 * pqcomm.c
 *	  Communication functions between the Frontend and the Backend
 * These routines handle the low-level details of communication between
 * frontend and backend.  They just shove data across the communication
 * channel, and are ignorant of the semantics of the data --- or would be,
 * except for major brain damage in the design of the COPY OUT protocol.
 * Unfortunately, COPY OUT is designed to commandeer the communication
 * channel (it just transfers data without wrapping it into messages).
 * No other messages can be sent while COPY OUT is in progress; and if the
 * copy is aborted by an elog(ERROR), we need to close out the copy so that
 * the frontend gets back into sync.  Therefore, these routines have to be
 * aware of COPY OUT state.
 * NOTE: generally, it's a bad idea to emit outgoing messages directly with
 * pq_putbytes(), especially if the message would require multiple calls
 * to send.  Instead, use the routines in pqformat.c to construct the message
 * in a buffer and then emit it in one call to pq_putmessage.  This helps
 * ensure that the channel will not be clogged by an incomplete message
 * if execution is aborted by elog(ERROR) partway through the message.
 * The only non-libpq code that should call pq_putbytes directly is COPY OUT.
 * At one time, libpq was shared between frontend and backend, but now
 * the backend's "backend/libpq" is quite separate from "interfaces/libpq".
 * All that remains is similarities of names to trap the unwary...
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	$Id: pqcomm.c,v 1.89 2000/04/14 00:51:58 tgl Exp $

 * setup/teardown:
 *		StreamServerPort	- Open postmaster's server port
 *		StreamConnection	- Create new connection with client
 *		StreamClose			- Close a client/backend connection
 *		pq_getport		- return the PGPORT setting
 *		pq_init			- initialize libpq at backend startup
 *		pq_close		- shutdown libpq at backend exit
 * low-level I/O:
 *		pq_getbytes		- get a known number of bytes from connection
 *		pq_getstring	- get a null terminated string from connection
 *		pq_peekbyte		- peek at next byte from connection
 *		pq_putbytes		- send bytes to connection (not flushed until pq_flush)
 *		pq_flush		- flush pending output
 * message-level I/O (and COPY OUT cruft):
 *		pq_putmessage	- send a normal message (suppressed in COPY OUT mode)
 *		pq_startcopyout - inform libpq that a COPY OUT transfer is beginning
 *		pq_endcopyout	- end a COPY OUT transfer
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#include "postgres.h"

#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "utils/trace.h"		/* needed for HAVE_FCNTL_SETLK */
#include "miscadmin.h"

#define SOMAXCONN 5				/* from Linux listen(2) man page */
#endif	 /* SOMAXCONN */

extern FILE *debug_port;		/* in util.c */

 * Buffers for low-level I/O

#define PQ_BUFFER_SIZE 8192

static unsigned char PqSendBuffer[PQ_BUFFER_SIZE];
static int	PqSendPointer;		/* Next index to store a byte in
								 * PqSendBuffer */

static unsigned char PqRecvBuffer[PQ_BUFFER_SIZE];
static int	PqRecvPointer;		/* Next index to read a byte from
								 * PqRecvBuffer */
static int	PqRecvLength;		/* End of data available in PqRecvBuffer */

 * Message status
static bool DoingCopyOut;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_init - initialize libpq at backend startup
 * --------------------------------
	PqSendPointer = PqRecvPointer = PqRecvLength = 0;
	DoingCopyOut = false;
	if (getenv("LIBPQ_DEBUG"))
		debug_port = stderr;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getport - return the PGPORT setting
 * --------------------------------
	char	   *envport = getenv("PGPORT");

	if (envport)
		return atoi(envport);
	return atoi(DEF_PGPORT);

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_close - shutdown libpq at backend exit
 * Note: in a standalone backend MyProcPort will be null,
 * don't crash during exit...
 * --------------------------------
	if (MyProcPort != NULL)

 * Streams -- wrapper around Unix socket system calls
 *		Stream functions are used for vanilla TCP connection protocol.

static char sock_path[MAXPGPATH];

/* StreamDoUnlink()
 * Shutdown routine for backend connection
 * If a Unix socket is used for communication, explicitly close it.
static void

 * StreamServerPort -- open a sock stream "listening" port.
 * This initializes the Postmaster's connection-accepting port.

