/*------------------------------------------------------- * * $Id: Pg.xs,v 1.12 1999/02/19 23:27:17 tgl Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Edmund Mergl * *-------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "libpq-fe.h" typedef struct pg_conn *PG_conn; typedef struct pg_result *PG_result; typedef struct pg_results { PGresult *result; int row; } PGresults; typedef struct pg_results *PG_results; static double constant(name, arg) char *name; int arg; { errno = 0; switch (*name) { case 'A': break; case 'B': break; case 'C': break; case 'D': break; case 'E': break; case 'F': break; case 'G': break; case 'H': break; case 'I': break; case 'J': break; case 'K': break; case 'L': break; case 'M': break; case 'N': break; case 'O': break; case 'P': if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_CONNECTION_OK")) return 0; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_CONNECTION_BAD")) return 1; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_INV_SMGRMASK")) return 0x0000ffff; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_INV_ARCHIVE")) return 0x00010000; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_INV_WRITE")) return 0x00020000; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_INV_READ")) return 0x00040000; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_InvalidOid")) return 0; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY")) return 0; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_COMMAND_OK")) return 1; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_TUPLES_OK")) return 2; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_COPY_OUT")) return 3; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_COPY_IN")) return 4; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE")) return 5; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR")) return 6; if (strEQ(name, "PGRES_FATAL_ERROR")) return 7; break; case 'Q': break; case 'R': break; case 'S': break; case 'T': break; case 'U': break; case 'V': break; case 'W': break; case 'X': break; case 'Y': break; case 'Z': break; case 'a': break; case 'b': break; case 'c': break; case 'd': break; case 'e': break; case 'f': break; case 'g': break; case 'h': break; case 'i': break; case 'j': break; case 'k': break; case 'l': break; case 'm': break; case 'n': break; case 'o': break; case 'p': break; case 'q': break; case 'r': break; case 's': break; case 't': break; case 'u': break; case 'v': break; case 'w': break; case 'x': break; case 'y': break; case 'z': break; } errno = EINVAL; return 0; not_there: errno = ENOENT; return 0; } MODULE = Pg PACKAGE = Pg PROTOTYPES: DISABLE double constant(name,arg) char * name int arg PGconn * PQconnectdb(conninfo) char * conninfo CODE: /* convert dbname to lower case if not surrounded by double quotes */ char *ptr = strstr(conninfo, "dbname"); if (ptr) { while (*ptr && *ptr != '=') { ptr++; } ptr++; while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') { ptr++; } if (*ptr == '"') { *ptr++ = ' '; while (*ptr && *ptr != '"') { ptr++; } if (*ptr == '"') { *ptr++ = ' '; } } else { while (*ptr && *ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t') { *ptr = tolower(*ptr); ptr++; } } } RETVAL = PQconnectdb((const char *)conninfo); OUTPUT: RETVAL PGconn * PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname, login, pwd) char * pghost char * pgport char * pgoptions char * pgtty char * dbname char * login char * pwd PGconn * PQsetdb(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname) char * pghost char * pgport char * pgoptions char * pgtty char * dbname HV * PQconndefaults() CODE: PQconninfoOption *infoOption; RETVAL = newHV(); if (infoOption = PQconndefaults()) { while (infoOption->keyword != NULL) { if (infoOption->val != NULL) { hv_store(RETVAL, infoOption->keyword, strlen(infoOption->keyword), newSVpv(infoOption->val, 0), 0); } else { hv_store(RETVAL, infoOption->keyword, strlen(infoOption->keyword), newSVpv("", 0), 0); } infoOption++; } } OUTPUT: RETVAL void PQfinish(conn) PGconn * conn void PQreset(conn) PGconn * conn int PQrequestCancel(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQdb(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQuser(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQpass(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQhost(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQport(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQtty(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQoptions(conn) PGconn * conn ConnStatusType PQstatus(conn) PGconn * conn char * PQerrorMessage(conn) PGconn * conn int PQsocket(conn) PGconn * conn int PQbackendPID(conn) PGconn * conn void PQtrace(conn, debug_port) PGconn * conn FILE * debug_port void PQuntrace(conn) PGconn * conn PGresult * PQexec(conn, query) PGconn * conn char * query CODE: RETVAL = PQexec(conn, query); if (! RETVAL) { RETVAL = PQmakeEmptyPGresult(conn, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); } OUTPUT: RETVAL void PQnotifies(conn) PGconn * conn PREINIT: PGnotify *notify; PPCODE: notify = PQnotifies(conn); if (notify) { XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv((char *)notify->relname, 0))); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(notify->be_pid))); free(notify); } int PQsendQuery(conn, query) PGconn * conn char * query PGresult * PQgetResult(conn) PGconn * conn CODE: RETVAL = PQgetResult(conn); if (! RETVAL) { RETVAL = PQmakeEmptyPGresult(conn, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQisBusy(conn) PGconn * conn int PQconsumeInput(conn) PGconn * conn int PQgetline(conn, string, length) PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(1)) ? SvRV(ST(1)) : ST(1); INPUT: PGconn * conn int length char * string = sv_grow(bufsv, length); CODE: RETVAL = PQgetline(conn, string, length); OUTPUT: RETVAL string int PQputline(conn, string) PGconn * conn char * string int PQgetlineAsync(conn, buffer, bufsize) PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(1)) ? SvRV(ST(1)) : ST(1); INPUT: PGconn * conn int bufsize char * buffer = sv_grow(bufsv, bufsize); CODE: RETVAL = PQgetlineAsync(conn, buffer, bufsize); OUTPUT: RETVAL buffer int PQputnbytes(conn, buffer, nbytes) PGconn * conn char * buffer int nbytes int PQendcopy(conn) PGconn * conn PGresult * PQmakeEmptyPGresult(conn, status) PGconn * conn ExecStatusType status ExecStatusType PQresultStatus(res) PGresult * res int PQntuples(res) PGresult * res int PQnfields(res) PGresult * res int PQbinaryTuples(res) PGresult * res char * PQfname(res, field_num) PGresult * res int field_num int PQfnumber(res, field_name) PGresult * res char * field_name Oid PQftype(res, field_num) PGresult * res int field_num short PQfsize(res, field_num) PGresult * res int field_num int PQfmod(res, field_num) PGresult * res int field_num char * PQcmdStatus(res) PGresult * res char * PQoidStatus(res) PGresult * res CODE: RETVAL = (char *)PQoidStatus(res); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQcmdTuples(res) PGresult * res CODE: RETVAL = (char *)PQcmdTuples(res); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQgetvalue(res, tup_num, field_num) PGresult * res int tup_num int field_num int PQgetlength(res, tup_num, field_num) PGresult * res int tup_num int field_num int PQgetisnull(res, tup_num, field_num) PGresult * res int tup_num int field_num void PQclear(res) PGresult * res void PQprint(fout, res, header, align, standard, html3, expanded, pager, fieldSep, tableOpt, caption, ...) FILE * fout PGresult * res pqbool header pqbool align pqbool standard pqbool html3 pqbool expanded pqbool pager char * fieldSep char * tableOpt char * caption PREINIT: PQprintOpt ps; int i; CODE: ps.header = header; ps.align = align; ps.standard = standard; ps.html3 = html3; ps.expanded = expanded; ps.pager = pager; ps.fieldSep = fieldSep; ps.tableOpt = tableOpt; ps.caption = caption; Newz(0, ps.fieldName, items + 1 - 11, char*); for (i = 11; i < items; i++) { ps.fieldName[i - 11] = (char *)SvPV(ST(i), na); } PQprint(fout, res, &ps); Safefree(ps.fieldName); void PQdisplayTuples(res, fp, fillAlign, fieldSep, printHeader, quiet) PGresult * res FILE * fp int fillAlign char * fieldSep int printHeader int quiet CODE: PQdisplayTuples(res, fp, fillAlign, (const char *)fieldSep, printHeader, quiet); void PQprintTuples(res, fout, printAttName, terseOutput, width) PGresult * res FILE * fout int printAttName int terseOutput int width int lo_open(conn, lobjId, mode) PGconn * conn Oid lobjId int mode ALIAS: PQlo_open = 1 int lo_close(conn, fd) PGconn * conn int fd ALIAS: PQlo_close = 1 int lo_read(conn, fd, buf, len) ALIAS: PQlo_read = 1 PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(2)) ? SvRV(ST(2)) : ST(2); INPUT: PGconn * conn int fd int len char * buf = sv_grow(bufsv, len + 1); CODE: RETVAL = lo_read(conn, fd, buf, len); if (RETVAL > 0) { SvCUR_set(bufsv, RETVAL); *SvEND(bufsv) = '\0'; } OUTPUT: RETVAL buf int lo_write(conn, fd, buf, len) PGconn * conn int fd char * buf int len ALIAS: PQlo_write = 1 int lo_lseek(conn, fd, offset, whence) PGconn * conn int fd int offset int whence ALIAS: PQlo_lseek = 1 Oid lo_creat(conn, mode) PGconn * conn int mode ALIAS: PQlo_creat = 1 int lo_tell(conn, fd) PGconn * conn int fd ALIAS: PQlo_tell = 1 int lo_unlink(conn, lobjId) PGconn * conn Oid lobjId ALIAS: PQlo_unlink = 1 