/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * tuplesort.c * Generalized tuple sorting routines. * * This module handles sorting of heap tuples, index tuples, or single * Datums (and could easily support other kinds of sortable objects, * if necessary). It works efficiently for both small and large amounts * of data. Small amounts are sorted in-memory using qsort(). Large * amounts are sorted using temporary files and a standard external sort * algorithm. * * See Knuth, volume 3, for more than you want to know about the external * sorting algorithm. We divide the input into sorted runs using replacement * selection, in the form of a priority tree implemented as a heap * (essentially his Algorithm 5.2.3H), then merge the runs using polyphase * merge, Knuth's Algorithm 5.4.2D. The logical "tapes" used by Algorithm D * are implemented by logtape.c, which avoids space wastage by recycling * disk space as soon as each block is read from its "tape". * * We do not form the initial runs using Knuth's recommended replacement * selection data structure (Algorithm 5.4.1R), because it uses a fixed * number of records in memory at all times. Since we are dealing with * tuples that may vary considerably in size, we want to be able to vary * the number of records kept in memory to ensure full utilization of the * allowed sort memory space. So, we keep the tuples in a variable-size * heap, with the next record to go out at the top of the heap. Like * Algorithm 5.4.1R, each record is stored with the run number that it * must go into, and we use (run number, key) as the ordering key for the * heap. When the run number at the top of the heap changes, we know that * no more records of the prior run are left in the heap. * * The (approximate) amount of memory allowed for any one sort operation * is given in kilobytes by the external variable SortMem. Initially, * we absorb tuples and simply store them in an unsorted array as long as * we haven't exceeded SortMem. If we reach the end of the input without * exceeding SortMem, we sort the array using qsort() and subsequently return * tuples just by scanning the tuple array sequentially. If we do exceed * SortMem, we construct a heap using Algorithm H and begin to emit tuples * into sorted runs in temporary tapes, emitting just enough tuples at each * step to get back within the SortMem limit. Whenever the run number at * the top of the heap changes, we begin a new run with a new output tape * (selected per Algorithm D). After the end of the input is reached, * we dump out remaining tuples in memory into a final run (or two), * then merge the runs using Algorithm D. * * When merging runs, we use a heap containing just the frontmost tuple from * each source run; we repeatedly output the smallest tuple and insert the * next tuple from its source tape (if any). When the heap empties, the merge * is complete. The basic merge algorithm thus needs very little memory --- * only M tuples for an M-way merge, and M is at most six in the present code. * However, we can still make good use of our full SortMem allocation by * pre-reading additional tuples from each source tape. Without prereading, * our access pattern to the temporary file would be very erratic; on average * we'd read one block from each of M source tapes during the same time that * we're writing M blocks to the output tape, so there is no sequentiality of * access at all, defeating the read-ahead methods used by most Unix kernels. * Worse, the output tape gets written into a very random sequence of blocks * of the temp file, ensuring that things will be even worse when it comes * time to read that tape. A straightforward merge pass thus ends up doing a * lot of waiting for disk seeks. We can improve matters by prereading from * each source tape sequentially, loading about SortMem/M bytes from each tape * in turn. Then we run the merge algorithm, writing but not reading until * one of the preloaded tuple series runs out. Then we switch back to preread * mode, fill memory again, and repeat. This approach helps to localize both * read and write accesses. * * When the caller requests random access to the sort result, we form * the final sorted run on a logical tape which is then "frozen", so * that we can access it randomly. When the caller does not need random * access, we return from tuplesort_performsort() as soon as we are down * to one run per logical tape. The final merge is then performed * on-the-fly as the caller repeatedly calls tuplesort_gettuple; this * saves one cycle of writing all the data out to disk and reading it in. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c,v 1.17 2001/06/02 19:01:52 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/nbtree.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "catalog/pg_amop.h" #include "catalog/pg_amproc.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/logtape.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/tuplesort.h" /* * Possible states of a Tuplesort object. These denote the states that * persist between calls of Tuplesort routines. */ typedef enum { TSS_INITIAL, /* Loading tuples; still within memory * limit */ TSS_BUILDRUNS, /* Loading tuples; writing to tape */ TSS_SORTEDINMEM, /* Sort completed entirely in memory */ TSS_SORTEDONTAPE, /* Sort completed, final run is on tape */ TSS_FINALMERGE /* Performing final merge on-the-fly */ } TupSortStatus; /* * We use a seven-tape polyphase merge, which is the "sweet spot" on the * tapes-to-passes curve according to Knuth's figure 70 (section 5.4.2). */ #define MAXTAPES 7 /* Knuth's T */ #define TAPERANGE (MAXTAPES-1) /* Knuth's P */ /* * Private state of a Tuplesort operation. */ struct Tuplesortstate { TupSortStatus status; /* enumerated value as shown above */ bool randomAccess; /* did caller request random access? */ long availMem; /* remaining memory available, in bytes */ LogicalTapeSet *tapeset; /* logtape.c object for tapes in a temp * file */ /* * These function pointers decouple the routines that must know what * kind of tuple we are sorting from the routines that don't need to * know it. They are set up by the tuplesort_begin_xxx routines. * * Function to compare two tuples; result is per qsort() convention, * ie: * * <0, 0, >0 according as a<b, a=b, a>b. */ int (*comparetup) (Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b); /* * Function to copy a supplied input tuple into palloc'd space. (NB: * we assume that a single pfree() is enough to release the tuple * later, so the representation must be "flat" in one palloc chunk.) * state->availMem must be decreased by the amount of space used. */ void *(*copytup) (Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); /* * Function to write a stored tuple onto tape. The representation of * the tuple on tape need not be the same as it is in memory; * requirements on the tape representation are given below. After * writing the tuple, pfree() it, and increase state->availMem by the * amount of memory space thereby released. */ void (*writetup) (Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup); /* * Function to read a stored tuple from tape back into memory. 