 * define.c--
 *    These routines execute some of the CREATE statements.  In an earlier
 *    version of Postgres, these were "define" statements.
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *    $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/define.c,v 1.6 1996/11/06 08:21:34 scrappy Exp $
 *    The "DefineFoo" routines take the parse tree and pick out the
 *    appropriate arguments/flags, passing the results to the
 *    corresponding "FooDefine" routines (in src/catalog) that do
 *    the actual catalog-munging.  These routines also verify permission
 *    of the user to execute the command.
 *    These things must be defined and committed in the following order:
 *      "create function":
 *              input/output, recv/send procedures
 *      "create type":
 *              type
 *      "create operator":
 *              operators
 *      Most of the parse-tree manipulation routines are defined in
 *      commands/manip.c.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <postgres.h>

#include <access/heapam.h>
#include <catalog/catname.h>
#include <catalog/pg_aggregate.h>
#include <catalog/pg_operator.h>
#include <catalog/pg_proc.h>
#include <catalog/pg_type.h>
#include <utils/syscache.h>
#include <fmgr.h>               /* for fmgr */
#include <utils/builtins.h>     /* prototype for textin() */
#include <commands/defrem.h>
#include <optimizer/xfunc.h>
#include <tcop/dest.h>
#include <catalog/pg_user.h>

static char *defGetString(DefElem *def);
static int  defGetTypeLength(DefElem *def);

#define DEFAULT_TYPDELIM        ','

case_translate_language_name(const char *input, char *output) {
  Translate the input language name to lower case, except if it's C,
  translate to upper case.  
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < NAMEDATALEN && input[i] != '\0'; ++i) 
        output[i] = tolower(input[i]);

    output[i] = '\0';

    if (strcmp(output, "c") == 0) output[0] = 'C';

compute_return_type(const Node *returnType, 
                    char **prorettype_p, bool *returnsSet_p) {
   Examine the "returns" clause returnType of the CREATE FUNCTION statement 
   and return information about it as **prorettype_p and **returnsSet.
    if (nodeTag(returnType) == T_TypeName) {
        /* a set of values */
        TypeName *setType = (TypeName *)returnType;
        *prorettype_p = setType->name,
        *returnsSet_p = true;
    }else {
        /* singleton */
        *prorettype_p = strVal(returnType);
        *returnsSet_p = false;


compute_full_attributes(const List *parameters, int32 *byte_pct_p, 
                        int32 *perbyte_cpu_p, int32 *percall_cpu_p, 
                        int32 *outin_ratio_p, bool *canCache_p) {
  Interpret the parameters *parameters and return their contents as
  *byte_pct_p, etc.

  These are the full parameters of a C or internal function.
    List *pl;

    /* the defaults */
    *byte_pct_p = BYTE_PCT;
    *perbyte_cpu_p = PERBYTE_CPU;
    *percall_cpu_p = PERCALL_CPU;
    *outin_ratio_p = OUTIN_RATIO;

    foreach(pl, (List *)parameters) {
        int count;
        char *ptr;
        ParamString *param = (ParamString*)lfirst(pl);

        if (strcasecmp(param->name, "iscachable") == 0) {
            *canCache_p = true;
        } else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "trusted") == 0) {
         * we don't have untrusted functions any more. The 4.2
         * implementation is lousy anyway so I took it out.
         *                                         -ay 10/94
        elog(WARN, "untrusted function has been decommissioned.");
        } else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "byte_pct") == 0) {
            ** handle expensive function parameters
            *byte_pct_p = atoi(param->val);
        } else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "perbyte_cpu") == 0) {
            if (sscanf(param->val, "%d", perbyte_cpu_p) == 0) {
                for (count = 0, ptr = param->val; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) 
                    if (*ptr == '!') count++;
            *perbyte_cpu_p = (int) pow(10.0, (double) count);
        } else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "percall_cpu") == 0) {
            if (sscanf(param->val, "%d", percall_cpu_p) == 0) {
                for (count = 0, ptr = param->val; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) 
                    if (*ptr == '!') count++;
                *percall_cpu_p = (int) pow(10.0, (double) count);
        } else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "outin_ratio") == 0) {
            *outin_ratio_p = atoi(param->val);

interpret_AS_clause(const char languageName[], const char as[],
                    char **prosrc_str_p, char **probin_str_p) {

    if ( strcmp(languageName, "C") == 0 ||
         strcmp(languageName, "internal") == 0 ) {
        *prosrc_str_p = "-";
        *probin_str_p = (char *)as;
    } else {
        *prosrc_str_p = (char *)as;
        *probin_str_p = "-";

