 * var.c
 *	  Var node manipulation routines
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2007, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/var.c,v 1.70 2007/06/11 01:16:23 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"

#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/prep.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"

typedef struct
	Relids		varnos;
	int			sublevels_up;
} pull_varnos_context;

typedef struct
	int			varno;
	int			varattno;
	int			sublevels_up;
} contain_var_reference_context;

typedef struct
	int			min_varlevel;
	int			sublevels_up;
} find_minimum_var_level_context;

typedef struct
	List	   *varlist;
	bool		includeUpperVars;
} pull_var_clause_context;

typedef struct
	PlannerInfo *root;
	int			sublevels_up;
} flatten_join_alias_vars_context;

static bool pull_varnos_walker(Node *node,
				   pull_varnos_context *context);
static bool contain_var_reference_walker(Node *node,
							 contain_var_reference_context *context);
static bool contain_var_clause_walker(Node *node, void *context);
static bool contain_vars_of_level_walker(Node *node, int *sublevels_up);
static bool contain_vars_above_level_walker(Node *node, int *sublevels_up);
static bool find_minimum_var_level_walker(Node *node,
							  find_minimum_var_level_context *context);
static bool pull_var_clause_walker(Node *node,
					   pull_var_clause_context *context);
static Node *flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator(Node *node,
								flatten_join_alias_vars_context *context);
static Relids alias_relid_set(PlannerInfo *root, Relids relids);

 * pull_varnos
 *		Create a set of all the distinct varnos present in a parsetree.
 *		Only varnos that reference level-zero rtable entries are considered.
 * NOTE: this is used on not-yet-planned expressions.  It may therefore find
 * bare SubLinks, and if so it needs to recurse into them to look for uplevel
 * references to the desired rtable level!	But when we find a completed
 * SubPlan, we only need to look at the parameters passed to the subplan.
pull_varnos(Node *node)
	pull_varnos_context context;

	context.varnos = NULL;
	context.sublevels_up = 0;

	 * Must be prepared to start with a Query or a bare expression tree; if
	 * it's a Query, we don't want to increment sublevels_up.
									(void *) &context,

	return context.varnos;

static bool
pull_varnos_walker(Node *node, pull_varnos_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;

		if (var->varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up)
			context->varnos = bms_add_member(context->varnos, var->varno);
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, CurrentOfExpr))
		CurrentOfExpr *cexpr = (CurrentOfExpr *) node;

		if (context->sublevels_up == 0)
			context->varnos = bms_add_member(context->varnos, cexpr->cvarno);
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into RTE subquery or not-yet-planned sublink subquery */
		bool		result;

		result = query_tree_walker((Query *) node, pull_varnos_walker,
								   (void *) context, 0);
		return result;
	return expression_tree_walker(node, pull_varnos_walker,
								  (void *) context);

 *		contain_var_reference
 *		Detect whether a parsetree contains any references to a specified
 *		attribute of a specified rtable entry.
 * NOTE: this is used on not-yet-planned expressions.  It may therefore find
 * bare SubLinks, and if so it needs to recurse into them to look for uplevel
 * references to the desired rtable entry!	But when we find a completed
 * SubPlan, we only need to look at the parameters passed to the subplan.
contain_var_reference(Node *node, int varno, int varattno, int levelsup)
	contain_var_reference_context context;

	context.varno = varno;
	context.varattno = varattno;
	context.sublevels_up = levelsup;

	 * Must be prepared to start with a Query or a bare expression tree; if
	 * it's a Query, we don't want to increment sublevels_up.
	return query_or_expression_tree_walker(node,
										   (void *) &context,

static bool
contain_var_reference_walker(Node *node,
							 contain_var_reference_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;

		if (var->varno == context->varno &&
			var->varattno == context->varattno &&
			var->varlevelsup == context->sublevels_up)
			return true;
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into RTE subquery or not-yet-planned sublink subquery */
		bool		result;

		result = query_tree_walker((Query *) node,
								   (void *) context, 0);
		return result;
	return expression_tree_walker(node, contain_var_reference_walker,
								  (void *) context);

 * contain_var_clause
 *	  Recursively scan a clause to discover whether it contains any Var nodes
 *	  (of the current query level).
 *	  Returns true if any varnode found.
 * Does not examine subqueries, therefore must only be used after reduction
 * of sublinks to subplans!
contain_var_clause(Node *node)
	return contain_var_clause_walker(node, NULL);

static bool
contain_var_clause_walker(Node *node, void *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		if (((Var *) node)->varlevelsup == 0)
			return true;		/* abort the tree traversal and return true */
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, CurrentOfExpr))
		return true;
	return expression_tree_walker(node, contain_var_clause_walker, context);

