, which just
	 * does a listen() followed by an accept() and fork(), its
	 * basically very high.  Unless the system runs out of processes,
	 * it can be 65535 (the number of aux. ports on a TCP/IP system).
	 * I will return 8192 since that is what even the largest system
	 * can realistically handle,
	 * @return the maximum number of connections
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxConnections() throws SQLException
		return 8192;

	 * What is the maximum cursor name length (the same as all
	 * the other F***** identifiers!)
	 * @return max cursor name length in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws SQLException
		return 32;

	 * Retrieves the maximum number of bytes for an index, including all
	 * of the parts of the index.
	 * @return max index length in bytes, which includes the composite
	 * of all the constituent parts of the index; a result of zero means
	 * that there is no limit or the limit is not known
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxIndexLength() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit (larger than an int anyway)

	public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws SQLException
		// XXX-Not Implemented
		return 0;

	 * What is the maximum length of a procedure name?
	 * (length of pg_proc.proname used) - again, I really
	 * should do a query here to get it.
	 * @return the max name length in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws SQLException
		return 32;

	public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws SQLException
		// XXX-Not Implemented
		return 0;

	 * What is the maximum length of a single row?
	 * @return max row size in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxRowSize() throws SQLException
		if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1"))
			return 1073741824;	// 1 GB
			return 8192;		// XXX could be altered

	 * Did getMaxRowSize() include LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY
	 * blobs?  We don't handle blobs yet
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws SQLException
		return false;

	 * What is the maximum length of a SQL statement?
	 * @return max length in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxStatementLength() throws SQLException
		if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.0"))
			return 0;		// actually whatever fits in size_t
			return 16384;

	 * How many active statements can we have open at one time to
	 * this database?  Basically, since each Statement downloads
	 * the results as the query is executed, we can have many.	However,
	 * we can only really have one statement per connection going
	 * at once (since they are executed serially) - so we return
	 * one.
	 * @return the maximum
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxStatements() throws SQLException
		return 1;

	 * What is the maximum length of a table name?	This was found
	 * from pg_class.relname length
	 * @return max name length in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws SQLException
		return 32;

	 * What is the maximum number of tables that can be specified
	 * in a SELECT?
	 * @return the maximum
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws SQLException
		return 0; // no limit

	 * What is the maximum length of a user name?  Well, we generally
	 * use UNIX like user names in PostgreSQL, so I think this would
	 * be 8.  However, showing the schema for pg_user shows a length
	 * for username of 32.
	 * @return the max name length in bytes
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws SQLException
		return 32;

	 * What is the database's default transaction isolation level?  We
	 * do not support this, so all transactions are SERIALIZABLE.
	 * @return the default isolation level
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	 * @see Connection
	public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException

	 * Are transactions supported?	If not, commit and rollback are noops
	 * and the isolation level is TRANSACTION_NONE.  We do support
	 * transactions.
	 * @return true if transactions are supported
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsTransactions() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Does the database support the given transaction isolation level?
	 * @param level the values are defined in java.sql.Connection
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	 * @see Connection
	public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) throws SQLException
		if (level == Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE ||
				level == Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED)
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Are both data definition and data manipulation transactions
	 * supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Are only data manipulation statements withing a transaction
	 * supported?
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws SQLException
		return false;

	 * Does a data definition statement within a transaction force
	 * the transaction to commit?  I think this means something like:
	 * <p><pre>
	 * BEGIN;
	 * UPDATE T SET A = A + 1;
	 * </pre><p>
	 * does the CREATE TABLE call cause a commit?  The answer is no.
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws SQLException
		return false;

	 * Is a data definition statement within a transaction ignored?
	 * It seems to be (from experiment in previous method)
	 * @return true if so
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws SQLException
		return true;

	 * Get a description of stored procedures available in a catalog
	 * <p>Only procedure descriptions matching the schema and procedure
	 * name criteria are returned.	They are ordered by PROCEDURE_SCHEM
	 * <p>Each procedure description has the following columns:
	 * <ol>
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> String => procedure catalog (may be null)
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</b> String => procedure schema (may be null)
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> String => procedure name
	 * <li><b>Field 4</b> reserved (make it null)
	 * <li><b>Field 5</b> reserved (make it null)
	 * <li><b>Field 6</b> reserved (make it null)
	 * <li><b>REMARKS</b> String => explanatory comment on the procedure
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_TYPE</b> short => kind of procedure
	 *	<ul>
	 *	  <li> procedureResultUnknown - May return a result
	 *	<li> procedureNoResult - Does not return a result
	 *	<li> procedureReturnsResult - Returns a result
	 *	  </ul>
	 * </ol>
	 * @param catalog - a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a
	 *	catalog; null means drop catalog name from criteria
	 * @param schemaParrern - a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 *	without a schema - we ignore this parameter
	 * @param procedureNamePattern - a procedure name pattern
	 * @return ResultSet - each row is a procedure description
	 * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
	public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern) throws SQLException
		// the field descriptors for the new ResultSet
		Field f[] = new Field[8];
		java.sql.ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = f[4] = f[5] = new Field(connection, "reserved", iVarcharOid, 32);	// null;	// reserved, must be null for now
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "REMARKS", iVarcharOid, 8192);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);

		// If the pattern is null, then set it to the default
		if (procedureNamePattern == null)
			procedureNamePattern = "%";

		r = connection.ExecSQL("select proname, proretset from pg_proc where proname like '" + procedureNamePattern.toLowerCase() + "' order by proname");

		while (
			byte[][] tuple = new byte[8][0];

			tuple[0] = null;			// Catalog name
			tuple[1] = null;			// Schema name
			tuple[2] = r.getBytes(1);		// Procedure name
			tuple[3] = tuple[4] = tuple[5] = null;	// Reserved
			tuple[6] = null;			// Remarks

			if (r.getBoolean(2))
				tuple[7] = Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult).getBytes();
				tuple[7] = Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoResult).getBytes();

