#!/usr/bin/perl # # My2Pg: MySQL to PostgreSQL dump conversion utility # # (c) 2000,2001 Maxim Rudensky <fonin@ziet.zhitomir.ua> # (c) 2000 Valentine Danilchuk <valdan@ziet.zhitomir.ua> # All right reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the Max Rudensky # and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Id: my2pg.pl,v 1.2 2001/02/10 11:43:33 momjian Exp $ # TODO: # + Handle SETs # - LIKE implementation # - memory use optimisation in SET_output function # - raw integer values as input values must be OK # - Use autoconf & automake to auto-build makefiles # # $Log: my2pg.pl,v $ # Revision 1.2 2001/02/10 11:43:33 momjian # cleanup # # Revision 1.1 2001/02/10 11:43:12 momjian # Add other mysql conversion utility for comparisons. # # Revision 1.15 2001/01/30 10:13:36 fonin # Re-released under BSD-like license. # # Revision 1.14 2000/12/18 20:55:13 fonin # Better -n implementation. # # Revision 1.13 2000/12/18 15:26:33 fonin # Added command-line options. -n forces *CHAR DEFAULT '' NOT NULL to be converted to *CHAR NULL.\nAUTO_INCREMENT fields converted not in SERIAL but in INT* NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seqname').\nDocumentation refreshed.\nDump enclosed in single transaction from now. # # Revision 1.12 2000/12/14 20:57:15 fonin # Doublequotation bug fixed (in CREATE INDEX ON TABLE (field1,field2)) # # Revision 1.10 2000/11/27 14:18:22 fonin # Fixed bug - occasionaly was broken CREATE SEQUENCE generation # # Revision 1.8 2000/11/24 15:24:16 fonin # TIMESTAMP fix: MySQL output YYYYMMDDmmhhss to YYYYMMDD mmhhss # # Revision 1.7 2000/11/22 23:04:41 fonin # TIMESTAMP field fix. Better doublequoting. Splitting output dump # into 2 transactions - create/load/indexing first, sequence setvals then. # Added POD documentation. # # use Getopt::Std; my %opts; # command line options my $chareg=''; # CHAR conversion regexps # parse command line getopts('nh',\%opts); # output syntax if($opts{h} ne '') { usage(); exit; } # convert CHAR types from NOT NULL DEFAULT '' to NULL if($opts{n} ne '') { $chareg='\s*?(default\s*?\'\')*?\s*?not\s*?null'; } $|=1; print("------------------------------------------------------------------"); print("\n-- My2Pg \$Revision: 1.2 $ \translated dump"); print("\n--"); print("\n------------------------------------------------------------------"); print("\n\nBEGIN;\n\n\n"); my %index; # contains array of CREATE INDEX for each table my %seq; # contains CREATE SEQUENCE for each table my %primary; # contains primary (eg SERIAL) fields for each table my %identifier; # contains generated by this program identifiers my $j=-1; # current position in $index{table} my @check; # CHECK constraint for current # generating full path to libtypes.c my $libtypesource='libtypes.c'; my $libtypename=`pwd`; chomp($libtypename); $libtypename.='/libtypes.so'; # push header to libtypes.c open(LIBTYPES,">$libtypesource"); print LIBTYPES "/******************************************************"; print LIBTYPES "\n * My2Pg \$Revision: 1.2 $ \translated dump"; print LIBTYPES "\n * User types definitions"; print LIBTYPES "\n ******************************************************/"; print LIBTYPES "\n\n#include <postgres.h>\n"; print LIBTYPES "\n#define ADD_COMMA if(strcmp(result,\"\")!=0) strcat(result,\",\")\n"; # reading STDIN... while (<>) { # Comments start with -- in SQL if(!/insert into.*\(.*#.*\)/i) { s/#/--/; } # Convert numeric types s/tinyint\(\d+\)/INT2/i; s/smallint\(\d+\)/INT2/i; s/mediumint\(\d+\)/INT4/i; s/bigint\(\d+\)/INT8/i; s/int\(\d+\)/INT4/i; s/float(\(\d+,\d*\))/DECIMAL$1/i; s/double precision/FLOAT8/i; s/([\W])double(\(\d+,\d*\))/$1DECIMAL$2/i; s/([\W])double[\W]/$1FLOAT8/i; s/([\W])real[\W]/$1FLOAT8/i; s/([\W])real(\(\d+,\d*\))/$1DECIMAL$2/i; # Convert string types s/\w*blob$chareg/text/i; s/mediumtext$chareg/text/i; s/tinytext$chareg/text/i; s/(.*?char\(.*?\))$chareg/$1/i; # Convert DATE types s/datetime/TIMESTAMP/; s/timestamp\(\d+\)/TIMESTAMP/i; # Change all AUTO_INCREMENT fields to SERIAL ones with a pre-defined sequence if(/([\w\d]+)\sint.*auto_increment/i) { $tmpseq=new_name("$table_name"."_"."$+"."_SEQ",28); $seq{$table_name}=$tmpseq; $primary{$table_name}=$+; s/(int.*?)DEFAULT\s*?'.*?'(.