 * contain_vars_of_level
 *	  Recursively scan a clause to discover whether it contains any Var nodes
 *	  of the specified query level.
 *	  Returns true if any such Var found.
 * Will recurse into sublinks.	Also, may be invoked directly on a Query.
contain_vars_of_level(Node *node, int levelsup)
	int			sublevels_up = levelsup;

	return query_or_expression_tree_walker(node,
										   (void *) &sublevels_up,

static bool
contain_vars_of_level_walker(Node *node, int *sublevels_up)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		if (((Var *) node)->varlevelsup == *sublevels_up)
			return true;		/* abort tree traversal and return true */
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, CurrentOfExpr))
		if (*sublevels_up == 0)
			return true;
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into subselects */
		bool		result;

		result = query_tree_walker((Query *) node,
								   (void *) sublevels_up,
		return result;
	return expression_tree_walker(node,
								  (void *) sublevels_up);

 * contain_vars_above_level
 *	  Recursively scan a clause to discover whether it contains any Var nodes
 *	  above the specified query level.	(For example, pass zero to detect
 *	  all nonlocal Vars.)
 *	  Returns true if any such Var found.
 * Will recurse into sublinks.	Also, may be invoked directly on a Query.
contain_vars_above_level(Node *node, int levelsup)
	int			sublevels_up = levelsup;

	return query_or_expression_tree_walker(node,
										   (void *) &sublevels_up,

static bool
contain_vars_above_level_walker(Node *node, int *sublevels_up)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		if (((Var *) node)->varlevelsup > *sublevels_up)
			return true;		/* abort tree traversal and return true */
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into subselects */
		bool		result;

		result = query_tree_walker((Query *) node,
								   (void *) sublevels_up,
		return result;
	return expression_tree_walker(node,
								  (void *) sublevels_up);

 * find_minimum_var_level
 *	  Recursively scan a clause to find the lowest variable level it
 *	  contains --- for example, zero is returned if there are any local
 *	  variables, one if there are no local variables but there are
 *	  one-level-up outer references, etc.  Subqueries are scanned to see
 *	  if they possess relevant outer references.  (But any local variables
 *	  within subqueries are not relevant.)
 *	  -1 is returned if the clause has no variables at all.
 * Will recurse into sublinks.	Also, may be invoked directly on a Query.
find_minimum_var_level(Node *node)
	find_minimum_var_level_context context;

	context.min_varlevel = -1;	/* signifies nothing found yet */
	context.sublevels_up = 0;

	(void) query_or_expression_tree_walker(node,
										   (void *) &context,

	return context.min_varlevel;

static bool
find_minimum_var_level_walker(Node *node,
							  find_minimum_var_level_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		int			varlevelsup = ((Var *) node)->varlevelsup;

		/* convert levelsup to frame of reference of original query */
		varlevelsup -= context->sublevels_up;
		/* ignore local vars of subqueries */
		if (varlevelsup >= 0)
			if (context->min_varlevel < 0 ||
				context->min_varlevel > varlevelsup)
				context->min_varlevel = varlevelsup;

				 * As soon as we find a local variable, we can abort the tree
				 * traversal, since min_varlevel is then certainly 0.
				if (varlevelsup == 0)
					return true;
	if (IsA(node, CurrentOfExpr))
		int			varlevelsup = 0;

		/* convert levelsup to frame of reference of original query */
		varlevelsup -= context->sublevels_up;
		/* ignore local vars of subqueries */
		if (varlevelsup >= 0)
			if (context->min_varlevel < 0 ||
				context->min_varlevel > varlevelsup)
				context->min_varlevel = varlevelsup;

				 * As soon as we find a local variable, we can abort the tree
				 * traversal, since min_varlevel is then certainly 0.
				if (varlevelsup == 0)
					return true;

	 * An Aggref must be treated like a Var of its level.  Normally we'd get
	 * the same result from looking at the Vars in the aggregate's argument,
	 * but this fails in the case of a Var-less aggregate call (COUNT(*)).
	if (IsA(node, Aggref))
		int			agglevelsup = ((Aggref *) node)->agglevelsup;

		/* convert levelsup to frame of reference of original query */
		agglevelsup -= context->sublevels_up;
		/* ignore local aggs of subqueries */
		if (agglevelsup >= 0)
			if (context->min_varlevel < 0 ||
				context->min_varlevel > agglevelsup)
				context->min_varlevel = agglevelsup;

				 * As soon as we find a local aggregate, we can abort the tree
				 * traversal, since min_varlevel is then certainly 0.
				if (agglevelsup == 0)
					return true;
	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into subselects */
		bool		result;

		result = query_tree_walker((Query *) node,
								   (void *) context,
		return result;
	return expression_tree_walker(node,
								  (void *) context);