'len' * is the already-read length of the stored tuple. Create and return * a palloc'd copy, and decrease state->availMem by the amount of * memory space consumed. */ void *(*readtup) (Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len); /* * Obtain memory space occupied by a stored tuple. (This routine is * only needed in the FINALMERGE case, since copytup, writetup, and * readtup are expected to adjust availMem appropriately.) */ unsigned int (*tuplesize) (Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); /* * This array holds pointers to tuples in sort memory. If we are in * state INITIAL, the tuples are in no particular order; if we are in * state SORTEDINMEM, the tuples are in final sorted order; in states * BUILDRUNS and FINALMERGE, the tuples are organized in "heap" order * per Algorithm H. (Note that memtupcount only counts the tuples * that are part of the heap --- during merge passes, memtuples[] * entries beyond TAPERANGE are never in the heap and are used to hold * pre-read tuples.) In state SORTEDONTAPE, the array is not used. */ void **memtuples; /* array of pointers to palloc'd tuples */ int memtupcount; /* number of tuples currently present */ int memtupsize; /* allocated length of memtuples array */ /* * While building initial runs, this array holds the run number for * each tuple in memtuples[]. During merge passes, we re-use it to * hold the input tape number that each tuple in the heap was read * from, or to hold the index of the next tuple pre-read from the same * tape in the case of pre-read entries. This array is never * allocated unless we need to use tapes. Whenever it is allocated, * it has the same length as memtuples[]. */ int *memtupindex; /* index value associated with * memtuples[i] */ /* * While building initial runs, this is the current output run number * (starting at 0). Afterwards, it is the number of initial runs we * made. */ int currentRun; /* * These variables are only used during merge passes. mergeactive[i] * is true if we are reading an input run from (actual) tape number i * and have not yet exhausted that run. mergenext[i] is the memtuples * index of the next pre-read tuple (next to be loaded into the heap) * for tape i, or 0 if we are out of pre-read tuples. mergelast[i] * similarly points to the last pre-read tuple from each tape. * mergeavailmem[i] is the amount of unused space allocated for tape * i. mergefreelist and mergefirstfree keep track of unused locations * in the memtuples[] array. memtupindex[] links together pre-read * tuples for each tape as well as recycled locations in * mergefreelist. It is OK to use 0 as a null link in these lists, * because memtuples[0] is part of the merge heap and is never a * pre-read tuple. */ bool mergeactive[MAXTAPES]; /* Active input run source? */ int mergenext[MAXTAPES]; /* first preread tuple for each * source */ int mergelast[MAXTAPES]; /* last preread tuple for each * source */ long mergeavailmem[MAXTAPES]; /* availMem for prereading * tapes */ long spacePerTape; /* actual per-tape target usage */ int mergefreelist; /* head of freelist of recycled slots */ int mergefirstfree; /* first slot never used in this merge */ /* * Variables for Algorithm D. Note that destTape is a "logical" tape * number, ie, an index into the tp_xxx[] arrays. Be careful to keep * "logical" and "actual" tape numbers straight! */ int Level; /* Knuth's l */ int destTape; /* current output tape (Knuth's j, less 1) */ int tp_fib[MAXTAPES]; /* Target Fibonacci run counts * (A[]) */ int tp_runs[MAXTAPES]; /* # of real runs on each tape */ int tp_dummy[MAXTAPES]; /* # of dummy runs for each tape * (D[]) */ int tp_tapenum[MAXTAPES]; /* Actual tape numbers (TAPE[]) */ /* * These variables are used after completion of sorting to keep track * of the next tuple to return. (In the tape case, the tape's current * read position is also critical state.) */ int result_tape; /* actual tape number of finished output */ int current; /* array index (only used if SORTEDINMEM) */ bool eof_reached; /* reached EOF (needed for cursors) */ /* markpos_xxx holds marked position for mark and restore */ long markpos_block; /* tape block# (only used if SORTEDONTAPE) */ int markpos_offset; /* saved "current", or offset in tape * block */ bool markpos_eof; /* saved "eof_reached" */ /* * These variables are specific to the HeapTuple case; they are set by * tuplesort_begin_heap and used only by the HeapTuple routines. */ TupleDesc tupDesc; int nKeys; ScanKey scanKeys; SortFunctionKind *sortFnKinds; /* * These variables are specific to the IndexTuple case; they are set * by tuplesort_begin_index and used only by the IndexTuple routines. */ Relation indexRel; ScanKey indexScanKey; bool enforceUnique; /* complain if we find duplicate tuples */ /* * These variables are specific to the Datum case; they are set by * tuplesort_begin_datum and used only by the DatumTuple routines. */ Oid datumType; Oid sortOperator; FmgrInfo sortOpFn; /* cached lookup data for sortOperator */ SortFunctionKind sortFnKind; /* we need typelen and byval in order to know how to copy the Datums. */ int datumTypeLen; bool datumTypeByVal; }; #define COMPARETUP(state,a,b) ((*(state)->comparetup) (state, a, b)) #define COPYTUP(state,tup) ((*(state)->copytup) (state, tup)) #define WRITETUP(state,tape,tup) ((*(state)->writetup) (state, tape, tup)) #define READTUP(state,tape,len) ((*(state)->readtup) (state, tape, len)) #define TUPLESIZE(state,tup) ((*(state)->tuplesize) (state, tup)) #define LACKMEM(state) ((state)->availMem < 0) #define USEMEM(state,amt) ((state)->availMem -= (amt)) #define FREEMEM(state,amt) ((state)->availMem += (amt)) /*-------------------- * * NOTES about on-tape representation of tuples: * * We require the first "unsigned int" of a stored tuple to be the total size * on-tape of the tuple, including itself (so it is never zero; an all-zero * unsigned int is used to delimit runs). The remainder of the stored tuple * may or may not match the in-memory representation of the tuple --- * any conversion needed is the job of the writetup and readtup routines. * * If state->randomAccess is true, then the stored representation of the * tuple must be followed by another "unsigned int" that is a copy of the * length --- so the total tape space used is actually sizeof(unsigned int) * more than the stored length value. This allows read-backwards. When * randomAccess is not true, the write/read routines may omit the extra * length word. * * writetup is expected to write both length words as well as the tuple * data. When readtup is called, the tape is positioned just after the * front length word; readtup must read the tuple data and advance past * the back length word (if present). * * The write/read routines can make use of the tuple description data * stored in the Tuplesortstate record, if needed. They are also expected * to adjust state->availMem by the amount of memory space (not tape space!) * released or consumed. There is no error return from either writetup * or readtup; they should elog() on failure. * * * NOTES about memory consumption calculations: * * We count space requested for tuples against the SortMem limit. * Fixed-size space (primarily the LogicalTapeSet I/O buffers) is not * counted, nor do we count the variable-size memtuples and memtupindex * arrays. (Even though those could grow pretty large, they should be * small compared to the tuples proper, so this is not unreasonable.) * * The major deficiency in this approach is that it ignores palloc overhead. * The memory space actually allocated for a palloc chunk is always more * than the request size, and could be considerably more (as much as 2X * larger, in the current aset.c implementation). So the space used could * be considerably more than SortMem says. * * One way to fix this is to add a memory management function that, given * a pointer to a palloc'd chunk, returns the actual space consumed by the * chunk. This would be very easy in the current aset.c module, but I'm * hesitant to do it because it might be unpleasant to support in future * implementations of memory management. (For example, a direct * implementation of palloc as malloc could not support such a function * portably.) * * A cruder answer is just to apply a fudge factor, say by initializing * availMem to only three-quarters of what SortMem indicates. This is * probably the right answer if anyone complains that SortMem is not being * obeyed very faithfully. * *-------------------- */ /* * For sorting single Datums, we build "pseudo tuples" that just carry * the datum's value and null flag. For pass-by-reference data types, * the actual data value appears after the DatumTupleHeader (MAXALIGNed, * of course), and the value field in the header is just a pointer to