StreamServerPort(char *hostName, unsigned short portName, int *fdP)
	SockAddr	saddr;
	int			fd,
	size_t		len;
	int			one = 1;

	int			lock_fd;


	family = ((hostName != NULL) ? AF_INET : AF_UNIX);

	if ((fd = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
		snprintf(PQerrormsg, PQERRORMSG_LENGTH,
				 "FATAL: StreamServerPort: socket() failed: %s\n",
		fputs(PQerrormsg, stderr);
		pqdebug("%s", PQerrormsg);
		return STATUS_ERROR;

	if (family == AF_INET)
		if ((setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &one,
						sizeof(one))) == -1)
			snprintf(PQerrormsg, PQERRORMSG_LENGTH,
					 "FATAL: StreamServerPort: setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %s\n",
			fputs(PQerrormsg, stderr);
			pqdebug("%s", PQerrormsg);
			return STATUS_ERROR;

	MemSet((char *) &saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
	saddr.sa.sa_family = family;
	if (family == AF_UNIX)
		len = UNIXSOCK_PATH(saddr.un, portName);
		strcpy(sock_path, saddr.un.sun_path);

		 * If the socket exists but nobody has an advisory lock on it we
		 * can safely delete the file.
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
		if ((lock_fd = open(sock_path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK, 0666)) >= 0)
		if ((lock_fd = open(sock_path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_BINARY, 0666)) >= 0)
			struct flock lck;

			lck.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
			lck.l_start = lck.l_len = 0;
			lck.l_type = F_WRLCK;
			if (fcntl(lock_fd, F_SETLK, &lck) == 0)
				TPRINTF(TRACE_VERBOSE, "flock on %s, deleting", sock_path);
				TPRINTF(TRACE_VERBOSE, "flock failed for %s", sock_path);
#endif	 /* HAVE_FCNTL_SETLK */
		saddr.in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
		saddr.in.sin_port = htons(portName);
		len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	err = bind(fd, &saddr.sa, len);
	if (err < 0)
		snprintf(PQerrormsg, PQERRORMSG_LENGTH,
				 "FATAL: StreamServerPort: bind() failed: %s\n"
			   "\tIs another postmaster already running on that port?\n",
		if (family == AF_UNIX)
			snprintf(PQerrormsg + strlen(PQerrormsg),
					 PQERRORMSG_LENGTH - strlen(PQerrormsg),
					 "\tIf not, remove socket node (%s) and retry.\n",
			snprintf(PQerrormsg + strlen(PQerrormsg),
					 PQERRORMSG_LENGTH - strlen(PQerrormsg),
					 "\tIf not, wait a few seconds and retry.\n");
		fputs(PQerrormsg, stderr);
		pqdebug("%s", PQerrormsg);
		return STATUS_ERROR;

	if (family == AF_UNIX)
		on_proc_exit(StreamDoUnlink, NULL);

		 * Open the socket file and get an advisory lock on it. The
		 * lock_fd is left open to keep the lock.
#ifndef __CYGWIN32__
		if ((lock_fd = open(sock_path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK, 0666)) >= 0)
		if ((lock_fd = open(sock_path, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_BINARY, 0666)) >= 0)
			struct flock lck;

			lck.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
			lck.l_start = lck.l_len = 0;
			lck.l_type = F_WRLCK;
			if (fcntl(lock_fd, F_SETLK, &lck) != 0)
				TPRINTF(TRACE_VERBOSE, "flock error for %s", sock_path);
#endif	 /* HAVE_FCNTL_SETLK */

	listen(fd, SOMAXCONN);

	 * MS: I took this code from Dillon's version.  It makes the listening
	 * port non-blocking.  That is not necessary (and may tickle kernel
	 * bugs).
	 * fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);

	*fdP = fd;
	if (family == AF_UNIX)
		chmod(sock_path, 0777);
	return STATUS_OK;