		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of a catalog's stored procedure parameters
	 * and result columns.
	 * <p>Only descriptions matching the schema, procedure and parameter
	 * name criteria are returned. They are ordered by PROCEDURE_SCHEM
	 * and PROCEDURE_NAME. Within this, the return value, if any, is
	 * first. Next are the parameter descriptions in call order. The
	 * column descriptions follow in column number order.
	 * <p>Each row in the ResultSet is a parameter description or column
	 * description with the following fields:
	 * <ol>
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> String => procedure catalog (may be null)
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_SCHE</b>M String => procedure schema (may be null)
	 * <li><b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> String => procedure name
	 * <li><b>COLUMN_NAME</b> String => column/parameter name
	 * <li><b>COLUMN_TYPE</b> Short => kind of column/parameter:
	 * <ul><li>procedureColumnUnknown - nobody knows
	 * <li>procedureColumnIn - IN parameter
	 * <li>procedureColumnInOut - INOUT parameter
	 * <li>procedureColumnOut - OUT parameter
	 * <li>procedureColumnReturn - procedure return value
	 * <li>procedureColumnResult - result column in ResultSet
	 * </ul>
	 * <li><b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
	 * <li><b>TYPE_NAME</b> String => SQL type name
	 * <li><b>PRECISION</b> int => precision
	 * <li><b>LENGTH</b> int => length in bytes of data
	 * <li><b>SCALE</b> short => scale
	 * <li><b>RADIX</b> short => radix
	 * <li><b>NULLABLE</b> short => can it contain NULL?
	 * <ul><li>procedureNoNulls - does not allow NULL values
	 * <li>procedureNullable - allows NULL values
	 * <li>procedureNullableUnknown - nullability unknown
	 * <li><b>REMARKS</b> String => comment describing parameter/column
	 * </ol>
	 * @param catalog This is ignored in org.postgresql, advise this is set to null
	 * @param schemaPattern This is ignored in org.postgresql, advise this is set to null
	 * @param procedureNamePattern a procedure name pattern
	 * @param columnNamePattern a column name pattern
	 * @return each row is a stored procedure parameter or column description
	 * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs
	 * @see #getSearchStringEscape
	// Implementation note: This is required for Borland's JBuilder to work
	public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException
		if (procedureNamePattern == null)
			procedureNamePattern = "%";

		if (columnNamePattern == null)
			columnNamePattern = "%";

		// for now, this returns an empty result set.
		Field f[] = new Field[13];
		ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "PROCEDURE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[5] = new Field(connection, "DATA_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "TYPE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "PRECISION", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[8] = new Field(connection, "LENGTH", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[9] = new Field(connection, "SCALE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[10] = new Field(connection, "RADIX", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[11] = new Field(connection, "NULLABLE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[12] = new Field(connection, "REMARKS", iVarcharOid, 32);

		// add query loop here

		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of tables available in a catalog.
	 * <p>Only table descriptions matching the catalog, schema, table
	 * name and type criteria are returned. They are ordered by
	 * <p>Each table description has the following columns:
	 * <ol>
	 * <li><b>TABLE_CAT</b> String => table catalog (may be null)
	 * <li><b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> String => table schema (may be null)
	 * <li><b>TABLE_NAME</b> String => table name
	 * <li><b>TABLE_TYPE</b> String => table type. Typical types are "TABLE",
	 * <li><b>REMARKS</b> String => explanatory comment on the table
	 * </ol>
	 * <p>The valid values for the types parameter are:
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; For org.postgresql, this is ignored, and
	 * should be set to null
	 * @param schemaPattern a schema name pattern; For org.postgresql, this is ignored, and
	 * should be set to null
	 * @param tableNamePattern a table name pattern. For all tables this should be "%"
	 * @param types a list of table types to include; null returns
	 * all types
	 * @return each row is a table description
	 * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs.
	public java.sql.ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String types[]) throws SQLException
		// Handle default value for types
		if (types == null)
			types = defaultTableTypes;

		if (tableNamePattern == null)
			tableNamePattern = "%";

		// the field descriptors for the new ResultSet
		Field f[] = new Field[5];
		java.sql.ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_TYPE", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "REMARKS", iVarcharOid, 32);

		// Now form the query
		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select relname,oid,relkind from pg_class where (");

		boolean notFirst = false;
		for (int i = 0;i < types.length;i++)
			for (int j = 0;j < getTableTypes.length;j++)
				if (getTableTypes[j][0].equals(types[i]))
					if (notFirst)
						sql.append(" or ");
					notFirst = true;

		// Added by Stefan Andreasen <>
		// Now take the pattern into account
		sql.append(") and relname like '");
		sql.append("' order by relkind, relname");

		// Now run the query
		r = connection.ExecSQL(sql.toString());

		while (
			byte[][] tuple = new byte[5][0];

			// Fetch the description for the table (if any)
			String getDescriptionStatement =
				connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2") ?
				"select obj_description(" + r.getInt(2) + ",'pg_class')" :
				"select description from pg_description where objoid=" + r.getInt(2);

			java.sql.ResultSet dr = connection.ExecSQL(getDescriptionStatement);

			byte remarks[] = null;

			if (((AbstractJdbc1ResultSet)dr).getTupleCount() == 1)
				remarks = dr.getBytes(1);

			String relKind;
			switch (r.getBytes(3)[0])
				case (byte) 'r':
					if ( r.getString(1).startsWith("pg_") )
                                                relKind = "SYSTEM TABLE";
                                                relKind = "TABLE";
				case (byte) 'i':
					relKind = "INDEX";
				case (byte) 'S':
					relKind = "SEQUENCE";
				case (byte) 'v':
					relKind = "VIEW";
					relKind = null;

			tuple[0] = null;		// Catalog name
			tuple[1] = null;		// Schema name
			tuple[2] = r.getBytes(1);	// Table name
			tuple[3] = (relKind == null) ? null : relKind.getBytes();	// Table type
			tuple[4] = remarks;		// Remarks
		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	// This array contains the valid values for the types argument
	// in getTables().
	// Each supported type consists of it's name, and the sql where
	// clause to retrieve that value.
	// IMPORTANT: the query must be enclosed in ( )
	private static final String getTableTypes[][] = {
				{"TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relhasrules='f' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinv')"},
				{"VIEW", "(relkind='v' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
				{"INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
				{"SEQUENCE", "(relkind='S' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
				{"SYSTEM TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relname ~ '^pg_')"},
				{"SYSTEM INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname ~ '^pg_')"}

	// These are the default tables, used when NULL is passed to getTables
	// The choice of these provide the same behaviour as psql's \d
	private static final String defaultTableTypes[] = {