it. */ typedef struct { Datum val; bool isNull; } DatumTuple; static Tuplesortstate *tuplesort_begin_common(bool randomAccess); static void puttuple_common(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tuple); static void inittapes(Tuplesortstate *state); static void selectnewtape(Tuplesortstate *state); static void mergeruns(Tuplesortstate *state); static void mergeonerun(Tuplesortstate *state); static void beginmerge(Tuplesortstate *state); static void mergepreread(Tuplesortstate *state); static void dumptuples(Tuplesortstate *state, bool alltuples); static void tuplesort_heap_insert(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tuple, int tupleindex, bool checkIndex); static void tuplesort_heap_siftup(Tuplesortstate *state, bool checkIndex); static unsigned int getlen(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, bool eofOK); static void markrunend(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum); static int qsort_comparetup(const void *a, const void *b); static int comparetup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b); static void *copytup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); static void writetup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup); static void *readtup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len); static unsigned int tuplesize_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); static int comparetup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b); static void *copytup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); static void writetup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup); static void *readtup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len); static unsigned int tuplesize_index(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); static int comparetup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b); static void *copytup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); static void writetup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup); static void *readtup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len); static unsigned int tuplesize_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup); /* * Since qsort(3) will not pass any context info to qsort_comparetup(), * we have to use this ugly static variable. It is set to point to the * active Tuplesortstate object just before calling qsort. It should * not be used directly by anything except qsort_comparetup(). */ static Tuplesortstate *qsort_tuplesortstate; /* * tuplesort_begin_xxx * * Initialize for a tuple sort operation. * * After calling tuplesort_begin, the caller should call tuplesort_puttuple * zero or more times, then call tuplesort_performsort when all the tuples * have been supplied. After performsort, retrieve the tuples in sorted * order by calling tuplesort_gettuple until it returns NULL. (If random * access was requested, rescan, markpos, and restorepos can also be called.) * For Datum sorts, putdatum/getdatum are used instead of puttuple/gettuple. * Call tuplesort_end to terminate the operation and release memory/disk space. */ static Tuplesortstate * tuplesort_begin_common(bool randomAccess) { Tuplesortstate *state; state = (Tuplesortstate *) palloc(sizeof(Tuplesortstate)); MemSet((char *) state, 0, sizeof(Tuplesortstate)); state->status = TSS_INITIAL; state->randomAccess = randomAccess; state->availMem = SortMem * 1024L; state->tapeset = NULL; state->memtupcount = 0; state->memtupsize = 1024; /* initial guess */ state->memtuples = (void **) palloc(state->memtupsize * sizeof(void *)); state->memtupindex = NULL; /* until and unless needed */ state->currentRun = 0; /* Algorithm D variables will be initialized by inittapes, if needed */ state->result_tape = -1; /* flag that result tape has not been * formed */ return state; } Tuplesortstate * tuplesort_begin_heap(TupleDesc tupDesc, int nkeys, Oid *sortOperators, AttrNumber *attNums, bool randomAccess) { Tuplesortstate *state = tuplesort_begin_common(randomAccess); int i; AssertArg(nkeys > 0); state->comparetup = comparetup_heap; state->copytup = copytup_heap; state->writetup = writetup_heap; state->readtup = readtup_heap; state->tuplesize = tuplesize_heap; state->tupDesc = tupDesc; state->nKeys = nkeys; state->scanKeys = (ScanKey) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); MemSet(state->scanKeys, 0, nkeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); state->sortFnKinds = (SortFunctionKind *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(SortFunctionKind)); MemSet(state->sortFnKinds, 0, nkeys * sizeof(SortFunctionKind)); for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { RegProcedure sortFunction; AssertArg(sortOperators[i] != 0); AssertArg(attNums[i] != 0); /* select a function that implements the sort operator */ SelectSortFunction(sortOperators[i], &sortFunction, &state->sortFnKinds[i]); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&state->scanKeys[i], 0x0, attNums[i], sortFunction, (Datum) 0); } return state; } Tuplesortstate * tuplesort_begin_index(Relation indexRel, bool enforceUnique, bool randomAccess) { Tuplesortstate *state = tuplesort_begin_common(randomAccess); state->comparetup = comparetup_index; state->copytup = copytup_index; state->writetup = writetup_index; state->readtup = readtup_index; state->tuplesize = tuplesize_index; state->indexRel = indexRel; /* see comments below about btree dependence of this code... */ state->indexScanKey = _bt_mkscankey_nodata(indexRel); state->enforceUnique = enforceUnique; return state; } Tuplesortstate * tuplesort_begin_datum(Oid datumType, Oid sortOperator, bool randomAccess) { Tuplesortstate *state = tuplesort_begin_common(randomAccess); RegProcedure sortFunction; int16 typlen; bool typbyval; state->comparetup = comparetup_datum; state->copytup = copytup_datum; state->writetup = writetup_datum; state->readtup = readtup_datum; state->tuplesize = tuplesize_datum; state->datumType = datumType; state->sortOperator = sortOperator; /* select a function that implements the sort operator */ SelectSortFunction(sortOperator, &sortFunction, &state->sortFnKind); /* and look up the function */ fmgr_info(sortFunction, &state->sortOpFn); /* lookup necessary attributes of the datum type */ get_typlenbyval(datumType, &typlen, &typbyval); state->datumTypeLen = typlen; state->datumTypeByVal = typbyval; return state; } /* * tuplesort_end * * Release resources and clean up. */ void tuplesort_end(Tuplesortstate *state) { int i; if (state->tapeset) LogicalTapeSetClose(state->tapeset); if (state->memtuples) { for (i = 0; i < state->memtupcount; i++) pfree(state->memtuples[i]); pfree(state->memtuples); } if (state->memtupindex) pfree(state->memtupindex); /* this stuff might better belong in a variant-specific shutdown routine */ if (state->scanKeys) pfree(state->scanKeys); if (state->sortFnKinds) pfree(state->sortFnKinds); pfree(state); } /* * Accept one tuple while collecting input data for sort. * * Note that the input tuple is always copied; the caller need not save it. */ void tuplesort_puttuple(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tuple) { /* * Copy the given tuple into memory we control, and decrease availMem. * Then call the code shared with the Datum case. */ tuple = COPYTUP(state, tuple); puttuple_common(state, tuple); } /* * Accept one Datum while collecting input data for sort. * * If the Datum is pass-by-ref type, the value will be copied. */ void tuplesort_putdatum(Tuplesortstate *state, Datum val, bool isNull) { DatumTuple *tuple; /* * Build pseudo-tuple carrying the datum, and decrease availMem. */ if (isNull || state->datumTypeByVal) { USEMEM(state, sizeof(DatumTuple)); tuple = (DatumTuple *) palloc(sizeof(DatumTuple)); tuple->val = val; tuple->isNull = isNull; } else { int datalen = state->datumTypeLen; int tuplelen; char *newVal; if (datalen == -1) /* variable length type? */ datalen = VARSIZE((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(val)); tuplelen = datalen + MAXALIGN(sizeof(DatumTuple)); USEMEM(state, tuplelen); newVal = (char *) palloc(tuplelen); tuple = (DatumTuple *) newVal; newVal += MAXALIGN(sizeof(DatumTuple)); memcpy(newVal, DatumGetPointer(val), datalen); tuple->val = PointerGetDatum(newVal); tuple->isNull = false; } puttuple_common(state, (void *) tuple); } /* * Shared code for tuple and datum cases. */ static void puttuple_common(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tuple) { switch (state->status) { case TSS_INITIAL: /* * Save the copied tuple into the unsorted array. */ if (state->memtupcount >= state->memtupsize) { /* Grow the unsorted array as needed. */ state->memtupsize *= 2; state->memtuples = (void **) repalloc(state->memtuples, state->memtupsize * sizeof(void *)); } state->memtuples[state->memtupcount++] = tuple; /* * Done if we still fit in available memory. */ if (!LACKMEM(state)) return; /* * Nope; time to switch to tape-based operation. */ inittapes(state); /* * Dump tuples until we are back under the limit. */ dumptuples(state, false); break; case TSS_BUILDRUNS: /* * Insert the copied tuple into the heap, with run number * currentRun if it can go into the current run, else run * number currentRun+1. The tuple can go into the current run * if it is >= the first not-yet-output tuple. (Actually, it * could go into the current run if it is >= the most recently * output tuple ... but that would require keeping around the * tuple we last output, and it's simplest to let writetup * free each tuple as soon as it's written.) * * Note there will always be at least one tuple in the heap at * this point; see dumptuples. */ Assert(state->memtupcount > 0); if (COMPARETUP(state, tuple, state->memtuples[0]) >= 0) tuplesort_heap_insert(state, tuple, state->currentRun, true); else tuplesort_heap_insert(state, tuple, state->currentRun + 1, true); /* * If we are over the memory limit, dump tuples till we're * under. */ dumptuples(state, false); break; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_puttuple: invalid state"); break; } } /* * All tuples have been provided; finish the sort. */ void tuplesort_performsort(Tuplesortstate *state) { switch (state->status) { case TSS_INITIAL: /* * We were able to accumulate all the tuples within the * allowed amount of memory. Just qsort 'em and we're done. */ if (state->memtupcount > 1) { qsort_tuplesortstate = state; qsort((void *) state->memtuples, state->memtupcount, sizeof(void *), qsort_comparetup); } state->current = 0; state->eof_reached = false; state->markpos_offset = 0; state->markpos_eof = false; state->status = TSS_SORTEDINMEM; break; case TSS_BUILDRUNS: /* * Finish tape-based sort. First, flush all tuples remaining * in memory out to tape; then merge until we have a single * remaining run (or, if !randomAccess, one run per tape). * Note that mergeruns sets the correct state->status. */ dumptuples(state, true); mergeruns(state); state->eof_reached = false; state->markpos_block = 0L; state->markpos_offset = 0; state->markpos_eof = false; break; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_performsort: invalid state"); break; } } /* * Fetch the next tuple in either forward or back direction. * Returns NULL if no more tuples. If should_free is set, the * caller must pfree the returned tuple when done with it. */ void * tuplesort_gettuple(Tuplesortstate *state, bool forward, bool *should_free) { unsigned int tuplen; void *tup; switch (state->status) { case TSS_SORTEDINMEM: Assert(forward || state->randomAccess); *should_free = false; if (forward) { if (state->current < state->memtupcount) return state->memtuples[state->current++]; state->eof_reached = true; return NULL; } else { if (state->current <= 0) return NULL; /* * if all tuples are fetched already then we return last * tuple, else - tuple before last returned. */ if (state->eof_reached) state->eof_reached = false; else { state->current--; /* last returned tuple */ if (state->current <= 0) return NULL; } return state->memtuples[state->current - 1]; } break; case TSS_SORTEDONTAPE: Assert(forward || state->randomAccess); *should_free = true; if (forward) { if (state->eof_reached) return NULL; if ((tuplen = getlen(state, state->result_tape, true)) != 0) { tup = READTUP(state, state->result_tape, tuplen); return tup; } else { state->eof_reached = true; return NULL; } } /* * Backward. * * if all tuples are fetched already then we return last tuple, * else - tuple before last returned. */ if (state->eof_reached) { /* * Seek position is pointing just past the zero tuplen at * the end of file; back up to fetch last tuple's ending * length word. If seek fails we must have a completely * empty file. */ if (!LogicalTapeBackspace(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, 2 * sizeof(unsigned int))) return NULL; state->eof_reached = false; } else { /* * Back up and fetch previously-returned tuple's ending * length word. If seek fails, assume we are at start of * file. */ if (!LogicalTapeBackspace(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, sizeof(unsigned int))) return NULL; tuplen = getlen(state, state->result_tape, false); /* * Back up to get ending length word of tuple before it. */ if (!LogicalTapeBackspace(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, tuplen + 2 * sizeof(unsigned int))) { /* * If that fails, presumably the prev tuple is the * first in the file. Back up so that it becomes next * to read in forward direction (not obviously right, * but that is what in-memory case does). */ if (!LogicalTapeBackspace(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, tuplen + sizeof(unsigned int))) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_gettuple: bogus tuple len in backward scan"); return NULL; } } tuplen = getlen(state, state->result_tape, false); /* * Now we have the length of the prior tuple, back up and read * it. Note: READTUP expects we are positioned after the * initial length word of the tuple, so back up to that point. */ if (!LogicalTapeBackspace(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, tuplen)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_gettuple: bogus tuple len in backward scan"); tup = READTUP(state, state->result_tape, tuplen); return tup; case TSS_FINALMERGE: Assert(forward); *should_free = true; /* * This code should match the inner loop of mergeonerun(). */ if (state->memtupcount > 0) { int srcTape = state->memtupindex[0]; unsigned int tuplen; int tupIndex; void *newtup; tup = state->memtuples[0]; /* returned tuple is no longer counted in our memory space */ tuplen = TUPLESIZE(state, tup); state->availMem += tuplen; state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] += tuplen; tuplesort_heap_siftup(state, false); if ((tupIndex = state->mergenext[srcTape]) == 0) { /* * out of preloaded data on this tape, try to read * more */ mergepreread(state); /* * if still no data, we've reached end of run on this * tape */ if ((tupIndex = state->mergenext[srcTape]) == 0) return tup; } /* pull next preread tuple from list, insert in heap */ newtup = state->memtuples[tupIndex]; state->mergenext[srcTape] = state->memtupindex[tupIndex]; if (state->mergenext[srcTape] == 0) state->mergelast[srcTape] = 0; state->memtupindex[tupIndex] = state->mergefreelist; state->mergefreelist = tupIndex; tuplesort_heap_insert(state, newtup, srcTape, false); return tup; } return NULL; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_gettuple: invalid state"); return NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } } /* * Fetch the next Datum in either forward or back direction. * Returns FALSE if no more datums. * * If the Datum is pass-by-ref type, the returned value is freshly palloc'd * and is now owned by the caller. */ bool tuplesort_getdatum(Tuplesortstate *state, bool forward, Datum *val, bool *isNull) { DatumTuple *tuple; bool should_free; tuple = (DatumTuple *) tuplesort_gettuple(state, forward, &should_free); if (tuple == NULL) return false; if (tuple->isNull || state->datumTypeByVal) { *val = tuple->val; *isNull = tuple->isNull; } else { int datalen = state->datumTypeLen; char *newVal; if (datalen == -1) /* variable length type? */ datalen = VARSIZE((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(tuple->val)); newVal = (char *) palloc(datalen); memcpy(newVal, DatumGetPointer(tuple->val), datalen); *val = PointerGetDatum(newVal); *isNull = false; } if (should_free) pfree(tuple); return true; } /* * inittapes - initialize for tape sorting. * * This is called only if we have found we don't have room to sort in memory. */ static void inittapes(Tuplesortstate *state) { int ntuples, j; state->tapeset = LogicalTapeSetCreate(MAXTAPES); /* * Allocate the memtupindex array, same size as memtuples. */ state->memtupindex = (int *) palloc(state->memtupsize * sizeof(int)); /* * Convert the unsorted contents of memtuples[] into a heap. Each * tuple is marked as belonging to run number zero. * * NOTE: we pass false for checkIndex since there's no point in comparing * indexes in this step, even though we do intend the indexes to be * part of the sort key... */ ntuples = state->memtupcount; state->memtupcount = 0; /* make the heap empty */ for (j = 0; j < ntuples; j++) tuplesort_heap_insert(state, state->memtuples[j], 0, false); Assert(state->memtupcount == ntuples); state->currentRun = 0; /* * Initialize variables of Algorithm D (step D1). */ for (j = 0; j < MAXTAPES; j++) { state->tp_fib[j] = 1; state->tp_runs[j] = 0; state->tp_dummy[j] = 1; state->tp_tapenum[j] = j; } state->tp_fib[TAPERANGE] = 0; state->tp_dummy[TAPERANGE] = 0; state->Level = 1; state->destTape = 0; state->status = TSS_BUILDRUNS; } /* * selectnewtape -- select new tape for new initial run. * * This is called after finishing a run when we know another run * must be started. This implements steps D3, D4 of Algorithm D. */ static void selectnewtape(Tuplesortstate *state) { int j; int a; /* Step D3: advance j (destTape) */ if (state->tp_dummy[state->destTape] < state->tp_dummy[state->destTape + 1]) { state->destTape++; return; } if (state->tp_dummy[state->destTape] != 0) { state->destTape = 0; return; } /* Step D4: increase level */ state->Level++; a = state->tp_fib[0]; for (j = 0; j < TAPERANGE; j++) { state->tp_dummy[j] = a + state->tp_fib[j + 1] - state->tp_fib[j]; state->tp_fib[j] = a + state->tp_fib[j + 1]; } state->destTape = 0; } /* * mergeruns -- merge all the completed initial runs. * * This implements steps D5, D6 of Algorithm D. All input data has * already been written to initial runs on tape (see dumptuples). */ static void mergeruns(Tuplesortstate *state) { int tapenum, svTape, svRuns, svDummy; Assert(state->status == TSS_BUILDRUNS); Assert(state->memtupcount == 0); /* * If we produced only one initial run (quite likely if the total data * volume is between 1X and 2X SortMem), we can just use that tape as * the finished output, rather than doing a useless merge. */ if (state->currentRun == 1) { state->result_tape = state->tp_tapenum[state->destTape]; /* must freeze and rewind the finished output tape */ LogicalTapeFreeze(state->tapeset, state->result_tape); state->status = TSS_SORTEDONTAPE; return; } /* End of step D2: rewind all output tapes to prepare for merging */ for (tapenum = 0; tapenum < TAPERANGE; tapenum++) LogicalTapeRewind(state->tapeset, tapenum, false); for (;;) { /* Step D5: merge runs onto tape[T] until tape[P] is empty */ while (state->tp_runs[TAPERANGE - 1] || state->tp_dummy[TAPERANGE - 1]) { bool allDummy = true; bool allOneRun = true; for (tapenum = 0; tapenum < TAPERANGE; tapenum++) { if (state->tp_dummy[tapenum] == 0) allDummy = false; if (state->tp_runs[tapenum] + state->tp_dummy[tapenum] != 1) allOneRun = false; } /* * If we don't have to produce a materialized sorted tape, * quit as soon as we're down to one real/dummy run per tape. */ if (!state->randomAccess && allOneRun) { Assert(!allDummy); /* Initialize for the final merge pass */ beginmerge(state); state->status = TSS_FINALMERGE; return; } if (allDummy) { state->tp_dummy[TAPERANGE]++; for (tapenum = 0; tapenum < TAPERANGE; tapenum++) state->tp_dummy[tapenum]--; } else mergeonerun(state); } /* Step D6: decrease level */ if (--state->Level == 0) break; /* rewind output tape T to use as new input */ LogicalTapeRewind(state->tapeset, state->tp_tapenum[TAPERANGE], false); /* rewind used-up input tape P, and prepare it for write pass */ LogicalTapeRewind(state->tapeset, state->tp_tapenum[TAPERANGE - 1], true); state->tp_runs[TAPERANGE - 1] = 0; /* * reassign tape units per step D6; note we no longer care about * A[] */ svTape = state->tp_tapenum[TAPERANGE]; svDummy = state->tp_dummy[TAPERANGE]; svRuns = state->tp_runs[TAPERANGE]; for (tapenum = TAPERANGE; tapenum > 0; tapenum--) { state->tp_tapenum[tapenum] = state->tp_tapenum[tapenum - 1]; state->tp_dummy[tapenum] = state->tp_dummy[tapenum - 1]; state->tp_runs[tapenum] = state->tp_runs[tapenum - 1]; } state->tp_tapenum[0] = svTape; state->tp_dummy[0] = svDummy; state->tp_runs[0] = svRuns; } /* * Done. Knuth says that the result is on TAPE[1], but since we * exited the loop without performing the last iteration of step D6, * we have not rearranged the tape unit assignment, and therefore the * result is on TAPE[T]. We need to do it this way so that we can * freeze the final output tape while rewinding it. The last * iteration of step D6 would be a waste of cycles anyway... */ state->result_tape = state->tp_tapenum[TAPERANGE]; LogicalTapeFreeze(state->tapeset, state->result_tape); state->status = TSS_SORTEDONTAPE; } /* * Merge one run from each input tape, except ones with dummy runs. * * This is the inner loop of Algorithm D step D5. We know that the * output tape is TAPE[T]. */ static void mergeonerun(Tuplesortstate *state) { int destTape = state->tp_tapenum[TAPERANGE]; int srcTape; int tupIndex; void *tup; long priorAvail, spaceFreed; /* * Start the merge by loading one tuple from each active source tape * into the heap. We can also decrease the input run/dummy run * counts. */ beginmerge(state); /* * Execute merge by repeatedly extracting lowest tuple in heap, * writing it out, and replacing it with next tuple from same tape (if * there is another one). */ while (state->memtupcount > 0) { /* write the tuple to destTape */ priorAvail = state->availMem; srcTape = state->memtupindex[0]; WRITETUP(state, destTape, state->memtuples[0]); /* writetup adjusted total free space, now fix per-tape space */ spaceFreed = state->availMem - priorAvail; state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] += spaceFreed; /* compact the heap */ tuplesort_heap_siftup(state, false); if ((tupIndex = state->mergenext[srcTape]) == 0) { /* out of preloaded data on this tape, try to read more */ mergepreread(state); /* if still no data, we've reached end of run on this tape */ if ((tupIndex = state->mergenext[srcTape]) == 0) continue; } /* pull next preread tuple from list, insert in heap */ tup = state->memtuples[tupIndex]; state->mergenext[srcTape] = state->memtupindex[tupIndex]; if (state->mergenext[srcTape] == 0) state->mergelast[srcTape] = 0; state->memtupindex[tupIndex] = state->mergefreelist; state->mergefreelist = tupIndex; tuplesort_heap_insert(state, tup, srcTape, false); } /* * When the heap empties, we're done. Write an end-of-run marker on * the output tape, and increment its count of real runs. */ markrunend(state, destTape); state->tp_runs[TAPERANGE]++; } /* * beginmerge - initialize for a merge pass * * We decrease the counts of real and dummy runs for each tape, and mark * which tapes contain active input runs in mergeactive[]. Then, load * as many tuples as we can from each active input tape, and finally * fill the merge heap with the first tuple from each active tape. */ static void beginmerge(Tuplesortstate *state) { int activeTapes; int tapenum; int srcTape; /* Heap should be empty here */ Assert(state->memtupcount == 0); /* Clear merge-pass state variables */ memset(state->mergeactive, 