/*------ * Module: connection.c * * Description: This module contains routines related to * connecting to and disconnecting from the Postgres DBMS. * * Classes: ConnectionClass (Functions prefix: "CC_") * * API functions: SQLAllocConnect, SQLConnect, SQLDisconnect, SQLFreeConnect, * SQLBrowseConnect(NI) * * Comments: See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information. *------- */ /* Multibyte support Eiji Tokuya 2001-03-15 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "connection.h" #include "environ.h" #include "socket.h" #include "statement.h" #include "qresult.h" #include "lobj.h" #include "dlg_specific.h" #ifdef MULTIBYTE #include "multibyte.h" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include <odbcinst.h> #endif #include "pgapifunc.h" #define STMT_INCREMENT 16 /* how many statement holders to allocate * at a time */ #define PRN_NULLCHECK extern GLOBAL_VALUES globals; RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_AllocConnect( HENV henv, HDBC FAR *phdbc) { EnvironmentClass *env = (EnvironmentClass *) henv; ConnectionClass *conn; static char *func = "PGAPI_AllocConnect"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); conn = CC_Constructor(); mylog("**** %s: henv = %u, conn = %u\n", func, henv, conn); if (!conn) { env->errormsg = "Couldn't allocate memory for Connection object."; env->errornumber = ENV_ALLOC_ERROR; *phdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC; EN_log_error(func, "", env); return SQL_ERROR; } if (!EN_add_connection(env, conn)) { env->errormsg = "Maximum number of connections exceeded."; env->errornumber = ENV_ALLOC_ERROR; CC_Destructor(conn); *phdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC; EN_log_error(func, "", env); return SQL_ERROR; } *phdbc = (HDBC) conn; return SQL_SUCCESS; } RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_Connect( HDBC hdbc, UCHAR FAR *szDSN, SWORD cbDSN, UCHAR FAR *szUID, SWORD cbUID, UCHAR FAR *szAuthStr, SWORD cbAuthStr) { ConnectionClass *conn = (ConnectionClass *) hdbc; ConnInfo *ci; static char *func = "PGAPI_Connect"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); if (!conn) { CC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } ci = &conn->connInfo; make_string(szDSN, cbDSN, ci->dsn); /* get the values for the DSN from the registry */ getDSNinfo(ci, CONN_OVERWRITE); logs_on_off(1, ci->drivers.debug, ci->drivers.commlog); /* initialize pg_version from connInfo.protocol */ CC_initialize_pg_version(conn); /* * override values from DSN info with UID and authStr(pwd) This only * occurs if the values are actually there. */ make_string(szUID, cbUID, ci->username); make_string(szAuthStr, cbAuthStr, ci->password); /* fill in any defaults */ getDSNdefaults(ci); qlog("conn = %u, %s(DSN='%s', UID='%s', PWD='%s')\n", conn, func, ci->dsn, ci->username, ci->password); if (CC_connect(conn, FALSE) <= 0) { /* Error messages are filled in */ CC_log_error(func, "Error on CC_connect", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } mylog("%s: returning...\n", func); return SQL_SUCCESS; } RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_BrowseConnect( HDBC hdbc, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrIn, SWORD cbConnStrIn, UCHAR FAR *szConnStrOut, SWORD cbConnStrOutMax, SWORD FAR *pcbConnStrOut) { static char *func = "PGAPI_BrowseConnect"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); return SQL_SUCCESS; } /* Drop any hstmts open on hdbc and disconnect from database */ RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_Disconnect( HDBC hdbc) { ConnectionClass *conn = (ConnectionClass *) hdbc; static char *func = "PGAPI_Disconnect"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); if (!conn) { CC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } qlog("conn=%u, %s\n", conn, func); if (conn->status == CONN_EXECUTING) { conn->errornumber = CONN_IN_USE; conn->errormsg = "A transaction is currently being executed"; CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } logs_on_off(-1, conn->connInfo.drivers.debug, conn->connInfo.drivers.commlog); mylog("%s: about to CC_cleanup\n", func); /* Close the connection and free statements */ CC_cleanup(conn); mylog("%s: done CC_cleanup\n", func); mylog("%s: returning...\n", func); return SQL_SUCCESS; } RETCODE SQL_API PGAPI_FreeConnect( HDBC hdbc) { ConnectionClass *conn = (ConnectionClass *) hdbc; static char *func = "PGAPI_FreeConnect"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); mylog("**** in %s: hdbc=%u\n", func, hdbc); if (!conn) { CC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } /* Remove the connection from the environment */ if (!EN_remove_connection(conn->henv, conn)) { conn->errornumber = CONN_IN_USE; conn->errormsg = "A transaction is currently being executed"; CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } CC_Destructor(conn); mylog("%s: returning...