*?)AUTO_INCREMENT/$1$2DEFAULT nextval\('$tmpseq'\)/i; } # Fix timestamps s/0000-00-00/0001-01-01/g; # may work wrong !!! s/00000000000000/00010101000000/g; s/(\d{8})(\d{6})/'$1 $2'/g; #<Hackzone> --------------------------------------------------- # convert UNSIGNED to CHECK constraints if(/^\s+?([\w\d_]+).*?unsigned/i) { $check.=",\n CHECK (\"$1\">=0)"; } s/unsigned//i; # Limited ENUM support - little heuristic s/enum\('N','Y'\)/BOOL/i; s/enum\('Y','N'\)/BOOL/i; # ENUM support if(/^\s+?([\w\d_]+).*?enum\((.*?)\)/i) { my $enumlist=$2; my @item; $item[0]=''; while($enumlist=~s/'([\d\w_]+)'//i) { $item[++$#item]=$1; } # forming identifier name $typename=new_name('enum_'.$table_name.'_'.$item[1],28); # $typename=lc('enum_'.$table_name.'_'.$item[1]); # creating input type function my $func_in=" int2* $typename"."_in (char *str) { int2* result; if(str==NULL) return NULL; result=(int2*)palloc(sizeof(int2)); *result=-1;"; for(my $i=0;$i<=$#item;$i++) { $func_in.=" if(strcmp(str,\"$item[$i]\")==0) { *result=$i; }"; } $func_in.=" if(*result == -1) { elog(ERROR,\"$typename"."_in: incorrect input value\"); return NULL; } return (result); }\n"; $types.="\n---"; $types.="\n--- Types for table ".uc($table_name); $types.="\n---\n"; print LIBTYPES "\n/*"; print LIBTYPES "\n * Types for table ".uc($table_name); print LIBTYPES "\n */\n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_in (opaque) RETURNS $typename AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c' WITH (ISCACHABLE);\n"; # creating output function my $func_out=" char* $typename"."_out (int2 *outvalue) { char* result; if(outvalue==NULL) return NULL; result=(char*)palloc(10); switch (*outvalue) {"; for(my $i=0;$i<=$#item;$i++) { $func_out.=" case $i: strcpy(result,\"$item[$i]\"); break;"; } $func_out.=" default : elog(ERROR,\"$typename"."_out: incorrect stored value\"); return NULL; break; } return result; }\n"; $func_out.="\nbool $typename"."_eq(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a==*b); } bool $typename"."_ne(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a!=*b); } bool $typename"."_lt(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a<*b); } bool $typename"."_le(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a<=*b); } bool $typename"."_gt(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a>*b); } bool $typename"."_ge(int2* a, int2* b) { return (*a>=*b); }\n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_out (opaque) RETURNS opaque AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c' WITH (ISCACHABLE);\n"; $types.="\nCREATE TYPE $typename ( internallength = 2, input = $typename\_in, output = $typename\_out );\n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_eq ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_lt ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_le ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_gt ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_ge ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_ne ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE OPERATOR < ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, -- negator = >=, procedure = $typename"."_lt ); CREATE OPERATOR <= ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, -- negator = >, procedure = $typename"."_le ); CREATE OPERATOR = ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, commutator = =, -- negator = <>, procedure = $typename"."_eq ); CREATE OPERATOR >= ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, negator = <, procedure = $typename"."_ge ); CREATE OPERATOR > ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, negator = <=, procedure = $typename"."_gt ); CREATE OPERATOR <> ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, negator = =, procedure = $typename"."_ne );\n"; print LIBTYPES $func_in; print LIBTYPES $func_out; s/enum\(.*?\)/$typename/i; } # SET support if(/^\s+?([\w\d_]+).*?set\((.*?)\)/i) { my $setlist=$2; my @item; $item[0]=''; my $maxlen=0; # maximal string length while($setlist=~s/'([\d\w_]+)'//i) { $item[++$#item]=$1; $maxlen+=length($item[$#item])+1; } $maxlen+=1; my $typesize=int($#item/8); if($typesize<2) { $typesize=2; } $internalsize=$typesize; $typesize='int'.$typesize; # $typename=lc('set_'.