0, sizeof(state->mergeactive)); memset(state->mergenext, 0, sizeof(state->mergenext)); memset(state->mergelast, 0, sizeof(state->mergelast)); memset(state->mergeavailmem, 0, sizeof(state->mergeavailmem)); state->mergefreelist = 0; /* nothing in the freelist */ state->mergefirstfree = MAXTAPES; /* first slot available for * preread */ /* Adjust run counts and mark the active tapes */ activeTapes = 0; for (tapenum = 0; tapenum < TAPERANGE; tapenum++) { if (state->tp_dummy[tapenum] > 0) state->tp_dummy[tapenum]--; else { Assert(state->tp_runs[tapenum] > 0); state->tp_runs[tapenum]--; srcTape = state->tp_tapenum[tapenum]; state->mergeactive[srcTape] = true; activeTapes++; } } /* * Initialize space allocation to let each active input tape have an * equal share of preread space. */ Assert(activeTapes > 0); state->spacePerTape = state->availMem / activeTapes; for (srcTape = 0; srcTape < MAXTAPES; srcTape++) { if (state->mergeactive[srcTape]) state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] = state->spacePerTape; } /* * Preread as many tuples as possible (and at least one) from each * active tape */ mergepreread(state); /* Load the merge heap with the first tuple from each input tape */ for (srcTape = 0; srcTape < MAXTAPES; srcTape++) { int tupIndex = state->mergenext[srcTape]; void *tup; if (tupIndex) { tup = state->memtuples[tupIndex]; state->mergenext[srcTape] = state->memtupindex[tupIndex]; if (state->mergenext[srcTape] == 0) state->mergelast[srcTape] = 0; state->memtupindex[tupIndex] = state->mergefreelist; state->mergefreelist = tupIndex; tuplesort_heap_insert(state, tup, srcTape, false); } } } /* * mergepreread - load tuples from merge input tapes * * This routine exists to improve sequentiality of reads during a merge pass, * as explained in the header comments of this file. Load tuples from each * active source tape until the tape's run is exhausted or it has used up * its fair share of available memory. In any case, we guarantee that there * is at one preread tuple available from each unexhausted input tape. */ static void mergepreread(Tuplesortstate *state) { int srcTape; unsigned int tuplen; void *tup; int tupIndex; long priorAvail, spaceUsed; for (srcTape = 0; srcTape < MAXTAPES; srcTape++) { if (!state->mergeactive[srcTape]) continue; /* * Skip reading from any tape that still has at least half of its * target memory filled with tuples (threshold fraction may need * adjustment?). This avoids reading just a few tuples when the * incoming runs are not being consumed evenly. */ if (state->mergenext[srcTape] != 0 && state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] <= state->spacePerTape / 2) continue; /* * Read tuples from this tape until it has used up its free * memory, but ensure that we have at least one. */ priorAvail = state->availMem; state->availMem = state->mergeavailmem[srcTape]; while (!LACKMEM(state) || state->mergenext[srcTape] == 0) { /* read next tuple, if any */ if ((tuplen = getlen(state, srcTape, true)) == 0) { state->mergeactive[srcTape] = false; break; } tup = READTUP(state, srcTape, tuplen); /* find or make a free slot in memtuples[] for it */ tupIndex = state->mergefreelist; if (tupIndex) state->mergefreelist = state->memtupindex[tupIndex]; else { tupIndex = state->mergefirstfree++; /* Might need to enlarge arrays! */ if (tupIndex >= state->memtupsize) { state->memtupsize *= 2; state->memtuples = (void **) repalloc(state->memtuples, state->memtupsize * sizeof(void *)); state->memtupindex = (int *) repalloc(state->memtupindex, state->memtupsize * sizeof(int)); } } /* store tuple, append to list for its tape */ state->memtuples[tupIndex] = tup; state->memtupindex[tupIndex] = 0; if (state->mergelast[srcTape]) state->memtupindex[state->mergelast[srcTape]] = tupIndex; else state->mergenext[srcTape] = tupIndex; state->mergelast[srcTape] = tupIndex; } /* update per-tape and global availmem counts */ spaceUsed = state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] - state->availMem; state->mergeavailmem[srcTape] = state->availMem; state->availMem = priorAvail - spaceUsed; } } /* * dumptuples - remove tuples from heap and write to tape * * This is used during initial-run building, but not during merging. * * When alltuples = false, dump only enough tuples to get under the * availMem limit (and leave at least one tuple in the heap in any case, * since puttuple assumes it always has a tuple to compare to). * * When alltuples = true, dump everything currently in memory. * (This case is only used at end of input data.) * * If we empty the heap, close out the current run and return (this should * only happen at end of input data). If we see that the tuple run number * at the top of the heap has changed, start a new run. */ static void dumptuples(Tuplesortstate *state, bool alltuples) { while (alltuples || (LACKMEM(state) && state->memtupcount > 1)) { /* * Dump the heap's frontmost entry, and sift up to remove it from * the heap. */ Assert(state->memtupcount > 0); WRITETUP(state, state->tp_tapenum[state->destTape], state->memtuples[0]); tuplesort_heap_siftup(state, true); /* * If the heap is empty *or* top run number has changed, we've * finished the current run. */ if (state->memtupcount == 0 || state->currentRun != state->memtupindex[0]) { markrunend(state, state->tp_tapenum[state->destTape]); state->currentRun++; state->tp_runs[state->destTape]++; state->tp_dummy[state->destTape]--; /* per Alg D step D2 */ /* * Done if heap is empty, else prepare for new run. */ if (state->memtupcount == 0) break; Assert(state->currentRun == state->memtupindex[0]); selectnewtape(state); } } } /* * tuplesort_rescan - rewind and replay the scan */ void tuplesort_rescan(Tuplesortstate *state) { Assert(state->randomAccess); switch (state->status) { case TSS_SORTEDINMEM: state->current = 0; state->eof_reached = false; state->markpos_offset = 0; state->markpos_eof = false; break; case TSS_SORTEDONTAPE: LogicalTapeRewind(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, false); state->eof_reached = false; state->markpos_block = 0L; state->markpos_offset = 0; state->markpos_eof = false; break; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_rescan: invalid state"); break; } } /* * tuplesort_markpos - saves current position in the merged sort file */ void tuplesort_markpos(Tuplesortstate *state) { Assert(state->randomAccess); switch (state->status) { case TSS_SORTEDINMEM: state->markpos_offset = state->current; state->markpos_eof = state->eof_reached; break; case TSS_SORTEDONTAPE: LogicalTapeTell(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, &state->markpos_block, &state->markpos_offset); state->markpos_eof = state->eof_reached; break; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_markpos: invalid state"); break; } } /* * tuplesort_restorepos - restores current position in merged sort file to * last saved position */ void tuplesort_restorepos(Tuplesortstate *state) { Assert(state->randomAccess); switch (state->status) { case TSS_SORTEDINMEM: state->current = state->markpos_offset; state->eof_reached = state->markpos_eof; break; case TSS_SORTEDONTAPE: if (!LogicalTapeSeek(state->tapeset, state->result_tape, state->markpos_block, state->markpos_offset)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_restorepos failed"); state->eof_reached = state->markpos_eof; break; default: elog(ERROR, "tuplesort_restorepos: invalid state"); break; } } /* * Heap manipulation routines, per Knuth's Algorithm 5.2.3H. * * The heap lives in state->memtuples[], with parallel data storage * for indexes in state->memtupindex[]. If checkIndex is true, use * the tuple index as the front of the sort key; otherwise, no. */ #define HEAPCOMPARE(tup1,index1,tup2,index2) \ (checkIndex && (index1 != index2) ? index1 - index2 : \ COMPARETUP(state, tup1, tup2)) /* * Insert a new tuple into an empty or existing heap, maintaining the * heap invariant. */ static void tuplesort_heap_insert(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tuple, int