 * StreamConnection -- create a new connection with client using
 *		server port.
 * ASSUME: that this doesn't need to be non-blocking because
 *		the Postmaster uses select() to tell when the server master
 *		socket is ready for accept().
 * NB: this can NOT call elog() because it is invoked in the postmaster,
 * not in standard backend context.  If we get an error, the best we can do
 * is log it to stderr.
StreamConnection(int server_fd, Port *port)

	/* accept connection (and fill in the client (remote) address) */
	addrlen = sizeof(port->raddr);
	if ((port->sock = accept(server_fd,
							 (struct sockaddr *) & port->raddr,
							 &addrlen)) < 0)
		perror("postmaster: StreamConnection: accept");
		return STATUS_ERROR;

	/* fill in the server (local) address */
	addrlen = sizeof(port->laddr);
	if (getsockname(port->sock, (struct sockaddr *) & port->laddr,
					&addrlen) < 0)
		perror("postmaster: StreamConnection: getsockname");
		return STATUS_ERROR;

	/* select TCP_NODELAY option if it's a TCP connection */
	if (port->laddr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
		struct protoent *pe;
		int			on = 1;

		pe = getprotobyname("TCP");
		if (pe == NULL)
			perror("postmaster: StreamConnection: getprotobyname");
			return STATUS_ERROR;
		if (setsockopt(port->sock, pe->p_proto, TCP_NODELAY,
					   &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
			perror("postmaster: StreamConnection: setsockopt");
			return STATUS_ERROR;

	/* reset to non-blocking */
	fcntl(port->sock, F_SETFL, 1);

	return STATUS_OK;

 * StreamClose -- close a client/backend connection
StreamClose(int sock)

/* --------------------------------
 * Low-level I/O routines begin here.
 * These routines communicate with a frontend client across a connection
 * already established by the preceding routines.
 * --------------------------------

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_recvbuf - load some bytes into the input buffer
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
static int
	if (PqRecvPointer > 0)
		if (PqRecvLength > PqRecvPointer)
			/* still some unread data, left-justify it in the buffer */
			memmove(PqRecvBuffer, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvPointer,
					PqRecvLength - PqRecvPointer);
			PqRecvLength -= PqRecvPointer;
			PqRecvPointer = 0;
			PqRecvLength = PqRecvPointer = 0;

	/* Can fill buffer from PqRecvLength and upwards */
	for (;;)
		int			r;

#ifdef USE_SSL
		if (MyProcPort->ssl)
			r = SSL_read(MyProcPort->ssl, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvLength,
						 PQ_BUFFER_SIZE - PqRecvLength);
			r = recv(MyProcPort->sock, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvLength,
					 PQ_BUFFER_SIZE - PqRecvLength, 0);

		if (r < 0)
			if (errno == EINTR)
				continue;		/* Ok if interrupted */

			 * We would like to use elog() here, but dare not because elog
			 * tries to write to the client, which will cause problems if
			 * we have a hard communications failure ... So just write the
			 * message to the postmaster log.
			fprintf(stderr, "pq_recvbuf: recv() failed: %s\n",
			return EOF;
		if (r == 0)
			/* as above, elog not safe */
			fprintf(stderr, "pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection\n");
			return EOF;
		/* r contains number of bytes read, so just incr length */
		PqRecvLength += r;
		return 0;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getbyte	- get a single byte from connection, or return EOF
 * --------------------------------
static int
	while (PqRecvPointer >= PqRecvLength)
		if (pq_recvbuf())		/* If nothing in buffer, then recv some */
			return EOF;			/* Failed to recv data */
	return PqRecvBuffer[PqRecvPointer++];

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_peekbyte		- peek at next byte from connection
 *	 Same as pq_getbyte() except we don't advance the pointer.
 * --------------------------------
	while (PqRecvPointer >= PqRecvLength)
		if (pq_recvbuf())		/* If nothing in buffer, then recv some */
			return EOF;			/* Failed to recv data */
	return PqRecvBuffer[PqRecvPointer];