\n", func); return SQL_SUCCESS; } /* * IMPLEMENTATION CONNECTION CLASS */ ConnectionClass * CC_Constructor() { ConnectionClass *rv; rv = (ConnectionClass *) malloc(sizeof(ConnectionClass)); if (rv != NULL) { rv->henv = NULL; /* not yet associated with an environment */ rv->errormsg = NULL; rv->errornumber = 0; rv->errormsg_created = FALSE; rv->status = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; rv->transact_status = CONN_IN_AUTOCOMMIT; /* autocommit by default */ memset(&rv->connInfo, 0, sizeof(ConnInfo)); memcpy(&(rv->connInfo.drivers), &globals, sizeof(globals)); rv->sock = SOCK_Constructor(rv); if (!rv->sock) return NULL; rv->stmts = (StatementClass **) malloc(sizeof(StatementClass *) * STMT_INCREMENT); if (!rv->stmts) return NULL; memset(rv->stmts, 0, sizeof(StatementClass *) * STMT_INCREMENT); rv->num_stmts = STMT_INCREMENT; rv->lobj_type = PG_TYPE_LO; rv->ntables = 0; rv->col_info = NULL; rv->translation_option = 0; rv->translation_handle = NULL; rv->DataSourceToDriver = NULL; rv->DriverToDataSource = NULL; rv->driver_version = ODBCVER; memset(rv->pg_version, 0, sizeof(rv->pg_version)); rv->pg_version_number = .0; rv->pg_version_major = 0; rv->pg_version_minor = 0; #ifdef MULTIBYTE rv->client_encoding = NULL; rv->server_encoding = NULL; #endif /* MULTIBYTE */ /* Initialize statement options to defaults */ /* Statements under this conn will inherit these options */ InitializeStatementOptions(&rv->stmtOptions); } return rv; } char CC_Destructor(ConnectionClass *self) { mylog("enter CC_Destructor, self=%u\n", self); if (self->status == CONN_EXECUTING) return 0; CC_cleanup(self); /* cleanup socket and statements */ mylog("after CC_Cleanup\n"); #ifdef MULTIBYTE if (self->client_encoding) free(self->client_encoding); if (self->server_encoding) free(self->server_encoding); #endif /* MULTIBYTE */ /* Free up statement holders */ if (self->stmts) { free(self->stmts); self->stmts = NULL; } mylog("after free statement holders\n"); /* Free cached table info */ if (self->col_info) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->ntables; i++) { if (self->col_info[i]->result) /* Free the SQLColumns * result structure */ QR_Destructor(self->col_info[i]->result); free(self->col_info[i]); } free(self->col_info); } free(self); mylog("exit CC_Destructor\n"); return 1; } /* Return how many cursors are opened on this connection */ int CC_cursor_count(ConnectionClass *self) { StatementClass *stmt; int i, count = 0; mylog("CC_cursor_count: self=%u, num_stmts=%d\n", self, self->num_stmts); for (i = 0; i < self->num_stmts; i++) { stmt = self->stmts[i]; if (stmt && stmt->result && stmt->result->cursor) count++; } mylog("CC_cursor_count: returning %d\n", count); return count; } void CC_clear_error(ConnectionClass *self) { self->errornumber = 0; self->errormsg = NULL; self->errormsg_created = FALSE; } /* * Used to cancel a transaction. * We are almost always in the middle of a transaction. */ char CC_abort(ConnectionClass *self) { QResultClass *res; if (CC_is_in_trans(self)) { res = NULL; mylog("CC_abort: sending ABORT!\n"); res = CC_send_query(self, "ABORT", NULL); CC_set_no_trans(self); if (res != NULL) QR_Destructor(res); else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* This is called by SQLDisconnect also */ char CC_cleanup(ConnectionClass *self) { int i; StatementClass *stmt; if (self->status == CONN_EXECUTING) return FALSE; mylog("in CC_Cleanup, self=%u\n", self); /* Cancel an ongoing transaction */ /* We are always in the middle of a transaction, */ /* even if we are in auto commit. */ if (self->sock) CC_abort(self); mylog("after CC_abort\n"); /* This actually closes the connection to the dbase */ if (self->sock) { SOCK_Destructor(self->sock); self->sock = NULL; } mylog("after SOCK destructor\n"); /* Free all the stmts on this connection */ for (i = 0; i < self->num_stmts; i++) { stmt = self->stmts[i]; if (stmt) { stmt->hdbc = NULL; /* prevent any more dbase interactions */ SC_Destructor(stmt); self->stmts[i] = NULL; } } /* Check for translation dll */ #ifdef WIN32 if (self->translation_handle) { FreeLibrary(self->translation_handle); self->translation_handle = NULL; } #endif mylog("exit CC_Cleanup\n"); return TRUE; } int CC_set_translation(ConnectionClass *self) { #ifdef WIN32 if (self->translation_handle != NULL) { FreeLibrary(self->translation_handle); self->translation_handle = NULL; } if (self->connInfo.translation_dll[0] == 0) return TRUE; self->translation_option = atoi(self->connInfo.translation_option); self->translation_handle = LoadLibrary(self->connInfo.translation_dll); if (self->translation_handle == NULL) { self->errornumber = CONN_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DLL; self->errormsg = "Could not load the translation DLL."; return FALSE; } self->DataSourceToDriver = (DataSourceToDriverProc) GetProcAddress(self->translation_handle, "SQLDataSourceToDriver"); self->DriverToDataSource = (DriverToDataSourceProc) GetProcAddress(self->translation_handle, "SQLDriverToDataSource"); if (self->DataSourceToDriver == NULL || self->DriverToDataSource == NULL) { self->errornumber = CONN_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DLL; self->errormsg = "Could not find translation DLL functions."; return FALSE; } #endif return TRUE; } char CC_connect(ConnectionClass *self, char do_password) { StartupPacket sp; StartupPacket6_2 sp62; QResultClass *res; SocketClass *sock; ConnInfo *ci = &(self->connInfo); int areq = -1; int beresp; char msgbuffer[ERROR_MSG_LENGTH]; char salt[5]; static char *func = "CC_connect"; #ifdef MULTIBYTE char *encoding; #endif /* MULTIBYTE */ mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); if (do_password) sock = self->sock; /* already connected, just authenticate */ else { qlog("Global Options: Version='%s', fetch=%d, socket=%d, unknown_sizes=%d, max_varchar_size=%d, max_longvarchar_size=%d\n", POSTGRESDRIVERVERSION, ci->drivers.fetch_max, ci->drivers.socket_buffersize, ci->drivers.unknown_sizes, ci->drivers.max_varchar_size, ci->drivers.max_longvarchar_size); qlog(" disable_optimizer=%d, ksqo=%d, unique_index=%d, use_declarefetch=%d\n", ci->drivers.disable_optimizer, ci->drivers.ksqo, ci->drivers.unique_index, ci->drivers.use_declarefetch); qlog(" text_as_longvarchar=%d, unknowns_as_longvarchar=%d, bools_as_char=%d\n", ci->drivers.text_as_longvarchar, ci->drivers.unknowns_as_longvarchar, ci->drivers.bools_as_char); #ifdef MULTIBYTE encoding = check_client_encoding(ci->conn_settings); if (encoding && strcmp(encoding, "OTHER")) self->client_encoding = strdup(encoding); else { encoding = check_client_encoding(ci->drivers.conn_settings); if (encoding && strcmp(encoding, "OTHER")) self->client_encoding = strdup(encoding); } qlog(" extra_systable_prefixes='%s', conn_settings='%s' conn_encoding='%s'\n", ci->drivers.extra_systable_prefixes, ci->drivers.conn_settings, encoding ? encoding : ""); #else qlog(" extra_systable_prefixes='%s', conn_settings='%s'\n", ci->drivers.extra_systable_prefixes, ci->drivers.conn_settings); #endif if (self->status != CONN_NOT_CONNECTED) { self->errormsg = "Already connected."; self->errornumber = CONN_OPENDB_ERROR; return 0; } if (ci->server[0] == '\0' || ci->port[0] == '\0' || ci->database[0] == '\0') { self->errornumber = CONN_INIREAD_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Missing server name, port, or database name in call to CC_connect."; return 0; } mylog("CC_connect(): DSN = '%s', server = '%s', port = '%s', database = '%s', username = '%s', password='%s'\n", ci->dsn, ci->server, ci->port, ci->database, ci->username, ci->password); /* * If the socket was closed for some reason (like a SQLDisconnect, * but no SQLFreeConnect then create a socket now. */ if (!self->sock) { self->sock = SOCK_Constructor(self); if (!self->sock) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_SERVER_NOT_REACHED; self->errormsg = "Could not open a socket to the server"; return 0; } } sock = self->sock; mylog("connecting to the server socket...\n"); SOCK_connect_to(sock, (short) atoi(ci->port), ci->server); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { mylog("connection to the server socket failed.\n"); self->errornumber = CONNECTION_SERVER_NOT_REACHED; self->errormsg = "Could not connect to the server"; return 0; } mylog("connection to the server socket succeeded.\n"); if (PROTOCOL_62(ci)) { sock->reverse = TRUE; /* make put_int and get_int work * for 6.2 */ memset(&sp62, 0, sizeof(StartupPacket6_2)); SOCK_put_int(sock, htonl(4 + sizeof(StartupPacket6_2)), 4); sp62.authtype = htonl(NO_AUTHENTICATION); strncpy(sp62.database, ci->database, PATH_SIZE); strncpy(sp62.user, ci->username, NAMEDATALEN); SOCK_put_n_char(sock, (char *) &sp62, sizeof(StartupPacket6_2)); SOCK_flush_output(sock); } else { memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(StartupPacket)); mylog("sizeof startup packet = %d\n", sizeof(StartupPacket)); /* Send length of Authentication Block */ SOCK_put_int(sock, 4 + sizeof(StartupPacket), 4); if (PROTOCOL_63(ci)) sp.protoVersion = (ProtocolVersion) htonl(PG_PROTOCOL_63); else sp.protoVersion = (ProtocolVersion) htonl(PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST); strncpy(sp.database, ci->database, SM_DATABASE); strncpy(sp.user, ci->username, SM_USER); SOCK_put_n_char(sock, (char *) &sp, sizeof(StartupPacket)); SOCK_flush_output(sock); } mylog("sent the authentication block.\n"); if (sock->errornumber != 0) { mylog("couldn't send the authentication block properly.\n"); self->errornumber = CONN_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION; self->errormsg = "Sending the authentication packet failed"; return 0; } mylog("sent the authentication block successfully.\n"); } mylog("gonna do authentication\n"); /* * Now get the authentication request from backend */ if (!PROTOCOL_62(ci)) { BOOL before_64 = PG_VERSION_LT(self, 6.4), ReadyForQuery = FALSE; do { if (do_password) beresp = 'R'; else { beresp = SOCK_get_char(sock); mylog("auth got '%c'\n", beresp); } switch (beresp) { case 'E': SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); self->errornumber = CONN_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION; self->errormsg = msgbuffer; qlog("ERROR from backend during authentication: '%s'\n", self->errormsg); return 0; case 'R': if (do_password) { mylog("in 'R' do_password\n"); areq = AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD; do_password = FALSE; } else { areq = SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); if (areq == AUTH_REQ_MD5) SOCK_get_n_char(sock, salt, 4); if (areq == AUTH_REQ_CRYPT) SOCK_get_n_char(sock, salt, 2); mylog("areq = %d\n", areq); } switch (areq) { case AUTH_REQ_OK: break; case AUTH_REQ_KRB4: self->errormsg = "Kerberos 4 authentication not supported"; self->errornumber = CONN_AUTH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; case AUTH_REQ_KRB5: self->errormsg = "Kerberos 5 authentication not supported"; self->errornumber = CONN_AUTH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; case AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD: mylog("in AUTH_REQ_PASSWORD\n"); if (ci->password[0] == '\0') { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_NEED_PASSWORD; self->errormsg = "A password is required for this connection."; return -1; /* need password */ } mylog("past need password\n"); SOCK_put_int(sock, 4 + strlen(ci->password) + 1, 4); SOCK_put_n_char(sock, ci->password, strlen(ci->password) + 1); SOCK_flush_output(sock); mylog("past flush\n"); break; case AUTH_REQ_CRYPT: case AUTH_REQ_MD5: self->errormsg = "Password crypt authentication not supported"; self->errornumber = CONN_AUTH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; case AUTH_REQ_SCM_CREDS: self->errormsg = "Unix socket credential authentication not supported"; self->errornumber = CONN_AUTH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; default: self->errormsg = "Unknown authentication type"; self->errornumber = CONN_AUTH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED; return 0; } break; case 'K': /* Secret key (6.4 protocol) */ (void) SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); /* pid */ (void) SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); /* key */ break; case 'Z': /* Backend is ready for new query (6.4) */ ReadyForQuery = TRUE; break; default: self->errormsg = "Unexpected protocol character during authentication"; self->errornumber = CONN_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION; return 0; } /* * There were no ReadyForQuery responce * before 6.4. */ if (before_64 && areq == AUTH_REQ_OK) ReadyForQuery = TRUE; } while (!ReadyForQuery); } CC_clear_error(self); /* clear any password error */ /* * send an empty query in order to find out whether the specified * database really exists on the server machine */ mylog("sending an empty query...\n"); res = CC_send_query(self, " ", NULL); if (res == NULL || QR_get_status(res) != PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY) { mylog("got no result from the empty query. (probably database does not exist)\n"); self->errornumber = CONNECTION_NO_SUCH_DATABASE; self->errormsg = "The database does not exist on the server\nor user authentication failed."; if (res != NULL) QR_Destructor(res); return 0; } if (res) QR_Destructor(res); mylog("empty query seems to be OK.\n"); CC_set_translation(self); /* * Send any initial settings */ /* * Since these functions allocate statements, and since the connection * is not established yet, it would violate odbc state transition * rules. Therefore, these functions call the corresponding local * function instead. */ CC_send_settings(self); CC_lookup_lo(self); /* a hack to get the oid of our large * object oid type */ CC_lookup_pg_version(self); /* Get PostgreSQL version for SQLGetInfo * use */ CC_clear_error(self); /* clear any initial command errors */ self->status = CONN_CONNECTED; mylog("%s: returning...\n", func); return 1; } char CC_add_statement(ConnectionClass *self, StatementClass *stmt) { int i; mylog("CC_add_statement: self=%u, stmt=%u\n", self, stmt); for (i = 0; i < self->num_stmts; i++) { if (!self->stmts[i]) { stmt->hdbc = self; self->stmts[i] = stmt; return TRUE; } } /* no more room -- allocate more memory */ self->stmts = (StatementClass **) realloc(self->stmts, sizeof(StatementClass *) * (STMT_INCREMENT + self->num_stmts)); if (!self->stmts) return FALSE; memset(&self->stmts[self->num_stmts], 0, sizeof(StatementClass *) * STMT_INCREMENT); stmt->hdbc = self; self->stmts[self->num_stmts] = stmt; self->num_stmts += STMT_INCREMENT; return TRUE; } char CC_remove_statement(ConnectionClass *self, StatementClass *stmt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->num_stmts; i++) { if (self->stmts[i] == stmt && stmt->status != STMT_EXECUTING) { self->stmts[i] = NULL; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* * Create a more informative error message by concatenating the connection * error message with its socket error message. */ char * CC_create_errormsg(ConnectionClass *self) { SocketClass *sock = self->sock; int pos; static char msg[4096]; mylog("enter CC_create_errormsg\n"); msg[0] = '\0'; if (self->errormsg) strcpy(msg, self->errormsg); mylog("msg = '%s'\n", msg); if (sock && sock->errormsg && sock->errormsg[0] != '\0') { pos = strlen(msg); sprintf(&msg[pos], ";\n%s", sock->errormsg); } mylog("exit CC_create_errormsg\n"); return msg; } char CC_get_error(ConnectionClass *self, int *number, char **message) { int rv; mylog("enter CC_get_error\n"); /* Create a very informative errormsg if it hasn't been done yet. */ if (!self->errormsg_created) { self->errormsg = CC_create_errormsg(self); self->errormsg_created = TRUE; } if (self->errornumber) { *number = self->errornumber; *message = self->errormsg; } rv = (self->errornumber != 0); self->errornumber = 0; /* clear the error */ mylog("exit CC_get_error\n"); return rv; } /* * The "result_in" is only used by QR_next_tuple() to fetch another group of rows into * the same existing QResultClass (this occurs when the tuple cache is depleted and * needs to be re-filled). * * The "cursor" is used by SQLExecute to associate a statement handle as the cursor name * (i.e., C3326857) for SQL select statements. This cursor is then used in future * 'declare cursor C3326857 for ...' and 'fetch 100 in C3326857' statements. */ QResultClass * CC_send_query(ConnectionClass *self, char *query, QueryInfo *qi) { QResultClass *result_in = NULL, *res = NULL, *retres = NULL; char swallow, *wq; int id; SocketClass *sock = self->sock; int maxlen, empty_reqs; BOOL msg_truncated, ReadyToReturn, tuples_return = FALSE, query_completed = FALSE, before_64 = PG_VERSION_LT(self, 6.4); /* ERROR_MSG_LENGTH is suffcient */ static char msgbuffer[ERROR_MSG_LENGTH + 1]; /* QR_set_command() dups this string so doesn't need static */ char cmdbuffer[ERROR_MSG_LENGTH + 1]; mylog("send_query(): conn=%u, query='%s'\n", self, query); qlog("conn=%u, query='%s'\n", self, query); /* Indicate that we are sending a query to the backend */ maxlen = CC_get_max_query_len(self); if (maxlen > 0 && maxlen < (int) strlen(query) + 1) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_MSG_TOO_LONG; self->errormsg = "Query string is too long"; return NULL; } if ((NULL == query) || (query[0] == '\0')) return NULL; if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_SEND; self->errormsg = "Could not send Query to backend"; CC_set_no_trans(self); return NULL; } SOCK_put_char(sock, 'Q'); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_SEND; self->errormsg = "Could not send Query to backend"; CC_set_no_trans(self); return NULL; } SOCK_put_string(sock, query); SOCK_flush_output(sock); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_SEND; self->errormsg = "Could not send Query to backend"; CC_set_no_trans(self); return NULL; } mylog("send_query: done sending query\n"); ReadyToReturn = FALSE; empty_reqs = 0; for (wq = query; isspace(*wq); wq++) ; if (*wq == '\0') empty_reqs = 1; while (!ReadyToReturn) { /* what type of message is coming now ? */ id = SOCK_get_char(sock); if ((SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) || (id == EOF)) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_NO_RESPONSE; self->errormsg = "No response from the backend"; mylog("send_query: 'id' - %s\n", self->errormsg); CC_set_no_trans(self); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = NULL; break; } mylog("send_query: got id = '%c'\n", id); switch (id) { case 'A': /* Asynchronous Messages are ignored */ (void) SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); /* id of notification */ SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); /* name of the relation the message comes from */ break; case 'C': /* portal query command, no tuples * returned */ /* read in the return message from the backend */ SOCK_get_string(sock, cmdbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_NO_RESPONSE; self->errormsg = "No response from backend while receiving a portal query command"; mylog("send_query: 'C' - %s\n", self->errormsg); CC_set_no_trans(self); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = NULL; } else { mylog("send_query: ok - 'C' - %s\n", cmdbuffer); if (res == NULL) /* allow for "show" style notices */ res = QR_Constructor(); mylog("send_query: setting cmdbuffer = '%s'\n", cmdbuffer); /* Only save the first command */ if (QR_command_successful(res)) QR_set_status(res, PGRES_COMMAND_OK); QR_set_command(res, cmdbuffer); query_completed = TRUE; mylog("send_query: returning res = %u\n", res); if (!before_64) break; /* * (Quotation from the original comments) since * backend may produce more than one result for some * commands we need to poll until clear so we send an * empty query, and keep reading out of the pipe until * an 'I' is received */ if (empty_reqs == 0) { SOCK_put_string(sock, "Q "); SOCK_flush_output(sock); empty_reqs++; } } break; case 'Z': /* Backend is ready for new query (6.4) */ if (empty_reqs == 0) { ReadyToReturn = TRUE; if (res && QR_get_aborted(res)) retres = res; else if (tuples_return) retres = result_in; else if (query_completed) retres = res; else ReadyToReturn = FALSE; } break; case 'N': /* NOTICE: */ msg_truncated = SOCK_get_string(sock, cmdbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); if (!res) res = QR_Constructor(); if (QR_command_successful(res)) QR_set_status(res, PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR); QR_set_notice(res, cmdbuffer); /* will dup this string */ mylog("~~~ NOTICE: '%s'\n", cmdbuffer); qlog("NOTICE from backend during send_query: '%s'\n", cmdbuffer); while (msg_truncated) msg_truncated = SOCK_get_string(sock, cmdbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); continue; /* dont return a result -- continue * reading */ case 'I': /* The server sends an empty query */ /* There is a closing '\0' following the 'I', so we eat it */ swallow = SOCK_get_char(sock); if (!res) res = QR_Constructor(); if ((swallow != '\0') || SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_BACKEND_CRAZY; self->errormsg = "Unexpected protocol character from backend (send_query - I)"; QR_set_status(res, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = res; break; } else { /* We return the empty query */ QR_set_status(res, PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY); } if (empty_reqs > 0) { if (--empty_reqs == 0) query_completed = TRUE; } break; case 'E': msg_truncated = SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); /* Remove a newline */ if (msgbuffer[0] != '\0' && msgbuffer[strlen(msgbuffer) - 1] == '\n') msgbuffer[strlen(msgbuffer) - 1] = '\0'; self->errormsg = msgbuffer; mylog("send_query: 'E' - %s\n", self->errormsg); qlog("ERROR from backend during send_query: '%s'\n", self->errormsg); /* We should report that an error occured. Zoltan */ if (!res) res = QR_Constructor(); if (!strncmp(self->errormsg, "FATAL", 5)) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_SERVER_REPORTED_ERROR; CC_set_no_trans(self); } else { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_SERVER_REPORTED_WARNING; } QR_set_status(res, PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); QR_set_aborted(res, TRUE); while (msg_truncated) msg_truncated = SOCK_get_string(sock, cmdbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); query_completed = TRUE; break; case 'P': /* get the Portal name */ SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); break; case 'T': /* Tuple results start here */ result_in = qi ? qi->result_in : NULL; if (result_in == NULL) { result_in = QR_Constructor(); mylog("send_query: 'T' no result_in: res = %u\n", result_in); if (!result_in) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_RECEIVE; self->errormsg = "Could not create result info in send_query."; ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = NULL; break; } if (qi) QR_set_cache_size(result_in, qi->row_size); if (!QR_fetch_tuples(result_in, self, qi ? qi->cursor : NULL)) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_RECEIVE; self->errormsg = QR_get_message(result_in); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = NULL; break; } } else { /* next fetch, so reuse an existing result */ /* * called from QR_next_tuple * and must return immediately. */ ReadyToReturn = TRUE; if (!QR_fetch_tuples(result_in, NULL, NULL)) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_RECEIVE; self->errormsg = QR_get_message(result_in); retres = NULL; break; } retres = result_in; } tuples_return = TRUE; break; case 'D': /* Copy in command began successfully */ if (!res) res = QR_Constructor(); if (QR_command_successful(res)) QR_set_status(res, PGRES_COPY_IN); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = res; break; case 'B': /* Copy out command began successfully */ if (!res) res = QR_Constructor(); if (QR_command_successful(res)) QR_set_status(res, PGRES_COPY_OUT); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = res; break; default: self->errornumber = CONNECTION_BACKEND_CRAZY; self->errormsg = "Unexpected protocol character from backend (send_query)"; CC_set_no_trans(self); mylog("send_query: error - %s\n", self->errormsg); ReadyToReturn = TRUE; retres = NULL; break; } /* * There were no ReadyForQuery response before 6.4. */ if (before_64) { if (empty_reqs == 0 && (query_completed || tuples_return)) break; } } /* * Break before being ready to return. */ if (!ReadyToReturn) { if (res && QR_get_aborted(res)) retres = res; else if (tuples_return) retres = result_in; else retres = res; } /* * set notice message to result_in. */ if (result_in && res && retres == result_in) { if (QR_command_successful(result_in)) QR_set_status(result_in, QR_get_status(res)); QR_set_notice(result_in, QR_get_notice(res)); } /* * Cleanup garbage results before returning. */ if (res && retres != res) QR_Destructor(res); if (result_in && retres != result_in) { if (qi && qi->result_in) ; else QR_Destructor(result_in); } return retres; } int CC_send_function(ConnectionClass *self, int fnid, void *result_buf, int *actual_result_len, int result_is_int, LO_ARG *args, int nargs) { char id, c, done; SocketClass *sock = self->sock; /* ERROR_MSG_LENGTH is sufficient */ static char msgbuffer[ERROR_MSG_LENGTH + 1]; int i; mylog("send_function(): conn=%u, fnid=%d, result_is_int=%d, nargs=%d\n", self, fnid, result_is_int, nargs); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_SEND; self->errormsg = "Could not send function to backend"; CC_set_no_trans(self); return FALSE; } SOCK_put_string(sock, "F "); if (SOCK_get_errcode(sock) != 0) { self->errornumber = CONNECTION_COULD_NOT_SEND; self->errormsg = "Could not send function to backend"; CC_set_no_trans(self); return FALSE; } SOCK_put_int(sock, fnid, 4); SOCK_put_int(sock, nargs, 4); mylog("send_function: done sending function\n"); for (i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) { mylog(" arg[%d]: len = %d, isint = %d, integer = %d, ptr = %u\n", i, args[i].len, args[i].isint, args[i].u.integer, args[i].u.ptr); SOCK_put_int(sock, args[i].len, 4); if (args[i].isint) SOCK_put_int(sock, args[i].u.integer, 4); else SOCK_put_n_char(sock, (char *) args[i].u.ptr, args[i].len); } mylog(" done sending args\n"); SOCK_flush_output(sock); mylog(" after flush output\n"); done = FALSE; while (!done) { id = SOCK_get_char(sock); mylog(" got id = %c\n", id); switch (id) { case 'V': done = TRUE; break; /* ok */ case 'N': SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); mylog("send_function(V): 'N' - %s\n", msgbuffer); /* continue reading */ break; case 'E': SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); self->errormsg = msgbuffer; mylog("send_function(V): 'E' - %s\n", self->errormsg); qlog("ERROR from backend during send_function: '%s'\n", self->errormsg); return FALSE; case 'Z': break; default: self->errornumber = CONNECTION_BACKEND_CRAZY; self->errormsg = "Unexpected protocol character from backend (send_function, args)"; CC_set_no_trans(self); mylog("send_function: error - %s\n", self->errormsg); return FALSE; } } id = SOCK_get_char(sock); for (;;) { switch (id) { case 'G': /* function returned properly */ mylog(" got G!\n"); *actual_result_len = SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); mylog(" actual_result_len = %d\n", *actual_result_len); if (result_is_int) *((int *) result_buf) = SOCK_get_int(sock, 4); else SOCK_get_n_char(sock, (char *) result_buf, *actual_result_len); mylog(" after get result\n"); c = SOCK_get_char(sock); /* get the last '0' */ mylog(" after get 0\n"); return TRUE; case 'E': SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); self->errormsg = msgbuffer; mylog("send_function(G): 'E' - %s\n", self->errormsg); qlog("ERROR from backend during send_function: '%s'\n", self->errormsg); return FALSE; case 'N': SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH); mylog("send_function(G): 'N' - %s\n", msgbuffer); qlog("NOTICE from backend during send_function: '%s'\n", msgbuffer); continue; /* dont return a result -- continue * reading */ case '0': /* empty result */ return TRUE; default: self->errornumber = CONNECTION_BACKEND_CRAZY; self->errormsg = "Unexpected protocol character from backend (send_function, result)"; CC_set_no_trans(self); mylog("send_function: error - %s\n", self->errormsg); return FALSE; } } } char CC_send_settings(ConnectionClass *self) { /* char ini_query[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; */ ConnInfo *ci = &(self->connInfo); /* QResultClass *res; */ HSTMT hstmt; StatementClass *stmt; RETCODE result; char status = TRUE; char *cs, *ptr; static char *func = "CC_send_settings"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); /* * This function must use the local odbc API functions since the odbc state * has not transitioned to "connected" yet. */ result = PGAPI_AllocStmt(self, &hstmt); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) return FALSE; stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; stmt->internal = TRUE; /* ensure no BEGIN/COMMIT/ABORT stuff */ /* Set the Datestyle to the format the driver expects it to be in */ result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, "set DateStyle to 'ISO'", SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) status = FALSE; mylog("%s: result %d, status %d from set DateStyle\n", func, result, status); /* Disable genetic optimizer based on global flag */ if (ci->drivers.disable_optimizer) { result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, "set geqo to 'OFF'", SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) status = FALSE; mylog("%s: result %d, status %d from set geqo\n", func, result, status); } /* KSQO */ if (ci->drivers.ksqo) { result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, "set ksqo to 'ON'", SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) status = FALSE; mylog("%s: result %d, status %d from set ksqo\n", func, result, status); } /* Global settings */ if (ci->drivers.conn_settings[0] != '\0') { cs = strdup(ci->drivers.conn_settings); ptr = strtok(cs, ";"); while (ptr) { result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, ptr, SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) status = FALSE; mylog("%s: result %d, status %d from '%s'\n", func, result, status, ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ";"); } free(cs); } /* Per Datasource settings */ if (ci->conn_settings[0] != '\0') { cs = strdup(ci->conn_settings); ptr = strtok(cs, ";"); while (ptr) { result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, ptr, SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) status = FALSE; mylog("%s: result %d, status %d from '%s'\n", func, result, status, ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ";"); } free(cs); } PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return status; } /* * This function is just a hack to get the oid of our Large Object oid type. * If a real Large Object oid type is made part of Postgres, this function * will go away and the define 'PG_TYPE_LO' will be updated. */ void