/*------- * Module: statement.c * * Description: This module contains functions related to creating * and manipulating a statement. * * Classes: StatementClass (Functions prefix: "SC_") * * API functions: SQLAllocStmt, SQLFreeStmt * * Comments: See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information. *------- */ #include "statement.h" #include "bind.h" #include "connection.h" #include "qresult.h" #include "convert.h" #include "environ.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "pgapifunc.h" #define PRN_NULLCHECK /* Map sql commands to statement types */ static struct { int type; char *s; } Statement_Type[] = { { STMT_TYPE_SELECT, "SELECT" }, { STMT_TYPE_INSERT, "INSERT" }, { STMT_TYPE_UPDATE, "UPDATE" }, { STMT_TYPE_DELETE, "DELETE" }, { STMT_TYPE_CREATE, "CREATE" }, { STMT_TYPE_ALTER, "ALTER" }, { STMT_TYPE_DROP, "DROP" }, { STMT_TYPE_GRANT, "GRANT" }, { STMT_TYPE_REVOKE, "REVOKE" }, { STMT_TYPE_PROCCALL, "{" }, { 0, NULL } }; RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_AllocStmt(HDBC hdbc, HSTMT FAR *phstmt) { static char *func = "PGAPI_AllocStmt"; ConnectionClass *conn = (ConnectionClass *) hdbc; StatementClass *stmt; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); if (!conn) { CC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } stmt = SC_Constructor(); mylog("**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = %u, stmt = %u\n", hdbc, stmt); if (!stmt) { conn->errornumber = CONN_STMT_ALLOC_ERROR; conn->errormsg = "No more memory to allocate a further SQL-statement"; *phstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT; CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } if (!CC_add_statement(conn, stmt)) { conn->errormsg = "Maximum number of connections exceeded."; conn->errornumber = CONN_STMT_ALLOC_ERROR; CC_log_error(func, "", conn); SC_Destructor(stmt); *phstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT; return SQL_ERROR; } *phstmt = (HSTMT) stmt; /* Copy default statement options based from Connection options */ stmt->options = conn->stmtOptions; stmt->stmt_size_limit = CC_get_max_query_len(conn); /* Save the handle for later */ stmt->phstmt = phstmt; return SQL_SUCCESS; } RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_FreeStmt(HSTMT hstmt, UWORD fOption) { static char *func = "PGAPI_FreeStmt"; StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; mylog("%s: entering...hstmt=%u, fOption=%d\n", func, hstmt, fOption); if (!stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } SC_clear_error(stmt); if (fOption == SQL_DROP) { ConnectionClass *conn = stmt->hdbc; /* Remove the statement from the connection's statement list */ if (conn) { if (!CC_remove_statement(conn, stmt)) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Statement is currently executing a transaction."; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; /* stmt may be executing a * transaction */ } /* Free any cursors and discard any result info */ if (stmt->result) { QR_Destructor(stmt->result); stmt->result = NULL; } } /* Destroy the statement and free any results, cursors, etc. */ SC_Destructor(stmt); } else if (fOption == SQL_UNBIND) SC_unbind_cols(stmt); else if (fOption == SQL_CLOSE) { /* * this should discard all the results, but leave the statement * itself in place (it can be executed again) */ if (!SC_recycle_statement(stmt)) { /* errormsg passed in above */ SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } } else if (fOption == SQL_RESET_PARAMS) SC_free_params(stmt, STMT_FREE_PARAMS_ALL); else { stmt->errormsg = "Invalid option passed to PGAPI_FreeStmt."; stmt->errornumber = STMT_OPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } return SQL_SUCCESS; } /* * StatementClass implementation */ void InitializeStatementOptions(StatementOptions *opt) { opt->maxRows = 0; /* driver returns all rows */ opt->maxLength = 0; /* driver returns all data for char/binary */ opt->rowset_size = 1; opt->keyset_size = 0; /* fully keyset driven is the default */ opt->scroll_concurrency = SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY; opt->cursor_type = SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY; opt->bind_size = 0; /* default is to bind by column */ opt->retrieve_data = SQL_RD_ON; opt->use_bookmarks = SQL_UB_OFF; } StatementClass * SC_Constructor(void) { StatementClass *rv; rv = (StatementClass *) malloc(sizeof(StatementClass)); if (rv) { rv->hdbc = NULL; /* no connection