/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * lmgr.c-- * POSTGRES lock manager code * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/storage/lmgr/lmgr.c,v 1.2 1996/11/03 05:07:26 scrappy Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define LOCKDEBUGALL 1 */ /* #define LOCKDEBUG 1 */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUGALL #define LOCKDEBUG 1 #endif /* LOCKDEBUGALL */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "access/relscan.h" #include "access/skey.h" #include "utils/tqual.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "storage/block.h" #include "storage/buf.h" #include "storage/itemptr.h" #include "storage/bufpage.h" #include "storage/multilev.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "catalog/catalog.h" #include "catalog/pg_class.h" #include "nodes/memnodes.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "access/transam.h" /* for AmiTransactionId */ /* ---------------- * * ---------------- */ #define MaxRetries 4 /* XXX about 1/4 minute--a hack */ #define IntentReadRelationLock 0x0100 #define ReadRelationLock 0x0200 #define IntentWriteRelationLock 0x0400 #define WriteRelationLock 0x0800 #define IntentReadPageLock 0x1000 #define ReadTupleLock 0x2000 #define TupleLevelLockCountMask 0x000f #define TupleLevelLockLimit 10 extern Oid MyDatabaseId; static LRelId VariableRelationLRelId = { RelOid_pg_variable, InvalidOid }; /* ---------------- * RelationGetLRelId * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_10 \ elog(NOTICE, "RelationGetLRelId(%s) invalid lockInfo", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation)); #else #define LOCKDEBUG_10 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * RelationGetLRelId -- * Returns "lock" relation identifier for a relation. */ LRelId RelationGetLRelId(Relation relation) { LockInfo linfo; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; /* ---------------- * initialize lock info if necessary * ---------------- */ if (! LockInfoIsValid(linfo)) { LOCKDEBUG_10; RelationInitLockInfo(relation); linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; } /* ---------------- * XXX hack to prevent problems during * VARIABLE relation initialization * ---------------- */ if (strcmp(RelationGetRelationName(relation)->data, VariableRelationName) == 0) { return (VariableRelationLRelId); } return (linfo->lRelId); } /* * LRelIdGetDatabaseId -- * Returns database identifier for a "lock" relation identifier. */ /* ---------------- * LRelIdGetDatabaseId * * Note: The argument may not be correct, if it is not used soon * after it is created. * ---------------- */ Oid LRelIdGetDatabaseId(LRelId lRelId) { return (lRelId.dbId); } /* * LRelIdGetRelationId -- * Returns relation identifier for a "lock" relation identifier. */ Oid LRelIdGetRelationId(LRelId lRelId) { return (lRelId.relId); } /* * DatabaseIdIsMyDatabaseId -- * True iff database object identifier is valid in my present database. */ bool DatabaseIdIsMyDatabaseId(Oid databaseId) { return (bool) (!OidIsValid(databaseId) || databaseId == MyDatabaseId); } /* * LRelIdContainsMyDatabaseId -- * True iff "lock" relation identifier is valid in my present database. */ bool LRelIdContainsMyDatabaseId(LRelId lRelId) { return (bool) (!OidIsValid(lRelId.dbId) || lRelId.dbId == MyDatabaseId); } /* * RelationInitLockInfo -- * Initializes the lock information in a relation descriptor. */ /* ---------------- * RelationInitLockInfo * * XXX processingVariable is a hack to prevent problems during * VARIABLE relation initialization. * ---------------- */ void RelationInitLockInfo(Relation relation) { LockInfo info; char *relname; Oid relationid; bool processingVariable; extern Oid MyDatabaseId; /* XXX use include */ extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); Assert(OidIsValid(RelationGetRelationId(relation))); /* ---------------- * get information from relation descriptor * ---------------- */ info = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; relname = (char *) RelationGetRelationName(relation); relationid = RelationGetRelationId(relation); processingVariable = (strcmp(relname, VariableRelationName) == 0); /* ---------------- * create a new lockinfo if not already done * ---------------- */ if (! PointerIsValid(info)) { MemoryContext oldcxt; oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext)CacheCxt); info = (LockInfo)palloc(sizeof(LockInfoData)); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); } else if (processingVariable) { if (IsTransactionState()) { TransactionIdStore(GetCurrentTransactionId(), &info->transactionIdData); } info->flags = 0x0; return; /* prevent an infinite loop--still true? */ } else if (info->initialized) { /* ------------ * If we've already initialized we're done. * ------------ */ return; } /* ---------------- * initialize lockinfo.dbId and .relId appropriately * ---------------- */ if (IsSharedSystemRelationName(relname)) LRelIdAssign(&info->lRelId, InvalidOid, relationid); else LRelIdAssign(&info->lRelId, MyDatabaseId, relationid); /* ---------------- * store the transaction id in the lockInfo field * ---------------- */ if (processingVariable) TransactionIdStore(AmiTransactionId, &info->transactionIdData); else if (IsTransactionState()) TransactionIdStore(GetCurrentTransactionId(), &info->transactionIdData); else StoreInvalidTransactionId(&(info->transactionIdData)); /* ---------------- * initialize rest of lockinfo * ---------------- */ info->flags = 0x0; info->initialized = (bool)true; relation->lockInfo = (Pointer) info; } /* ---------------- * RelationDiscardLockInfo * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_20 \ elog(DEBUG, "DiscardLockInfo: NULL relation->lockInfo") #else #define LOCKDEBUG_20 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * RelationDiscardLockInfo -- * Discards the lock information in a relation descriptor. */ void RelationDiscardLockInfo(Relation relation) { if (! LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) { LOCKDEBUG_20; return; } pfree(relation->lockInfo); relation->lockInfo = NULL; } /* * RelationSetLockForDescriptorOpen -- * Sets read locks for a relation descriptor. */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUGALL #define LOCKDEBUGALL_30 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForDescriptorOpen(%s[%d,%d]) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId) #else #define LOCKDEBUGALL_30 #endif /* LOCKDEBUGALL*/ void RelationSetLockForDescriptorOpen(Relation relation) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; LOCKDEBUGALL_30; /* ---------------- * read lock catalog tuples which compose the relation descriptor * XXX race condition? XXX For now, do nothing. * ---------------- */ } /* ---------------- * RelationSetLockForRead * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_40 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForRead(%s[%d,%d]) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId) #else #define LOCKDEBUG_40 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG*/ /* * RelationSetLockForRead -- * Sets relation level read lock. */ void RelationSetLockForRead(Relation relation) { LockInfo linfo; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; LOCKDEBUG_40; /* ---------------- * If we don't have lock info on the reln just go ahead and * lock it without trying to short circuit the lock manager. * ---------------- */ if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) { RelationInitLockInfo(relation); linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; linfo->flags |= ReadRelationLock; MultiLockReln(linfo, READ_LOCK); return; } else linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; MultiLockReln(linfo, READ_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationUnsetLockForRead * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_50 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationUnsetLockForRead(%s[%d,%d]) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId) #else #define LOCKDEBUG_50 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG*/ /* * RelationUnsetLockForRead -- * Unsets relation level read lock. */ void RelationUnsetLockForRead(Relation relation) { LockInfo linfo; /* ---------------- * sanity check * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; /* ---------------- * If we don't have lock info on the reln just go ahead and * release it. * ---------------- */ if (!LockInfoIsValid(linfo)) { elog(WARN, "Releasing a lock on %s with invalid lock information", RelationGetRelationName(relation)); } MultiReleaseReln(linfo, READ_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationSetLockForWrite(relation) * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_60 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForWrite(%s[%d,%d]) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId) #else #define LOCKDEBUG_60 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG*/ /* * RelationSetLockForWrite -- * Sets relation level write lock. */ void RelationSetLockForWrite(Relation relation) { LockInfo linfo; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; LOCKDEBUG_60; /* ---------------- * If we don't have lock info on the reln just go ahead and * lock it without trying to short circuit the lock manager. * ---------------- */ if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) { RelationInitLockInfo(relation); linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; linfo->flags |= WriteRelationLock; MultiLockReln(linfo, WRITE_LOCK); return; } else linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; MultiLockReln(linfo, WRITE_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationUnsetLockForWrite * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_70 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationUnsetLockForWrite(%s[%d,%d]) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId); #else #define LOCKDEBUG_70 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * RelationUnsetLockForWrite -- * Unsets relation level write lock. */ void RelationUnsetLockForWrite(Relation relation) { LockInfo linfo; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) { return; } linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; if (!LockInfoIsValid(linfo)) { elog(WARN, "Releasing a lock on %s with invalid lock information", RelationGetRelationName(relation)); } MultiReleaseReln(linfo, WRITE_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationSetLockForTupleRead * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_80 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForTupleRead(%s[%d,%d], 0x%x) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId, \ itemPointer) #define LOCKDEBUG_81 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForTupleRead() escalating"); #else #define LOCKDEBUG_80 #define LOCKDEBUG_81 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * RelationSetLockForTupleRead -- * Sets tuple level read lock. */ void RelationSetLockForTupleRead(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { LockInfo linfo; TransactionId curXact; /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; LOCKDEBUG_80; /* --------------------- * If our lock info is invalid don't bother trying to short circuit * the lock manager. * --------------------- */ if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) { RelationInitLockInfo(relation); linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; linfo->flags |= IntentReadRelationLock | IntentReadPageLock | ReadTupleLock; MultiLockTuple(linfo, itemPointer, READ_LOCK); return; } else linfo = (LockInfo) relation->lockInfo; /* ---------------- * no need to set a lower granularity lock * ---------------- */ curXact = GetCurrentTransactionId(); if ((linfo->flags & ReadRelationLock) && TransactionIdEquals(curXact, linfo->transactionIdData)) { return; } /* ---------------- * If we don't already have a tuple lock this transaction * ---------------- */ if (!