 * nodeHash.c
 *	  Routines to hash relations for hashjoin
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeHash.c,v 1.69 2002/12/05 15:50:33 tgl Exp $
 *		ExecHash		- generate an in-memory hash table of the relation
 *		ExecInitHash	- initialize node and subnodes
 *		ExecEndHash		- shutdown node and subnodes
#include "postgres.h"

#include <math.h>

#include "access/hash.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/nodeHash.h"
#include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHash
 *		build hash table for hashjoin, all do partitioning if more
 *		than one batches are required.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecHash(HashState *node)
	EState	   *estate;
	PlanState  *outerNode;
	List	   *hashkeys;
	HashJoinTable hashtable;
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	int			nbatch;
	int			i;

	 * get state info from node
	estate = node->ps.state;
	outerNode = outerPlanState(node);

	hashtable = node->hashtable;
	if (hashtable == NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "ExecHash: hash table is NULL.");

	nbatch = hashtable->nbatch;

	if (nbatch > 0)
		 * Open temp files for inner batches, if needed. Note that file
		 * buffers are palloc'd in regular executor context.
		for (i = 0; i < nbatch; i++)
			hashtable->innerBatchFile[i] = BufFileCreateTemp();

	 * set expression context
	hashkeys = ((Hash *) node->ps.plan)->hashkeys;
	econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;

	 * get all inner tuples and insert into the hash table (or temp files)
	for (;;)
		slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode);
		if (TupIsNull(slot))
		econtext->ecxt_innertuple = slot;
		ExecHashTableInsert(hashtable, econtext, hashkeys);

	 * Return the slot so that we have the tuple descriptor when we need
	 * to save/restore them.  -Jeff 11 July 1991
	return slot;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecInitHash
 *		Init routine for Hash node
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
HashState *
ExecInitHash(Hash *node, EState *estate)
	HashState  *hashstate;

	SO_printf("ExecInitHash: initializing hash node\n");

	 * create state structure
	hashstate = makeNode(HashState);
	hashstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
	hashstate->ps.state = estate;
	hashstate->hashtable = NULL;

	 * Miscellaneous initialization
	 * create expression context for node
	ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &hashstate->ps);

#define HASH_NSLOTS 1

	 * initialize our result slot
	ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &hashstate->ps);

	 * initialize child expressions
	hashstate->ps.targetlist = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Node *) node->plan.targetlist,
					 (PlanState *) hashstate);
	hashstate->ps.qual = (List *)
		ExecInitExpr((Node *) node->plan.qual,
					 (PlanState *) hashstate);

	 * initialize child nodes
	outerPlanState(hashstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate);

	 * initialize tuple type. no need to initialize projection info
	 * because this node doesn't do projections
	hashstate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;

	return hashstate;

ExecCountSlotsHash(Hash *node)
	return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan(node)) +
		ExecCountSlotsNode(innerPlan(node)) +

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecEndHash
 *		clean up routine for Hash node
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndHash(HashState *node)
	PlanState  *outerPlan;

	 * free projection info.  no need to free result type info because
	 * that came from the outer plan...

	 * shut down the subplan
	outerPlan = outerPlanState(node);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashTableCreate
 *		create a hashtable in shared memory for hashjoin.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableCreate(Hash *node)
	HashJoinTable hashtable;
	Plan	   *outerNode;
	int			totalbuckets;
	int			nbuckets;
	int			nbatch;
	int			nkeys;
	int			i;
	List	   *hk;
	MemoryContext oldcxt;

	 * Get information about the size of the relation to be hashed (it's
	 * the "outer" subtree of this node, but the inner relation of the
	 * hashjoin).  Compute the appropriate size of the hash table.
	outerNode = outerPlan(node);

	ExecChooseHashTableSize(outerNode->plan_rows, outerNode->plan_width,
							&totalbuckets, &nbuckets, &nbatch);

#ifdef HJDEBUG
	printf("nbatch = %d, totalbuckets = %d, nbuckets = %d\n",
		   nbatch, totalbuckets, nbuckets);

	 * Initialize the hash table control block.
	 * The hashtable control block is just palloc'd from the executor's
	 * per-query memory context.
	hashtable = (HashJoinTable) palloc(sizeof(HashTableData));
	hashtable->nbuckets = nbuckets;
	hashtable->totalbuckets = totalbuckets;
	hashtable->buckets = NULL;
	hashtable->nbatch = nbatch;
	hashtable->curbatch = 0;
	hashtable->innerBatchFile = NULL;
	hashtable->outerBatchFile = NULL;
	hashtable->innerBatchSize = NULL;
	hashtable->outerBatchSize = NULL;