Oid lo_import(conn, filename) PGconn * conn char * filename ALIAS: PQlo_import = 1 int lo_export(conn, lobjId, filename) PGconn * conn Oid lobjId char * filename ALIAS: PQlo_export = 1 PG_conn connectdb(conninfo) char * conninfo CODE: /* convert dbname to lower case if not surrounded by double quotes */ char *ptr = strstr(conninfo, "dbname"); if (ptr) { ptr += 6; while (*ptr && *ptr++ != '=') { ; } while (*ptr && (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == '"') { *ptr++ = ' '; while (*ptr && *ptr != '"') { ptr++; } if (*ptr == '"') { *ptr++ = ' '; } } else { while (*ptr && *ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t') { *ptr = tolower(*ptr); ptr++; } } } RETVAL = PQconnectdb((const char *)conninfo); OUTPUT: RETVAL PG_conn setdbLogin(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname, login, pwd) char * pghost char * pgport char * pgoptions char * pgtty char * dbname char * login char * pwd CODE: RETVAL = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname, login, pwd); OUTPUT: RETVAL PG_conn setdb(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname) char * pghost char * pgport char * pgoptions char * pgtty char * dbname CODE: RETVAL = PQsetdb(pghost, pgport, pgoptions, pgtty, dbname); OUTPUT: RETVAL HV * conndefaults() CODE: PQconninfoOption *infoOption; RETVAL = newHV(); if (infoOption = PQconndefaults()) { while (infoOption->keyword != NULL) { if (infoOption->val != NULL) { hv_store(RETVAL, infoOption->keyword, strlen(infoOption->keyword), newSVpv(infoOption->val, 0), 0); } else { hv_store(RETVAL, infoOption->keyword, strlen(infoOption->keyword), newSVpv("", 0), 0); } infoOption++; } } OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = Pg PACKAGE = PG_conn PREFIX = PQ PROTOTYPES: DISABLE void DESTROY(conn) PG_conn conn CODE: /* printf("DESTROY connection\n"); */ PQfinish(conn); void PQreset(conn) PG_conn conn int PQrequestCancel(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQdb(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQuser(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQpass(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQhost(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQport(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQtty(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQoptions(conn) PG_conn conn ConnStatusType PQstatus(conn) PG_conn conn char * PQerrorMessage(conn) PG_conn conn int PQsocket(conn) PG_conn conn int PQbackendPID(conn) PG_conn conn void PQtrace(conn, debug_port) PG_conn conn FILE * debug_port void PQuntrace(conn) PG_conn conn PG_results PQexec(conn, query) PG_conn conn char * query CODE: RETVAL = (PG_results)calloc(1, sizeof(PGresults)); if (RETVAL) { RETVAL->result = PQexec((PGconn *)conn, query); if (!RETVAL->result) { RETVAL->result = PQmakeEmptyPGresult((PGconn *)conn, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); } } OUTPUT: RETVAL void PQnotifies(conn) PG_conn conn PREINIT: PGnotify *notify; PPCODE: notify = PQnotifies(conn); if (notify) { XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv((char *)notify->relname, 0))); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(notify->be_pid))); free(notify); } int PQsendQuery(conn, query) PG_conn conn char * query PG_results PQgetResult(conn) PG_conn conn CODE: RETVAL = (PG_results)calloc(1, sizeof(PGresults)); if (RETVAL) { RETVAL->result = PQgetResult((PGconn *)conn); if (!RETVAL->result) { RETVAL->result = PQmakeEmptyPGresult((PGconn *)conn, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); } } OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQisBusy(conn) PG_conn conn int PQconsumeInput(conn) PG_conn conn int PQgetline(conn, string, length) PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(1)) ? SvRV(ST(1)) : ST(1); INPUT: PG_conn conn int length char * string = sv_grow(bufsv, length); CODE: RETVAL = PQgetline(conn, string, length); OUTPUT: RETVAL string int PQputline(conn, string) PG_conn conn char * string int PQgetlineAsync(conn, buffer, bufsize) PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(1)) ? SvRV(ST(1)) : ST(1); INPUT: PG_conn conn int bufsize char * buffer = sv_grow(bufsv, bufsize); CODE: RETVAL = PQgetline(conn, buffer, bufsize); OUTPUT: RETVAL buffer int PQendcopy(conn) PG_conn conn PG_results PQmakeEmptyPGresult(conn, status) PG_conn conn ExecStatusType status CODE: RETVAL = (PG_results)calloc(1, sizeof(PGresults)); if (RETVAL) { RETVAL->result = PQmakeEmptyPGresult((PGconn *)conn, status); } OUTPUT: RETVAL int lo_open(conn, lobjId, mode) PG_conn conn Oid lobjId int mode int lo_close(conn, fd) PG_conn conn int fd int lo_read(conn, fd, buf, len) PREINIT: SV *bufsv = SvROK(ST(2)) ? SvRV(ST(2)) : ST(2); INPUT: PG_conn conn int fd int len char * buf = sv_grow(bufsv, len + 1); CODE: RETVAL = lo_read(conn, fd, buf, len); if (RETVAL > 0) { SvCUR_set(bufsv, RETVAL); *SvEND(bufsv) = '\0'; } OUTPUT: RETVAL buf int lo_write(conn, fd, buf, len) PG_conn conn int fd char * buf int len int lo_lseek(conn, fd, offset, whence) PG_conn conn int fd int offset int whence Oid lo_creat(conn, mode) PG_conn conn int mode int lo_tell(conn, fd) PG_conn conn int fd int lo_unlink(conn, lobjId) PG_conn conn Oid lobjId Oid lo_import(conn, filename) PG_conn conn char * filename int lo_export(conn, lobjId, filename) PG_conn conn Oid lobjId char * filename MODULE = Pg PACKAGE = PG_results PREFIX = PQ PROTOTYPES: DISABLE void DESTROY(res) PG_results res CODE: /* printf("DESTROY result\n"); */ PQclear(res->result); Safefree(res); ExecStatusType PQresultStatus(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = PQresultStatus(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQntuples(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = PQntuples(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQnfields(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = PQnfields(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQbinaryTuples(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = PQbinaryTuples(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQfname(res, field_num) PG_results res int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQfname(res->result, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQfnumber(res, field_name) PG_results res char * field_name CODE: RETVAL = PQfnumber(res->result, field_name); OUTPUT: RETVAL Oid PQftype(res, field_num) PG_results res int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQftype(res->result, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL short PQfsize(res, field_num) PG_results res int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQfsize(res->result, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQfmod(res, field_num) PG_results res int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQfmod(res->result, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQcmdStatus(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = PQcmdStatus(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQoidStatus(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = (char *)PQoidStatus(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQcmdTuples(res) PG_results res CODE: RETVAL = (char *)PQcmdTuples(res->result); OUTPUT: RETVAL char * PQgetvalue(res, tup_num, field_num) PG_results res int tup_num int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQgetvalue(res->result, tup_num, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQgetlength(res, tup_num, field_num) PG_results res int tup_num int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQgetlength(res->result, tup_num, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL int PQgetisnull(res, tup_num, field_num) PG_results res int tup_num int field_num CODE: RETVAL = PQgetisnull(res->result, tup_num, field_num); OUTPUT: RETVAL void PQfetchrow(res) PG_results res PPCODE: if (res && res->result) { int cols = PQnfields(res->result); if (PQntuples(res->result) > res->row) { int col = 0; EXTEND(sp, cols); while (col < cols) { if (PQgetisnull(res->result, res->row, col)) { PUSHs(&sv_undef); } else { char *val = PQgetvalue(res->result, res->row, col); PUSHs(sv_2mortal((SV*)newSVpv(val, 0))); } ++col; } ++res->row; } } void PQprint(res, fout, header, align, standard, html3, expanded, pager, fieldSep, tableOpt, caption, ...) FILE * fout PG_results res pqbool header pqbool align pqbool standard pqbool html3 pqbool expanded pqbool pager char * fieldSep char * tableOpt char * caption PREINIT: PQprintOpt ps; int i; CODE: ps.header = header; ps.align = align; ps.standard = standard; ps.html3 = html3; ps.expanded = expanded; ps.pager = pager; ps.fieldSep = fieldSep; ps.tableOpt = tableOpt; ps.caption = caption; Newz(0, ps.fieldName, items + 1 - 11, char*); for (i = 11; i < items; i++) { ps.fieldName[i - 11] = (char *)SvPV(ST(i), na); } PQprint(fout, res->result, &ps); Safefree(ps.fieldName); void PQdisplayTuples(res, fp, fillAlign, fieldSep, printHeader, quiet) PG_results res FILE * fp int fillAlign char * fieldSep int printHeader int quiet CODE: PQdisplayTuples(res->result, fp, fillAlign, (const char *)fieldSep, printHeader, quiet); void PQprintTuples(res, fout, printAttName, terseOutput, width) PG_results res FILE * fout int printAttName int terseOutput int width CODE: PQprintTuples(res->result, fout, printAttName, terseOutput, width);