	 * Get the schema names available in this database.  The results
	 * are ordered by schema name.
	 * <P>The schema column is:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => schema name
	 *	</OL>
	 * @return ResultSet each row has a single String column that is a
	 * schema name
	public java.sql.ResultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException
		// We don't use schemas, so we simply return a single schema name "".
		Field f[] = new Field[1];
		Vector v = new Vector();
		byte[][] tuple = new byte[1][0];
		f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		tuple[0] = "".getBytes();
		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get the catalog names available in this database.  The results
	 * are ordered by catalog name.
	 * <P>The catalog column is:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => catalog name
	 *	</OL>
	 * @return ResultSet each row has a single String column that is a
	 * catalog name
	public java.sql.ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException
		return connection.createStatement().executeQuery("select datname as TABLE_CAT from pg_database;");

	 * Get the table types available in this database.	The results
	 * are ordered by table type.
	 * <P>The table type is:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_TYPE</B> String => table type.  Typical types are "TABLE",
	 *	</OL>
	 * @return ResultSet each row has a single String column that is a
	 * table type
	public java.sql.ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException
		Field f[] = new Field[1];
		Vector v = new Vector();
		f[0] = new Field(connection, new String("TABLE_TYPE"), iVarcharOid, 32);
		for (int i = 0;i < getTableTypes.length;i++)
			byte[][] tuple = new byte[1][0];
			tuple[0] = getTableTypes[i][0].getBytes();
		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of table columns available in a catalog.
	 * <P>Only column descriptions matching the catalog, schema, table
	 * and column name criteria are returned.  They are ordered by
	 * <P>Each column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
	 *	<LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
	 *	<LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_SIZE</B> int => column size.	For char or date
	 *		types this is the maximum number of characters, for numeric or
	 *		decimal types this is precision.
	 *	<LI><B>BUFFER_LENGTH</B> is not used.
	 *	<LI><B>DECIMAL_DIGITS</B> int => the number of fractional digits
	 *	<LI><B>NUM_PREC_RADIX</B> int => Radix (typically either 10 or 2)
	 *	<LI><B>NULLABLE</B> int => is NULL allowed?
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> columnNoNulls - might not allow NULL values
	 *		<LI> columnNullable - definitely allows NULL values
	 *		<LI> columnNullableUnknown - nullability unknown
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>REMARKS</B> String => comment describing column (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_DEF</B> String => default value (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>SQL_DATA_TYPE</B> int => unused
	 *	<LI><B>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</B> int => unused
	 *	<LI><B>CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH</B> int => for char types the
	 *		 maximum number of bytes in the column
	 *	<LI><B>ORDINAL_POSITION</B> int => index of column in table
	 *		(starting at 1)
	 *	<LI><B>IS_NULLABLE</B> String => "NO" means column definitely
	 *		does not allow NULL values; "YES" means the column might
	 *		allow NULL values.	An empty string means nobody knows.
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schemaPattern a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 * without a schema
	 * @param tableNamePattern a table name pattern
	 * @param columnNamePattern a column name pattern
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a column description
	 * @see #getSearchStringEscape
	public java.sql.ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff
		Field f[] = new Field[18];		// The field descriptors for the new ResultSet

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "DATA_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[5] = new Field(connection, "TYPE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_SIZE", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "BUFFER_LENGTH", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[8] = new Field(connection, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[9] = new Field(connection, "NUM_PREC_RADIX", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[10] = new Field(connection, "NULLABLE", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[11] = new Field(connection, "REMARKS", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[12] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_DEF", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[13] = new Field(connection, "SQL_DATA_TYPE", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[14] = new Field(connection, "SQL_DATETIME_SUB", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[15] = new Field(connection, "CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[16] = new Field(connection, "ORDINAL_POSITION", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[17] = new Field(connection, "IS_NULLABLE", iVarcharOid, 32);

		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(512);

		/* Build a >= 7.1 SQL statement to list all columns */
		sql.append("select " +
				   (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2") ? "a.attrelid, " : "a.oid, ") +
				   "    c.relname, " +
				   "    a.attname, " +
				   "    a.atttypid, " +
				   "    a.attnum, " +
				   "    a.attnotnull, " +
				   "    a.attlen, " +
				   "    a.atttypmod, " +
				   "    d.adsrc, " +
				   "    t.typname, " +
				   /* Use the new col_description in 7.2 or an additional outer join in 7.1 */
				   (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2") ? "col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) " : "e.description ") +
				   "from" +
				   "    (" +
				   "        (pg_class c inner join pg_attribute a on" +
				   "            (" +
				   "                a.attrelid=c.oid");

		if ((tableNamePattern != null) && ! tableNamePattern.equals("%"))
			sql.append("                and c.relname like \'" + tableNamePattern.toLowerCase() + "\'");

		if ((columnNamePattern != null) && ! columnNamePattern.equals("%"))
			sql.append("                and a.attname like \'" + columnNamePattern.toLowerCase() + "\'");

			"                and a.attnum > 0" +
			"            )" +
			"        ) inner join pg_type t on" +
			"            (" +
			"                t.oid = a.atttypid" +
			"            )" +
			"    )" +
			"    left outer join pg_attrdef d on" +
			"        (" +
			"            c.oid = d.adrelid" +
			"            and a.attnum = d.adnum" +
			"        ) ");

		if (!connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.2"))
			/* Only for 7.1 */
				"    left outer join pg_description e on" +
				"        (" +
				"            e.objoid = a.oid" +
				"        ) ");

		sql.append("order by" +
				   "    c.relname, a.attnum");

		java.sql.ResultSet r = connection.ExecSQL(sql.toString());
		while (
			byte[][] tuple = new byte[18][0];

			String nullFlag = r.getString(6);
			String typname = r.getString(10);

			tuple[0] = null;						// Catalog name, not supported
			tuple[1] = null;						// Schema name, not supported
			tuple[2] = r.getBytes(2);				// Table name
			tuple[3] = r.getBytes(3);				// Column name
			tuple[4] = Integer.toString(connection.getSQLType(typname)).getBytes(); // Data type
			tuple[5] = typname.getBytes();			// Type name