( (linfo->flags & ReadTupleLock) && TransactionIdEquals(curXact, linfo->transactionIdData) )) { linfo->flags |= IntentReadRelationLock | IntentReadPageLock | ReadTupleLock; /* clear count */ linfo->flags &= ~TupleLevelLockCountMask; } else { if (TupleLevelLockLimit == (TupleLevelLockCountMask & linfo->flags)) { LOCKDEBUG_81; /* escalate */ MultiLockReln(linfo, READ_LOCK); /* clear count */ linfo->flags &= ~TupleLevelLockCountMask; return; } /* increment count */ linfo->flags = (linfo->flags & ~TupleLevelLockCountMask) | (1 + (TupleLevelLockCountMask & linfo->flags)); } TransactionIdStore(curXact, &linfo->transactionIdData); /* ---------------- * Lock the tuple. * ---------------- */ MultiLockTuple(linfo, itemPointer, READ_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationSetLockForReadPage * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_90 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForReadPage(%s[%d,%d], @%d) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId, page); #else #define LOCKDEBUG_90 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG*/ /* ---------------- * RelationSetLockForWritePage * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_100 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationSetLockForWritePage(%s[%d,%d], @%d) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId, page); #else #define LOCKDEBUG_100 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * RelationSetLockForWritePage -- * Sets write lock on a page. */ void RelationSetLockForWritePage(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; /* --------------- * Make sure linfo is initialized * --------------- */ if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); /* ---------------- * attempt to set lock * ---------------- */ MultiLockPage((LockInfo) relation->lockInfo, itemPointer, WRITE_LOCK); } /* ---------------- * RelationUnsetLockForReadPage * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_110 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationUnsetLockForReadPage(%s[%d,%d], @%d) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId, page) #else #define LOCKDEBUG_110 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* ---------------- * RelationUnsetLockForWritePage * ---------------- */ #ifdef LOCKDEBUG #define LOCKDEBUG_120 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationUnsetLockForWritePage(%s[%d,%d], @%d) called", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), lRelId.dbId, lRelId.relId, page) #else #define LOCKDEBUG_120 #endif /* LOCKDEBUG */ /* * Set a single level write page lock. Assumes that you already * have a write intent lock on the relation. */ void RelationSetSingleWLockPage(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockPage((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, itemPointer, WRITE_LOCK, !UNLOCK); } /* * Unset a single level write page lock */ void RelationUnsetSingleWLockPage(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) elog(WARN, "Releasing a lock on %s with invalid lock information", RelationGetRelationName(relation)); SingleLockPage((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, itemPointer, WRITE_LOCK, UNLOCK); } /* * Set a single level read page lock. Assumes you already have a read * intent lock set on the relation. */ void RelationSetSingleRLockPage(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockPage((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, itemPointer, READ_LOCK, !UNLOCK); } /* * Unset a single level read page lock. */ void RelationUnsetSingleRLockPage(Relation relation, ItemPointer itemPointer) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) elog(WARN, "Releasing a lock on %s with invalid lock information", RelationGetRelationName(relation)); SingleLockPage((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, itemPointer, READ_LOCK, UNLOCK); } /* * Set a read intent lock on a relation. * * Usually these are set in a multi-level table when you acquiring a * page level lock. i.e. To acquire a lock on a page you first acquire * an intent lock on the entire relation. Acquiring an intent lock along * allows one to use the single level locking routines later. Good for * index scans that do a lot of page level locking. */ void RelationSetRIntentLock(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockReln((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, READ_LOCK+INTENT, !UNLOCK); } /* * Unset a read intent lock on a relation */ void RelationUnsetRIntentLock(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockReln((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, READ_LOCK+INTENT, UNLOCK); } /* * Set a write intent lock on a relation. For a more complete explanation * see RelationSetRIntentLock() */ void RelationSetWIntentLock(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockReln((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, WRITE_LOCK+INTENT, !UNLOCK); } /* * Unset a write intent lock. */ void RelationUnsetWIntentLock(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); SingleLockReln((LockInfo)relation->lockInfo, WRITE_LOCK+INTENT, UNLOCK); } /* * Extend locks are used primarily in tertiary storage devices such as * a WORM disk jukebox. Sometimes need exclusive access to extend a * file by a block. */ void RelationSetLockForExtend(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); MultiLockReln((LockInfo) relation->lockInfo, EXTEND_LOCK); } void RelationUnsetLockForExtend(Relation relation) { /* ----------------- * Sanity check * ----------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); if (LockingDisabled()) return; if (!LockInfoIsValid(relation->lockInfo)) RelationInitLockInfo(relation); MultiReleaseReln((LockInfo) relation->lockInfo, EXTEND_LOCK); } /* * Create an LRelid --- Why not just pass in a pointer to the storage? */ void LRelIdAssign(LRelId *lRelId, Oid dbId, Oid relId) { lRelId->dbId = dbId; lRelId->relId = relId; }