$table_name.'_'.$item[1]); $typename=new_name('set_'.$table_name.'_'.$item[1],28); # creating input type function my $func_in=" $typesize* $typename"."_in (char *str) { $typesize* result; char* token; if(str==NULL) return NULL; result=($typesize*)palloc(sizeof($typesize)); *result=0; if(strcmp(str,\"\")==0) return result; for(token=strtok(str,\",\");token!=NULL;token=strtok(NULL,\",\")) {"; for(my $i=0,my $j=1;$i<=$#item;$i++,$j*=2) { $func_in.=" if(strcmp(token,\"$item[$i]\")==0) { *result|=$j; continue; }"; } $func_in.=" } if(*result == 0) { elog(ERROR,\"$typename"."_in: incorrect input value\"); return NULL; } return (result); }\n"; $types.="\n---"; $types.="\n--- Types for table ".uc($table_name); $types.="\n---\n"; print LIBTYPES "\n/*"; print LIBTYPES "\n * Types for table ".uc($table_name); print LIBTYPES "\n */\n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_in (opaque) RETURNS $typename AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c';\n"; # creating output function my $func_out=" char* $typename"."_out ($typesize *outvalue) { char* result; int i; if(outvalue==NULL) return NULL; result=(char*)palloc($maxlen); strcpy(result,\"\"); for(i=1;i<=2 << (sizeof(int2)*8);i*=2) { switch (*outvalue & i) {"; for(my $i=0,$j=1;$i<=$#item;$i++,$j*=2) { $func_out.=" case $j:"; if($item[$i] ne '') { $func_out.="ADD_COMMA;"; } $func_out.="strcat(result,\"$item[$i]\"); break;"; } $func_out.=" default : break; } } return result; }\n"; $func_out.="\nbool $typename"."_eq($typesize* a, $typesize* b) { return (*a==*b); } $typesize find_in_set($typesize *a, $typesize *b) { int i; for(i=1;i<=sizeof($typesize)*8;i*=2) { if(*a & *b) { return 1; } } return 0; } \n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_out (opaque) RETURNS opaque AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c';\n"; $types.="\nCREATE TYPE $typename ( internallength = $internalsize, input = $typename\_in, output = $typename\_out );\n"; $types.="\nCREATE FUNCTION $typename"."_eq ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION find_in_set ($typename,$typename) RETURNS bool AS '$libtypename' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE OPERATOR = ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, commutator = =, procedure = $typename"."_eq ); CREATE OPERATOR <> ( leftarg = $typename, rightarg = $typename, commutator = <>, negator = =, procedure = $typename"."_eq ); \n"; print LIBTYPES $func_in; print LIBTYPES $func_out; s/set\(.*?\)/$typename/i; } # Change multy-field keys to multi-field indices # MySQL Dump usually ends the CREATE TABLE statement like this: # CREATE TABLE bids ( # ... # PRIMARY KEY (bids_id), # KEY offer_id (offer_id,user_id,the_time), # KEY bid_value (bid_value) # ); # We want to replace this with smth like # CREATE TABLE bids ( # ... # PRIMARY KEY (bids_id), # ); # CREATE INDEX offer_id ON bids (offer_id,user_id,the_time); # CREATE INDEX bid_value ON bids (bid_value); if (s/CREATE TABLE (.*) /CREATE TABLE "$1" /i) { if($oldtable ne $table_name) { $oldtable=$table_name; $j=-1; $check=''; print $types; $types=''; $dump=~s/,\n\);/\n\);/gmi; print $dump; $dump=''; } $table_name=$1; } # output CHECK constraints instead UNSIGNED modifiers if(/PRIMARY KEY \((.*)\)/i) { my $tmpfld=$1; $tmpfld=~s/,/","/; s/PRIMARY KEY (\(.*\))/PRIMARY KEY \("$tmpfld"\)/i; s/(PRIMARY KEY \(.*\)).*/$1$check\n/i; } if(/^\s*KEY (.+) \((.*)\).*/i) { my $tmpfld=$2; $tmpfld=~s/\s*,\s*/","/; $index{$table_name}[++$j]="CREATE INDEX $1_$table_name\_index ON \"$table_name\" (\"$tmpfld\");"; } if(/^\s*UNIQUE (.+) \((.*)\).*/i) { my $tmpfld=$2; $tmpfld=~s/,/","/; $index{$table_name}[++$j]="CREATE UNIQUE INDEX $1_$table_name\_index ON \"$table_name\" (\"$tmpfld\");"; } s/^\s*UNIQUE (.+) (\(.*\)).*\n//i; s/^\s*KEY (.+) (\(.*\)).*\n//i; if(!s/INSERT INTO\s+?(.*?)\s+?/INSERT INTO "$1" /i) { # Quote lowercase identifiers in double quotes while(!/^--/ && s/\s([A-Za-z_\d]+[a-z][A-Za-z_\d]*)\s/ "$+" /) {;} } #</Hackzone> -------------------------------------------------- $dump.