tupleindex, bool checkIndex) { void **memtuples; int *memtupindex; int j; /* * Make sure memtuples[] can handle another entry. */ if (state->memtupcount >= state->memtupsize) { state->memtupsize *= 2; state->memtuples = (void **) repalloc(state->memtuples, state->memtupsize * sizeof(void *)); state->memtupindex = (int *) repalloc(state->memtupindex, state->memtupsize * sizeof(int)); } memtuples = state->memtuples; memtupindex = state->memtupindex; /* * Sift-up the new entry, per Knuth 5.2.3 exercise 16. Note that Knuth * is using 1-based array indexes, not 0-based. */ j = state->memtupcount++; while (j > 0) { int i = (j - 1) >> 1; if (HEAPCOMPARE(tuple, tupleindex, memtuples[i], memtupindex[i]) >= 0) break; memtuples[j] = memtuples[i]; memtupindex[j] = memtupindex[i]; j = i; } memtuples[j] = tuple; memtupindex[j] = tupleindex; } /* * The tuple at state->memtuples[0] has been removed from the heap. * Decrement memtupcount, and sift up to maintain the heap invariant. */ static void tuplesort_heap_siftup(Tuplesortstate *state, bool checkIndex) { void **memtuples = state->memtuples; int *memtupindex = state->memtupindex; void *tuple; int tupindex, i, n; if (--state->memtupcount <= 0) return; n = state->memtupcount; tuple = memtuples[n]; /* tuple that must be reinserted */ tupindex = memtupindex[n]; i = 0; /* i is where the "hole" is */ for (;;) { int j = 2 * i + 1; if (j >= n) break; if (j + 1 < n && HEAPCOMPARE(memtuples[j], memtupindex[j], memtuples[j + 1], memtupindex[j + 1]) > 0) j++; if (HEAPCOMPARE(tuple, tupindex, memtuples[j], memtupindex[j]) <= 0) break; memtuples[i] = memtuples[j]; memtupindex[i] = memtupindex[j]; i = j; } memtuples[i] = tuple; memtupindex[i] = tupindex; } /* * Tape interface routines */ static unsigned int getlen(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, bool eofOK) { unsigned int len; if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &len, sizeof(len)) != sizeof(len)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of tape"); if (len == 0 && !eofOK) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); return len; } static void markrunend(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum) { unsigned int len = 0; LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &len, sizeof(len)); } /* * qsort interface */ static int qsort_comparetup(const void *a, const void *b) { /* The passed pointers are pointers to void * ... */ return COMPARETUP(qsort_tuplesortstate, *(void **) a, *(void **) b); } /* * Routines specialized for HeapTuple case */ static int comparetup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b) { HeapTuple ltup = (HeapTuple) a; HeapTuple rtup = (HeapTuple) b; TupleDesc tupDesc = state->tupDesc; int nkey; for (nkey = 0; nkey < state->nKeys; nkey++) { ScanKey scanKey = state->scanKeys + nkey; AttrNumber attno = scanKey->sk_attno; Datum datum1, datum2; bool isnull1, isnull2; int32 compare; datum1 = heap_getattr(ltup, attno, tupDesc, &isnull1); datum2 = heap_getattr(rtup, attno, tupDesc, &isnull2); compare = ApplySortFunction(&scanKey->sk_func, state->sortFnKinds[nkey], datum1, isnull1, datum2, isnull2); if (compare != 0) { /* dead code? SK_COMMUTE can't actually be set here, can it? */ if (scanKey->sk_flags & SK_COMMUTE) compare = -compare; return compare; } } return 0; } static void * copytup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { HeapTuple tuple = (HeapTuple) tup; USEMEM(state, HEAPTUPLESIZE + tuple->t_len); return (void *) heap_copytuple(tuple); } /* * We don't bother to write the HeapTupleData part of the tuple. */ static void writetup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup) { HeapTuple tuple = (HeapTuple) tup; unsigned int tuplen; tuplen = tuple->t_len + sizeof(tuplen); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple->t_data, tuple->t_len); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)); FREEMEM(state, HEAPTUPLESIZE + tuple->t_len); heap_freetuple(tuple); } static void * readtup_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len) { unsigned int tuplen = len - sizeof(unsigned int) + HEAPTUPLESIZE; HeapTuple tuple = (HeapTuple) palloc(tuplen); USEMEM(state, tuplen); /* reconstruct the HeapTupleData portion */ tuple->t_len = len - sizeof(unsigned int); ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(tuple->t_self)); tuple->t_datamcxt = CurrentMemoryContext; tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) (((char *) tuple) + HEAPTUPLESIZE); /* read in the tuple proper */ if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple->t_data, tuple->t_len) != tuple->t_len) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)) != sizeof(tuplen)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); return (void *) tuple; } static unsigned int tuplesize_heap(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { HeapTuple tuple = (HeapTuple) tup; return HEAPTUPLESIZE + tuple->t_len; } /* * Routines specialized for IndexTuple case * * NOTE: actually, these are specialized for the btree case; it's not * clear whether you could use them for a non-btree index. Possibly * you'd need to make another set of routines if you needed to sort * according to another kind of index. */ static int comparetup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b) { /* * This is almost the same as _bt_tuplecompare(), but we need to keep * track of whether any null fields are present. */ IndexTuple tuple1 = (IndexTuple) a; IndexTuple tuple2 = (IndexTuple) b; Relation rel = state->indexRel; int keysz = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel); ScanKey scankey = state->indexScanKey; TupleDesc tupDes; int i; bool equal_hasnull = false; tupDes = RelationGetDescr(rel); for (i = 1; i <= keysz; i++) { ScanKey entry = &scankey[i - 1]; Datum datum1, datum2; bool isnull1, isnull2; int32 compare; datum1 = index_getattr(tuple1, i, tupDes, &isnull1); datum2 = index_getattr(tuple2, i, tupDes, &isnull2); /* see comments about NULLs handling in btbuild */ /* the comparison function is always of CMP type */ compare = ApplySortFunction(&entry->sk_func, SORTFUNC_CMP, datum1, isnull1, datum2, isnull2); if (compare != 0) return (int) compare; /* done when we find unequal * attributes */ /* they are equal, so we only need to examine one null flag */ if (isnull1) equal_hasnull = true; } /* * If btree has asked us to enforce uniqueness, complain if two equal * tuples are detected (unless there was at least one NULL field). * * It is sufficient to make the test here, because if two tuples are * equal they *must* get compared at some stage of the sort --- * otherwise the sort algorithm wouldn't have checked whether one must * appear before the other. */ if (state->enforceUnique && !equal_hasnull) elog(ERROR, "Cannot create unique index. Table contains non-unique values"); return 0; } static void * copytup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { IndexTuple tuple = (IndexTuple) tup; unsigned int tuplen = IndexTupleSize(tuple); IndexTuple newtuple; USEMEM(state, tuplen); newtuple = (IndexTuple) palloc(tuplen); memcpy(newtuple, tuple, tuplen); return (void *) newtuple; } static void writetup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup) { IndexTuple tuple = (IndexTuple) tup; unsigned int tuplen; tuplen = IndexTupleSize(tuple) + sizeof(tuplen); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple, IndexTupleSize(tuple)); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)); FREEMEM(state, IndexTupleSize(tuple)); pfree(tuple); } static void * readtup_index(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len) { unsigned int tuplen = len - sizeof(unsigned int); IndexTuple tuple = (IndexTuple) palloc(tuplen); USEMEM(state, tuplen); if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple, tuplen) != tuplen) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)) != sizeof(tuplen)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); return (void *) tuple; } static