			// Column size
			// Looking at the psql source,
			// I think the length of a varchar as specified when the table was created
			// should be extracted from atttypmod which contains this length + sizeof(int32)
			if (typname.equals("bpchar") || typname.equals("varchar"))
				int atttypmod = r.getInt(8);
				tuple[6] = Integer.toString(atttypmod != -1 ? atttypmod - VARHDRSZ : 0).getBytes();
				tuple[6] = r.getBytes(7);

			tuple[7] = null;						// Buffer length
			// Decimal digits = scale
			// From the source (see e.g. backend/utils/adt/format_type.c,
			// function numeric()) the scale and precision can be calculated
			// from the typmod value.
			if (typname.equals("numeric") || typname.equals("decimal"))
				int attypmod = r.getInt(8) -  VARHDRSZ;
				tuple[8] =
					Integer.toString(attypmod & 0xffff).getBytes();
				tuple[9] =
					Integer.toString( ( attypmod >> 16 ) & 0xffff ).getBytes();
				tuple[8] = "0".getBytes();
				tuple[9] = "10".getBytes();				// Num Prec Radix - assume decimal
			tuple[10] = Integer.toString(nullFlag.equals("f") ?
										 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable :
										 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls).getBytes();	// Nullable
			tuple[11] = r.getBytes(11);				// Description (if any)
			tuple[12] = r.getBytes(9);				// Column default
			tuple[13] = null;						// sql data type (unused)
			tuple[14] = null;						// sql datetime sub (unused)
			tuple[15] = tuple[6];					// char octet length
			tuple[16] = r.getBytes(5);				// ordinal position
			tuple[17] = (nullFlag.equals("f") ? "YES" : "NO").getBytes();	// Is nullable


		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of the access rights for a table's columns.
	 * <P>Only privileges matching the column name criteria are
	 * returned.  They are ordered by COLUMN_NAME and PRIVILEGE.
	 * <P>Each privilige description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
	 *	<LI><B>GRANTOR</B> => grantor of access (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>GRANTEE</B> String => grantee of access
	 *	<LI><B>PRIVILEGE</B> String => name of access (SELECT,
	 *	<LI><B>IS_GRANTABLE</B> String => "YES" if grantee is permitted
	 *		to grant to others; "NO" if not; null if unknown
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @param columnNamePattern a column name pattern
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a column privilege description
	 * @see #getSearchStringEscape
	public java.sql.ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String table, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException
		Field f[] = new Field[8];
		Vector v = new Vector();

		if (table == null)
			table = "%";

		if (columnNamePattern == null)
			columnNamePattern = "%";
			columnNamePattern = columnNamePattern.toLowerCase();

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "GRANTOR", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[5] = new Field(connection, "GRANTEE", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "PRIVILEGE", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "IS_GRANTABLE", iVarcharOid, 32);

		// This is taken direct from the psql source
		java.sql.ResultSet r = connection.ExecSQL("SELECT relname, relacl FROM pg_class, pg_user WHERE ( relkind = 'r' OR relkind = 'i') and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' and usesysid = relowner and relname like '" + table.toLowerCase() + "' ORDER BY relname");
		while (
			byte[][] tuple = new byte[8][0];
			tuple[0] = tuple[1] = "".getBytes();
                        if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("relname=\"" + r.getString(1) + "\" relacl=\"" + r.getString(2) + "\"");

			// For now, don't add to the result as relacl needs to be processed.

		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

        * Get a description of the access rights for each table available
        * in a catalog.
        * This method is currently unimplemented.
        * <P>Only privileges matching the schema and table name
        * criteria are returned.  They are ordered by TABLE_SCHEM,
        * TABLE_NAME, and PRIVILEGE.
        * <P>Each privilige description has the following columns:
        *	<OL>
        *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => table catalog (may be null)
        *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
        *	<LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
        *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
        *	<LI><B>GRANTOR</B> => grantor of access (may be null)
        *	<LI><B>GRANTEE</B> String => grantee of access
        *	<LI><B>PRIVILEGE</B> String => name of access (SELECT,
        *		INSERT, UPDATE, REFRENCES, ...)
        *	<LI><B>IS_GRANTABLE</B> String => "YES" if grantee is permitted
        *		to grant to others; "NO" if not; null if unknown
        *	</OL>
        * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
        * @param schemaPattern a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
        * without a schema
        * @param tableNamePattern a table name pattern
        * @return ResultSet each row is a table privilege description
        * @see #getSearchStringEscape
        public java.sql.ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException
          Field f[] = new Field[8];
          Vector v = new Vector();

          if (tableNamePattern == null)
            tableNamePattern = "%";

          f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[1] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[2] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[3] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[4] = new Field(connection, "GRANTOR", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[5] = new Field(connection, "GRANTEE", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[6] = new Field(connection, "PRIVILEGE", iVarcharOid, 32);
          f[7] = new Field(connection, "IS_GRANTABLE", iVarcharOid, 32);

          // This is taken direct from the psql source
          java.sql.ResultSet r = connection.ExecSQL("SELECT relname, relacl FROM pg_class, pg_user WHERE ( relkind = 'r' OR relkind = 'i') and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' and usesysid = relowner and relname like '" + tableNamePattern.toLowerCase() + "' ORDER BY relname");
          while (
            byte[][] tuple = new byte[8][0];
            tuple[0] = tuple[1] = "".getBytes();
            if (Driver.logDebug) Driver.debug("relname=\"" + r.getString(1) + "\" relacl=\"" + r.getString(2) + "\"");

            // For now, don't add to the result as relacl needs to be processed.

          return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of a table's optimal set of columns that
	 * uniquely identifies a row. They are ordered by SCOPE.
	 * <P>Each column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>SCOPE</B> short => actual scope of result
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> bestRowTemporary - very temporary, while using row
	 *		<LI> bestRowTransaction - valid for remainder of current transaction
	 *		<LI> bestRowSession - valid for remainder of current session
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
	 *	<LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
	 *	<LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_SIZE</B> int => precision
	 *	<LI><B>BUFFER_LENGTH</B> int => not used
	 *	<LI><B>DECIMAL_DIGITS</B> short  => scale
	 *	<LI><B>PSEUDO_COLUMN</B> short => is this a pseudo column
	 *		like an Oracle ROWID
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> bestRowUnknown - may or may not be pseudo column
	 *		<LI> bestRowNotPseudo - is NOT a pseudo column
	 *		<LI> bestRowPseudo - is a pseudo column
	 *		</UL>
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @param scope the scope of interest; use same values as SCOPE
	 * @param nullable include columns that are nullable?
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a column description
	// Implementation note: This is required for Borland's JBuilder to work
	public java.sql.ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String table, int scope, boolean nullable) throws SQLException
		// for now, this returns an empty result set.
		Field f[] = new Field[8];
		ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "SCOPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "DATA_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "TYPE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_SIZE", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[5] = new Field(connection, "BUFFER_LENGTH", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "PSEUDO_COLUMN", iInt2Oid, 2);

