<TITLE>PgAccess on Irix</TITLE>
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<P><B><FONT COLOR="#000080">This HOWO-TO make PgAccess working under Irix
is written by Stuart Rison</FONT></B></P>

<P>These are the steps that I had to follow to get pgaccess to run on an
INDIGO2 running postgreSQL 6.3.2 under IRIX 5.3. I make no guarantee whatsoever
that the same step will work for others but at least it should point you
in the right direction. Also, I am a biologist by training so I only got
pgaccess working by fudging (that is, trial and error) this means that
some of the steps may be unnecessary (e.g. compiling $postgreSQL_source/src/interfaces/libpgtcl
as both a shared and static library) and they certainly haven't been optimised
(I know nothing about compiler switches etc.).</P>

<P><B>1) Requirements:</B></P>

<P>You will need:</P>

<LI>postgreSQL source (http://www.postgresql.org)</LI>

<LI>tcl8.0 source (http://www.tclconsortium.org/)</LI>

<LI>tk8.0 source (http://www.tclconsortium.org/)</LI>

<LI>pgaccess source (http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess)</LI>

<P><B>2) Installation:</B></P>

<P>a) tcl/tk:</P>

<P>You must first install tcl and then tk (in that order). I just used
./configure, no switches and gmake. Their installation should be trouble
free. Then you must move headers and libraries to the right places so:</P>

<P>Header files: both tcl and tk have a header file (tcl.h and tk.h). The
tcl.h file is in $tcl_source_dir/generic and the tk.h file is in $tk_source_dir/generic;
both should be copied to /usr/local/include.</P>

<P>Libraries: compilation (with cc) of tcl and tk yield libraries libtcl8.0.a
and libtk8.0.a in $source_dir/unix. Both should be copied to /usr/local/lib.</P>

<P>b) postgreSQL:</P>

<P>Make sure you have a fully patched postgreSQL source. If your ./configure
says it can't load 'IRIX' settings then you most probably will need to
patch ./configure.</P>

<P>Configure using ./configure with the following switches: ./configure

<P>--with-libraries=/usr/local/lib --with-tcl [this and previous line as

<P>Then make, make install as usual</P>

<P>c) Compiling libpgtcl:</P>

<P>The source for libpgtcl is in $postgreSQL_directory/src/interfaces/libpgsql.</P>

<P>I do this twice. Once with just gmake. This produces a static library
libpgtcl.a which I leave where it is (I don't know what to do with it but
it may just come in handy). The I modify Makefile manually with a text
editor. Essentially I modify two line:</P>


<P># Shared library stuff</P>

<P>install-shlib-dep := shlib :=</P>


<P># Shared library stuff</P>

<P>install-shlib-dep := install-shlib shlib := libpgtcl.so.1</P>

<P>Then gmake -f Makefile_modified. This creates two shared (.so) libraries:
libpgtcl.so and libpgtcl.so.1. I can't tell the difference between them
so I copied them both to /usr/lib/.</P>

<P>d) running pgaccess:</P>

<P>Uncompress pgaccess (usually with gunzip and tar). So long as 'wish'
(a binary produced when compiling tk8.0) is somewhere in your path, you
should be able to run pgaccess with:</P>

<P>wish -f $pgaccess_dir/pgaccess.tcl [postgreSQL_database_name]</P>

<P>e) et voila!</P>

<P><B>3) Concluding remarks:</B></P>

<P>As I stated at the start of this document, following the procedure indicated
above worked for me. I am sure, however, that a few of the steps are unnecessary/non-optimised/stupid
etc. If any Unix (IRIX) boffin is reading this and you spot anything you
would like to comment/correct etc. please e-mail me (stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk).
Also, if you just have questions and think I might help, please contact
me at the same e-mail.</P>

<P>Finally, I can accept no responsibility if these steps don't work for
you or if it all goes horribly wrong and you 'damage' your computer trying
them. Let common sense prevail!</P>

<P>Good luck</P>

<P>Stuart Rison LICR University College London London W1P 8BT<BR>
<A HREF="mailto:stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk">stuart@ludwig.ucl.ac.uk</A></P>