associated yet */ rv->phstmt = NULL; rv->result = NULL; rv->manual_result = FALSE; rv->prepare = FALSE; rv->status = STMT_ALLOCATED; rv->internal = FALSE; rv->errormsg = NULL; rv->errornumber = 0; rv->errormsg_created = FALSE; rv->errormsg_malloced = FALSE; rv->statement = NULL; rv->stmt_with_params = NULL; rv->stmt_size_limit = -1; rv->statement_type = STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN; rv->bindings = NULL; rv->bindings_allocated = 0; rv->bookmark.buffer = NULL; rv->bookmark.used = NULL; rv->parameters_allocated = 0; rv->parameters = 0; rv->currTuple = -1; rv->rowset_start = -1; rv->current_col = -1; rv->bind_row = 0; rv->last_fetch_count = 0; rv->save_rowset_size = -1; rv->data_at_exec = -1; rv->current_exec_param = -1; rv->put_data = FALSE; rv->lobj_fd = -1; rv->cursor_name[0] = '\0'; /* Parse Stuff */ rv->ti = NULL; rv->fi = NULL; rv->ntab = 0; rv->nfld = 0; rv->parse_status = STMT_PARSE_NONE; /* Clear Statement Options -- defaults will be set in AllocStmt */ memset(&rv->options, 0, sizeof(StatementOptions)); rv->pre_executing = FALSE; rv->inaccurate_result = FALSE; rv->miscinfo = 0; } return rv; } char SC_Destructor(StatementClass *self) { mylog("SC_Destructor: self=%u, self->result=%u, self->hdbc=%u\n", self, self->result, self->hdbc); SC_clear_error(self); if (STMT_EXECUTING == self->status) { self->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Statement is currently executing a transaction."; return FALSE; } if (self->result) { if (!self->hdbc) self->result->conn = NULL; /* prevent any dbase activity */ QR_Destructor(self->result); } if (self->statement) free(self->statement); if (self->stmt_with_params) { free(self->stmt_with_params); self->stmt_with_params = NULL; } SC_free_params(self, STMT_FREE_PARAMS_ALL); /* * the memory pointed to by the bindings is not deallocated by the * driver but by the application that uses that driver, so we don't * have to care */ /* about that here. */ if (self->bindings) free(self->bindings); /* Free the parsed table information */ if (self->ti) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->ntab; i++) free(self->ti[i]); free(self->ti); } /* Free the parsed field information */ if (self->fi) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->nfld; i++) free(self->fi[i]); free(self->fi); } free(self); mylog("SC_Destructor: EXIT\n"); return TRUE; } /* * Free parameters and free the memory from the * data-at-execution parameters that was allocated in SQLPutData. */ void SC_free_params(StatementClass *self, char option) { int i; mylog("SC_free_params: ENTER, self=%d\n", self); if (!self->parameters) return; for (i = 0; i < self->parameters_allocated; i++) { if (self->parameters[i].data_at_exec == TRUE) { if (self->parameters[i].EXEC_used) { free(self->parameters[i].EXEC_used); self->parameters[i].EXEC_used = NULL; } if (self->parameters[i].EXEC_buffer) { if (self->parameters[i].SQLType != SQL_LONGVARBINARY) free(self->parameters[i].EXEC_buffer); self->parameters[i].EXEC_buffer = NULL; } } } self->data_at_exec = -1; self->current_exec_param = -1; self->put_data = FALSE; if (option == STMT_FREE_PARAMS_ALL) { free(self->parameters); self->parameters = NULL; self->parameters_allocated = 0; } mylog("SC_free_params: EXIT\n"); } int statement_type(char *statement) { int i; /* ignore leading whitespace in query string */ while (*statement && isspace((unsigned char) *statement)) statement++; for (i = 0; Statement_Type[i].s; i++) if (!strnicmp(statement, Statement_Type[i].s, strlen(Statement_Type[i].s))) return Statement_Type[i].type; return STMT_TYPE_OTHER; } /* * Called from SQLPrepare if STMT_PREMATURE, or * from SQLExecute if STMT_FINISHED, or * from SQLFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE) */ char SC_recycle_statement(StatementClass *self) { ConnectionClass *conn; mylog("recycle statement: self= %u\n", self); SC_clear_error(self); /* This would not happen */ if (self->status == STMT_EXECUTING) { self->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Statement is currently executing a transaction."; return FALSE; } switch (self->status) { case STMT_ALLOCATED: /* this statement does not need to be recycled */ return TRUE; case STMT_READY: break; case STMT_PREMATURE: /* * Premature execution of the statement might have caused the * start of a transaction. If so, we have to rollback that * transaction. */ conn = SC_get_conn(self); if (!CC_is_in_autocommit(conn) && CC_is_in_trans(conn)) { if (SC_is_pre_executable(self) && !conn->connInfo.disallow_premature) CC_abort(conn); } break; case STMT_FINISHED: break; default: self->errormsg = "An internal error occured while recycling statements"; self->errornumber = STMT_INTERNAL_ERROR; return FALSE; } /* Free the parsed table information */ if (self->ti) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->ntab; i++) free(self->ti[i]); free(self->ti); self->ti = NULL; self->ntab = 0; } /* Free the parsed field information */ if (self->fi) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->nfld; i++) free(self->fi[i]); free(self->fi); self->fi = NULL; self->nfld = 0; } self->parse_status = STMT_PARSE_NONE; /* Free any cursors */ if (self->result) { QR_Destructor(self->result); self->result = NULL; } self->inaccurate_result = FALSE; /* * Reset only parameters that have anything to do with results */ self->status = STMT_READY; self->manual_result = FALSE;/* very important */ self->currTuple = -1; self->rowset_start = -1; self->current_col = -1; self->bind_row = 0; self->last_fetch_count = 0; if (self->errormsg_malloced && self->errormsg) free(self->errormsg); self->errormsg = NULL; self->errornumber = 0; self->errormsg_created = FALSE; self->errormsg_malloced = FALSE; self->lobj_fd = -1; /* * Free any data at exec params before the statement is executed * again. If not, then there will be a memory leak when the next * SQLParamData/SQLPutData is called. */ SC_free_params(self, STMT_FREE_PARAMS_DATA_AT_EXEC_ONLY); return TRUE; } /* Pre-execute a statement (SQLPrepare/SQLDescribeCol) */ void SC_pre_execute(StatementClass *self) { mylog("SC_pre_execute: status = %d\n", self->status); if (self->status == STMT_READY) { mylog(" preprocess: status = READY\n"); self->miscinfo = 0; if (self->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_SELECT) { char old_pre_executing = self->pre_executing; self->pre_executing = TRUE; self->inaccurate_result = FALSE; PGAPI_Execute(self); self->pre_executing = old_pre_executing; if (self->status == STMT_FINISHED) { mylog(" preprocess: after status = FINISHED, so set PREMATURE\n"); self->status = STMT_PREMATURE; } } if (!SC_is_pre_executable(self)) { self->result = QR_Constructor(); QR_set_status(self->result, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); self->inaccurate_result = TRUE; self->status = STMT_PREMATURE; } } } /* This is only called from SQLFreeStmt(SQL_UNBIND) */ char SC_unbind_cols(StatementClass *self) { Int2 lf; for (lf = 0; lf < self->bindings_allocated; lf++) { self->bindings[lf].data_left = -1; self->bindings[lf].buflen = 0; self->bindings[lf].buffer = NULL; self->bindings[lf].used = NULL; self->bindings[lf].returntype = SQL_C_CHAR; } self->bookmark.buffer = NULL; self->bookmark.used = NULL; return 1; } void SC_clear_error(StatementClass *self) { if (self->errormsg_malloced && self->errormsg) free(self->errormsg); self->errornumber = 0; self->errormsg = NULL; self->errormsg_created = FALSE; self->errormsg_malloced = FALSE; } /* * This function creates an error msg which is the concatenation * of the result, statement, connection, and socket messages. */ char * SC_create_errormsg(StatementClass *self) { QResultClass *res = self->result; ConnectionClass *conn = self->hdbc; int pos; static char msg[4096]; msg[0] = '\0'; if (res && res->message) strcpy(msg, res->message); else if (self->errormsg) strcpy(msg, self->errormsg); if (conn) { SocketClass *sock = conn->sock; if (conn->errormsg && conn->errormsg[0] != '\0') { pos = strlen(msg); sprintf(&msg[pos], ";\n%s", conn->errormsg); } if (sock && sock->errormsg && sock->errormsg[0] != '\0') { pos = strlen(msg); sprintf(&msg[pos], ";\n%s", sock->errormsg); } } if (!msg[0] && res && QR_get_notice(res)) return QR_get_notice(res); return msg; } char SC_get_error(StatementClass *self, int *number, char **message) { char rv; /* Create a very informative errormsg if it hasn't been done yet. */ if (!self->errormsg_created) { self->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(self); self->errormsg_created = TRUE; } if (self->errornumber) { *number = self->errornumber; *message = self->errormsg; if (!self->errormsg_malloced) self->errormsg = NULL; } rv = (self->errornumber != 0); self->errornumber = 0; return rv; } /* * Currently, the driver offers very simple bookmark support -- it is * just the current row number. But it could be more sophisticated * someday, such as mapping