		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of a table's columns that are automatically
	 * updated when any value in a row is updated.	They are
	 * unordered.
	 * This method is currently unimplemented.
	 * <P>Each column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>SCOPE</B> short => is not used
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
	 *	<LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
	 *	<LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_SIZE</B> int => precision
	 *	<LI><B>BUFFER_LENGTH</B> int => length of column value in bytes
	 *	<LI><B>DECIMAL_DIGITS</B> short  => scale
	 *	<LI><B>PSEUDO_COLUMN</B> short => is this a pseudo column
	 *		like an Oracle ROWID
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> versionColumnUnknown - may or may not be pseudo column
	 *		<LI> versionColumnNotPseudo - is NOT a pseudo column
	 *		<LI> versionColumnPseudo - is a pseudo column
	 *		</UL>
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name; "" retrieves those without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a column description
	public java.sql.ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException
		throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

	 * Get a description of a table's primary key columns.  They
	 * are ordered by COLUMN_NAME.
	 * <P>Each column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
	 *	<LI><B>KEY_SEQ</B> short => sequence number within primary key
	 *	<LI><B>PK_NAME</B> String => primary key name (may be null)
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 * without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a primary key column description
	public java.sql.ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException
		return connection.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT " +
				"'' as TABLE_CAT," +
				"'' AS TABLE_SCHEM," +
				"bc.relname AS TABLE_NAME," +
				"a.attname AS COLUMN_NAME," +
				"a.attnum as KEY_SEQ," +
				"ic.relname as PK_NAME " +
				" FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute a" +
				" WHERE bc.relkind = 'r' " +   //	-- not indices
				"  and upper(bc.relname) = upper('" + table + "')" +
				"  and i.indrelid = bc.oid" +
				"  and i.indexrelid = ic.oid" +
				"  and ic.oid = a.attrelid" +
				"  and i.indisprimary='t' " +
				" ORDER BY table_name, pk_name, key_seq"

        c.relname as primary,
        c2.relname as foreign,
        ic.relname as fkeyname,
        af.attnum as fkeyseq,
        ipc.relname as pkeyname,
        ap.attnum as pkeyseq,
        p1.proname as updaterule,
        p2.proname as deleterule
        pg_trigger t,
        pg_trigger t1,
        pg_class c,
        pg_class c2,
        pg_class ic,
        pg_class ipc,
        pg_proc p1,
        pg_proc p2,
        pg_index if,
        pg_index ip,
        pg_attribute af,
        pg_attribute ap
        AND t.tgisconstraint
        AND t.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid
        AND t.tgfoid=p1.oid
        and p1.proname like '%%upd')

        and t1.tgisconstraint
        and t1.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid
        AND t1.tgfoid=p2.oid
        and p2.proname like '%%del')

        AND c2.relname='users'

        AND if.indexrelid=ic.oid
        and ic.oid=af.attrelid
        AND if.indisprimary)

        and ip.indexrelid=ipc.oid
        and ipc.oid=ap.attrelid
        and ip.indisprimary)

 * @param catalog
 * @param schema
 * @param primaryTable if provided will get the keys exported by this table
 * @param foreignTable if provided will get the keys imported by this table
 * @return ResultSet
 * @throws SQLException

        protected java.sql.ResultSet getImportedExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String primaryTable, String foreignTable) throws SQLException
                Field f[] = new Field[14];

                f[0] = new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[1] = new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[2] = new Field(connection, "PKTABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[3] = new Field(connection, "PKCOLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[4] = new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[5] = new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[6] = new Field(connection, "FKTABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[7] = new Field(connection, "FKCOLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[8] = new Field(connection, "KEY_SEQ", iInt2Oid, 2);
                f[9] = new Field(connection, "UPDATE_RULE", iInt2Oid, 2);
                f[10] = new Field(connection, "DELETE_RULE", iInt2Oid, 2);
                f[11] = new Field(connection, "FK_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[12] = new Field(connection, "PK_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
                f[13] = new Field(connection, "DEFERRABILITY", iInt2Oid, 2);

                java.sql.ResultSet rs = connection.ExecSQL(
                "SELECT distinct "
                  + "c.relname as prelname, "
                  + "c2.relname as frelname, "
                  + "t.tgconstrname, "
                  + "a.attnum as keyseq, "
                  + "ic.relname as fkeyname, "
                  + "t.tgdeferrable, "
                  + "t.tginitdeferred, "
                  + "t.tgnargs,t.tgargs, "
                  + "p1.proname as updaterule, "
                  + "p2.proname as deleterule "
          + "FROM "
                  + "pg_trigger t, "
                  + "pg_trigger t1, "
                  + "pg_class c, "
                  + "pg_class c2, "
                  + "pg_class ic, "
                  + "pg_proc p1, "
                  + "pg_proc p2, "
                  + "pg_index i, "
                  + "pg_attribute a "
          + "WHERE "
                   // isolate the update rule
                  + "(t.tgrelid=c.oid "
                  + "AND t.tgisconstraint "
                  + "AND t.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid "
                  + "AND t.tgfoid=p1.oid "
                  + "and p1.proname like '%%upd') "

                  + "and "
                  // isolate the delete rule
                  + "(t1.tgrelid=c.oid "
                  + "and t1.tgisconstraint "
                  + "and t1.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid "
                  + "AND t1.tgfoid=p2.oid "
                  + "and p2.proname like '%%del') "

                  // if we are looking for exported keys then primary table will be used
                                                                  + ((primaryTable != null) ? "AND c.relname='" + primaryTable + "' " : "")

