Commit ff5edbd9 authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

Update SQL query results for lists of operators and functions.

Add a little info on count().
parent 0a95a17d
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/built-in.3,v 1.5 1997/04/23 03:18:27 scrappy Exp $
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/built-in.3,v 1.6 1997/04/27 19:26:24 thomas Exp $
.TH BUILT-INS INTRO 04/01/97 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
This section describes the data types, functions and operators
......@@ -534,30 +534,25 @@ circle
float8 diameter(circle) diameter of circle
float8 area(circle) area of circle
This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the
t0.typname AS result,
SELECT t0.typname AS result,
t1.typname AS left_type,
t2.typname AS right_type,
o.oprname AS operatr,
p.proname AS func_name
pg_proc p, pg_type t0,
FROM pg_proc p, pg_type t0,
pg_type t1, pg_type t2,
pg_operator o
p.prorettype = t0.oid AND
WHERE p.prorettype = t0.oid AND
RegprocToOid(o.oprcode) = p.oid AND
p.pronargs = 2 AND
o.oprleft = t1.oid AND
o.oprright = t2.oid
result, left_type, right_type, operatr;
ORDER BY result, left_type, right_type, operatr;
These operations are cast in terms of SQL types and so are
......@@ -566,7 +561,7 @@ directly usable as C function prototypes.
result |left_type |right_type|operatr|func_name
_aclitem |_aclitem |aclitem |+ |aclinsert
_aclitem |_aclitem |aclitem |- |aclremove
abstime |abstime |reltime |+ |timepl
......@@ -608,8 +603,10 @@ bool |abstime |abstime |= |abstimeeq
bool |abstime |abstime |> |abstimegt
bool |abstime |abstime |>= |abstimege
bool |abstime |tinterval |<?> |ininterval
bool |bool |bool |< |boollt
bool |bool |bool |<> |boolne
bool |bool |bool |= |booleq
bool |bool |bool |> |boolgt
bool |box |box |&& |box_overlap
bool |box |box |&< |box_overleft
bool |box |box |&> |box_overright
......@@ -691,12 +688,34 @@ bool |char8 |text |!~~ |char8nlike
bool |char8 |text |~ |char8regexeq
bool |char8 |text |~* |char8icregexeq
bool |char8 |text |~~ |char8like
bool |circle |circle |!^ |circle_above
bool |circle |circle |!\| |circle_below
bool |circle |circle |&& |circle_overlap
bool |circle |circle |&< |circle_overleft
bool |circle |circle |&> |circle_overright
bool |circle |circle |< |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |<< |circle_left
bool |circle |circle |<= |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |<> |circle_ne
bool |circle |circle |= |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |> |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |>= |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |>> |circle_right
bool |circle |circle |@ |circle_contained
bool |circle |circle |~ |circle_contain
bool |circle |circle |~= |circle_same
bool |date |date |< |date_lt
bool |date |date |<= |date_le
bool |date |date |<> |date_ne
bool |date |date |= |date_eq
bool |date |date |> |date_gt
bool |date |date |>= |date_ge
bool |datetime |datetime |< |datetime_lt
bool |datetime |datetime |<= |datetime_le
bool |datetime |datetime |<> |datetime_ne
bool |datetime |datetime |= |datetime_eq
bool |datetime |datetime |> |datetime_gt
bool |datetime |datetime |>= |datetime_ge
bool |float4 |float4 |< |float4lt
bool |float4 |float4 |<= |float4le
bool |float4 |float4 |<> |float4ne
......@@ -735,6 +754,12 @@ bool |int4 |int4 |> |int4gt
bool |int4 |int4 |>= |int4ge
bool |int4 |name |!!= |int4notin
bool |int4 |oid |= |int4eqoid
bool |money |money |< |cash_lt
bool |money |money |<= |cash_le
bool |money |money |<> |cash_ne
bool |money |money |= |cash_eq
bool |money |money |> |cash_gt
bool |money |money |>= |cash_ge
bool |name |name |< |namelt
bool |name |name |<= |namele
bool |name |name |<> |namene
......@@ -812,6 +837,18 @@ bool |time |time |<> |time_ne
bool |time |time |= |time_eq
bool |time |time |> |time_gt
bool |time |time |>= |time_ge
bool |timespan |timespan |< |timespan_lt
bool |timespan |timespan |<= |timespan_le
bool |timespan |timespan |<> |timespan_ne
bool |timespan |timespan |= |timespan_eq
bool |timespan |timespan |> |timespan_gt
bool |timespan |timespan |>= |timespan_ge