=$_; } print $types; $dump=~s/,\n\);/\n\);/gmi; print $dump; # Output indices for tables while(my($table,$ind)=each(%index)) { print "\n\n--"; print "\n-- Indexes for table ".uc($table); print "\n--\n"; for(my $i=0;$i<=$#{$ind};$i++) { print "\n$ind->[$i]"; } } print("\n\nEND;\n"); print("\nBEGIN;\n"); while(my($table,$s)=each(%seq)) { print "\n\n--"; print "\n-- Sequences for table ".uc($table); print "\n--\n"; # setting SERIAL sequence values right if($primary{$table} ne '') { print "\nCREATE SEQUENCE ".$seq{$table}.";"; print "\nSELECT SETVAL('".$seq{$table}."',(select case when max(\"".$primary{$table}."\")>0 then max(\"".$primary{$table}."\")+1 else 1 end from \"$table\"));"; } } print("\n\nEND;\n"); close(LIBTYPES); open(MAKE,">Makefile"); print MAKE "# # My2Pg \$Revision: 1.2 $ \translated dump # Makefile # all: libtypes.so libtypes.o: libtypes.c gcc -c -fPIC -g -O libtypes.c libtypes.so: libtypes.o ld -Bshareable -o libtypes.so libtypes.o"; close(MAKE); # # Function generates unique identifier # Args : template name, max length # Globals: %identifier # sub new_name() { my $name=lc(shift @_); my $len=shift @_; # truncate long names if(length($name)>$len) { $name=~s/(.{$len}).*/$1/i; } # find reserved identifiers if($identifier{$name}!=1) { $identifier{$name}=1; return $name; } else { for(my $i=1,my $tmpname=$name.$i;$identifier{$tmpname}!=1;) { $tmpname=$name.$i } $identifier{$tmpname}=1; return $tmpname; } die "Error during unique identifier generation :-("; } sub usage() { print <<EOF my2pg - MySQL to PostgreSQL database dump converter Copyright (c) 2000 Max Rudensky <fonin\@ziet.zhitomir.ua> Copyright (c) 2000 Valentine Danilchuk <valdan\@ziet.zhitomir.ua> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SYNTAX: my2pg [-hn] OPTIONS: h - this help n - convert *CHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '' types to *CHAR NULL EOF ; } =head1 NAME my2pg - MySQL -> PostgreSQL dump conversion utility. =head1 SYNTAX mysqldump db | ./my2pg.pl [-n] > pgsqldump.txt vi libtypes.c make psql database < pgsqldump.txt where =over 4 =item B<mysqldump.txt> - mysqldump utility output, =item B<pgsqldump.txt> - file suitable for loading into PostgreSQL. =item B<libtypes.c> - C source for emulated MySQL types (ENUM, SET) generated by B<my2pg> =back =head1 OVERVIEW B<my2pg> utility attempts to convert MySQL database dump to Postgres's one. B<my2pg> performs such conversions: =over 4 =item Type conversion. It tries to find proper Postgres type for each column. Unknown types are silently pushing to output dump; ENUM and SET types implemented via user types (C source for such types can be found in B<libtypes.c> file); =item Identifiers double-quotation. All column and table names should be enclosed to double-quotes to prevent interferension with reserved words; =item Converting KEY(field) to CREATE INDEX i_field on table (field); =item The same for UNIQUE keys; =item Indices are creating AFTER rows insertion (to speed up the load); =item Translates '#' MySQL comments to ANSI SQL '--' =back It encloses dump in transaction block to prevent single errors during data load. =head1 COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS My2pg takes the following command-line options: =over 2 =item -n Convert *CHAR DEFAULT '' NOT NULL types to *CHAR NULL. Postgres can't load empty '' strings in NOT NULL fields. =item -h Show usage banner. =back =head1 SIDE EFFECTS =over 4 =item creates file B<libtypes.c> in current directory overwriting existed file without any checks; =item the same for Makefile. =back =head1 BUGS This program is very beta and extremely bugsome. Known bugs are: =over 4 =item Poor doublequotation. All identifiers such as table and column names should be enclosed in double quotes. Program can't handle upper-case identifiers, like DBA. Lower-case identifiers are OK. =item SET type emulation is not full. LIKE operation on SETs, raw integer input values should be implemented =item B<Makefile> generated during output is platform-dependent and surely works only on Linux/gcc (FreeBSD/gcc probably works as well - not tested) =item Generated B<libtypes.c> contain line #include <postgres.h> This file may be located not in standard compiler include path, you need to check it before compiling. =back =head1 AUTHORS B<(c) 2000 Maxim V. Rudensky <fonin@ziet.zhitomir.ua>> B<(c) 2000 Valentine V. Danilchuk <valdan@ziet.zhitomir.ua>> =head1 LICENSE B<BSD> =cut