                  // if we are looking for imported keys then the foreign table will be used
                                                                  + ((foreignTable != null) ? "AND c2.relname='" + foreignTable + "' " : "")
                  + "AND i.indrelid=c.oid "
                  + "AND i.indexrelid=ic.oid "
                  + "AND ic.oid=a.attrelid "
                  + "AND i.indisprimary "
          + "ORDER BY "

                   // orderby is as follows getExported, orders by FKTABLE,
                   // getImported orders by PKTABLE
                   // getCrossReference orders by FKTABLE, so this should work for both,
                   // since when getting crossreference, primaryTable will be defined

                  +   (primaryTable != null ? "frelname" : "prelname") + ",keyseq");

// returns the following columns
// and some example data with a table defined as follows

// create table people ( id int primary key);
// create table policy ( id int primary key);
// create table users  ( id int primary key, people_id int references people(id), policy_id int references policy(id))

// prelname | frelname | tgconstrname | keyseq | fkeyName    | tgdeferrable | tginitdeferred
//    1     |    2     |      3       |    4   |     5       |       6      |    7

//  people  | users    | <unnamed>    |    1   | people_pkey |       f      |    f

// | tgnargs |                        tgargs                                      | updaterule           | deleterule
// |    8    |                          9                                         |    10                |    11
// |    6    | <unnamed>\000users\000people\000UNSPECIFIED\000people_id\000id\000 | RI_FKey_noaction_upd | RI_FKey_noaction_del

                Vector tuples = new Vector();

                while ( )
                        byte tuple[][] = new byte[14][];

      tuple[2] = rs.getBytes(1); //PKTABLE_NAME
      tuple[6] = rs.getBytes(2); //FKTABLE_NAME
      String fKeyName = rs.getString(3);
      String updateRule = rs.getString(10);

      if (updateRule != null )
        // Rules look like this RI_FKey_noaction_del so we want to pull out the part between the 'Key_' and the last '_' s

        String rule = updateRule.substring(8, updateRule.length() - 4);

        int action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction;

        if ( rule == null || "noaction".equals(rule) )
           action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction;
        if ("cascade".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade;
        else if ("setnull".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull;
        else if ("setdefault".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault;
        else if ("restrict".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict;

        tuple[9] = Integer.toString(action).getBytes();


      String deleteRule = rs.getString(11);

      if ( deleteRule != null )

        String rule = updateRule.substring(8, updateRule.length() - 4);

        int action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction;
        if ("cascade".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade;
        else if ("setnull".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull;
        else if ("setdefault".equals(rule))
          action = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault;
        tuple[10] = Integer.toString(action).getBytes();

      // Parse the tgargs data
      String fkeyColumn="";
      String pkeyColumn="";

      // Note, I am guessing at most of this, but it should be close
      // if not, please correct
      // the keys are in pairs and start after the first four arguments
      // the arguments are seperated by \000

      int keySequence = rs.getInt(4); //KEY_SEQ

      // get the args
      String targs = rs.getString(9);

      // args look like this
      // we are primarily interested in the column names which are the last items in the string

      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(targs, "\\000");

      int advance = 4 + (keySequence-1) * 2;
      for( int i=0; st.hasMoreTokens() && i < advance ; i++ ) st.nextToken(); // advance to the key column of interest

      if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
        fkeyColumn = st.nextToken();
      if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
         pkeyColumn = st.nextToken();

      tuple[3] = pkeyColumn.getBytes(); //PKCOLUMN_NAME
      tuple[7] = fkeyColumn.getBytes(); //FKCOLUMN_NAME

      tuple[8] =  rs.getBytes(4); //KEY_SEQ
      tuple[11] = targs.getBytes(); //FK_NAME this will give us a unique name for the foreign key
      tuple[12] = rs.getBytes(5); //PK_NAME

      int deferrability = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable;
      boolean deferrable = rs.getBoolean(6);
      boolean initiallyDeferred = rs.getBoolean(7);
      if (deferrable)
        if (initiallyDeferred)
                deferrability = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred;
                deferrability = java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate;
      tuple[13] = Integer.toString(deferrability).getBytes();


    return connection.getResultSet(null, f, tuples, "OK", 1);

	 * Get a description of the primary key columns that are
	 * referenced by a table's foreign key columns (the primary keys
	 * imported by a table).  They are ordered by PKTABLE_CAT,
	 * <P>Each primary key column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_CAT</B> String => primary key table catalog
	 *		being imported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => primary key table schema
	 *		being imported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_NAME</B> String => primary key table name
	 *		being imported
	 *	<LI><B>PKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => primary key column name
	 *		being imported
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_CAT</B> String => foreign key table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => foreign key table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_NAME</B> String => foreign key table name
	 *	<LI><B>FKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => foreign key column name
	 *	<LI><B>KEY_SEQ</B> short => sequence number within foreign key
	 *	<LI><B>UPDATE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		 foreign key when primary is updated:
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - change imported key to agree
	 *				 with primary key update
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow update of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been updated
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>DELETE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - delete rows that import a deleted key
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow delete of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been deleted
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>FK_NAME</B> String => foreign key name (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PK_NAME</B> String => primary key name (may be null)
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 * without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a primary key column description
	 * @see #getExportedKeys
	public java.sql.ResultSet getImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException
		return getImportedExportedKeys(catalog, schema, null, table);

	 * Get a description of a foreign key columns that reference a
	 * table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a
	 * table).	They are ordered by FKTABLE_CAT, FKTABLE_SCHEM,
	 * This method is currently unimplemented.
	 * <P>Each foreign key column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_CAT</B> String => primary key table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => primary key table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_NAME</B> String => primary key table name
	 *	<LI><B>PKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => primary key column name
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_CAT</B> String => foreign key table catalog (may be null)
	 *		being exported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => foreign key table schema (may be null)
	 *		being exported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_NAME</B> String => foreign key table name
	 *		being exported
	 *	<LI><B>FKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => foreign key column name
	 *		being exported
	 *	<LI><B>KEY_SEQ</B> short => sequence number within foreign key
	 *	<LI><B>UPDATE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		 foreign key when primary is updated:
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - change imported key to agree
	 *				 with primary key update
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow update of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been updated
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>DELETE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - delete rows that import a deleted key
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow delete of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been deleted
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>FK_NAME</B> String => foreign key identifier (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PK_NAME</B> String => primary key identifier (may be null)
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 * without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a foreign key column description
	 * @see #getImportedKeys
	public java.sql.ResultSet getExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException
		return getImportedExportedKeys(catalog, schema, table, null);