	 * Get info about the datatypes of the hash keys.
	nkeys = length(node->hashkeys);
	hashtable->typLens = (int16 *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(int16));
	hashtable->typByVals = (bool *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(bool));
	i = 0;
	foreach(hk, node->hashkeys)

	 * Create temporary memory contexts in which to keep the hashtable
	 * working storage.  See notes in executor/hashjoin.h.
	hashtable->hashCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,

	hashtable->batchCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(hashtable->hashCxt,

	/* Allocate data that will live for the life of the hashjoin */

	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt);

	if (nbatch > 0)
		 * allocate and initialize the file arrays in hashCxt
		hashtable->innerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
			palloc(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
		hashtable->outerBatchFile = (BufFile **)
			palloc(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));
		hashtable->innerBatchSize = (long *)
			palloc(nbatch * sizeof(long));
		hashtable->outerBatchSize = (long *)
			palloc(nbatch * sizeof(long));
		for (i = 0; i < nbatch; i++)
			hashtable->innerBatchFile[i] = NULL;
			hashtable->outerBatchFile[i] = NULL;
			hashtable->innerBatchSize[i] = 0;
			hashtable->outerBatchSize[i] = 0;
		/* The files will not be opened until later... */

	 * Prepare context for the first-scan space allocations; allocate the
	 * hashbucket array therein, and set each bucket "empty".

	hashtable->buckets = (HashJoinTuple *)
		palloc(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));

	if (hashtable->buckets == NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "Insufficient memory for hash table.");

	for (i = 0; i < nbuckets; i++)
		hashtable->buckets[i] = NULL;


	return hashtable;

 * Compute appropriate size for hashtable given the estimated size of the
 * relation to be hashed (number of rows and average row width).
 * Caution: the input is only the planner's estimates, and so can't be
 * trusted too far.  Apply a healthy fudge factor.
 * This is exported so that the planner's costsize.c can use it.

/* Target bucket loading (tuples per bucket) */
#define NTUP_PER_BUCKET			10
/* Fudge factor to allow for inaccuracy of input estimates */
#define FUDGE_FAC				2.0

ExecChooseHashTableSize(double ntuples, int tupwidth,
						int *virtualbuckets,
						int *physicalbuckets,
						int *numbatches)
	int			tupsize;
	double		inner_rel_bytes;
	double		hash_table_bytes;
	int			nbatch;
	int			nbuckets;
	int			totalbuckets;
	int			bucketsize;

	/* Force a plausible relation size if no info */
	if (ntuples <= 0.0)
		ntuples = 1000.0;

	 * Estimate tupsize based on footprint of tuple in hashtable... but
	 * what about palloc overhead?
	tupsize = MAXALIGN(tupwidth) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData));
	inner_rel_bytes = ntuples * tupsize * FUDGE_FAC;

	 * Target hashtable size is SortMem kilobytes, but not less than
	 * sqrt(estimated inner rel size), so as to avoid horrible
	 * performance.
	hash_table_bytes = sqrt(inner_rel_bytes);
	if (hash_table_bytes < (SortMem * 1024L))
		hash_table_bytes = SortMem * 1024L;

	 * Count the number of hash buckets we want for the whole relation,
	 * for an average bucket load of NTUP_PER_BUCKET (per virtual
	 * bucket!).
	totalbuckets = (int) ceil(ntuples * FUDGE_FAC / NTUP_PER_BUCKET);

	 * Count the number of buckets we think will actually fit in the
	 * target memory size, at a loading of NTUP_PER_BUCKET (physical
	 * buckets). NOTE: FUDGE_FAC here determines the fraction of the
	 * hashtable space reserved to allow for nonuniform distribution of
	 * hash values. Perhaps this should be a different number from the
	 * other uses of FUDGE_FAC, but since we have no real good way to pick
	 * either one...
	bucketsize = NTUP_PER_BUCKET * tupsize;
	nbuckets = (int) (hash_table_bytes / (bucketsize * FUDGE_FAC));
	if (nbuckets <= 0)
		nbuckets = 1;

	if (totalbuckets <= nbuckets)
		 * We have enough space, so no batching.  In theory we could even
		 * reduce nbuckets, but since that could lead to poor behavior if
		 * estimated ntuples is much less than reality, it seems better to
		 * make more buckets instead of fewer.
		totalbuckets = nbuckets;
		nbatch = 0;
		 * Need to batch; compute how many batches we want to use. Note
		 * that nbatch doesn't have to have anything to do with the ratio
		 * totalbuckets/nbuckets; in fact, it is the number of groups we
		 * will use for the part of the data that doesn't fall into the
		 * first nbuckets hash buckets.
		nbatch = (int) ceil((inner_rel_bytes - hash_table_bytes) /
		if (nbatch <= 0)
			nbatch = 1;