a key to a 32 bit value */ unsigned long SC_get_bookmark(StatementClass *self) { return (self->currTuple + 1); } RETCODE SC_fetch(StatementClass *self) { static char *func = "SC_fetch"; QResultClass *res = self->result; int retval, result; #ifdef DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT int updret; #endif /* DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT */ Int2 num_cols, lf; Oid type; char *value; ColumnInfoClass *coli; /* TupleField *tupleField; */ ConnInfo *ci = &(SC_get_conn(self)->connInfo); self->last_fetch_count = 0; coli = QR_get_fields(res); /* the column info */ mylog("manual_result = %d, use_declarefetch = %d\n", self->manual_result, ci->drivers.use_declarefetch); if (self->manual_result || !SC_is_fetchcursor(self)) { if (self->currTuple >= QR_get_num_tuples(res) - 1 || (self->options.maxRows > 0 && self->currTuple == self->options.maxRows - 1)) { /* * if at the end of the tuples, return "no data found" and set * the cursor past the end of the result set */ self->currTuple = QR_get_num_tuples(res); return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND; } mylog("**** SC_fetch: manual_result\n"); (self->currTuple)++; } else { /* read from the cache or the physical next tuple */ retval = QR_next_tuple(res); if (retval < 0) { mylog("**** SC_fetch: end_tuples\n"); return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND; } else if (retval > 0) (self->currTuple)++;/* all is well */ else { mylog("SC_fetch: error\n"); self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Error fetching next row"; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } } num_cols = QR_NumResultCols(res); result = SQL_SUCCESS; self->last_fetch_count = 1; /* * If the bookmark column was bound then return a bookmark. Since this * is used with SQLExtendedFetch, and the rowset size may be greater * than 1, and an application can use row or column wise binding, use * the code in copy_and_convert_field() to handle that. */ if (self->bookmark.buffer) { char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "%ld", SC_get_bookmark(self)); result = copy_and_convert_field(self, 0, buf, SQL_C_ULONG, self->bookmark.buffer, 0, self->bookmark.used); } #ifdef DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT updret = 0; if (self->options.scroll_concurrency != SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY) { if (!QR_get_value_backend_row(res, self->currTuple, num_cols - 1)) updret = SQL_ROW_DELETED; num_cols -= 2; } if (!self->options.retrieve_data) /* data isn't required */ return updret ? updret + 10 : SQL_SUCCESS; #endif /* DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT */ for (lf = 0; lf < num_cols; lf++) { mylog("fetch: cols=%d, lf=%d, self = %u, self->bindings = %u, buffer[] = %u\n", num_cols, lf, self, self->bindings, self->bindings[lf].buffer); /* reset for SQLGetData */ self->bindings[lf].data_left = -1; if (self->bindings[lf].buffer != NULL) { /* this column has a binding */ /* type = QR_get_field_type(res, lf); */ type = CI_get_oid(coli, lf); /* speed things up */ mylog("type = %d\n", type); if (self->manual_result) { value = QR_get_value_manual(res, self->currTuple, lf); mylog("manual_result\n"); } else if (SC_is_fetchcursor(self)) value = QR_get_value_backend(res, lf); else value = QR_get_value_backend_row(res, self->currTuple, lf); mylog("value = '%s'\n", (value == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : value); retval = copy_and_convert_field_bindinfo(self, type, value, lf); mylog("copy_and_convert: retval = %d\n", retval); switch (retval) { case COPY_OK: break; /* OK, do next bound column */ case COPY_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: self->errormsg = "Received an unsupported type from Postgres."; self->errornumber = STMT_RESTRICTED_DATA_TYPE_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", self); result = SQL_ERROR; break; case COPY_UNSUPPORTED_CONVERSION: self->errormsg = "Couldn't handle the necessary data type conversion."; self->errornumber = STMT_RESTRICTED_DATA_TYPE_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", self); result = SQL_ERROR; break; case COPY_RESULT_TRUNCATED: self->errornumber = STMT_TRUNCATED; self->errormsg = "Fetched item was truncated."; qlog("The %dth item was truncated\n", lf + 1); qlog("The buffer size = %d", self->bindings[lf].buflen); qlog(" and the value is '%s'\n", value); result = SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; break; /* error