 * CreateFunction --
 *   Execute a CREATE FUNCTION utility statement.
CreateFunction(ProcedureStmt *stmt, CommandDest dest)
    char   *probin_str;   
      /* pathname of executable file that executes this function, if any */
    char   *prosrc_str;
      /* SQL that executes this function, if any */
    char   *prorettype;
      /* Type of return value (or member of set of values) from function */
    char   languageName[NAMEDATALEN+1];
      /* name of language of function, with case adjusted:
         "C", "internal", or "SQL" 
    /* The following are attributes of the function, as expressed in the 
       CREATE FUNCTION statement, where applicable.
    int32  byte_pct, perbyte_cpu, percall_cpu, outin_ratio;
    bool   canCache;
    bool   returnsSet;
      /* The function returns a set of values, as opposed to a singleton. */

    case_translate_language_name(stmt->language, languageName);

    compute_return_type(stmt->returnType, &prorettype, &returnsSet);

    if ( strcmp(languageName, "C") == 0 ||
         strcmp(languageName, "internal") == 0 )  {
                                &byte_pct, &perbyte_cpu, &percall_cpu,
                                &outin_ratio, &canCache);
    } else if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") == 0) {
        /* query optimizer groks sql, these are meaningless */
        perbyte_cpu = percall_cpu = 0;
        byte_pct = outin_ratio = 100;
        canCache = false;
    } else {
             "Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: "
             "'%s'.  Recognized languages are sql, C, and internal.",
    interpret_AS_clause(languageName, stmt->as, &prosrc_str, &probin_str);

    if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") != 0 && !superuser())
             "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are permitted "
             "to create a function "
             "in the '%s' language.  Others may use the 'sql' language.", 
        /* Above does not return. */
    else {
        /* And now that we have all the parameters, and know we're permitted
           to do so, go ahead and create the function.
                        prosrc_str,         /* converted to text later */
                        probin_str,         /* converted to text later */
                        true,               /* (obsolete "trusted") */

/* --------------------------------
 * DefineOperator--
 *      this function extracts all the information from the
 *      parameter list generated by the parser and then has
 *      OperatorCreate() do all the actual work.
 * 'parameters' is a list of DefElem
 * --------------------------------
DefineOperator(char *oprName,   
               List *parameters)
    uint16      precedence=0;           /* operator precedence */
    bool        canHash=false;          /* operator hashes */
    bool        isLeftAssociative=true; /* operator is left associative */
    char *functionName=NULL;    /* function for operator */
    char *typeName1=NULL;               /* first type name */
    char *typeName2=NULL;               /* second type name */
    char *commutatorName=NULL;  /* optional commutator operator name */
    char *negatorName=NULL;     /* optional negator operator name */
    char *restrictionName=NULL; /* optional restrict. sel. procedure */
    char *joinName=NULL;                /* optional join sel. procedure name */
    char *sortName1=NULL;               /* optional first sort operator */
    char *sortName2=NULL;               /* optional second sort operator */
    List        *pl;

     * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need.
    foreach (pl, parameters) {
        DefElem *defel = (DefElem *)lfirst(pl);

        if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "leftarg")) {
            /* see gram.y, must be setof */
            if (nodeTag(defel->arg)==T_TypeName) 
                elog(WARN, "setof type not implemented for leftarg");

            if (nodeTag(defel->arg)==T_String) {
                typeName1 = defGetString(defel);
            }else {
                elog(WARN, "type for leftarg is malformed.");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "rightarg")) {
            /* see gram.y, must be setof */
            if (nodeTag(defel->arg)==T_TypeName) 
                elog(WARN, "setof type not implemented for rightarg");

            if (nodeTag(defel->arg)==T_String) {
                typeName2 = defGetString(defel);
            }else {
                elog(WARN, "type for rightarg is malformed.");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "procedure")) {
            functionName = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "precedence")) {
            /* NOT IMPLEMENTED (never worked in v4.2) */
            elog(NOTICE, "CREATE OPERATOR: precedence not implemented");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "associativity")) {
            /* NOT IMPLEMENTED (never worked in v4.2) */
            elog(NOTICE, "CREATE OPERATOR: associativity not implemented");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "commutator")) {
            commutatorName = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "negator")) {
            negatorName = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "restrict")) {
            restrictionName = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "join")) {
            joinName = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "hashes")) {
            canHash = TRUE;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sort1")) {
            /* ----------------
             * XXX ( ... [ , sort1 = oprname ] [ , sort2 = oprname ] ... )
             * XXX is undocumented in the reference manual source as of
             * 89/8/22.
             * ----------------
            sortName1 = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sort2")) {
            sortName2 = defGetString(defel);
        } else {
            elog(NOTICE, "DefineOperator: attribute \"%s\" not recognized",

     * make sure we have our required definitions
    if (functionName==NULL) {
        elog(WARN, "Define: \"procedure\" unspecified");
    /* ----------------
     *  now have OperatorCreate do all the work..
     * ----------------
    OperatorCreate(oprName,     /* operator name */
                   typeName1,           /* first type name */
                   typeName2,           /* second type name */
                   functionName,        /* function for operator */
                   precedence,          /* operator precedence */
                   isLeftAssociative,   /* operator is left associative */
                   commutatorName,      /* optional commutator operator name */
                   negatorName,         /* optional negator operator name */
                   restrictionName,     /* optional restrict. sel. procedure */
                   joinName,            /* optional join sel. procedure name */
                   canHash,             /* operator hashes */
                   sortName1,           /* optional first sort operator */
                   sortName2);          /* optional second sort operator */

/* -------------------
 *  DefineAggregate
 * ------------------
DefineAggregate(char *aggName, List *parameters)

    char *stepfunc1Name = NULL;
    char *stepfunc2Name = NULL;
    char *finalfuncName = NULL;
    char *baseType = NULL;
    char *stepfunc1Type = NULL;
    char *stepfunc2Type = NULL;
    char *init1 = NULL;
    char *init2 = NULL;
    List *pl;
    foreach (pl, parameters) {
        DefElem *defel = (DefElem *)lfirst(pl);

         * sfunc1
        if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc1")) {
            stepfunc1Name = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "basetype")) {
            baseType = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype1")) {
            stepfunc1Type = defGetString(defel);

         * sfunc2
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc2")) {
            stepfunc2Name = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype2")) {
            stepfunc2Type = defGetString(defel);
         * final
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc")) {
            finalfuncName = defGetString(defel);
         * initial conditions
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond1")) {
            init1 = defGetString(defel);
        } else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond2")) {
            init2 = defGetString(defel);
        } else {
            elog(NOTICE, "DefineAggregate: attribute \"%s\" not recognized",

     * make sure we have our required definitions
    if (baseType==NULL) 
        elog(WARN, "Define: \"basetype\" unspecified");
    if (stepfunc1Name!=NULL) {
        if (stepfunc1Type==NULL) 
            elog(WARN, "Define: \"stype1\" unspecified");
    if (stepfunc2Name!=NULL) {
        if (stepfunc2Type==NULL)
            elog(WARN, "Define: \"stype2\" unspecified");

     * Most of the argument-checking is done inside of AggregateCreate
    AggregateCreate(aggName,            /* aggregate name */
                    stepfunc1Name,      /* first step function name */
                    stepfunc2Name,      /* second step function name */
                    finalfuncName,      /* final function name */
                    baseType,           /* type of object being aggregated */
                    stepfunc1Type,      /* return type of first function */
                    stepfunc2Type,      /* return type of second function */
                    init1,      /* first initial condition */
                    init2);     /* second initial condition */
    /* XXX free palloc'd memory */