	 * Get a description of the foreign key columns in the foreign key
	 * table that reference the primary key columns of the primary key
	 * table (describe how one table imports another's key.) This
	 * should normally return a single foreign key/primary key pair
	 * (most tables only import a foreign key from a table once.)  They
	 * KEY_SEQ.
	 * This method is currently unimplemented.
	 * <P>Each foreign key column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_CAT</B> String => primary key table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => primary key table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PKTABLE_NAME</B> String => primary key table name
	 *	<LI><B>PKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => primary key column name
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_CAT</B> String => foreign key table catalog (may be null)
	 *		being exported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_SCHEM</B> String => foreign key table schema (may be null)
	 *		being exported (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>FKTABLE_NAME</B> String => foreign key table name
	 *		being exported
	 *	<LI><B>FKCOLUMN_NAME</B> String => foreign key column name
	 *		being exported
	 *	<LI><B>KEY_SEQ</B> short => sequence number within foreign key
	 *	<LI><B>UPDATE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		 foreign key when primary is updated:
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - change imported key to agree
	 *				 with primary key update
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow update of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been updated
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>DELETE_RULE</B> short => What happens to
	 *		the foreign key when primary is deleted.
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> importedKeyCascade - delete rows that import a deleted key
	 *		<LI> importedKeyRestrict - do not allow delete of primary
	 *				 key if it has been imported
	 *		<LI> importedKeySetNull - change imported key to NULL if
	 *				 its primary key has been deleted
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>FK_NAME</B> String => foreign key identifier (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>PK_NAME</B> String => primary key identifier (may be null)
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those
	 * without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a foreign key column description
	 * @see #getImportedKeys
	public java.sql.ResultSet getCrossReference(String primaryCatalog, String primarySchema, String primaryTable, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTable) throws SQLException
		return getImportedExportedKeys(primaryCatalog, primarySchema, primaryTable, foreignTable);

	 * Get a description of all the standard SQL types supported by
	 * this database. They are ordered by DATA_TYPE and then by how
	 * closely the data type maps to the corresponding JDBC SQL type.
	 * <P>Each type description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Type name
	 *	<LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
	 *	<LI><B>PRECISION</B> int => maximum precision
	 *	<LI><B>LITERAL_PREFIX</B> String => prefix used to quote a literal
	 *		(may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>LITERAL_SUFFIX</B> String => suffix used to quote a literal
	 (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>CREATE_PARAMS</B> String => parameters used in creating
	 *		the type (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>NULLABLE</B> short => can you use NULL for this type?
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> typeNoNulls - does not allow NULL values
	 *		<LI> typeNullable - allows NULL values
	 *		<LI> typeNullableUnknown - nullability unknown
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>CASE_SENSITIVE</B> boolean=> is it case sensitive?
	 *	<LI><B>SEARCHABLE</B> short => can you use "WHERE" based on this type:
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> typePredNone - No support
	 *		<LI> typePredChar - Only supported with WHERE .. LIKE
	 *		<LI> typePredBasic - Supported except for WHERE .. LIKE
	 *		<LI> typeSearchable - Supported for all WHERE ..
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE</B> boolean => is it unsigned?
	 *	<LI><B>FIXED_PREC_SCALE</B> boolean => can it be a money value?
	 *	<LI><B>AUTO_INCREMENT</B> boolean => can it be used for an
	 *		auto-increment value?
	 *	<LI><B>LOCAL_TYPE_NAME</B> String => localized version of type name
	 *		(may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>MINIMUM_SCALE</B> short => minimum scale supported
	 *	<LI><B>MAXIMUM_SCALE</B> short => maximum scale supported
	 *	<LI><B>SQL_DATA_TYPE</B> int => unused
	 *	<LI><B>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</B> int => unused
	 *	<LI><B>NUM_PREC_RADIX</B> int => usually 2 or 10
	 *	</OL>
	 * @return ResultSet each row is a SQL type description
	public java.sql.ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException
		java.sql.ResultSet rs = connection.ExecSQL("select typname from pg_type");
		if (rs != null)
			Field f[] = new Field[18];
			ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
			Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

			f[0] = new Field(connection, "TYPE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
			f[1] = new Field(connection, "DATA_TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
			f[2] = new Field(connection, "PRECISION", iInt4Oid, 4);
			f[3] = new Field(connection, "LITERAL_PREFIX", iVarcharOid, 32);
			f[4] = new Field(connection, "LITERAL_SUFFIX", iVarcharOid, 32);
			f[5] = new Field(connection, "CREATE_PARAMS", iVarcharOid, 32);
			f[6] = new Field(connection, "NULLABLE", iInt2Oid, 2);
			f[7] = new Field(connection, "CASE_SENSITIVE", iBoolOid, 1);
			f[8] = new Field(connection, "SEARCHABLE", iInt2Oid, 2);
			f[9] = new Field(connection, "UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE", iBoolOid, 1);
			f[10] = new Field(connection, "FIXED_PREC_SCALE", iBoolOid, 1);
			f[11] = new Field(connection, "AUTO_INCREMENT", iBoolOid, 1);
			f[12] = new Field(connection, "LOCAL_TYPE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
			f[13] = new Field(connection, "MINIMUM_SCALE", iInt2Oid, 2);
			f[14] = new Field(connection, "MAXIMUM_SCALE", iInt2Oid, 2);
			f[15] = new Field(connection, "SQL_DATA_TYPE", iInt4Oid, 4);
			f[16] = new Field(connection, "SQL_DATETIME_SUB", iInt4Oid, 4);
			f[17] = new Field(connection, "NUM_PREC_RADIX", iInt4Oid, 4);