msg already filled in */ case COPY_GENERAL_ERROR: SC_log_error(func, "", self); result = SQL_ERROR; break; /* This would not be meaningful in SQLFetch. */ case COPY_NO_DATA_FOUND: break; default: self->errormsg = "Unrecognized return value from copy_and_convert_field."; self->errornumber = STMT_INTERNAL_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", self); result = SQL_ERROR; break; } } } #ifdef DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT if (updret) result = updret + 10; #endif /* DRIVER_CURSOR_IMPLEMENT */ return result; } RETCODE SC_execute(StatementClass *self) { static char *func = "SC_execute"; ConnectionClass *conn; QResultClass *res; char ok, was_ok, was_nonfatal; Int2 oldstatus, numcols; QueryInfo qi; ConnInfo *ci; conn = SC_get_conn(self); ci = &(conn->connInfo); /* Begin a transaction if one is not already in progress */ /* * Basically we don't have to begin a transaction in autocommit mode * because Postgres backend runs in autocomit mode. We issue "BEGIN" * in the following cases. 1) we use declare/fetch and the statement * is SELECT (because declare/fetch must be called in a transaction). * 2) we are in autocommit off state and the statement isn't of type * OTHER. */ if (!self->internal && !CC_is_in_trans(conn) && (SC_is_fetchcursor(self) || (!CC_is_in_autocommit(conn) && self->statement_type != STMT_TYPE_OTHER))) { mylog(" about to begin a transaction on statement = %u\n", self); res = CC_send_query(conn, "BEGIN", NULL); if (QR_aborted(res)) { self->errormsg = "Could not begin a transaction"; self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } ok = QR_command_successful(res); mylog("SC_exec: begin ok = %d, status = %d\n", ok, QR_get_status(res)); QR_Destructor(res); if (!ok) { self->errormsg = "Could not begin a transaction"; self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } else CC_set_in_trans(conn); } oldstatus = conn->status; conn->status = CONN_EXECUTING; self->status = STMT_EXECUTING; /* If it's a SELECT statement, use a cursor. */ /* * Note that the declare cursor has already been prepended to the * statement */ /* in copy_statement... */ if (self->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_SELECT) { char fetch[128]; mylog(" Sending SELECT statement on stmt=%u, cursor_name='%s'\n", self, self->cursor_name); /* send the declare/select */ self->result = CC_send_query(conn, self->stmt_with_params, NULL); if (SC_is_fetchcursor(self) && self->result != NULL && QR_command_successful(self->result)) { QR_Destructor(self->result); /* * That worked, so now send the fetch to start getting data * back */ qi.result_in = NULL; qi.cursor = self->cursor_name; qi.row_size = ci->drivers.fetch_max; /* * Most likely the rowset size will not be set by the * application until after the statement is executed, so might * as well use the cache size. The qr_next_tuple() function * will correct for any discrepancies in sizes and adjust the * cache accordingly. */ sprintf(fetch, "fetch %d in %s", qi.row_size, self->cursor_name); self->result = CC_send_query(conn, fetch, &qi); } mylog(" done sending the query:\n"); } else { /* not a SELECT statement so don't use a cursor */ mylog(" it's NOT a select statement: stmt=%u\n", self); self->result = CC_send_query(conn, self->stmt_with_params, NULL); /* * We shouldn't send COMMIT. Postgres backend does the autocommit * if neccessary. (Zoltan, 04/26/2000) */ /* * Above seems wrong. Even in case of autocommit, started * transactions must be committed. (Hiroshi, 02/11/2001) */ if (!self->internal && CC_is_in_autocommit(conn) && CC_is_in_trans(conn)) { res = CC_send_query(conn, "COMMIT", NULL); QR_Destructor(res); CC_set_no_trans(conn); } } conn->status = oldstatus; self->status = STMT_FINISHED; /* Check the status of the result */ if (self->result) { was_ok = QR_command_successful(self->result); was_nonfatal = QR_command_nonfatal(self->result); if (was_ok) self->errornumber = STMT_OK; else self->errornumber = was_nonfatal ? STMT_INFO_ONLY : STMT_ERROR_TAKEN_FROM_BACKEND; /* set cursor before the first tuple in the list */ self->currTuple = -1; self->current_col = -1; self->rowset_start = -1; /* see if the query did return any result columns */ numcols = QR_NumResultCols(self->result); /* now allocate the array to hold the binding info */ if (numcols > 0) { extend_bindings(self, numcols); if (self->bindings == NULL) { self->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Could