CC_lookup_lo(ConnectionClass *self) { HSTMT hstmt; StatementClass *stmt; RETCODE result; static char *func = "CC_lookup_lo"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); /* * This function must use the local odbc API functions since the odbc state * has not transitioned to "connected" yet. */ result = PGAPI_AllocStmt(self, &hstmt); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) return; stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, "select oid from pg_type where typname='" PG_TYPE_LO_NAME "'", SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } result = PGAPI_Fetch(hstmt); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } result = PGAPI_GetData(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_SLONG, &self->lobj_type, sizeof(self->lobj_type), NULL); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } mylog("Got the large object oid: %d\n", self->lobj_type); qlog(" [ Large Object oid = %d ]\n", self->lobj_type); result = PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } /* * This function initializes the version of PostgreSQL from * connInfo.protocol that we're connected to. * h-inoue 01-2-2001 */ void CC_initialize_pg_version(ConnectionClass *self) { strcpy(self->pg_version, self->connInfo.protocol); if (PROTOCOL_62(&self->connInfo)) { self->pg_version_number = (float) 6.2; self->pg_version_major = 6; self->pg_version_minor = 2; } else if (PROTOCOL_63(&self->connInfo)) { self->pg_version_number = (float) 6.3; self->pg_version_major = 6; self->pg_version_minor = 3; } else { self->pg_version_number = (float) 6.4; self->pg_version_major = 6; self->pg_version_minor = 4; } } /* * This function gets the version of PostgreSQL that we're connected to. * This is used to return the correct info in SQLGetInfo * DJP - 25-1-2001 */ void CC_lookup_pg_version(ConnectionClass *self) { HSTMT hstmt; StatementClass *stmt; RETCODE result; char szVersion[32]; int major, minor; static char *func = "CC_lookup_pg_version"; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); /* * This function must use the local odbc API functions since the odbc state * has not transitioned to "connected" yet. */ result = PGAPI_AllocStmt(self, &hstmt); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) return; stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; /* get the server's version if possible */ result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hstmt, "select version()", SQL_NTS); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } result = PGAPI_Fetch(hstmt); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } result = PGAPI_GetData(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, self->pg_version, MAX_INFO_STRING, NULL); if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); return; } /* * Extract the Major and Minor numbers from the string. This assumes * the string starts 'Postgresql X.X' */ strcpy(szVersion, "0.0"); if (sscanf(self->pg_version, "%*s %d.%d", &major, &minor) >= 2) { sprintf(szVersion, "%d.%d", major, minor); self->pg_version_major = major; self->pg_version_minor = minor; } self->pg_version_number = (float) atof(szVersion); mylog("Got the PostgreSQL version string: '%s'\n", self->pg_version); mylog("Extracted PostgreSQL version number: '%1.1f'\n", self->pg_version_number); qlog(" [ PostgreSQL version string = '%s' ]\n", self->pg_version); qlog(" [ PostgreSQL version number = '%1.1f' ]\n", self->pg_version_number); result = PGAPI_FreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); } void CC_log_error(char *func, char *desc, ConnectionClass *self) { #ifdef PRN_NULLCHECK #define nullcheck(a) (a ? a : "(NULL)") #endif if (self) { qlog("CONN ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s', errnum=%d, errmsg='%s'\n", func, desc, self->errornumber, nullcheck(self->errormsg)); mylog("CONN ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s', errnum=%d, errmsg='%s'\n", func, desc, self->errornumber, nullcheck(self->errormsg)); qlog(" ------------------------------------------------------------\n"); qlog(" henv=%u, conn=%u, status=%u, num_stmts=%d\n", self->henv, self, self->status, self->num_stmts); qlog(" sock=%u, stmts=%u, lobj_type=%d\n", self->sock, self->stmts, self->lobj_type); qlog(" ---------------- Socket Info -------------------------------\n"); if (self->sock) { SocketClass *sock = self->sock; qlog(" socket=%d, reverse=%d, errornumber=%d, errormsg='%s'\n", sock->socket, sock->reverse, sock->errornumber, nullcheck(sock->errormsg)); qlog(" buffer_in=%u, buffer_out=%u\n", sock->buffer_in, sock->buffer_out); qlog(" buffer_filled_in=%d, buffer_filled_out=%d, buffer_read_in=%d\n", sock->buffer_filled_in, sock->buffer_filled_out, sock->buffer_read_in); } } else qlog("INVALID CONNECTION HANDLE ERROR: func=%s, desc='%s'\n", func, desc); #undef PRN_NULLCHECK } int CC_get_max_query_len(const ConnectionClass *conn) { int value; /* Long Queries in 7.0+ */ if (PG_VERSION_GE(conn, 7.0)) value = 0 /* MAX_STATEMENT_LEN */; /* Prior to 7.0 we used 2*BLCKSZ */ else if (PG_VERSION_GE(conn, 6.5)) value = (2 * BLCKSZ); else /* Prior to 6.5 we used BLCKSZ */ value = BLCKSZ; return value; }