			// cache some results, this will keep memory useage down, and speed
			// things up a little.
			byte b9[] = "9".getBytes();
			byte b10[] = "10".getBytes();
			byte bf[] = "f".getBytes();
			byte bnn[] = Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.typeNoNulls).getBytes();
			byte bts[] = Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.typeSearchable).getBytes();

			while (
				byte[][] tuple = new byte[18][];
				String typname = rs.getString(1);
				tuple[0] = typname.getBytes();
				tuple[1] = Integer.toString(connection.getSQLType(typname)).getBytes();
				tuple[2] = b9;	// for now
				tuple[6] = bnn; // for now
				tuple[7] = bf; // false for now - not case sensitive
				tuple[8] = bts;
				tuple[9] = bf; // false for now - it's signed
				tuple[10] = bf; // false for now - must handle money
				tuple[11] = bf; // false for now - handle autoincrement
				// 12 - LOCAL_TYPE_NAME is null
				// 13 & 14 ?
				// 15 & 16 are unused so we return null
				tuple[17] = b10; // everything is base 10
			return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);

		throw new PSQLException("postgresql.metadata.unavailable");

	 * Get a description of a table's indices and statistics. They are
	 * <P>Each index column description has the following columns:
	 *	<OL>
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_CAT</B> String => table catalog (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
	 *	<LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
	 *	<LI><B>NON_UNIQUE</B> boolean => Can index values be non-unique?
	 *		false when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>INDEX_QUALIFIER</B> String => index catalog (may be null);
	 *		null when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>INDEX_NAME</B> String => index name; null when TYPE is
	 *		tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>TYPE</B> short => index type:
	 *		<UL>
	 *		<LI> tableIndexStatistic - this identifies table statistics that are
	 *			 returned in conjuction with a table's index descriptions
	 *		<LI> tableIndexClustered - this is a clustered index
	 *		<LI> tableIndexHashed - this is a hashed index
	 *		<LI> tableIndexOther - this is some other style of index
	 *		</UL>
	 *	<LI><B>ORDINAL_POSITION</B> short => column sequence number
	 *		within index; zero when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name; null when TYPE is
	 *		tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>ASC_OR_DESC</B> String => column sort sequence, "A" => ascending
	 *		"D" => descending, may be null if sort sequence is not supported;
	 *		null when TYPE is tableIndexStatistic
	 *	<LI><B>CARDINALITY</B> int => When TYPE is tableIndexStatisic then
	 *		this is the number of rows in the table; otherwise it is the
	 *		number of unique values in the index.
	 *	<LI><B>PAGES</B> int => When TYPE is  tableIndexStatisic then
	 *		this is the number of pages used for the table, otherwise it
	 *		is the number of pages used for the current index.
	 *	<LI><B>FILTER_CONDITION</B> String => Filter condition, if any.
	 *		(may be null)
	 *	</OL>
	 * @param catalog a catalog name; "" retrieves those without a catalog
	 * @param schema a schema name pattern; "" retrieves those without a schema
	 * @param table a table name
	 * @param unique when true, return only indices for unique values;
	 *	   when false, return indices regardless of whether unique or not
	 * @param approximate when true, result is allowed to reflect approximate
	 *	   or out of data values; when false, results are requested to be
	 *	   accurate
	 * @return ResultSet each row is an index column description
	// Implementation note: This is required for Borland's JBuilder to work
	public java.sql.ResultSet getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, boolean unique, boolean approximate) throws SQLException
		Field f[] = new Field[13];
		java.sql.ResultSet r;	// ResultSet for the SQL query that we need to do
		Vector v = new Vector();		// The new ResultSet tuple stuff

		f[0] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_CAT", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[1] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_SCHEM", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[2] = new Field(connection, "TABLE_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[3] = new Field(connection, "NON_UNIQUE", iBoolOid, 1);
		f[4] = new Field(connection, "INDEX_QUALIFIER", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[5] = new Field(connection, "INDEX_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[6] = new Field(connection, "TYPE", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[7] = new Field(connection, "ORDINAL_POSITION", iInt2Oid, 2);
		f[8] = new Field(connection, "COLUMN_NAME", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[9] = new Field(connection, "ASC_OR_DESC", iVarcharOid, 32);
		f[10] = new Field(connection, "CARDINALITY", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[11] = new Field(connection, "PAGES", iInt4Oid, 4);
		f[12] = new Field(connection, "FILTER_CONDITION", iVarcharOid, 32);

		r = connection.ExecSQL("select " +
							   "c.relname, " +
							   "x.indisunique, " +
							   "i.relname, " +
							   "x.indisclustered, " +
							   "a.amname, " +
							   "x.indkey, " +
							   "c.reltuples, " +
							   "c.relpages, " +
							   "x.indexrelid " +
							   "FROM pg_index x, pg_class c, pg_class i, pg_am a " +
							   "WHERE ((c.relname = '" + tableName.toLowerCase() + "') " +
							   " AND (c.oid = x.indrelid) " +
							   " AND (i.oid = x.indexrelid) " +
							   " AND (i.relam = a.oid)) " +
							   "ORDER BY x.indisunique DESC, " +
							   " x.indisclustered, a.amname, i.relname");
		while (
			// indkey is an array of column ordinals (integers).  In the JDBC
			// interface, this has to be separated out into a separate
			// tuple for each indexed column.  Also, getArray() is not yet
			// implemented for Postgres JDBC, so we parse by hand.
			String columnOrdinalString = r.getString(6);
			StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(columnOrdinalString);
			int [] columnOrdinals = new int[stok.countTokens()];
			int o = 0;
			while (stok.hasMoreTokens())
				columnOrdinals[o++] = Integer.parseInt(stok.nextToken());
			java.sql.ResultSet columnNameRS = connection.ExecSQL("select a.attname FROM pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = " + r.getInt(9));
			for (int i = 0; i < columnOrdinals.length; i++)
				byte [] [] tuple = new byte [13] [];
				tuple[0] = "".getBytes();
				tuple[1] = "".getBytes();
				tuple[2] = r.getBytes(1);
				tuple[3] = r.getBoolean(2) ? "false".getBytes() : "true".getBytes();
				tuple[4] = null;
				tuple[5] = r.getBytes(3);
				tuple[6] = r.getBoolean(4) ?
						   Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered).getBytes() :
						   r.getString(5).equals("hash") ?
						   Integer.toString(java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed).getBytes() :
				tuple[7] = Integer.toString(i + 1).getBytes();
				if (
					tuple[8] = columnNameRS.getBytes(1);
					tuple[8] = "".getBytes();
				tuple[9] = null;  // sort sequence ???
				tuple[10] = r.getBytes(7);	// inexact
				tuple[11] = r.getBytes(8);
				tuple[12] = null;

		return connection.getResultSet(null, f, v, "OK", 1);