not get enough free memory to store the binding information"; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } } /* issue "ABORT" when query aborted */ if (QR_get_aborted(self->result) && !self->internal) CC_abort(conn); } else { /* Bad Error -- The error message will be in the Connection */ if (self->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_CREATE) { self->errornumber = STMT_CREATE_TABLE_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Error creating the table"; /* * This would allow the table to already exists, thus * appending rows to it. BUT, if the table didn't have the * same attributes, it would fail. return * SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; */ } else { self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Error while executing the query"; } if (!self->internal) CC_abort(conn); } if (self->statement_type == STMT_TYPE_PROCCALL && (self->errornumber == STMT_OK || self->errornumber == STMT_INFO_ONLY) && self->parameters && self->parameters[0].buffer && self->parameters[0].paramType == SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT) { /* get the return value of the procedure call */ RETCODE ret; HSTMT hstmt = (HSTMT) self; ret = SC_fetch(hstmt); if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { ret = PGAPI_GetData(hstmt, 1, self->parameters[0].CType, self->parameters[0].buffer, self->parameters[0].buflen, self->parameters[0].used); if (ret != SQL_SUCCESS) { self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; self->errormsg = "GetData to Procedure return failed."; } } else { self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; self->errormsg = "SC_fetch to get a Procedure return failed."; } } if (self->errornumber == STMT_OK) return SQL_SUCCESS; else if (self->errornumber == STMT_INFO_ONLY) return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; else { self->errormsg = "Error while executing the query"; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } } void SC_log_error(char *func, char *desc, StatementClass *self) { #ifdef PRN_NULLCHECK #define nullcheck(a) (a ? a : "(NULL)") #endif if (self) { qlog("STATEMENT ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s', errnum=%d, errmsg='%s'\n", func, desc, self->errornumber, nullcheck(self->errormsg)); mylog("STATEMENT ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s', errnum=%d, errmsg='%s'\n", func, desc, self->errornumber, nullcheck(self->errormsg)); qlog(" ------------------------------------------------------------\n"); qlog(" hdbc=%u, stmt=%u, result=%u\n", self->hdbc, self, self->result); qlog(" manual_result=%d, prepare=%d, internal=%d\n", self->manual_result, self->prepare, self->internal); qlog(" bindings=%u, bindings_allocated=%d\n", self->bindings, self->bindings_allocated); qlog(" parameters=%u, parameters_allocated=%d\n", self->parameters, self->parameters_allocated); qlog(" statement_type=%d, statement='%s'\n", self->statement_type, nullcheck(self->statement)); qlog(" stmt_with_params='%s'\n", nullcheck(self->stmt_with_params)); qlog(" data_at_exec=%d, current_exec_param=%d, put_data=%d\n", self->data_at_exec, self->current_exec_param, self->put_data); qlog(" currTuple=%d, current_col=%d, lobj_fd=%d\n", self->currTuple, self->current_col, self->lobj_fd); qlog(" maxRows=%d, rowset_size=%d, keyset_size=%d, cursor_type=%d, scroll_concurrency=%d\n", self->options.maxRows, self->options.rowset_size, self->options.keyset_size, self->options.cursor_type, self->options.scroll_concurrency); qlog(" cursor_name='%s'\n", nullcheck(self->cursor_name)); qlog(" ----------------QResult Info -------------------------------\n"); if (self->result) { QResultClass *res = self->result; qlog(" fields=%u, manual_tuples=%u, backend_tuples=%u, tupleField=%d, conn=%u\n", res->fields, res->manual_tuples, res->backend_tuples, res->tupleField, res->conn); qlog(" fetch_count=%d, fcount=%d, num_fields=%d, cursor='%s'\n", res->fetch_count, res->fcount, res->num_fields, nullcheck(res->cursor)); qlog(" message='%s', command='%s', notice='%s'\n", nullcheck(res->message), nullcheck(res->command), nullcheck(res->notice)); qlog(" status=%d, inTuples=%d\n", res->status, res->inTuples); } /* Log the connection error if there is one */ CC_log_error(func, desc, self->hdbc); } else qlog("INVALID STATEMENT HANDLE ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s'\n", func, desc); #undef PRN_NULLCHECK }