	 * Now, totalbuckets is the number of (virtual) hashbuckets for the
	 * whole relation, and nbuckets is the number of physical hashbuckets
	 * we will use in the first pass.  Data falling into the first
	 * nbuckets virtual hashbuckets gets handled in the first pass;
	 * everything else gets divided into nbatch batches to be processed in
	 * additional passes.
	*virtualbuckets = totalbuckets;
	*physicalbuckets = nbuckets;
	*numbatches = nbatch;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashTableDestroy
 *		destroy a hash table
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableDestroy(HashJoinTable hashtable)
	int			i;

	/* Make sure all the temp files are closed */
	for (i = 0; i < hashtable->nbatch; i++)
		if (hashtable->innerBatchFile[i])
		if (hashtable->outerBatchFile[i])

	/* Release working memory (batchCxt is a child, so it goes away too) */

	/* And drop the control block */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashTableInsert
 *		insert a tuple into the hash table depending on the hash value
 *		it may just go to a tmp file for other batches
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableInsert(HashJoinTable hashtable,
					ExprContext *econtext,
					List *hashkeys)
	int			bucketno = ExecHashGetBucket(hashtable, econtext, hashkeys);
	TupleTableSlot *slot = econtext->ecxt_innertuple;
	HeapTuple	heapTuple = slot->val;

	 * decide whether to put the tuple in the hash table or a tmp file
	if (bucketno < hashtable->nbuckets)
		 * put the tuple in hash table
		HashJoinTuple hashTuple;
		int			hashTupleSize;

		hashTupleSize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(*hashTuple)) + heapTuple->t_len;
		hashTuple = (HashJoinTuple) MemoryContextAlloc(hashtable->batchCxt,
		if (hashTuple == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "Insufficient memory for hash table.");
		memcpy((char *) &hashTuple->htup,
			   (char *) heapTuple,
		hashTuple->htup.t_datamcxt = hashtable->batchCxt;
		hashTuple->htup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader)
			(((char *) hashTuple) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(*hashTuple)));
		memcpy((char *) hashTuple->htup.t_data,
			   (char *) heapTuple->t_data,
		hashTuple->next = hashtable->buckets[bucketno];
		hashtable->buckets[bucketno] = hashTuple;
		 * put the tuple into a tmp file for other batches
		int			batchno = (hashtable->nbatch * (bucketno - hashtable->nbuckets)) /
		(hashtable->totalbuckets - hashtable->nbuckets);


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashGetBucket
 *		Get the hash value for a tuple
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashGetBucket(HashJoinTable hashtable,
				  ExprContext *econtext,
				  List *hashkeys)
	uint32		hashkey = 0;
	int			bucketno;
	List	   *hk;
	int			i = 0;
	MemoryContext oldContext;

	 * We reset the eval context each time to reclaim any memory leaked in
	 * the hashkey expressions or ComputeHashFunc itself.

	oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);

	foreach(hk, hashkeys)
		Datum		keyval;
		bool		isNull;

		/* rotate hashkey left 1 bit at each step */
		hashkey = (hashkey << 1) | ((hashkey & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0);

		 * Get the join attribute value of the tuple
		keyval = ExecEvalExpr(lfirst(hk), econtext, &isNull, NULL);

		 * Compute the hash function
		if (!isNull)			/* treat nulls as having hash key 0 */
			hashkey ^= ComputeHashFunc(keyval,
									   (int) hashtable->typLens[i],


	bucketno = hashkey % (uint32) hashtable->totalbuckets;

#ifdef HJDEBUG
	if (bucketno >= hashtable->nbuckets)
		printf("hash(%u) = %d SAVED\n", hashkey, bucketno);
		printf("hash(%u) = %d\n", hashkey, bucketno);


	return bucketno;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecScanHashBucket
 *		scan a hash bucket of matches
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecScanHashBucket(HashJoinState *hjstate,
				   List *hjclauses,
				   ExprContext *econtext)
	HashJoinTable hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable;
	HashJoinTuple hashTuple = hjstate->hj_CurTuple;