bool |timestamp |timestamp |< |timestamplt
bool |timestamp |timestamp |<= |timestample
bool |timestamp |timestamp |<> |timestampne
bool |timestamp |timestamp |= |timestampeq
bool |timestamp |timestamp |> |timestampgt
bool |timestamp |timestamp |>= |timestampge
bool |tinterval |reltime |#< |intervallenlt
bool |tinterval |reltime |#<= |intervallenle
bool |tinterval |reltime |#<> |intervallenne
......@@ -837,10 +874,16 @@ char |char |char |* |charmul
char |char |char |+ |charpl
char |char |char |- |charmi
char |char |char |/ |chardiv
date |date |int4 |+ |date_pli
date |date |int4 |- |date_mii
datetime |datetime |timespan |+ |datetime_add_span
datetime |datetime |timespan |- |datetime_sub_span
float4 |float4 |float4 |* |float4mul
float4 |float4 |float4 |+ |float4pl
float4 |float4 |float4 |- |float4mi
float4 |float4 |float4 |/ |float4div
float8 |box |box |<===> |box_distance
float8 |circle |circle |<===> |circle_distance
float8 |float4 |float8 |* |float48mul
float8 |float4 |float8 |+ |float48pl
float8 |float4 |float8 |- |float48mi
......@@ -854,11 +897,21 @@ float8 |float8 |float8 |+ |float8pl
float8 |float8 |float8 |- |float8mi
float8 |float8 |float8 |/ |float8div
float8 |float8 |float8 |^ |dpow
float8 |lseg |box |<===> |dist_sb
float8 |lseg |lseg |<===> |lseg_distance
float8 |path |path |<===> |path_distance
float8 |point |box |<===> |dist_pl
float8 |point |box |<===> |dist_ps
float8 |point |box |<===> |dist_pb
float8 |point |lseg |<===> |dist_ps
float8 |point |path |<===> |dist_ppth
float8 |point |point |<===> |point_distance
int2 |int2 |int2 |% |int2mod
int2 |int2 |int2 |* |int2mul
int2 |int2 |int2 |+ |int2pl
int2 |int2 |int2 |- |int2mi
int2 |int2 |int2 |/ |int2div
int4 |date |date |- |date_mi
int4 |int2 |int4 |% |int24mod
int4 |int2 |int4 |* |int24mul
int4 |int2 |int4 |+ |int24pl
......@@ -886,7 +939,13 @@ int4 |int4 |int4 |* |int4mul
int4 |int4 |int4 |+ |int4pl
int4 |int4 |int4 |- |int4mi
int4 |int4 |int4 |/ |int4div
int4 |point |point |<===> |pointdist
money |money |float8 |* |cash_mul
money |money |float8 |/ |cash_div
money |money |money |+ |cash_pl
money |money |money |- |cash_mi
timespan |datetime |datetime |- |datetime_sub
timespan |timespan |timespan |+ |timespan_add
timespan |timespan |timespan |- |timespan_sub
tinterval|abstime |abstime |<#> |mktinterval
......@@ -912,16 +971,18 @@ left_unary|operand |return_type
@@ |box |point
@ |float4 |float4
- |float4 |float4
|/ |float8 |float8
@ |float8 |float8
; |float8 |float8
: |float8 |float8
% |float8 |float8
||/ |float8 |float8
|/ |float8 |float8
@ |float8 |float8
- |float8 |float8
- |int2 |int2
- |int4 |int4
!! |int4 |int4
- |int4 |int4
# |polygon |int4
- |timespan |timespan
| |tinterval|abstime
......@@ -962,25 +1023,41 @@ WHERE a.aggbasetype = t.oid
ORDER BY aggname, typname;
avg |float4
avg |float8
avg |int2
avg |int4
avg |money
max |abstime
max |date
max |datetime
max |float4
max |float8
max |int2
max |int4
max |money
max |timespan
min |abstime
min |date
min |datetime
min |float4
min |float8
min |int2
min |int4
min |money
min |timespan
sum |float4
sum |float8
sum |int2
sum |int4
sum |money
\fBcount\fR is also available.
\fBcount\fR is also available, where
.BR count(*)
returns a count of all rows while
.BR count(column_name)
returns a count of all non-null fields in the specified column.
......@@ -991,10 +1068,10 @@ For examples on specifying literals of built-in types, see
Although most of the input and output functions correponding to the
base types (e.g., integers and floating point numbers) do some
error-checking, none of them are particularly rigorous about it. More
importantly, almost none of the operators and functions (e.g.,
error-checking, some are not particularly rigorous about it. More
importantly, few of the operators and functions (e.g.,
addition and multiplication) perform any error-checking at all.
Consequently, many of the numeric operations will (for example)
Consequently, many of the numeric operators can (for example)
silently underflow or overflow.
Some of the input and output functions are not invertible. That is,
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