unsigned int tuplesize_index(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { IndexTuple tuple = (IndexTuple) tup; unsigned int tuplen = IndexTupleSize(tuple); return tuplen; } /* * Routines specialized for DatumTuple case */ static int comparetup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, const void *a, const void *b) { DatumTuple *ltup = (DatumTuple *) a; DatumTuple *rtup = (DatumTuple *) b; return ApplySortFunction(&state->sortOpFn, state->sortFnKind, ltup->val, ltup->isNull, rtup->val, rtup->isNull); } static void * copytup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { /* Not currently needed */ elog(ERROR, "copytup_datum() should not be called"); return NULL; } static void writetup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, void *tup) { DatumTuple *tuple = (DatumTuple *) tup; unsigned int tuplen = tuplesize_datum(state, tup); unsigned int writtenlen = tuplen + sizeof(unsigned int); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &writtenlen, sizeof(writtenlen)); LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple, tuplen); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ LogicalTapeWrite(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &writtenlen, sizeof(writtenlen)); FREEMEM(state, tuplen); pfree(tuple); } static void * readtup_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, int tapenum, unsigned int len) { unsigned int tuplen = len - sizeof(unsigned int); DatumTuple *tuple = (DatumTuple *) palloc(tuplen); USEMEM(state, tuplen); if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) tuple, tuplen) != tuplen) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); if (state->randomAccess) /* need trailing length word? */ if (LogicalTapeRead(state->tapeset, tapenum, (void *) &tuplen, sizeof(tuplen)) != sizeof(tuplen)) elog(ERROR, "tuplesort: unexpected end of data"); if (!tuple->isNull && !state->datumTypeByVal) tuple->val = PointerGetDatum(((char *) tuple) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(DatumTuple))); return (void *) tuple; } static unsigned int tuplesize_datum(Tuplesortstate *state, void *tup) { DatumTuple *tuple = (DatumTuple *) tup; if (tuple->isNull || state->datumTypeByVal) return (unsigned int) sizeof(DatumTuple); else { int datalen = state->datumTypeLen; int tuplelen; if (datalen == -1) /* variable length type? */ datalen = VARSIZE((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(tuple->val)); tuplelen = datalen + MAXALIGN(sizeof(DatumTuple)); return (unsigned int) tuplelen; } } /* * This routine selects an appropriate sorting function to implement * a sort operator as efficiently as possible. The straightforward * method is to use the operator's implementation proc --- ie, "<" * comparison. However, that way often requires two calls of the function * per comparison. If we can find a btree three-way comparator function * associated with the operator, we can use it to do the comparisons * more efficiently. We also support the possibility that the operator * is ">" (descending sort), in which case we have to reverse the output * of the btree comparator. * * Possibly this should live somewhere else (backend/catalog/, maybe?). */ void SelectSortFunction(Oid sortOperator, RegProcedure *sortFunction, SortFunctionKind *kind) { Relation relation; HeapScanDesc scan; ScanKeyData skey[3]; HeapTuple tuple; Form_pg_operator optup; Oid opclass = InvalidOid; /* * Scan pg_amop to see if the target operator is registered as the * "<" or ">" operator of any btree opclass. It's possible that it * might be registered both ways (eg, if someone were to build a * "reverse sort" opclass for some reason); prefer the "<" case if so. * If the operator is registered the same way in multiple opclasses, * assume we can use the associated comparator function from any one. */ relation = heap_openr(AccessMethodOperatorRelationName, AccessShareLock); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[0], 0, Anum_pg_amop_amopid, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(BTREE_AM_OID)); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[1], 0, Anum_pg_amop_amopopr, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(sortOperator)); scan = heap_beginscan(relation, false, SnapshotNow, 2, skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0))) { Form_pg_amop aform = (Form_pg_amop) GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (aform->amopstrategy == BTLessStrategyNumber) { opclass = aform->amopclaid; *kind = SORTFUNC_CMP; break; /* done looking */ } else if (aform->amopstrategy == BTGreaterStrategyNumber) { opclass = aform->amopclaid; *kind = SORTFUNC_REVCMP; /* keep scanning in hopes of finding a BTLess entry */ } } heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); if (OidIsValid(opclass)) { /* Found a suitable opclass, get its comparator support function */ relation = heap_openr(AccessMethodProcedureRelationName, AccessShareLock); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[0], 0, Anum_pg_amproc_amid, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(BTREE_AM_OID)); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[1], 0, Anum_pg_amproc_amopclaid, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclass)); ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[2], 0, Anum_pg_amproc_amprocnum, F_INT2EQ, Int16GetDatum(BTORDER_PROC)); scan = heap_beginscan(relation, false, SnapshotNow, 3, skey); *sortFunction = InvalidOid; if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0))) { Form_pg_amproc aform = (Form_pg_amproc) GETSTRUCT(tuple); *sortFunction = aform->amproc; } heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); if (RegProcedureIsValid(*sortFunction)) return; } /* * Can't find a comparator, so use the operator as-is. Decide whether * it is forward or reverse sort by looking at its name (grotty, but * this only matters for deciding which end NULLs should get sorted to). */ tuple = SearchSysCache(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(sortOperator), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "SelectSortFunction: cache lookup failed for operator %u", sortOperator); optup = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (strcmp(NameStr(optup->oprname), ">") == 0) *kind = SORTFUNC_REVLT; else *kind = SORTFUNC_LT; *sortFunction = optup->oprcode; ReleaseSysCache(tuple); Assert(RegProcedureIsValid(*sortFunction)); } /* * Apply a sort function (by now converted to fmgr lookup form) * and return a 3-way comparison result. This takes care of handling * NULLs and sort ordering direction properly. */ int32 ApplySortFunction(FmgrInfo *sortFunction, SortFunctionKind kind, Datum datum1, bool isNull1, Datum datum2, bool isNull2) { switch (kind) { case SORTFUNC_LT: if (isNull1) { if (isNull2) return 0; return 1; /* NULL sorts after non-NULL */ } if (isNull2) return -1; if (DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum1, datum2))) return -1; /* a < b */ if (DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum2, datum1))) return 1; /* a > b */ return 0; case SORTFUNC_REVLT: /* We reverse the ordering of NULLs, but not the operator */ if (isNull1) { if (isNull2) return 0; return -1; /* NULL sorts before non-NULL */ } if (isNull2) return 1; if (DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum1, datum2))) return -1; /* a < b */ if (DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum2, datum1))) return 1; /* a > b */ return 0; case SORTFUNC_CMP: if (isNull1) { if (isNull2) return 0; return 1; /* NULL sorts after non-NULL */ } if (isNull2) return -1; return DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum1, datum2)); case SORTFUNC_REVCMP: if (isNull1) { if (isNull2) return 0; return -1; /* NULL sorts before non-NULL */ } if (isNull2) return 1; return - DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall2(sortFunction, datum1, datum2)); default: elog(ERROR, "Invalid SortFunctionKind %d", (int) kind); return 0; /* can't get here, but keep compiler quiet */ } }