	 * hj_CurTuple is NULL to start scanning a new bucket, or the address
	 * of the last tuple returned from the current bucket.
	if (hashTuple == NULL)
		hashTuple = hashtable->buckets[hjstate->hj_CurBucketNo];
		hashTuple = hashTuple->next;

	while (hashTuple != NULL)
		HeapTuple	heapTuple = &hashTuple->htup;
		TupleTableSlot *inntuple;

		/* insert hashtable's tuple into exec slot so ExecQual sees it */
		inntuple = ExecStoreTuple(heapTuple,	/* tuple to store */
								  hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot,	/* slot */
								  false);		/* do not pfree this tuple */
		econtext->ecxt_innertuple = inntuple;

		/* reset temp memory each time to avoid leaks from qual expression */

		if (ExecQual(hjclauses, econtext, false))
			hjstate->hj_CurTuple = hashTuple;
			return heapTuple;

		hashTuple = hashTuple->next;

	 * no match
	return NULL;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ComputeHashFunc
 *		the hash function for hash joins (also used for hash aggregation)
 *		XXX this probably ought to be replaced with datatype-specific
 *		hash functions, such as those already implemented for hash indexes.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeHashFunc(Datum key, int typLen, bool byVal)
	unsigned char *k;

	if (byVal)
		 * If it's a by-value data type, just hash the whole Datum value.
		 * This assumes that datatypes narrower than Datum are
		 * consistently padded (either zero-extended or sign-extended, but
		 * not random bits) to fill Datum; see the XXXGetDatum macros in
		 * postgres.h. NOTE: it would not work to do hash_any(&key, len)
		 * since this would get the wrong bytes on a big-endian machine.
		k = (unsigned char *) &key;
		typLen = sizeof(Datum);
		if (typLen > 0)
			/* fixed-width pass-by-reference type */
			k = (unsigned char *) DatumGetPointer(key);
		else if (typLen == -1)
			 * It's a varlena type, so 'key' points to a "struct varlena".
			 * NOTE: VARSIZE returns the "real" data length plus the
			 * sizeof the "vl_len" attribute of varlena (the length
			 * information). 'key' points to the beginning of the varlena
			 * struct, so we have to use "VARDATA" to find the beginning
			 * of the "real" data.	Also, we have to be careful to detoast
			 * the datum if it's toasted.  (We don't worry about freeing
			 * the detoasted copy; that happens for free when the
			 * per-tuple memory context is reset in ExecHashGetBucket.)
			struct varlena *vkey = PG_DETOAST_DATUM(key);

			typLen = VARSIZE(vkey) - VARHDRSZ;
			k = (unsigned char *) VARDATA(vkey);
		else if (typLen == -2)
			/* It's a null-terminated C string */
			typLen = strlen(DatumGetCString(key)) + 1;
			k = (unsigned char *) DatumGetPointer(key);
			elog(ERROR, "ComputeHashFunc: Invalid typLen %d", typLen);
			k = NULL;			/* keep compiler quiet */

	return DatumGetUInt32(hash_any(k, typLen));

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ExecHashTableReset
 *		reset hash table header for new batch
 *		ntuples is the number of tuples in the inner relation's batch
 *		(which we currently don't actually use...)
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecHashTableReset(HashJoinTable hashtable, long ntuples)
	MemoryContext oldcxt;
	int			nbuckets = hashtable->nbuckets;
	int			i;

	 * Release all the hash buckets and tuples acquired in the prior pass,
	 * and reinitialize the context for a new pass.
	oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->batchCxt);

	 * We still use the same number of physical buckets as in the first
	 * pass. (It could be different; but we already decided how many
	 * buckets would be appropriate for the allowed memory, so stick with
	 * that number.) We MUST set totalbuckets to equal nbuckets, because
	 * from now on no tuples will go out to temp files; there are no more
	 * virtual buckets, only real buckets.	(This implies that tuples will
	 * go into different bucket numbers than they did on the first pass,
	 * but that's OK.)
	hashtable->totalbuckets = nbuckets;

	/* Reallocate and reinitialize the hash bucket headers. */
	hashtable->buckets = (HashJoinTuple *)
		palloc(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));

	if (hashtable->buckets == NULL)
		elog(ERROR, "Insufficient memory for hash table.");

	for (i = 0; i < nbuckets; i++)
		hashtable->buckets[i] = NULL;


ExecReScanHash(HashState *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt)
	 * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
	 * first ExecProcNode.
	if (((PlanState *) node)->lefttree->chgParam == NULL)
		ExecReScan(((PlanState *) node)->lefttree, exprCtxt);