 * pull_var_clause
 *	  Recursively pulls all var nodes from an expression clause.
 *	  Upper-level vars (with varlevelsup > 0) are included only
 *	  if includeUpperVars is true.	Most callers probably want
 *	  to ignore upper-level vars.
 *	  Returns list of varnodes found.  Note the varnodes themselves are not
 *	  copied, only referenced.
 * Does not examine subqueries, therefore must only be used after reduction
 * of sublinks to subplans!
List *
pull_var_clause(Node *node, bool includeUpperVars)
	pull_var_clause_context context;

	context.varlist = NIL;
	context.includeUpperVars = includeUpperVars;

	pull_var_clause_walker(node, &context);
	return context.varlist;

static bool
pull_var_clause_walker(Node *node, pull_var_clause_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return false;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		if (((Var *) node)->varlevelsup == 0 || context->includeUpperVars)
			context->varlist = lappend(context->varlist, node);
		return false;
	return expression_tree_walker(node, pull_var_clause_walker,
								  (void *) context);

 * flatten_join_alias_vars
 *	  Replace Vars that reference JOIN outputs with references to the original
 *	  relation variables instead.  This allows quals involving such vars to be
 *	  pushed down.	Whole-row Vars that reference JOIN relations are expanded
 *	  into RowExpr constructs that name the individual output Vars.  This
 *	  is necessary since we will not scan the JOIN as a base relation, which
 *	  is the only way that the executor can directly handle whole-row Vars.
 * NOTE: this is used on not-yet-planned expressions.  We do not expect it
 * to be applied directly to a Query node.
Node *
flatten_join_alias_vars(PlannerInfo *root, Node *node)
	flatten_join_alias_vars_context context;

	context.root = root;
	context.sublevels_up = 0;

	return flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator(node, &context);

static Node *
flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator(Node *node,
								flatten_join_alias_vars_context *context)
	if (node == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (IsA(node, Var))
		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;
		RangeTblEntry *rte;
		Node	   *newvar;

		/* No change unless Var belongs to a JOIN of the target level */
		if (var->varlevelsup != context->sublevels_up)
			return node;		/* no need to copy, really */
		rte = rt_fetch(var->varno, context->root->parse->rtable);
		if (rte->rtekind != RTE_JOIN)
			return node;
		if (var->varattno == InvalidAttrNumber)
			/* Must expand whole-row reference */
			RowExpr    *rowexpr;
			List	   *fields = NIL;
			AttrNumber	attnum;
			ListCell   *l;

			attnum = 0;
			foreach(l, rte->joinaliasvars)
				newvar = (Node *) lfirst(l);
				/* Ignore dropped columns */
				if (IsA(newvar, Const))

				 * If we are expanding an alias carried down from an upper
				 * query, must adjust its varlevelsup fields.
				if (context->sublevels_up != 0)
					newvar = copyObject(newvar);
					IncrementVarSublevelsUp(newvar, context->sublevels_up, 0);
				/* Recurse in case join input is itself a join */
				newvar = flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator(newvar, context);
				fields = lappend(fields, newvar);
			rowexpr = makeNode(RowExpr);
			rowexpr->args = fields;
			rowexpr->row_typeid = var->vartype;
			rowexpr->row_format = COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST;

			return (Node *) rowexpr;

		/* Expand join alias reference */
		Assert(var->varattno > 0);
		newvar = (Node *) list_nth(rte->joinaliasvars, var->varattno - 1);

		 * If we are expanding an alias carried down from an upper query, must
		 * adjust its varlevelsup fields.
		if (context->sublevels_up != 0)
			newvar = copyObject(newvar);
			IncrementVarSublevelsUp(newvar, context->sublevels_up, 0);
		/* Recurse in case join input is itself a join */
		return flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator(newvar, context);
	if (IsA(node, InClauseInfo))
		/* Copy the InClauseInfo node with correct mutation of subnodes */
		InClauseInfo *ininfo;

		ininfo = (InClauseInfo *) expression_tree_mutator(node,
														  (void *) context);
		/* now fix InClauseInfo's relid sets */
		if (context->sublevels_up == 0)
			ininfo->lefthand = alias_relid_set(context->root,
			ininfo->righthand = alias_relid_set(context->root,
		return (Node *) ininfo;

	if (IsA(node, Query))
		/* Recurse into RTE subquery or not-yet-planned sublink subquery */
		Query	   *newnode;

		newnode = query_tree_mutator((Query *) node,
									 (void *) context,
		return (Node *) newnode;
	/* Already-planned tree not supported */

	return expression_tree_mutator(node, flatten_join_alias_vars_mutator,
								   (void *) context);

 * alias_relid_set: in a set of RT indexes, replace joins by their
 * underlying base relids
static Relids
alias_relid_set(PlannerInfo *root, Relids relids)
	Relids		result = NULL;
	Relids		tmprelids;
	int			rtindex;

	tmprelids = bms_copy(relids);
	while ((rtindex = bms_first_member(tmprelids)) >= 0)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(rtindex, root->parse->rtable);

		if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
			result = bms_join(result, get_relids_for_join(root, rtindex));
			result = bms_add_member(result, rtindex);
	return result;