/* GetPrivateProfileString */
/* for UNIX use */
#ifndef GPPS_H
#define GPPS_H

#include "config.h"

#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "iodbc.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern		"C"

DWORD		GetPrivateProfileString(char *theSection,		/* section name */
									char *theKey,		/* search key name */
									char *theDefault,	/* default value if not
														 * found */
									char *theReturnBuffer,		/* return valuse stored
																 * here */
								  size_t theBufferLength,		/* byte length of return
																 * buffer */
									char *theIniFileName);		/* pathname of ini file
																 * to search */

DWORD		WritePrivateProfileString(char *theSection,		/* section name */
								  char *theKey,		/* write key name */
								  char *theBuffer,	/* input buffer */
								  char *theIniFileName);		/* pathname of ini file
																 * to write */

#ifdef __cplusplus


#ifndef WIN32
#undef DWORD