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getbytes		- get a known number of bytes from connection
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
pq_getbytes(char *s, size_t len)
	size_t		amount;

	while (len > 0)
		while (PqRecvPointer >= PqRecvLength)
			if (pq_recvbuf())	/* If nothing in buffer, then recv some */
				return EOF;		/* Failed to recv data */
		amount = PqRecvLength - PqRecvPointer;
		if (amount > len)
			amount = len;
		memcpy(s, PqRecvBuffer + PqRecvPointer, amount);
		PqRecvPointer += amount;
		s += amount;
		len -= amount;
	return 0;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_getstring	- get a null terminated string from connection
 *		The return value is placed in an expansible StringInfo.
 *		Note that space allocation comes from the current memory context!
 *		NOTE: this routine does not do any MULTIBYTE conversion,
 *		even though it is presumably useful only for text, because
 *		no code in this module should depend on MULTIBYTE mode.
 *		See pq_getstr in pqformat.c for that.
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
pq_getstring(StringInfo s)
	int			c;

	/* Reset string to empty */
	s->len = 0;
	s->data[0] = '\0';

	/* Read until we get the terminating '\0' */
	while ((c = pq_getbyte()) != EOF && c != '\0')
		appendStringInfoChar(s, c);

	if (c == EOF)
		return EOF;

	return 0;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_putbytes		- send bytes to connection (not flushed until pq_flush)
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
pq_putbytes(const char *s, size_t len)
	size_t		amount;

	while (len > 0)
		if (PqSendPointer >= PQ_BUFFER_SIZE)
			if (pq_flush())		/* If buffer is full, then flush it out */
				return EOF;
		amount = PQ_BUFFER_SIZE - PqSendPointer;
		if (amount > len)
			amount = len;
		memcpy(PqSendBuffer + PqSendPointer, s, amount);
		PqSendPointer += amount;
		s += amount;
		len -= amount;
	return 0;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_flush		- flush pending output
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
	unsigned char *bufptr = PqSendBuffer;
	unsigned char *bufend = PqSendBuffer + PqSendPointer;

	while (bufptr < bufend)
		int			r;

#ifdef USE_SSL
		if (MyProcPort->ssl)
			r = SSL_write(MyProcPort->ssl, bufptr, bufend - bufptr);
			r = send(MyProcPort->sock, bufptr, bufend - bufptr, 0);

		if (r <= 0)
			if (errno == EINTR)
				continue;		/* Ok if we were interrupted */

			 * We would like to use elog() here, but cannot because elog
			 * tries to write to the client, which would cause a recursive
			 * flush attempt!  So just write it out to the postmaster log.
			fprintf(stderr, "pq_flush: send() failed: %s\n",

			 * We drop the buffered data anyway so that processing can
			 * continue, even though we'll probably quit soon.
			PqSendPointer = 0;
			return EOF;
		bufptr += r;
	PqSendPointer = 0;
	return 0;

/* --------------------------------
 * Message-level I/O routines begin here.
 * These routines understand about COPY OUT protocol.
 * --------------------------------

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_putmessage	- send a normal message (suppressed in COPY OUT mode)
 *		If msgtype is not '\0', it is a message type code to place before
 *		the message body (len counts only the body size!).
 *		If msgtype is '\0', then the buffer already includes the type code.
 *		All normal messages are suppressed while COPY OUT is in progress.
 *		(In practice only NOTICE messages might get emitted then; dropping
 *		them is annoying, but at least they will still appear in the
 *		postmaster log.)
 *		returns 0 if OK, EOF if trouble
 * --------------------------------
pq_putmessage(char msgtype, const char *s, size_t len)
	if (DoingCopyOut)
		return 0;
	if (msgtype)
		if (pq_putbytes(&msgtype, 1))
			return EOF;
	return pq_putbytes(s, len);

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_startcopyout - inform libpq that a COPY OUT transfer is beginning
 * --------------------------------
	DoingCopyOut = true;

/* --------------------------------
 *		pq_endcopyout	- end a COPY OUT transfer
 *		If errorAbort is indicated, we are aborting a COPY OUT due to an error,
 *		and must send a terminator line.  Since a partial data line might have
 *		been emitted, send a couple of newlines first (the first one could
 *		get absorbed by a backslash...)
 * --------------------------------
pq_endcopyout(bool errorAbort)
	if (!DoingCopyOut)
	if (errorAbort)
		pq_putbytes("\n\n\\.\n", 5);
	/* in non-error case, copy.c will have emitted the terminator line */
	DoingCopyOut = false;