 * DefineType --
 *      Registers a new type.
DefineType(char *typeName, List *parameters)
    int16               internalLength= 0;      /* int2 */
    int16               externalLength= 0;      /* int2 */
    char *elemName = NULL;
    char *inputName = NULL;
    char *outputName = NULL;
    char *sendName = NULL;
    char *receiveName = NULL;
    char                *defaultValue = NULL;   /* Datum */
    bool                byValue = false;
    char                delimiter = DEFAULT_TYPDELIM;
    char *shadow_type;
    List                *pl;
    char                alignment = 'i';        /* default alignment */

     * Type names can only be 15 characters long, so that the shadow type
     * can be created using the 16th character as necessary.
    if (strlen(typeName) >= (NAMEDATALEN - 1)) {
        elog(WARN, "DefineType: type names must be %d characters or less",
             NAMEDATALEN - 1);

    foreach(pl, parameters) {
        DefElem *defel = (DefElem*)lfirst(pl);

        if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "internallength")) {
            internalLength = defGetTypeLength(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "externallength")) {
            externalLength = defGetTypeLength(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "input")) {
            inputName = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "output")) {
            outputName = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "send")) {
            sendName = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "delimiter")) {
            char *p = defGetString(defel);
            delimiter = p[0];
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "receive")) {
            receiveName = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "element")) {
            elemName = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "default")) {
            defaultValue = defGetString(defel);
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "passedbyvalue")) {
            byValue = true;
        }else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "alignment")) {
            char *a = defGetString(defel);
            if (!strcasecmp(a, "double")) {
                alignment = 'd';
            } else if (!strcasecmp(a, "int")) {
                alignment = 'i';
            } else {
                elog(WARN, "DefineType: \"%s\" alignment  not recognized",
        }else {
            elog(NOTICE, "DefineType: attribute \"%s\" not recognized",

     * make sure we have our required definitions
    if (inputName==NULL)
        elog(WARN, "Define: \"input\" unspecified");
    if (outputName==NULL)
        elog(WARN, "Define: \"output\" unspecified");
    /* ----------------
     *  now have TypeCreate do all the real work.
     * ----------------
    (void) TypeCreate(typeName, /* type name */
                      InvalidOid,  /* relation oid (n/a here) */
                      internalLength,   /* internal size */
                      externalLength,   /* external size */
                      'b',              /* type-type (base type) */
                      delimiter,        /* array element delimiter */
                      inputName,        /* input procedure */
                      outputName,       /* output procedure */
                      sendName,         /* send procedure */
                      receiveName,      /* receive procedure */
                      elemName,         /* element type name */
                      defaultValue,     /* default type value */
                      byValue,          /* passed by value */
    /* ----------------
     *  When we create a true type (as opposed to a complex type)
     *  we need to have an shadow array entry for it in pg_type as well.
     * ----------------
    shadow_type = makeArrayTypeName(typeName);

    (void) TypeCreate(shadow_type,      /* type name */
                      InvalidOid,  /* relation oid (n/a here) */
                      -1,               /* internal size */
                      -1,               /* external size */
                      'b',              /* type-type (base type) */
                      DEFAULT_TYPDELIM, /* array element delimiter */
                      "array_in",               /* input procedure */
                      "array_out",              /* output procedure */
                      "array_out",              /* send procedure */
                      "array_in",               /* receive procedure */
                      typeName, /* element type name */
                      defaultValue,     /* default type value */
                      false,            /* never passed by value */

static char *
defGetString(DefElem *def)
    if (nodeTag(def->arg)!=T_String)
        elog(WARN, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
    return (strVal(def->arg));

static int 
defGetTypeLength(DefElem *def)
    if (nodeTag(def->arg)==T_Integer)
        return (intVal(def->arg));
    else if (nodeTag(def->arg)==T_String &&
        return -1;      /* variable length */

    elog(WARN, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
    return -1;